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University of School August 2017 – Present
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science May 2021 Expected Graduation
Cumulative GPA: 4.0 / 4.0; Chancellor’s List all semesters
Relevant Coursework: Software Engineering; Operating Systems; Data Structures and Algorithms

Genworth Financial May 2019 – Aug 2019
IT Development Internship Location
 Leveraged ServiceNow and JavaScript to create a chat bot to shift responsibility off human IT support.
 Used Lenovo’s API and JavaScript to populate ServiceNow’s computer database with warranty information.
 Programmed a script with JavaScript that retrieves and stores mobile asset information from Microsoft Intune.

College of Computing and Informatics Jan 2019 – Present

Logic and Algorithms Teaching Assistant Location
 Assist students in comprehending theoretical concepts widely used in Computer Science.
 Hold office hours and review sessions to help students understand discrete math ideas.
 Grade weekly discrete math homework and provide feedback to students.

Languages: Java, Python, JavaScript, C++, Ruby, HTML, CSS

Frameworks / Tools: Spring (Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Data JPA, Hibernate), Ruby on Rails, React,
Node.js, Bootstrap, Linux, Heroku

Writer Schedule Generator
 Developed a full stack web app using the MVC architecture that simplifies the schedule creation process.
 Allows users to perform CRUD actions on persisted writers, editors, and schedules then export schedules.
 Utilizes Bootstrap for a responsive and appealing front-end layout.
 Programmed with Spring (Java), H2 (SQL database), Hibernate, Bootstrap, JUnit, and Mockito.

School Textbook Exchange

 Created a fully working full stack web application that facilitates textbook swapping between students.
 Implemented account functionality, safety precautions, ability to post view listings, and messaging capability.
 Programmed with Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, and Bootstrap.

Battlesnake Artificial Intelligence

 Designed an intelligent virtual snake that competes against other artificial intelligences in a Snake-like game.
 Uses A* search algorithm to determine paths to key points, flood flow to detect dead-ends, and other logic to
predict opposing snake movement.
 Programmed in Python and deployed to a Heroku cloud environment.

Campus Involvement
Association for Computing Machinery
 Complete algorithmic programming challenges multiple times a week using both Java and Python.
 Chosen to represent School at the 2018 International Collegiate Programming Contest.

School Analytics
Board Member
 Teach Python and Machine Learning concepts to members through lectures and activities.
 Collaborate with other board members to plan meetings and overall club direction.

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