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Alliance Cindy and Bill Simon Tech Academy High School

Mr. Milius
2019-2020: World History

Course Description
❏ World History is a global history course aimed at tenth-grade students that provides a cohesive
approach to learning and understanding the history of the world. Instead of a typical march
through time, this class will use a set of overarching inquiry problems and frames, situated at a
variety of scales, to organize and facilitate teaching and learning. Students develop an
understanding of current world issues and relate them to their historical, geographic, political,
economic, and cultural contexts. Students consider multiple accounts of events in order to
understand international relations from a variety of perspectives.

❏ 2-3 Pens (black or blue ink only) or Pencils
❏ Composition Book or Notebook (college-ruled sheets ​ONLY​)
❏ Highlighter(s)

Course Expectations
❏ Arrive on time to class every day
❏ Be prepared by having required materials and by being an active participant in classroom
discussions and group collaborations
❏ Take responsibility for your education by completing assignments on time and being aware of
daily classroom objectives
❏ Stay on task and maintain discipline when working independently
❏ Listen and follow instructions from bell-to-bell
❏ Wait for dismissal at the end of class. The bell doesn’t dismiss you, Mr. Milius does
❏ Follow school-wide expectations and policies as found in the parent-student handbooks
❏ Be model citizens by not using inappropriate language and/or inappropriate physical
interactions, being disrespectful, and/or taunting others
❏ Maintain academic honesty by not cheating or plagiarizing
❏ Take care of your personal needs (i.e., going to the bathroom) ​before​ class
❏ Students will be given homework periodically ranging from reading to finishing activities that
were not completed during class time
❏ Homework will be used as a practice tool to ensure mastery and retention of new learned skills

SWBAT (Students will be able to)...

❏ Analyze and interpret primary and secondary sources, including documentary material, maps,
statistical tables, and pictorial and graphic evidence of historical events
❏ Approach history critically and be able to analyze and evaluate competing sources of historical
❏ Express themselves with clarity and precision and know how to cite sources and credit the
phrases and ideas of others
❏ Acquire test-taking skills, including how to successfully take timed exams
❏ Learn to take notes from both printed materials and lectures

Grading Rubric [​You will be graded for ​each​ standard on a 4-point scale]
❏ 4—3.4 (Advanced Mastery = “A”)
❏ Student has advanced and detailed understanding of the standard and can apply
complex ideas and processes for the standard
❏ 3.39—2.7 (Proficient Understanding = “B”)
❏ Student has a complete and detailed understanding of all the information important to
the standard
❏ 2.69—2 (Basic Understanding = “C”)
❏ With help, student has a partial understanding of the standard
❏ 1.99—1 (Non-Proficient = “NP”)
❏ With help, student demonstrates no understanding and possesses no skills to meet the
objectives of the standard. Also, this may result from insufficient student work.

❏ By appointments (as needed)
Syllabus and Film Screening Signature Page

Your signature will serve as a contract that acknowledges that you have read and understand the
guidelines and policies in my classroom.

Student Name (printed):

Student E-Mail (Alliance or non-Alliance email address):
Student Signature:
Parent Name (printed):

Phone Number:

Parent Email:
Parent Signature:


FILM SCREENING​:​ Schindler’s List​ – In the spring, the class will complete a unit on the Holocaust
(with lessons provided by the National Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C.) and screen
Stephen Spielberg’s masterpiece & Best Picture Oscar Winner, Schindler’s List. (NOTE: The film is rated
R for its depiction of the Holocaust)

________ YES, my student MAY view Schindler’s List.

_________ NO, I prefer my student NOT view Schindler’s List and will complete an alternate

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