Chapter 4 Disaster Management

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Chapter 4 (Disaster Management)

DISASTER- is a serious disruption of a community or society, It involves widespread human,

material, economic and environmental impact which exceeds the ability of the affected society to
cope up using its own resources.
Red Cross & Red crescent Society
They define disaster management as an organization and management of resources and
responsibilities for dealing with all humanitarian aspect of emergencies.
According to the UNDRO, there is an increasing number of people affected by disasters
all over the world.
5 Reasons:
1. Rapid population growth
2. Concentration of population in high-risk areas
3. Capital development
4. Man-made destruction
5. Growing poverty
Disasters: Natural
1. Earthquakes/Tsunamis
2. Landslides
3. Typhoons
4. Floods
5. Drought
6. Volcanic Eruptions
Disasters: Human-made
1. Air and water pollution
2. Industrial accidents
3. Fire
4. Civil disturbances
5. War
6. Poverty
7. Bomb threats
8. Accidents
Disasters: Categories of Severity
1. Accident
2. Emergency
3. Disaster
4. Catastrophe
Situations in the Philippines: Poverty and Marginalization
1. Malnutrition
2. Poor health
3. Inadequate basic services
4. Unemployment
Situations in the Philippines: Resource Depletion
1. Forest denudation
2. Soil erosion
3. Genetic erosion
4. Marine pollution
5. Agrochemicals
6. Air and water pollution
Situations in the Philippines: Human-made Disasters
1. Flood
2. Civil war
Situations in the Philippines: Natural Forces
1. Typhoons
2. Drought
3. Torrential rains with flooding
4. Earthquakes
5. Volcanic terrain
Assessment/Reporting on Preparedness
1. Knowledge of pre-disaster situations
2. Capability to assess
a) Medical/nutritional situation
b) Agricultural situation
c) Infrastructure situation
d) Structural stability
e) Relief operation capabilities
3. Established lines of communication
4. Established data collection points
5. Established format of reporting
6. Established confirmation/verification procedures
7. Established authority for releasing reports
Relief Operations
1. Certain operation qualities of the key players
a) Cool and unbiased assessment
b) Swift and decisive action
c) Balanced response
d) Leadership
e) Discipline for operational reliability
f) Resource management
g) Rehabilitation already planned
h) Planning already accomplished
2. Food relief
a) General food distribution
b) Mass feeding
c) Supplementary feeding
d) Intensive or therapeutic feeding
3. Food-for-work
Rehabilitation/Construction and Emergency Preparedness
Resources need to be tapped for emergency assistance.
Plans should include rehabilitation.
Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
Measures need to be drawn to minimize the loss and destruction of life and property.
The measures cover legislation, regulatory measures, drills and shelters.
1. Identification of areas most prone to typhoons and other calamities.
2. Display and teaching of structural improvements.
3. Preparation of educational materials.
4. Community systems.
5. Media liaison.
Disaster Preparedness
1. Principles
a) The risk must be known
b) Vulnerability must be known
c) Mitigation measures must be in place
d) Preparedness system must be ready
2. Effective warning message
a) Clear
b) Consistent
c) Convincing
d) Community-specific
e) Information on technical consequences
f) Repetitiveness
3. Land-use Planning
a) Surveys of mountainsides, riverbanks and coastal areas
b) Rational plans for urban centers
c) Identification of areas for reforestation
d) Building codes
4. Public Awareness
a) Mitigation awareness
b) Preparedness awareness
c) Emergency response awareness

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