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Messages From The Heart – July 2008

I George Kavassilas feel the need to clear the air in regards to statements I made in my DVD of the lecture at
the Eternal Spirit in July 2004.

The Galactic Council of Light or Spiritual Hierarchy of which I am a part of is not the same as a group calling
themselves the galactic federation of light.

You see the negative forces duplicate the true Hierarchy of Creation in order to deceive planetary populations.
The more closely they can align themselves with the true Hierarchy the harder it is for planetary populations to
discern, and therefore the easier it is for them to deceive.

This imposter group are currently imposing themselves on this planet by stealth and is fooling most of the
ruling elite and governing bodies. They are using a particular faction within their empire, who is proficient at
technology, genetic manipulation and mind control.

The mid to higher levels of the empire will soon appear, rid the planet of this other faction and look like the
good guys. They are the ones soon to be our so called saviours at a time of crisis, which is in the process of
being orchestrated by them and will come into fruition over the next fear years, and yes they have their own
version of the spiritual hierarchy including a Christ entity and all other major religious figures.

I know this because at times I too have been manipulated by them and my comments about boarding the
ships at a time of crisis and the being lord sananda was one such time.

There will be a promise of ascension, their version of ascension, and relative to the despair that they wish to
manifest globally, many will take to it like a young child takes to candy.

Also since my lecture in 2004 I’ve had the honour and the privilege on several occasions to have travelled into
the 5th Dimension on this planet, into a realm known as Avalon or Shambhala. The real Avalon and
Shambhala, not ET bases which are attempting to replicate these realms as well. The reason I say it’s real is
because I’ve been to both and one is based on technology and the other is pure clean Universal

It is the realm of the Divine Mother, our Earth Mother Sophia or Gaea, who is not incarnated out here in the
matrix but has manifested a 5th Dimensional body in Avalon/Shambhala out of reach from the negative forces.

I felt honoured to be in the presence of the most graceful energy in this Universe. I attended meetings there
but unfortunately I only remember a small fraction of the experience. I do remember a little of the
environment and what it feels like to be in the 5th Dimension. Having such a point of reference is priceless and
incredibly important with the coming deception and that is why I feel the need to share these understandings.

The connection one has in the false realm is on a mental level and communication occurs using a form of
telepathy that stimulates and strokes the central nervous system giving the unsuspecting or in-experienced
person the feeling of a benevolent presence and euphoria. This is what it feels like to be connected to an
artificial intelligence posing as benevolence.

In contrast when a Being is connected to the pure clean Universal Consciousness all communication takes
place beyond the mind. It becomes a resonance that emanates from the central core of your Being and
permeates throughout the body. When Love and Knowledge are exchanged the complete understanding is
conveyed including feelings and the ongoing ripple effect to all life as far as your Being wishes or requires to
comprehend, and it all happens in an instant.

The following is most of what I remember about our path towards ascension.
The Divine Mother will open at the appropriate time dimensional doorways all over her planetary body allowing
those with ‘eyes to see and ears to hear’ to walk through into sanctuary. These doorways or openings are
symbolized by the Vesica-Piscis, there are a multitude of pictures through the ages showing Christ standing in
or walking throughout the Vesica-Piscis doorway and is also the Fish of Christianity.

This symbol represents the Womb of The Mother, The Almond or in Greek the Amigdala, The Magdalene who
of course was the incarnation of the Divine Mother Earth herself and twin flame of Ihsous (Jesus).

It saddens me to think how our beloved Mary has been so tragically and systematically ridiculed, judged,
persecuted and condemned over the past two millennia.

You see any energy, consciousness or Beings that wish to control this reality must first control the
consciousness and energy that is this planet and reality. This planet being an aspect of our Divine Mother is
why the feminine energies have been oppressed over the last few thousand years. Control the feminine,
control the planet.

It is also imperative to understand that this abuse, oppression and control is only occurring because Mother
Earth is allowing it. You see, she has courageously offered herself and sacrificed herself and well being in
order to facilitate our ascension. A Mothers’ Unconditional Love.

I adamantly assure you that in order to ascend one must first re-align and rebalance with the Divine Feminine.
It is important to remember that we are ascending not separate from, but with our Divine Mother Earth. Yes
the planet is ascending and she is carrying us all in her womb and is giving birth to a whole new version of

We are evolving from Homo-sapiens into Hu-Man. In Greek the word Homos means dirt/earth and sapieo
means rotten. If we as a species continue to function under the auspice of our lower animal consciousness of
the Homo-Sapien then we will turn this Earth rotten. This is obviously now occurring but so is our
metamorphosis into, and birthing of the true Hu-Man.

Hu meaning God and Man meaning Nous or Universal Mind, A Godly Being of Godly Mind.

Once we return to the sanctuary of the 5th Dimension, we will be safe from the cleansing process of the lower
planetary dimensions and will also be re-united with our brothers and sisters in the light, including loved ones
who have passed over and are eagerly awaiting to greet us and provide assistance for our re-adjustment to
the 5th Dimension.

After inner peace is re-established and all celebrations have subsided preparations will then begin for our
ascension into the Golden Age.

Love, Liberation & Fortitude

George Kavassilas

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