2018 and 2017 Bar Examinations

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Rico, a hit man, positioned himself at the
rooftop of a nearby building of a bank, to
I serve as a lookout for Red and Rod while the
two were robbing the bank, as the three of
Roberto and Ricardo have had a long- them had previously planned. Ramiro, a
standing dispute regarding conflicting claims policeman, responded to the reported robbery.
over the ownership of a parcel of land. One Rico saw Ramiro and, to eliminate the danger
night, Roberto was so enraged that he of Red and Rod being caught, pulled the
decided to kill Ricardo. Roberto asked his best trigger of his rifle, intending to kill Ramiro. He
friend, Rafael, to lend him a gun and drive him missed as Ramiro slipped and fell down to the
to Ricardo's house. Rafael knew about ground. Instead, a woman depositor who was
Roberto's plan to kill Ricardo, but agreed to coming out of the bank was fatally shot. After
lend him a gun nevertheless. Rafael also their apprehension, Rico, Red, and Rod were
drove Roberto to the street corner nearest the charged with the special complex crime of
house of Ricardo. Rafael waited for him there, robbery with homicide. Rico's defense was
until the task had been accomplished, so that that he never intended to shoot and kill the
he could drive Roberto to the next town to woman, only Ramiro. Red and Rod's defense
evade arrest. Roberto also asked another was that they were not responsible for the
friend, Ruel, to stand guard outside Ricardo's death of the woman as they had no
house, for the purpose of warning him in case participation therein.
there was any danger or possible witnesses,
and to keep other persons away from the (a) Is Rico's defense meritorious?
vicinity. All three - Roberto, Rafael and Ruel - (2.5%)
agreed to the plan and their respective roles.
(b) Is Red and Rod's defense
On the agreed date, Rafael drove Roberto meritorious? (2.5%)
and Ruel to the nearest corner near Ricardo's
house. Roberto and Ruel walked about 50 III
meters where Ruel took his post as guard,
and Roberto walked about five (5) meters On February 5, 2017, Rho Rio Fraternity held
more, aimed the gun at Ricardo's bedroom, initiation rites. Present were: (i) Redmont, the
and peppered it with bullets. When he thought Lord Chancellor and head of the fraternity; (ii)
that he had accomplished his plan, Roberto ten (10) members, one (1) of whom was Ric,
ran away, followed by Ruel, and together they and (iii) five (5) neophytes, one (1) of whom
rode in Rafael's car where they drove to the was Ronald. Absent were: (i) Rollie, the
next town to spend the night there. It turned fraternity's Vice Chancellor and who actually
out that Ricardo was out of town when the planned the initiation; and (ii) Ronnie, the
incident happened, and no one was in his owner of the house where the initiation was
room at the time it was peppered with bullets. conducted.
Thus, no one was killed or injured during the
incident. Due to the severe beating suffered by Ronald
on that occasion, he lost consciousness and
(a) Was a crime committed? If yes, was brought to the nearest hospital by
what is/are the crime/s committed Redmont and Ric. However, Ronald was
(2.5%); and declared dead on arrival at the hospital.

(b) If a crime was committed, what is During the investigation of the case, it was
the degree of participation of Roberto, found out that, although Ronald really wanted
Rafael, and Ruel? (2.5%) to join the fraternity because his father is also
a member of the same fraternity, it was his
best friend Ric who ultimately convinced him (b) It is proven that the store acquired
to join the fraternity and, as a prerequisite the necklace from another person who
thereto, undergo initiation. It was also shown was the real owner of the necklace?
that Redmont and Ric did not actually (2.5%)
participate in the beating of the neophytes
(hazing). The two (2) either merely watched V
the hazing or helped in preparing food. And,
lastly, two (2) days prior thereto, Ronnie With a promise of reward, Robert asked Romy
texted Rollie that the fraternity may use his to bring him a young girl that he (Robert) can
house as the venue for the planned initiation. have carnal knowledge with. Romy agreed,
seized an eight-year old girl and brought her
Aside from those who actually participated in to Robert. After receiving his reward, Romy
the hazing, Redmont, Rollie, Ric, and Ronnie left while Robert proceeded to have carnal
were criminally charged for the hazing of knowledge with the girl.
Ronald that resulted in the latter's death.
(a) For what felony may Robert and
(a) Are the four criminally liable? Romy be charged? (2.5%)
(b) Will your answer in (a) be the
(b) Can all those criminally charged be same if the victim is a 15-year old lass
exonerated upon proof that Ronald, who was enticed, through cunning and
knowing the risks, voluntarily deceit of Romy, to voluntarily go to the
submitted himself to the initiation? Will house of Robert where the latter
the absence of proof that the accused subsequently had carnal knowledge
intended to kill the victim affect their with her? (2.5%)
liability? (2.5%)
A group of homeless and destitute persons
On the way home from work, Rica lost her invaded and occupied the houses built by the
necklace to a snatcher. A week later, she saw National Housing Authority (NHA) for certain
what looked like her necklace on display in a military personnel. To gain entry to the
jewelry store in Raon. Believing that the houses, the group intimidated the security
necklace on display was the same necklace guards posted at the entrance gate with the
snatched from her the week before, she firearms they were carrying and destroyed the
surreptitiously took the necklace without the padlocks of the doors of the houses with the
knowledge and consent of the store owner. use of crowbars and hammers. They claimed
Later, the loss of the necklace was that they would occupy the houses and live
discovered, and Rica was shown on the therein because the houses were idle and
CCTV camera of the store as the culprit. they were entitled to free housing from the
Accordingly, Rica was charged with theft of government.
the necklace. Rica raised the defense that she
could not be guilty as charged because she For the reason that the houses were already
was the owner of the necklace and that the awarded to military personnel who have been
element of intent to gain was lacking. found to have fully complied with the
requirements for the award thereof, NHA
What should be the verdict if: demanded the group to vacate within ten (10)
days from notice the houses they occupied
(a) The necklace is proven to be and were still occupying. Despite the lapse of
owned by Rica? (2.5%) the deadline, the group refused to vacate the
houses in question.
What is the criminal liability of the members of Penal Code (RPC), the penalty for forcible
the group, if any, for their actions? (5%) abduction is reclusion temporal.

VII Applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law,

what penalty should be imposed on Randy?
Robbie and Rannie are both inmates of the (5%)
National Penitentiary, serving the maximum
penalty for robbery which they committed IX
some years before and for which they have
been sentenced by final judgment. One day, Rashid asked Rene to lend him PhP50,000,
Robbie tried to collect money owed by payable in six (6) months and, as payment for
Rannie. Rannie insisted that he did not owe the loan, Rashid issued a postdated check for
Robbie anything, and after a shouting the said amount plus the agreed interest.
episode, Rannie kicked Robbie in the Rashid assured Rene that the account would
stomach. Robbie fell to the ground in pain, have sufficient funds on maturity date. On that
and Rannie left him to go to the toilet to date, Rene presented the check to the drawee
relieve himself. As Rannie was opening the bank for payment but it was dishonored for the
door to the toilet and with his back turned reason that it was drawn against insufficient
against Robbie, Robbie stabbed him in the funds (DAIF).
back with a bladed weapon that he had
concealed in his waist. Hurt, Rannie ran to the Rene sent Rashid a timely notice of dishonor
nearest "kubol" where he fell. Robbie ran after of the check and demanded the latter to make
him· and, while Rannie was lying on the good the same within five (5) days from
ground, Robbie continued to stab him, notice. After the lapse of the five (5)-day
inflicting a total of 15 stab wounds. He died on notice, Rene redeposited the check with the
the spot. Robbie immediately surrendered to drawee bank but it was again dishonored for
the Chief Warden. When prosecuted for the the same reason, i.e., DAIF. Rene thereafter
murder of Rannie, Robbie raised provocation filed two (2) separate criminal actions against
and voluntary surrender as mitigating Rashid: (1) Estafa under Art. 315(2)(d) of the
circumstances. The prosecution, on the other RPC, as amended by R.A. No.
hand, claimed that there was treachery in the 4885, i.e, estafa committed by postdating a
commission of the crime. check, or issuing a check in payment of an
obligation without sufficient funds in the bank;
(a) Is Robbie a recidivist, or a quasi- and (2) Violation of B.P. 22 or the Bouncing
recidivist? (2.5%) Checks Law.

(b) Can the mitigating circumstances (a) Can he be held liable under both
raised by Robbie, if proven, lower the actions? (2.5%)
penalty for the crime committed?
(2.5%) (b) If the check is presented for
payment after four (4) months, but
VIII before it becomes stale, can the two
actions still proceed? (2.5%)
Randy was prosecuted for forcible abduction
attended by the aggravating circumstance of X
recidivism. After trial, the court held that the
prosecutor was able to prove the charge. Rafa caught his wife, Rachel, in the act of
Nonetheless, it appreciated in favor of Randy, having sexual intercourse with Rocco in the
on the basis of the defense's evidence, the maid's room of their own house. Rafa shot
mitigating circumstances of voluntary both lovers in the chest, but they survived.
surrender, uncontrollable fear, and Rafa charged Rachel and Rocco with
provocation. Under Art. 342 of the Revised adultery, while Rachel and Rocco charged
Rafa with frustrated parricide and frustrated Orphaned when still an infant, Rocky lived
homicide. under the care of his grandmother Rosario.
Now 18, Rocky entered Rosario's bedroom
In the adultery case, Rachel and Rocco raised who was then outside doing her daily
the defense that Rafa and Rachel, prior to the marketing. He ransacked the bedroom and
incident in question, executed a notarized took Rosario's money and valuables
document whereby they agreed to live amounting to PhP100,000.
separately and allowed each of them to get a
new partner and live with anyone of their When Rosario came home, she found her
choice as husband and wife. This document room in disarray, and her money and
was executed after Rachel discovered that valuables gone. She confronted Rocky, who
Rafa was cohabiting with another woman. confessed to taking the money and valuables
Thus, they also raised the defense of in pari in order to pay his debts.
delicto. In the frustrated parricide and
frustrated homicide cases, Rafa raised the (a) What crime, if any, did Rocky
defense that, having caught them in flagrante commit? (2.5%)
delicto, he has no criminal liability.
(b) Does he incur criminal and/or civil
Assuming that all defenses have been liability? (2.5%)
(a) Will the action for adultery
prosper? (2.5%) The brothers Roberto and Ricardo Ratute,
both Filipino citizens, led a group of armed
(b) Will the actions for frustrated men in seizing a southern island in the
parricide and frustrated homicide Philippines, and declaring war against the duly
prosper? (2.5%) constituted government of the country. The
Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), led by
XI its Chief of Staff, General Riturban, responded
and a full scale war ensued between the AFP
Wielding loose firearms, Rene and Roan held and the armed men led by the brothers. The
up a bank. After taking the bank's money, the armed conflict raged for months.
robbers ran towards their getaway car,
pursued by the bank security guards. As the When the brothers-led armed men were
security guards were closing in on the running out of supplies, Ricalde, also a
robbers, the two fired their firearms at the Filipino, and a good friend and supporter of
pursuing security guards. As a result, one of the Ratute brothers, was tasked to leave for
the security guards was hit on the head abroad in order to solicit arms and funding for
causing his immediate death. the cash-strapped brothers. He was able to
travel to Rwanda, and there he met with
For the taking of the bank's money and killing Riboli, a citizen and resident of Rwanda, who
of the security guard with the use of loose agreed to help the brothers by raising funds
firearms, the robbers were charged in court in internationally, and to send them to the Ratute
two separate informations, one for robbery brothers in order to aid them in their armed
with homicide attended by the aggravating struggle against the Philippine government.
circumstance of use of loose firearms, and the Before Ricalde and Riboli could complete their
other for illegal possession of firearms. fund-raising activities for the brothers, the AFP
was able to reclaim- the island and defeat the
Are the indictments correct? (5%) Ratute-led uprising.

XII Ricalde and Riboli were charged with

conspiracy to commit treason. During the
hearing of the two cases, the government only pictures were posted by them through Private
presented as witness, General Riturban, who Messenger (PM) only for their close friends,
testified on the activities of the Ratute but Roccino, the older brother of one of their
brothers, Ricalde, and Riboli. best friends, was able to get hold of his
younger brother's password, and without
(a) Can Ricalde and Riboli be authority from his brother, accessed his PM
convicted of the crime of conspiracy to and shared Robin and Rowell's Amsterdam
commit treason? (2.5%) photos on Facebook.

(b) Will the testimony of General (a) Can Robin and Rowell be
Riturban, assuming he can testify on prosecuted for use of dangerous
acts within his personal knowledge, be drugs for their one-night use of these
sufficient to convict the Ratute products in Amsterdam? (2.5%)
brothers, Ricalde, and Riboli? (2.5%)
(b) Can they be prosecuted for
XIV importation of dangerous drugs?
Robin and Rowell are best friends and have
been classmates since grade school. When (c) If found liable under either (a) or
the boys graduated from high school, their (b) above, what is the penalty that
parents gifted them with a trip to Amsterdam, may be imposed on them? (2.5%)
all expenses paid. At age 16, this was their
first European trip. Thrilled with a sense of (d) Can Roccino be prosecuted for the
freedom, they decided to try what Amsterdam act of accessing and sharing on
was known for. One night, they scampered Facebook the private pictures sent by
out of their hotel room, went to the De Wallen, PM to his brother? If yes, for what
better known as the Red-light District of crime? (2.5%)
Amsterdam. There, they went to a "coffee
shop" which sells only drinks and various XV
items made from opium poppy, cannabis, and
marijuana, all of which are legal in During the presentation of the prosecution's
Amsterdam. They represented themselves to evidence, Reichter was called to the witness
be of age, and were served, and took shots of, stand with the stated purpose that he would
cannabis and marijuana products. They testify that his wife Rima had shot him in the
indulged in these products the whole night, stomach with a .38 caliber pistol, resulting in
even if it was their first time to try them. near fatal injuries. Upon objection of the
defense on the ground of the marital
Before returning to Manila, they bought a disqualification rule, the presiding judge
dozen lollipops laced with cannabis, as (Judge Rossano) disallowed Reichter from
souvenir and "pasalubong" for their friends. testifying in the case. Its motion for
They were accosted at the Manila reconsideration having been denied, the
International Airport and were charged with People of the Philippines went up
importation of dangerous drugs under the on certiorari to the Court of Appeals (CA)
Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of questioning Judge Rossano's ruling.
2002. They were also charged with use of
dangerous drugs after pictures of them in the After due proceedings, the CA rendered
"coffee shop" in Amsterdam were posted on judgment declaring Judge Rossano's ruling
Facebook, showing them smoking and taking void ab initio for having been made with grave
shots of a whole menu of cannabis and abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
marijuana products. Their own captions on excess of jurisdiction, and directing Judge
their Facebook posts clearly admitted that Rossano to allow Reichter to testify in the
they were using the dangerous products. The criminal case for the stated purpose. This is
based on the fact that the marital privilege rule Ruben again, and insisted on her demand for
does not apply where a spouse committed the support for Rona. As the ex-lovers could not
crime against the other. reach an agreement, no further support was
given by Ruben.
As the CA decision became final and
executory, the criminal case before the RTC What crimes did Ruben commit:
was calendared for trial. At the scheduled trial,
the prosecution called Reichter to the witness (a) For beating and humiliating Rorie?
stand in order to testify on the same matter it (2.5%)
earlier announced. The defense objected on
the ground that the CA erred in its disposition (b) For withdrawing support for Rona?
of the certiorari case. Judge Rossano (2.5%)
sustained the objection and again disallowed
Reichter from testifying in the criminal case.
Repeated pleas from the prosecution for
Judge Rossano to reconsider his ruling and to
allow Reichter to testify fell on deaf ears. Robina bought from Ramsey a seaside
property located in Romblon. At that time, she
was in the process of returning to the
May Judge Rossano be convicted of a crime?
Philippines as a returning resident, after
If yes, what crime did he commit? (5%)
retiring from her work in Russia, and was
planning to set up a diving school in the area.
XVI In a non-notarized "Kasunduan ng Pagbibili,"
Ramsey represented the property as alienable
For the past five years, Ruben and Rorie had and disposable, and that he had a valid title to
been living together as husband and wife the property. When the sale was completed,
without the benefit of marriage. Initially, they and as she was applying for permits and
had a happy relationship which was blessed licenses for her school, she found out that the
with a daughter, Rona, who was born on property was a public non-alienable and non-
March 1, 2014. However, the partners' disposable land which Ramsey had bought
relationship became sour when Ruben began from someone who only had a foreshore lease
indulging in vices, such as women and over the same. As she was bent on setting up
alcohol, causing frequent arguments between the diving school in the area, having made all
them. Their relationship got worse when, even the preparations and having already bought all
for slight mistakes, Ruben would lay his hands the equipment, she filed a Miscellaneous
on Rorie. One day, a tipsy Ruben barged into Lease Application (MLA) with the Department
their house and, for no reason, repeatedly of Environment and Natural Resources
punched Rorie in the stomach. To avoid (DENR) at the Community Environment and
further harm, Rorie ran out of the house. But Natural Resources Office in Romblon. In her
Ruben pursued her and stripped her naked in application, she stated that she was a Filipino
full view of their neighbors; and then he citizen, although she was still a naturalized
vanished. Russian citizen at that time. It was only six
months after she filed the MLA that she filed
Ten days later, Ruben came back to Rorie her petition for dual citizenship under R.A. No.
and pleaded for forgiveness. However, Rorie 9225. When DENR discovered that, at the
expressed her wish to live separately from time of filing the MLA, she was still a Russian
Ruben and asked him to continue providing citizen, her application was denied and she
financial support for their daughter Rona. At was charged with falsification of a public
that time, Ruben was earning enough to document for misrepresenting herself as a
support a family. He threatened to withdraw Filipino citizen. Infuriated, Robina also filed
the support he was giving to Rona unless charges against Ramsey for falsification of a
Rorie would agree to live with him again. But private document for stating in their
Rorie was steadfast in refusing to live with
"Kasunduan" that the property was alienable performed her duty as a teacher to discipline
and disposable. erring pupils.

In the case for falsification of a public Richard's parents ask your advice on what
document, Robina's defense was that, at the actions can be instituted against Mrs.
time she filed the MLA, she had every Robinson for acts committed on their minor
intention to reacquire Philippine citizenship, as child.
in fact she filed for dual citizenship six months
thereafter, and that she had no intent to gain (a) May Mrs. Robinson be charged
or to injure the Philippine government since with child abuse OR slight physical
she expected that her application for dual injuries? (2.5%)
citizenship would be approved before the MLA
could be approved. On the other hand, she (b) May Mrs. Robinson be charged
claimed in the action against Ramsey that with child abuse AND slight physical
intent to gain was present since he received
the purchase price as a result of his
injuries? (2.5%)
misrepresentation. Ramsey's defense was
that he had a valid Transfer Certificate of Title
in his name, and he had a right to rely on his XIX
Ricky was driving his car when he was
(a) Will the case for falsification of flagged down by a traffic enforcer for
public document filed against Robina overspeeding. Realizing his undoing, but in a
prosper? (2.5%) hurry for a meeting, Ricky shoved a PhP500
bill in the traffic enforcer's pocket and
whispered to the latter to refrain from issuing
(b) Will the case for falsification of
him a traffic violation receipt. The traffic
private document filed against
enforcer still issued him a ticket, and returned
Ramsey prosper? (2.5%)
his money.
What crime, if any, was committed by Ricky?
Mrs. Robinson is a teacher at an elementary
school. In one of her classes, she found, to
her consternation, that an 8-year old Richard
was always the cause of distraction, as he
was fond of bullying classmates smaller in
size than him.

One morning, Reymart, a 7-year old pupil,

cried loudly and complained to Mrs. Robinson
that Richard had boxed him on the ear.
Confronted by Mrs. Robinson about Reymart's
accusation, Richard sheepishly admitted the
same. Because of this, Mrs. Robinson ordered
Richard to lie face down on a desk during
class. After Richard obliged, Mrs. Robinson hit
him ten (10) times on the legs with a ruler and
pinched his ears. Richard ran home and
reported to his mother what he had suffered at
the hands of Mrs. Robinson. When Richard's
parents went to Mrs. Robinson to complain,
she interposed the defense that she merely
2017 BAR EXAMINATIONS presence inside her room, she resisted him
CRIMINAL LAW with minimal strength, but she was really
sobbing in a muffled manner. He then
undressed himself while blocking- the door.
I. Yet, the image of a hapless and sobbing
Amethyst soon brought him to his senses, and
impelled him to leave her room naked. He did
Tonito, an 8-year-old boy, was watching a free
not notice in his hurry that Amante, the father
concert at the Luneta Park with his father
of Amethyst, who was then sitting alone on a
Tony. The child stood on a chair to be able to
sofa in the sala, saw him leave his daughter's
see the performers on the stage. Juanito, a
room naked.
10-year-old boy, who was also watching the
concert, could not see much of the
performance on the stage because Tonito was Outside the house, the now-clothed Aliswan
blocking his line of sight by standing on the spotted Allesso, Amethyst's former suitor.
chair. Using his elbow, Juanito strongly Knowing how Allesso had aggressively
shoved Tonito to get a good view of the stage. pursued Amethyst, Aliswan fatally stabbed
The shove caused Tonito to fall to the ground. Allesso. Aliswan immediately went into hiding
Seeing this, Tony struck Juanito on the head afterwards.
with his hand and caused the boy to fall and to
hit his head on a chair. Tony also wanted to Upon learning from Amethyst about what
strangle Juanito but the latter's aunt prevented Aliswan had done to her, an enraged Amante
him from doing so. Juanito sustained a wanted to teach Aliswan a lesson he would
lacerated wound on the head that required never forget. Amante set out the next day to
medical attendance for 10 days. look for Aliswan in his school. There, Amante
found a young man who looked very much like
Tony was charged with child abuse in violation Aliswan. Amante immediately rushed and
of Sec. 10(a), in relation to Sec. 3(b)(2), of knocked the young man unconscious on the
R.A. No. 7610 (Child Abuse Law) for allegedly pavement, and then draped his body with a
doing an "act by deeds or words prepared tarpaulin reading RAPIST AKO
which debases, degrades or demeans the HUWAG TULARAN. Everyone else in the
intrinsic worth and dignity of a child as a school was shocked upon witnessing what
human being." In his defense, Tony had just transpired, unable to believe that the
contended that he had no intention to maltreat timid and quiet Alisto, Aliswan's identical twin
Juanito, much less to degrade his intrinsic brother, had committed rape.
worth and dignity as a human being.
(a) A criminal complaint for attempted
(a) Distinguish crimes mala in se from rape with homicide was brought
crimes mala prohibita. (3%) against Aliswan in the Prosecutor's
Office. However, after preliminary
investigation, the Investigating
(b) Was Tony criminally liable for child
Prosecutor recommended the filing of
abuse under R.A. No. 7610? Explain
two separate informations - one
your answer. (3%)
for attempted rape and the other
for homicide. Do you agree with the
II. recommendation? Explain your
answer. (3%)
Sixteen year old Aliswan prodded Amethyst,
his girlfriend, to remove her clothing while they (b) Before the trial court, Aliswan
were secretly together in her bedroom late moved that the cases should be
one evening. Failing to get a positive dismissed because he was entitled to
response from her, he forcibly undressed her. the exempting circumstance of
Apprehensive about rousing the attention of minority. Is his motion correct? Explain
the household who did not know of his your answer. (3%)
(c) After receiving medical attendance bank account for Bokal Diva's share in
for 10 days, Alisto consulted you government projects.
about filing the proper criminal
complaint against Amante. What (a) May each of the above-named
crimes, if any, will you charge Amante individuals be held liable
with? Explain your answer. (3%) for plunder? Explain your answer.
(d) Answering the criminal complaint
filed by Alisto, Amante contended that (b) Define wheel conspiracy and chain
he had incurred no criminal liability for conspiracy. Is either or both kinds
lack of criminal intent on his part, his existent herein? Explain your answer.
intended victim being Aliswan, not (4%)
Alisto. What is this defense of Amante,
and explain if the same will prosper? (c) What provisions of R.A. No.
(3%) 3019 (Anti-Graft & Corrupt Practices
Act), if any, were violated by any of
III. the above-named individuals,
specifying the persons liable therefor?
Overjoyed by the award to his firm of a multi- Explain your answer. (4%)
billion government contract for the
development of an economic and tourism hub (d) What crimes under the Revised
in the Province of Blank, Mr. Gangnam Penal Code, if any, were committed,
allotted the amount of P100 Million to serve as specifying the persons liable therefor?
gifts for certain persons instrumental in his Explain your answer. (4%)
firm's winning the award. He gave 50% of that
amount to Governor Datu, the official who had IV
signed the contract with the proper
authorization from the Sangguniang
Maita was the object of Solito's avid sexual
Panlalawigan; 25% to Bokal Diva, the
desires. Solito had attempted many times to
Sangguniang Panlalawigan member who had
entice Maita to a date in bed with him but
lobbied for the award of the project in the
Maita had consistently refused. Fed up with all
Sangguniang Panlalawigan; and 25% to
her rejections, Solito abducted Maita around 7
Mayor Dolor of the Municipality where the
p.m. one night. With his cohorts, Solito forced
project would be implemented. Governor Datu
Maita into a Toyota lnnova and drove off with
received his share through his wife, Provincial
her to a green-painted house situated in a
First Lady Dee, who then deposited the
desolate part of the town. There, Solito
amount in her personal bank account.
succeeded in having carnal knowledge of
Maita against her will.
Previously, upon facilitation by Bokal Diva, Mr.
Gangnam concluded an agreement with
Meanwhile, the police authorities were tipped
Mayor Dolor for the construction of the Blank
off that at 11:30 p.m. on that same night Solito
Sports Arena worth ₱800 Million. The project
would be selling marijuana outside the green-
was highly overpriced because it could be
painted house. Acting on the tip, the PNP
undertaken and completed for not more than
station of the town formed a buy-bust team
₱400 Million. For this project, Mayor Dolor
with PO2 Masahol being designated the
received from Mr. Gangnam a gift of ₱10
poseur buyer. During the buy-bust operation,
Million, while Bokal Diva got ₱25 Million.
Solito opened the trunk of the Toyota lnnova
to retrieve the bag of marijuana to be sold to
In both instances, Bokal Diva had her PO2 Masahol. To cut the laces that he had
monetary gifts deposited in the name of her tied the bag with, Solito took out a Swiss knife,
secretary, Terry, who personally maintained a but his doing so prompted PO2 Masahol to
effect his immediate arrest out of fear that he
would attack him with the knife. PO2 Masahol funds coming from public sources channeled
then confiscated the bag of marijuana as well to BaWI were not yet properly accounted for.
as the Toyota lnnova. The COA demanded reimbursement but BaWI
did not respond.
(a) Two informations were filed
against Solito in the RTC - one Hence, Mr. Gulang was criminally charged in
for forcible abduction with rape, raffled the Office of the Ombudsman
to Branch 8 of the RTC; the other with malversation of public funds and failure of
for illegal sale of drugs, assigned to accountable officer to render accounts as
Branch 29 of the RTC. Was Solito respectively defined and punished by Art. 217
charged with the proper offenses and Art. 218 of the Revised Penal Code. He
based on the circumstances? Explain was also· charged with violation of Sec. 3(e)
your answer. (5%) of R.A. No. 3019 for causing undue injury to
the Government.
(b) While the Prosecution was
presenting its evidence in Branch 29, In his defense, Mr. Gulang mainly contended
Branch 8 convicted Solito. that he could not be held 1iable under the
Immediately after the judgment of various· charges because he was not a public
conviction was promulgated, Solito officer.
filed in both Branches a motion for the
release of the Toyota lnnova. He (a) Who is a public officer? (2%)
argued and proved that he had only
borrowed the vehicle from his brother, (b) Discuss whether the crimes
the registered owner. Branch 8 charged against Mr. Gulang are
granted the motion but Branch 29 proper. Explain your answer. (3%)
denied it. Were the two courts correct
in their rulings? Explain your answer.
Answer with brief explanations the following
To aid in the rebuilding and revival of
(a) If the slightest penetration of the
Tacloban City and the surrounding areas that
female genitalia consummates rape by
had been devastated by the strongest
carnal knowledge, how does the
typhoon. to hit the country in decades, the
accused commit attempted rape by
Government and other sectors, including
carnal knowledge? (2%)
NGOs, banded together in the effort. Among
the NGOs was Ba..,gon Waray, Inc. (BaWI),
headed by Mr. Jose Ma. Gulang, its President (b) What crime is committed by
and CEO. BaWI operated mainly as a social a capataz who enrolls two fictitious
amelioration and charitable institution. For its names in the payroll and collects their
activities in the typhoon-stricken parts of Leyte supposed daily wages every payday?
Province, BaWI received funds from all (2%)
sources, local and foreign, including
substantial amounts from legislators, local (c) What is now the age of doli
government officials and the EU. After several incapax in the Philippines? (2%)
months, complaints were heard about the very
slow distribution of relief goods and needed (d) Why is there no crime of frustrated
social services by BaWI. serious physical injuries? (2%)

The COA reported the results of its audit to VII

the effect that at least P10 Million worth of
Bernardo was enraged by his conviction contention was that the plea of self-
for robbery by Judge Samsonite despite defense applied only to consummated
insufficient evidence. Pending his appeal, killings. Rule, with explanations, on
Bernardo escaped in order to get even with the tenability of Aramis' claim of self-
Judge Samsonite. Bernardo learned that the defense, and on the Prosecution's
judge regularly slept in his mistress' house contention. (3%)
every weekend. Thus, he waited for the judge
to arrive on Saturday evening at the house of (c) Porthos insisted that the element of
his mistress. It was about 8:00 p.m. when treachery was present. To rule out
Bernardo entered the house of the mistress. treachery, Aramis asserted that both
He found the judge and his mistress having he and Porthos were then facing and
coffee in the kitchen and engaging in small confronting each other when he fired
talk. Without warning, Bernardo stabbed the the shot. Rule, with reasons, on the
judge at least 20 times. The judge instantly respective contentions. (3%)
Prosecuted and tried, Bernardo was convicted
of direct assault with murder. Rule with During the nationwide transport strike to
reasons whether or not the conviction protest the phase out of old public utility
for direct assault with murder was justified, vehicles, striking jeepney drivers Percy,
and whether or not the trial court should Pablo, Pater and Sencio, each armed with
appreciate the following aggravating guns, hailed several MMDA buses then
circumstances against Bernardo, to wit: (1) providing free transport to the stranded public
disregard of rank and age of the victim, who to stop them from plying their routes. They
was 68 years old; (2) dwelling; (3) nighttime; later on commandeered one of the buses
(4) cruelty; and (5) quasi-recidivism. (10%) without allowing any of the passengers to
alight, and told the driver to bring the bus to
VIII Tanay, Rizal.

Porthos made a sudden turn on a dark street, Upon reaching a remote area in Tanay, Percy,
and his Rolls-Royce SUV bumped the rear of Pablo, Pater and Sencio forcibly divested the
a parked Cadillac Sedan inside which Aramis passengers of their cash and valuables. They
was then taking a nap. Angered by the violent ordered the passengers to leave thereafter.
Impact, Aramis alighted and confronted Then, they burned the bus. When a tanod of
Porthos who had also alighted. Aramis angrily the barangay of the area came around to
and repeatedly shouted at Porthos: Putang Intervene, Pater fired at him, instantly killing
Ina mo! Porthos, displaying fearlessness, him.
aggressively shouted back at Aramis: Wag
kang magtapang-tapangan dyan, After Percy, Pablo, Pater and Sencio were
papatayin kita! Without saying anything more, arrested, the police authorities recommended
Aramis drew his gun from his waist and shot them to be charged with the following crimes,
Porthos in the leg. Porthos' wound was not life to wit: (1) carnapping; (2) robbery, (3) direct
threatening. assault with homicide; (4) kidnapping; and
(5) arson.
(a) What are the kinds of unlawful
aggression, and which kind was State your legal opinion on the
displayed in this case? Explain your recommendation of the police authorities on
answer. (3%) the criminal liabilities incurred by Percy,
Pablo, Pater and Sencio. (10%)
(b) Standing trial for
frustrated murder, Aramis pleaded X.
self-defense. The Prosecution's
Sammy Peke was convicted of a violation of (a) Interruption of religious worship as
R.A. No. 123456 for selling fake books. The defined and punished under Art. 132
law prescribes the penalty of prision of the Revised Penal Code; and/or
correccional, a divisible penalty whose
minimum period is six months and one day to (b) Offending the religious feelings as
two years and four months; medium period is defined and punished under Art. 133
two years, four months and one day to four of the Revised Penal Code.
years and two months; and maximum period
is four years, two months and one day to six Explain fully your answers. (8%)

At arraignment, Sammy Peke pleads guilty to

the crime charged.

(a) Explain how the Indeterminate

Sentence Law is applied in crimes
punished by special laws. (3%)

(b) Supposing the trial judge imposes

a straight penalty of imprisonment for
one year, is the penalty correct in the
context of the Indeterminate Sentence
Law? Explain your answer. (3%)


In his homily, Fr. Chris loudly denounced the

many extrajudicial killings committed by the
men in uniform. Policeman Stone, then
attending the mass, was peeved by the
denunciations of Fr. Chris. He immediately
approached the priest during the homily,
openly displayed his firearm tucked in his
waist, and menacingly uttered at the
priest: Father, may kalalagyan kayo kung
hindi kayo tumigil. His brazenness terrified the
priest, who cut short his homily then and
there. The celebration of the mass was
disrupted, and the congregation left the
church in disgust over the actuations of
Policeman Stone, a co-parishioner.

Policeman Stone was subsequently charged.

The Office of the Provincial Prosecutor is now

about to resolve the case, and is mulling on
what to charge Policeman Stone with.

May Policeman Stone be properly charged

with either or both of the following crimes, or,
if not, with what proper crime?

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