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Middle Years Programme (MYP)

Of the International Baccalaureate (IB)
Year 1 Sciences &
MYP/Critical Thinking
A Description of Classroom Routines, Procedures,
and MYP Science Aims & Objectives

For a detailed description of school-wide rules and procedures, please consult the Student and Parent Handbook in the
front of the student agenda and the Manatee County School District’s 2019-2020 Code of Student Conduct.

Allergy Notification
Due to severe allergies I request that you not wear scented products such as: cologne, perfume,
scented lotions, heavily scented hair gels, hair spray, or cologne type deodorants such as Axe to
school. I, like many of my students have allergies and asthma. This is to serve as notice that any
scented product is NOT to be worn in my room. A child who violates this rule will be removed from
the room and parents contacted so that we may resolve this issue.

You have expectations of me ~ that I will respect you, be fair, and willing to help. Likewise, there are expectations that will help the
class run smoothly. Our classroom expectations are:


• Read easel for instructions.
• Prepare for learning by sharpening pencils and obtaining needed materials.
• Write homework in agenda or take a photo with your phone.
• Quietly respond to lesson starter.
• Review the daily agenda on board and begin class work, if possible.

TARDY - If you are late to class, you will be marked tardy. Tardies accumulate and may become unexcused absences.

• Be respectful and take responsibility for your actions.
• Use good manners and stay focused on the task at hand.


• Only touch classroom materials/equipment when directed by the teacher (verbally or in writing).
• Team supervisor/time manager is to read all directions aloud to team before you begin and keep track of how much time
the team has remaining to complete the task or assignment.
• Team equipment manager is to retrieve and set up all materials/equipment when directed and return all
materials/equipment to proper areas when finished.
• Team recorder is to record work in writing for the group and/or help each team member keep accurate records.
• Team communicator/technology manager is to ask team questions to the teacher only after C3B4UCME (see 3 of your
team members if you have a question BEFORE asking the teacher). Also, they are to run the team computer.
• All team members stay on-task and participate and clean area when activity is completed.


• At the beginning of the year, students will read and sign a Science Safety Contract before completing any lab. They will
be expected to adhere to all requirements contained therein.
• Suspension of lab privileges will be given on the first offense.
• Consistent unsafe practices will result in suspension of lab privileges for the remainder of the school year from the final

• YOU are responsible for ALL of your work while the teacher is out.
• If your name ends up on the “naughty list” it is an automatic referral when the teacher returns.

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Observe complete silence during ALL announcements. Place important information into your agenda.

• For a fire drill, leave ALL of your belongings in the classroom, walk calmly, and relocate to designated area (exit the back
door to east fence) in an orderly fashion, as noted in the emergency diagram by the door.
• For a tornado warning, stay in current location, as noted in the emergency diagram by the door. Then, assume the “duck
and cover” position.
• For a lock down, hide unseen from the door and remain quiet.
GETTING UP IN CLASS (When is a good time to get up from your seat?)
• ONLY get up when the teacher has finished speaking to the class.
• Go directly to destination and return promptly.

• After C3B4UCME (see 3 of your team members if you have a question BEFORE asking the teacher), the “communicator”
lets the teacher know your team has a question. NO CALLING OUT.
• Be productive until help arrives and write your question down if you fear forgetting it.

• Choose an appropriate time to request permission for pass (NOT when the teacher is speaking to the class).
• Fill out pass in back of agenda and bring to teacher to sign. Take with you to your destination.
• Complete the SIGN IN/OUT LOG including DATE, NAME, and TIME you left class.
• Leave and return promptly and quietly being sure to write the time you returned on the SIGN IN/OUT LOG.
• NO ONE leaves during the first or last 10 minutes of class unless it is an extreme emergency (school-wide rule).

• Do NOT ask your teacher to go. You will be given 3 emergency bathroom/potty passes per quarter, which you can use
when needed. Otherwise, students are expected to use the bathroom in between classes.
• Follow same procedure as “Hall Passes” above except that you do not need to ask permission. Instead, you will tear out
one potty pass and bring to your teacher.
• Only get up when the teacher has finished speaking to the class.
• Take the class bathroom pass with you to the bathroom and return it when done to its proper place.


• Clean your area.
• Return classroom items used to their proper location. Leave your area nicer than the way you found it.
• Leave only after being dismissed by your teacher.

• Your grade will be formulated using scores from summative assessments (projects/tests), formative assessments
(quizzes, etc.), class work, and self-guided learning (homework).
• The grading scale is: 100–90 = A 89-80 = B 79-70 = C 69-60 = D 59-0 = F
• Mid-quarter progress reports are given out every 4 ½ weeks & report cards are given every 9 weeks.
• Grades for science are given the following percentage value:
Projects/Tests --45% Classwork/Homework --35% Quizzes/Labs -- 20%
• Grades for MYP class are given the following percentage value:
Classwork/Performance 45% -- Projects/Tests 40% -- Quizzes/Homework 15%

• Turn in all assignments in the sink at the front of the room – do NOT wait for the teacher to prompt you!
If you wait, your assignment may be considered late (see late work policy).
• See my website at or the teacher for assignments missed.
• For excused absences, student has the same amount of additional days as the amount of days that they were absent to
make up work and return. If an assignment was due the day you were absent, it is due the day you return.

• Turn in all assignments in the sink at the front of the room. The teacher sweeps this daily.
• It is the student’s responsibility to turn in homework and any other assignment that is due on time into the sink.

• Plagiarism is a serious offense! According to the Merriam Webster online dictionary, to plagiarize is to “to steal
and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source.”
As such, all words, pictures, etc. within your project must be your own or credit must be given for other’s work.

• Assignments are expected to be turned in when due. Any assignments turned in after the due date will receive a reduced
circumstances may be considered on an individual basis at the discretion of the teacher. Be sure to communicate!
• If an assignment was due and you are absent it is due the day you return to class.
• You do not get an extra day when you were already made aware of an assignment’s due date.

• Parents and students are encouraged to check my website at and/or student
agenda nightly to ensure assignments are complete. As all homework or lesson notes/videos are available online, internet is
highly recommended. Turn in work to the sink in the front of the room.

• You are expected to give your personal best in your exploration of the MYP (Middle Years Programme). It is also
expected that you will be the best IB Learner possible as you subscribe to the IB Learner Profile.

• When turning in assignments for review and grading, you must include the following in the upper right-hand corner
(as shown below)- First & last name, Date, and Period number.
• Title assignment on the top line.
• Leave space between items.

Note: Points may be taken from assignment for not following this procedure!


Students will have "Checkpoint Quizzes" to ensure students are retaining and mastering content during the Unit. At the end of each
unit, students will have an MYP test or project that will be assessed using one of four MYP subject area specific criterion rubrics. The
teacher may also offer study sessions prior to a Unit Test (dates tbd). During a quiz or test, you are expected to be “principled” by
keeping silent even if you are finished, keeping your eyes on your paper or screen ONLY, and covering your answers. When you are
finished, you are to turn in your quiz/test and answers and lower your folder divider.
Please note - If you choose to communicate with anyone but your teacher, your exam will be taken and you will receive a zero.


It is recommended that you be proactive and check our class webpage at the beginning of each week to see class homework
and upcoming projects. You can access the class webpage by typing in the URL: Please
bookmark the page for easy access. The class web page will allow you to view the weekly agenda, assignments, class notes, and
to contact me. The teacher must be notified by hand written note, as soon as possible, if the student is unable to access the
webpage (power outage, no internet service at home, internet bill not paid, moving, etc.). The note must be from, and signed by
the parent/guardian of the student with a brief explanation of the problem.

SCHOOLOGY (Tile in WebNet)

This class will use Schoology to connect students as a discussion board and resource area. Schoology is used by many other
classes and allows students to connect across the curriculum. All conversation should be academic and school appropriate.

You can e-mail me:
You can call me: 941-741-3344 ext. 2071


Manatee County School System offers parents/guardians a convenient way to monitor their student’s grades electronically. It
is highly recommended that you and your student check progress weekly: and thereby
avoid surprises at the time of progress report and quarterly grade postings.
Parents/guardians will need to complete the required form to receive a FOCUS username and password before viewing their
student’s grades. Parents/guardians may SHARE the focus password with their student so both can check grades. Please then
e-mail the teacher with questions or concerns. Please be advised that grades will be updated weekly, not daily.
Grades to know and understand:
Blank or NG - teacher has not entered grades yet.
Z - student was absent on due date and/or has not turned in the missing assignment
* - student has been excused from an assignment.
0 - student earned a 0% or did not turn in an assignment on its due date.

TEXTBOOK (Tile in WebNet) – Discovery Education

Last year, in science, the school board adopted a new textbook. Each classroom will be given a class set of textbooks.
Students will be given access to the same textbook electronically through their WebNet sign in, but with many additional
resources. Students may also visit

Note -- For MYP Electives, there will be class set of IB books and other supplementary online resources.

AIMS: ***

The aims of all MYP subjects state what a teacher may expect to teach and what a student may expect to
experience and learn. These aims suggest how the student may be changed by the learning experience.

The aims of the teaching and study of MYP sciences are to encourage and enable students to:
 understand and appreciate science and its implications
 consider science as a human endeavour with benefits and limitations
 cultivate analytical, inquiring and flexible minds that pose questions, solve problems, construct
 explanations and judge arguments
 develop skills to design and perform investigations, evaluate evidence and reach conclusions
 build an awareness of the need to effectively collaborate and communicate
 apply language skills and knowledge in a variety of real-life contexts
 develop sensitivity towards the living and non-living environments
 reflect on learning experiences and make informed choices


Global contexts direct learning towards independent and shared inquiry into our common humanity and shared guardianship
of the planet. Using the world as the broadest context for learning, MYP sciences can develop meaningful explorations of:

 identities and relationships

 orientation in space and time
 personal and cultural expression
 scientific and technical innovation
 globalization and sustainability
 fairness and development

LEARNER PROFILE – Definition of the type of learner we hope to develop ***
• Inquirers ~ develop your natural curiosity.
• Knowledgeable ~ Explore ideas, concepts, and issues that have local and global significance.
• Thinkers ~ Exercise initiative in applying thinking skills creatively & critically.
• Communicators ~ Understand & express ideas and information confidently and creatively.
• Principled ~ Act with integrity and honesty.
• Caring ~ Show empathy, compassion, & respect towards the needs and feelings of others.
• Risk-Takers ~ Approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought.
• Balanced ~ Understand the importance of intellectual, physical, and emotional balance.
• Open-Minded ~ Understand & appreciate your own culture and personal history and be open to the
perspectives, values, and traditions of others.
• Reflective ~ Give thoughtful consideration to your own learning and experience.

***(Taken directly from the Middle Years Program Sciences Guide from IB, January 2015)

MYP SCIENCES OBJECTIVES - The specific targets set for learning in the subject, assessed
by summative assessments.

Students are assigned a level of mastery between 0-8. To be considered “competent”, in any area, students must
show evidence at a level 3-8. These levels are international standards and will be translated into American
percentages. As such, the most valid indicator of your progress in science will be your weighted grade for
The following are the four areas assessed in science:***
Criterion A - Knowing and understanding Criterion C - Processing and evaluating
Students develop scientific knowledge (facts, ideas, concepts, processes, Students collect, process and interpret qualitative and/or quantitative data,
laws, principles, models and theories) and apply it to solve problems and and explain conclusions that have been appropriately reached. MYP
express scientifically supported judgments. sciences help students to develop analytical thinking skills, which they can
use to evaluate the method and discuss possible improvements or
Students should be able to: extensions.
 explain scientific knowledge
 apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in Students should be able to:
familiar and unfamiliar situations  present collected and transformed data
 analyse and evaluate information to make scientifically supported  interpret data and explain results using scientific reasoning
judgments.  evaluate the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of the
scientific investigation
 evaluate the validity of the method
 explain improvements or extensions to the method.
Criterion B – Inquiring and designing Criterion D – Reflecting on the impacts of science
Intellectual and practical skills are developed through designing, analyzing Students gain global understanding of science by evaluating the
and performing scientific investigations. Although the scientific method implications of scientific developments and their applications to a specific
involves a wide variety of approaches, the MYP emphasizes experimental problem or issue. Varied scientific language will be applied in order to
work and scientific inquiry. demonstrate understanding. Students are expected to become aware of the
importance of documenting the work of others when communicating in
Students should be able to: science. Students must reflect on the implications of using science,
 explain a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation interacting with one of the following factors: moral, ethical, social,
 formulate a testable hypothesis and explain it using scientific economic, political, cultural or environmental, as appropriate to the task.
reasoning The student’s chosen factor may be interrelated with other factors.
 explain how to manipulate the variables, and explain how data will be
collected Students should be able to:
 design scientific investigations  explain the ways in which science is applied and used to address a
specific problem or issue
 discuss and evaluate the various implications of the use of science and
its application in solving a specific problem or issue
 apply scientific language effectively
 document the work of others and sources of information used

***(Taken directly from the Middle Years Program Mathematics Guide from IB, January 2015)

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