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‫وزارة اﻟﺨﺎرﺟﻴﺔ ـ اﻟﻤﻤﻠﻜﺔ اﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ اﻟﺴﻌﻮدﻳﺔ‬ Page 1 of 3

Date: 11/06/2005 / Visa Regulations and Rules :

Guidelines and Instructions issued to Kingdom’s

Diplomatic Missions Abroad On granting Entry
Visa Businessmen and Investors Entry to the

1- Representatives of foreign companies and establishments,

businessmen and the investors are granted visit visas to the Kingdom
for commercial purposes.

These visitors include representatives of contracting and investing

companies inside the Kingdom. The Consulate must be informed with
confirmation of acquainting and investing prior to issuance of such

2- The Representatives of the foreign companies and establishments

who want to visit the Kingdom to look for chances to investigate and
study Saudi Market are granted visas in their countries if the union
and Boards of Chambers of Industries and Commerce make the
request for the same.

3- Applications for commercial visits for businessmen and

investigators that are filed with the missions by fax by Saudi
companies and establishments which have aproval from Saudi
Chamber of Industry and Commerce, will be accepted. But the
government companies, i.e. Saudi Airlines and Aramco, and the
companies in which the country has more than 50% of the Capital,
i.e. Sabic, do not need to attest their applications from the Chamber
of Commerce.

4- Foreign businessmen and investors from the countries where the

Kingdom has no missions can be granted visas by Saudi Missions in
the neighboring countries after the applicants visits commercial 18/10/2010
‫وزارة اﻟﺨﺎرﺟﻴﺔ ـ اﻟﻤﻤﻠﻜﺔ اﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ اﻟﺴﻌﻮدﻳﺔ‬ Page 2 of 3

character has been checked.

These applicants must have a confirmation letter from the Chamber of

Commerce in their countries or memo from their countries’ embassies
indicating the commercial character of their visits.

5- Foreign businessmen and investors (non- residents) who have

been invited by Saudi companies or Chambers of Commerce and
Industry and who have letters from their countries are granted visas
in their countries.

6- Visas for businesswomen can be issued internally by Saudi

Companies to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or one of its branches
and also can be issued for her in case her husband or blood relatives
accompany her.

7- Visit Visa can be granted to businessman’s wife or the wife of the

representative of the company or establishment after the confirmation
of the relationship.

8- Indicated instructions can not be applied to the people who have

commercial character, i.e. if they are technicians, craftsmen,
engineers, teachers, professors, lawyers, computer programmers,
mechanics, doctors, and others who do not have commercial
character, who visit through Saudi companies and establishments to
finalize some temporary work visas. Individuals who desire to visit the
Kingdom have to file their applications with concerned authorities in
the kingdom to obtain work visas.

9- Visas for the participants in commercial exhibitions held in

Kingdom and which are licensed by the Ministry of Commerce can be
granted internally according to the data presented by Saudi
companies organizing the commercial exhibitions for the Ministry of

After studying and confirmation, the data can be transferred to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs to be sent to the concerned missions
according to the Telegram No. 2501/24 dated 12/11/1422H.
corresponding to 26/1/2002 issued by H.E. the Minister of Commerce.

10- Visas for doctors for whom the hospitals present visit applications 18/10/2010
‫وزارة اﻟﺨﺎرﺟﻴﺔ ـ اﻟﻤﻤﻠﻜﺔ اﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ اﻟﺴﻌﻮدﻳﺔ‬ Page 3 of 3

for limited time can be issued internally after the concerned hospital
presents a letter from the Ministry of Health confirming the entry of
the required doctor; this is valid according to the telegram No.
1297/15 dated 14/11/1422H corresponding to 28/1/2002 issued by
H.E. The Minister of Health.

11- Visas covering commercial and industrial information can be

issued internally by the Kingdom (The Ministry of Foreign Affairs or
any of its branches) after the attachment of letter confirming
entrance; this would be valid according to the Telegram No. 2039/21
dated 2/12/1422H. corresponding to 15/2/2002 of H.E. The Minister
of Information.

12- Validity of commercial visa issued by consulates is for one month

maximum. For some satisfactory reasons the visa can be issued for
more than one month, up to three months maximum.

13- Head of Consular Section can grant multiple visit visa for six
months maximum and not more than one month for each visit for the
people who are in need to repeat visits for short periods and for the
applicants wishing to visit the companies and establishments for
contracting and investing.

14- To apply this instruction the following conditions must be met:

a) Visitor must have a valid passport; the visitor can go back to his
country or to another country. He must make these visits on transit

b) Visitor has to present a letter from his company indicating

commercial character of his visit, purpose and time of the visit, and
name of the company or establishment that he will visit.

c) The name of the company or establishment that he will visit should

be mentioned on top of the visa along with the letter of confirmation
b y t h e i n v i t i ng S a ud i c om p a n y t h a t m us t b e k n o w n a n d h a s
commercial registration and is a member of any of the Chambers of
Commerce and Industry in the Kingdom. 18/10/2010

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