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The Music Library

The University of Western Ontario Libraries

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(Fr. basse; Ger. Baryton, Tenorbass, Tenorbasshorn; It. euphonio)


FINDING MUSIC for Euphonium in the Western Libraries

Music Library
W ith a little patience and ingenuity, the E.g. M ozart and horn and 417 should
euphonium m ajor will find euphonium m usic in retrieve Mozart’s E-flat m ajor Horn
the W estern Libraries Music Library. Som e of Concerto, K. 417
this repertoire will be found in obvious locations,
while other im portant repertoire is scattered
throughout the collection. Check the baritone If you are unsure of titles, opus or them atic
repertoire, and rem em ber also that the trom bone catalogue num bers, refer to the various repertoire
and tuba repertoires are im portant resources – guides listed below, or consult “W orks” lists in
check the Trombone and Tuba handouts for articles on Individual com posers as found in The
appropriate Subject Headings and repertoire New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians,
lists. 2 nd ed., (29 vols.) - also available online - to
W estern students, faculty and staff.

Don't forget to look in collections of m usic by your

com poser (it is cheaper and m ore convenient for
the Library to buy all the sonatas of a com poser
in one volum e than to purchase single sonatas, 2. BROWSING on the shelf for
etc.) – this is why we recom m end using our
search to find rep!
Most, but not all, euphonium m usic can be found in
the following areas:
The W estern Libraries Shared Library
Catalogue is accessible to everyone at:
M 110 (euphonium solos)

M 270 - 271 (euphonium with piano or continuo)

M 1034.B37 (euphonium with full

However, your W estern Identity and password orchestra, concertos, etc.)
are REQUIRED to access our licensed electronic
resources (i.e. e-books, e-journals and their M 1035.B37 (euphonium with piano
reduction of full score,
online indexes and Opera In Video Online). concertos, etc.)

M 1134.B37 (euphonium with string

orchestra, concertos, etc.)
1. Finding a KNOWN piece of
M 1135.B37 (euphonium with piano
music reduction of string
orchestra score)
Any piece of m usic for which you know the
com poser and the title m ay be found by looking
in the W estern Libraries Catalogue:
w w w .lib.uw Choose the KEYW ORD (a.k.a. For a com plete explanation of these call num bers
“Boolean”) option of the Catalogue: com bine the (and others), see the book LC Classification /
com poser’s nam e with a unique title, opus Class M, Music, found at the Reference Desk.
num ber, and/or them atic catalogue num ber,
rem em bering to use “AND” between your
3. Using the SUBJECT index 4. ENSEMBLES using the
Particular types/genres of euphonium m usic can Euphonium
be easily found by using the Subject search of
the W estern Libraries Catalogue.
For inform ation on this topic, consult the handout
Brass Ensembles.
A SUBJECT search is NOT the sam e as a
KEYW ORD search. Library of Congress
Subject Headings are assigned by cataloguers;
therefore, to retrieve specific types of works (as
5. Euphonium music found in
in a distinctive instrum entation) in our library,
you m ust use the sam e Subject Headings that
the cataloguers use! COLLECTION
*** BEWARE ***
W hile there is no actual heading for the
If you try to use "EUPHONIUM M USIC" as a euphonium , the listings for trom bone m usic and
subject, you will retrieve ONLY m iscellaneous tuba m usic should prove useful – transposition
solo works for euphonium . You must look under m ay be unavoidable.
specific genres, e.g.

The general classification for trom bone m usic in



MUS 4090

SUITES (EUPHONIUM AND TRUMPET) The num ber for tuba m usic is:


MUS 4095

Other useful Subject Headings are:


EUPHONIUM – STUDIES AND EXERCISE W hen looking for appropriate repertoire for the
euphonium (solo euphonium or in com bination with
EUPHONIUM MUSIC – BIBLIOGRAPHY other instrum ents), the following reference sources
are helpful:

Bone, Lloyd. Guide to the euphonium repertoire

The following Library of Congress Subject : the euphonium source book.
Headings for baritone m ay also prove useful: Bloom ington: Indiana University Press,
2007. [Ref M L128.B24B66 2007]
BARITONE MUSIC (BARITONES (2)) If you’re looking for “the one euphonium book
to own,” this one will fit the bill. Includes
BARITONE MUSIC (BARITONES (2)), history of the horn, plus lists of rep for
ARRANGED euphonium alone, with piano, with wind
ensemble, and in various other combinations.
SONATAS (BARITONE AND PIANO) Also includes a discography and bibliography.
Brass Players Guide. North Easton, Mass.:
SUITES (BARITONE AND PIANO) Robert King Music, 1981 - . [Ref M L
128.I 65 B68]

Following are Subject Headings related to This dealer's catalogue lists music for
teaching: baritone: alone, with piano, in chamber
music, as a soloist with larger ensembles, and
BARITONE (MUSICAL INSTRUMENT) – for 2-5 baritones. Books about the baritone
METHODS are also available. The Music Library doesn't
always have the most current issue of this
BARITONE (MUSICAL INSTRUMENT) – catalogue, so you may wish to purchase a
STUDIES AND EXERCISES copy for your personal library – or check the
etc. www-version located at:
Anderson, Paul G. and Larry Bruce Cam pbell. euphonium – the W estern Libraries Music Library
Brass Music Guide: Solo and Study has m any of the books and articles cited in this
Material in Print. Northfield, Ill.: The bibliography.
Instrum entalist, 1984. [Ref M L
128.B72 A6 1985] W hen using a bibliography, please be sure to
distinguish between books (titles always listed in
Anderson, Paul and Lisa Orm ston Bontrager. italics) and periodical or journal articles ("titles
Brass Music Guide: Ensemble Music always listed within quotation m arks") to save
in Print. Northfield, Ill: The yourself valuable tim e.
Instrum entalist, 1987. [Ref M L 128.
B72 A62 1987] Call num bers for books m ay be found by searching
by either AUTHOR or TITLE, or by using a
These two Instrumentalist publications are KEYW ORD search to com bine author and title
exceedingly useful for tracking down words.
repertoire. If the Library doesn't own a
desired work, you can try and order it from Call num bers for journal articles m ay be found by
a music dealer, or try and borrow it from searching for the title of the periodical (**NOT**
another institution via Inter-Library Loans
– ask at the Reference Desk for details. the title of the article!!) in the W estern Libraries
Louder, Earle L. Euphonium music guide.
Evanston, Ill. : Instrum entalist Co., e.g. Brass Quarterly
c1978. [Ref M L 128.B24L7]
The bibliography at the end of each article lists
additional books and articles on the topic – the
Music Library will have m any of the books and

PERIODICALS for articles cited. Be careful to distinguish between

books (titles always listed in italics) and periodical
articles ("titles listed in quotation m arks"). Call
Euphonium Players num bers for books m ay be found by searching by
author and/or title in the catalogues while call
num bers for articles m ay be found by searching for
Periodicals are also called journals, serials or the title of the periodical (NOT the title of the
m agazines. Titles of interest to brass players article!!!) in the W estern Libraries Catalogue.

T.U.B.A. journal [ML 1.T82]

Brass Bulletin [ML 5.B7388]

The Instrumentalist [ML 1.I 55] Euphonium Music
For further help in locating periodical literature,
consult the handout Periodical Literature. The following discography m ay be useful in locating
Please rem em ber to check the W estern recordings of euphonium m usic.
Libraries Catalogue to locate back-runs: m any
of our older periodicals are kept in a storage Bahr, Edward R. Trombone/Euphonium
area. You can order volum es from Library Discography. Stevens Point, W is.: Index
Storage locations by clicking-on this button House, 1988. [Ref M L 156.4.T7B3 1988]
(when searching the Libraries Catalogue):
Although m ost of the Music Library's sound
recordings can be found via the W estern Libraries
Catalogue, m any others cannot. Most
com m ercially-recorded euphonium m usic for which

HISTORY of the you know the com poser and the title m ay be found
via a KEYW ORD search:

euphonium and • type single, significant keywords (e.g. the

perform er's [or com poser's] surnam e

euphonium music • include a significant word from the title of

the work

• include the opus num ber (num erals only)

For detailed and scholarly inform ation on the
• include "sound" (retrieves ALL recordings)
history of the euphonium , the baritone horn, and
or "com pact" (for CDs only)
their repertories, consult the New Grove
Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2 nd ed. 29
• be sure to type "AND" in-between each
vols. (London: Macm illan, 2001). [Located on
the Dictionary Table, and online.] The
extensive bibliography (listed in chronological
Very recent recordings m ay not yet be ordered –
order) cites books and journal articles on the
please check with the Reference Librarian. Hefling, Stephen E. Rhythmic alteration in
seventeenth- and eighteenth-century
music : notes inégales and overdotting.
If you are looking for all recordings by a New York : Schirm er Books, 1993.
particular perform er, you m ay type his/her nam e M L437.H43 1993
as an Author,
Carter, Stewart (ed.) A performer's guide to
e.g. FALCONE, LEONARD. seventeenth-century music. New York :
Schirm er Books, c1997. M L457.P477
In addition to com m ercially-produced recordings, 1997
there are hundreds of W estern / Don W right
Faculty of M usic Student/Faculty/Guest Artist
Recitals, which were taped during the period One can often gain a useful perspective on
1965 - the present. Until 1988, or so, recitals perform ing practice, by consulting the tutors and
were autom atically taped for archival purposes. m ethods of past eras. These historical sources
After that tim e, the process becam e m uch m ore provide valuable inform ation on fingerings, and on
selective – so that one cannot rely upon finding a how to perform figures, ornam ents, crescendos,
tape for every Don W right Faculty of Music etc. Sources of particular interest to brass players
perform ance. Access to this collection is include:
provided by com puter-generated indexes
housed near the first row of the Reference
Section. Should you find a perform ance you The history of musical instruments [microform]
would like to hear, you m ust: : manuals, tutors and méthodes.
Reading, England ; W oodbridge, CT :
make note of the appropriate Research Publications, 1988
reference number – from the left- REF M T 172.H477 1988 Pts. 1 & 2
hand column!
A 36-reel microfilm set of tutors and methods,
Then, leave a note for M r. M ike Godw in in his many of which were written by the leading
m ailbox in the Main Office (T.C. 210) stating virtuosi of their day. While many of the
your nam e and the tape reference num ber, and sources will contain material of interest, reels
ask that he place the tape at the Music Library. 4, 5 & 6 of Part 1, contain treatises dealing
with brass instruments: see reel 24 & 25 of
He will then leave the tape with the staff at the Part 2. Each Part has its own printed index,
Circulation Desk – you m ay listen to sam e, upon located in the Music Reference area (call
surrender of appropriate identification. Dubbing number listed above).
is not permitted in the Library, but you can
m ake arrangem ents to purchase copies (of FoM Part 1. Instrumental tutors from the Bate
perform ances only) by applying at the Faculty of Collection of Musical Instruments, Oxford
Music Main Office (T.C. 210). and the private library of Philip Bate (10 reels).
Brass instrument tutors will be found on reels #
The Music Library now has a subscription to 4, 5 and 6 of this series.
NAXOS M USIC LIBRARY (online). Registered
students, staff and faculty can access this Part 2. Tutors and méthodes from the F.J.
service from hom e or abroad, by logging-in to Fétis Collection at the Bibliotheque Royale
OFF-CAMPUS ACCESS at (at Albert Ier, Brussels (26 reels). Brass tutors
the upper LH side of the screen) and then using will be found on reels # 24 & 25 of this series.
the Shared Library Catalogue to search for
NAXOS MUSIC LIBRARY - or for specific
individual works.

PRACTICE Using the Solo Music Reference Collection
Brass Ensembles
Historically-inform ed perform ance is an ongoing
consideration for all perform ers. Following are
titles which m ay prove useful:

Cyr, Mary. Performing baroque music. prepared by: Terry Shewchuk

Portland, Or. : Am adeus Press, 1992. Euphonium Player
M L457.C9 1992 Novem ber, 1994

A practical guide to all aspects of

Baroque m usic perform ance. revised by: Lisa Rae Philpott
Music Reference Librarian

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