Engleski Jezik 2 Cetvrti Kolokvijum

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Engleski jezik 2 – Četvrti kolokvijum

Četvrti kolokvijum iz Engleskog jezika 2 za studente koji su položili prethodna tri

kolokvijuma održaće se u četvrtak, 18.05.2017. u sali 5, po sledećem rasporedu:

11 č. 200002 – 200105
12 č. 200114 – 200188
13 č. 200203 – 200331
14 č. 200346 –

Materijal za pripremu IV kolokvijuma

Udžbenik: Business Benchmark, Pre - Intermediate to Intermediate (second edition)

(Student’s Book and Personal Study Book),
Norman Whitby
Cambridge University Press

Unit 22 First and second conditionals, p.104, 105, 106, 116
Unit 24 Infinitive and –ing forms, p.113, 116

Unit 21 Writing CVs; Describing application procedures
Unit 22 Employment vocabulary
Dodatni materijal
Meetings (word combinations with ‘meeting’, procedures before and during the meeting,
follow up)

Unit 21 Writing your CV, p.101
Unit 22 Preparing for an interview: an extract from a book giving advice, p. 104, 105
Picking the right person for the job, p. 106

Kolokvijum se polaže u formi pisanog testa i za prolaz je neophodno da se uradi 55% tačnih pitanja
od ukupnog broja.

Primeri zadataka na testu:

I Choose the best word to complete these sentences:
1. Can you fill in this _____ form?
a) apply b) applicant c) application d) applied

II Explain the underlined words in English in the following sentences either by giving a synonymous
word or expression:
1. The bank expects to make 15,000 staff redundant over the next three years.

III Use the word in brackets to make a suitable form of it in the given context:
1. Low pay and poor working conditions create ______________________ (satisfy) workers.
1. I am afraid I did not hear the doorbell. I ___ in the garden at the time.
a) worked b) have been working c) was working d) have worked

Read the following text and circle the right answer

Studenti treba da procitaju tekst a zatim odgovore na pitanja zaokruzivanjem tačnog od ponuđenih
odgovora. Ovom vežbom se testira razumevanje nepoznatog teksta cija tezina ne prelazi nivo znanja
predvidjen za ovu godinu ucenja.

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