Coiled Tubing in Horizontal Wells: by R.E. Cooper, PT. Dowell Schlumberger Indonesia

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Society of Petroleum Engineers

SPE 17581

Coiled Tubing in Horizontal Wells

by R.E. Cooper, PT. Dowell Schlumberger Indonesia
SPE Member

Copyright 1988 Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE International Meeting on Petroleum Engineering, held in Tianjin, China, November 1-4, 1988.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the
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Coiled tubing is an effective tool in data acquisition and transmission equipment.

logging and workover applications of horizontal Many of these applications are still in the
wells. Several operators have taken advantage of development stage, while others have been proved
using coiled tubing to log or perforate wells in field use.
which caul d not have been performed with
conventional wireline methods. Specialized These recent applications have led to a
surface and subsurface equipment has been wider use of coiled tubing as a means of
developed to facilitate the use of wireline tools reservoir data acquisition as well as a means of
with coiled tubing. reservoir management. Through coiled tubing, one
is able to obtain most of the same logging
Production logging data, particularly (reservoir) data and bottomhole production data
multiphase flow testing, in horizontal wells have in horizontal wells that are possible in less
proved difficult to interpret. The use of coiled deviated wells using conventional wireline
tubing packers and flow diverters to help isolate methods. Coiled tubing provides the means of
flow rates has improved production profile data. transversing highly deviated wells with downhole
instrumentation packages in a controlled manner.
Coiled tubing has been used to selectively Data acquisition can be in realtime by the use of
place stimulation fluids over long sections of through-tubing wireline or in postsequence time
horizontal hole, i.e., 1,200 ft (366 m) and with memory packages. Much of the data obtained
greater. It has also been used in zone using coiled tubing does not have to be obtained
isolation, cement squeezing, and setting of in the real-time mode. An exception to this
bridge plugs. Several cases are presented where could be downhole depth control when perforating
the use of coiled tubing eliminated or reduced or setting plugs.
conventional rig expense.
Four broad applications of coiled tubing in
INTRODUCTION highly deviated wells (wells over 80°and
horizontal wells) have been considered in a
Until recently, coiled tubing has primarily management plan for research and engineering.
been used to convey fluids downhole in such
services as well kickoff, cleanout, and spotting 1. Conventional Uses
fluids. Now, with the increase in the number of
high-angle and horizontal wells, in addition to Well Cleanout and Kickoff
the high cost of conventional workovers, coiled Drillstem Testing
tubing is being used to convey and operate Fluid Spotting, Stimulation
downhole mechanical tools as well as to convey Zone Isolation, Squeezing

References and 1llustrat1ons at end of paper.


2. Unconventional Nonwireline Uses The potential buckling of coiled tubing when

the tubing is being injected (pushed) into the
Running and Setting Bridge Plugs wellbore is of particular concern in horizontal
and Packers, (permanent and wells. A critical buckling envelope can be
retrievable) plotted (Fig. 3) which will indicate safe
Tubing-Conveyed Perforating operating limits under specific well and
Pressure, Temperature Survey and operational parameters.
Profiling with Memory Tools
Gr,a ve 1 Packing These critical buckling limits have been
Repeat Selective Zone Treatments derived from drillpipe buc~ling calculations
Tubing-Conveyed Backoff and Pipe presented by Dawson and Paslay in predicting the
Cutting critical force required to buckle pipe in an
Fishing inclined hole (Appendix A). Figure 3 is a plot
of critical buckling limits and predicted actual
3. Wireline Uses 1oadi ng for three commonly used coiled tubing
sizes under specific horizontal well conditions.
Logging (openhole and cased) In this plot, it can be seen that the predicted
Perforating loads are safely within the critical buckling
Production Profiling limits. However, small changes in friction
In-Situ Stress Testing factors or fluid density could cause the
Downhole Televiewer predicted buckling 1oads to approach or exceed
the critical buckling limits.
4. Future Uses and Requirements
Buckling is directly related to friction
Multizone Completion Systems factors; these factors involving coiled tubing
(sliding sleeves, liner isolation, and downhole tools have been estimated under
and port collars) various conditions (Fig. 4). High and low ranges
Corrosion Logging of friction factors can be used to predict
Radioactive Tracer Surveys sensitivity of coiled tubing loading. Under
Through-Tubing Isolation Tools average horizontal well conditions, i.e., a liner
Downhole Treatment Application and filled with oil, friction factors may vary
Monitoring in Real time. between 0.2 to 0.3 but in other cases may be as
high as 0.5 to 0.6.
This paper only addresses a few of the above
applications which are of particular interest in The factors dictating the useful life of a
horizontal wells. coiled tubing string have recently been
reviewed. Prior to this, coiled tubing life was
primarily monitored by and limited to a specific
COILED TUBING LIMITS number of running feet, i.e., 300,000 ft
(91,440 m) per string, with some consideration
Before coiled tubing can be app 1i ed to any given to fluid service. It is now recognized that
use in horizontal wells, the question of tubing stresses resulting from such factors as fluid
buckling (compression), loading (tension), and pumping pressures, and tubing bending and
safe, useful life must be addressed. In compression (ovality) all contribute to
horizontal wells, buckling and loading can be appreciably reduce coiled tubing life. These
limiting factors because of drag or friction factors can be recorded in real time through data
along the highly deviated and horizontal acquisition devices, and an accurate estimate of
sections. the remaining life of a particular coiled tubing
string can be predicted. This will do much to
A computer program 1 has been deve 1oped to increase the operators• confidence in the use and
predict pickup and slackoff tensions (Figs. 1 and safety of coiled tubing.
2) and buckling when given specific well
parameters. These parameters (Table 1) include
wellbore survey data, coiled tubing and well SURFACE MONITORING
completion data, and fluid information. The
present program only predicts loading in Standard practice is to measure the coiled
nonpumping situations but future versions will tubing as it leaves the reel using a
take this into consideration. spring-loaded friction measuring wheel, but
slippage can occur when the tubing passes through
It is interesting to note that in the the rotating friction measuring wheels.
example of Fig. 2 slackoff tension becomes a Furthermore, the injector head controls the
negative value (the tubing is self-supported) tubing motion (travel), and some lc1ck of
beyond 3,400 ft (1,036 m). It is just below this synchronisation has been observed between the
point where critical buckling can become a reel and the injector which could lead to
problem and must be monitored. stretching or compression of a log if depth
control was monitored from the reel.

SPE17581 R.E. COOPER. 3

To overcome these problems, an electronic One version of this idea has involved the
depth measurement system was mounted on the shaft generation of foam downhole by simultaneously
of one of the hydraulic motors in the injector injecting the liqu{d phase and foaming agent down
head. There is no slippage in this system except the coiled tubing annulus, and the nitrogen down
in cases of inadequate injector chain tension or the coiled tubing. Injection rates are adjusted
extreme overpulling, both of which are much less to provide a specified foam quality downhole.
frequent than friction wheel slippage.
A more common method of optimizing zone
This depth measurement system was recently coverage with coiled tubing is to include a
field tested in two European horizontal wells particulate type fluid-loss additive in t~e
during coiled tubing logging and perforating treating fluid or to use emulsified fluids~.
operations. Surface depth measurements were Typically, these materials do not appreciably
within 1.6 ft (0.5 m) of the downhole casing increase pumping friction pressure in the coiled
collar locator measurements at depths of 4,600 ft tubing.
(1,400 m) and were consistently more accurate
than uncorrected surface wire 1i ne depth
measurements. Zone Isolation
It is now pass i b1e to record and process Coiled tubing is being considered as an
coiled tubing data at the job site. Several important tool in the control of fluid flow .in
parameters can be monitored and printed out in horizontal wells. In this application, coiled
real time. These include time, depth, tension, tubing can be used to squeeze off undesired
pressure (tubing and annul us), tubing direction i nterva 1s, and a1so to convey and operate
(in or out), and pump rate. Simultaneously, the downhole isolation tools.
coiled tubing running speed can be computed and
displayed. This is particularly advantageous Using coiled tubing to place cement plugs
when trying to maintain a constant speed while downhole is common practice but because of high
using coiled tubing for logging purposes. pumping friction pressures and slow pump rates,
conventional cement slurries are not ideally
During a recent hori zonta 1 we 11 coi 1ed suited for coiled tubing. Cement slurries
tubing logging operation in Indonesia, the designed for coiled tubing use are often
logging (tubing) speed was monitored and plotted high-water-ratio slurries providing low friction
(Fig. 8) using a computer interfaced with the values. In horizontal wells, a high-water-ratio
surface tubing depth sensor. Plots made over cement is not desirable because of water breakout
several logging runs indicated that acceptable along the high side of the hole. This can result
constant logging speeds could be maintained with in communication across the set cement plug and
the coiled tubing. failure to provide zone isolation. Several
critical items to consider when cementing through
coiled tubing are discussed in Appendix B.
The recent improvements in silicate gels to
Coiled tubing has primarily been used as a provide predictable setting times and quick
means of conveying fluids into a wellbore. right-angle gelation have led to these fluids
Severa 1 of these app 1i cations have been used in being studied as alternatives to cement in coiled
horizontal wells; two of these are of particular tubing applications. The silicate gels typically
interest: fluid placement and zone isolation. exhibit low free water, low viscosity, and low
friction factors, which is ideal for use with
coi 1ed tubing to squeeze off unwanted zones in
Fluid Placement horizontal wells.
Coiled tubing can be used to uniformly place
fluids along a single selected interval by slowly NONCONVENTIONAL USES
moving the coi 1ed tubing up or down across the
zone while continuously injecting the desired ·With the recent availability of larger
fluid. Alternatively, the coiled tubing can be diameter coiled tubing, i.e., 1-1/4- and
stopped at various intervals and fluid injected. 1-1/2-in. (32- and 38-mm), and improvements in
These methods are of particular interest in coiled tubing quality and surface equipment, the
stimulation of long pay zones typically demand for coiled tubing to provide more than
associated with horizontal wells. just a fluid conveying service is increasing.
While maintaining the ability to convey fluids,
Another technique to pro vi de uniform zone coiled tubing service is being considered as a
coverage involves the use of foam as a means to apply new technology in the conveying of
nondamaging diverter. In this technique, slugs electrical and mechanical tools into a well to
of foam are either injected at the surface or perform completion, testing or light workover
generated downhole to act as a diversion means operations. These tools (in the nonwireline
while the coiled tubing is moved across a zone. cases) may be actuated hydraulically and/or by


tubing movement. Many of these uses wi 11 have Therefore, two completion plans are being
application in extended reach wells where coiled considered. In the first plan, the well would be
tubing is being used as a means of conveying conventionally completed with multiple sets of
wireline tools or even as a replacement for perforations (performed with coiled tubing),
wireline. packers, and sliding sleeves. Operation of the
sleeves and setting of tubing plugs would simply
use coiled tubing instead of wireline. The
Zone Selection technique of using coiled tubing in place of
wireline to operate sliding sleeves and tubing
One of the most desirable uses of coiled plugs is being field tested on low-angle wells in
tubing in hori zonta 1 wells is to run and set Indonesia.
bridge plugs and packers which can either be
permanently left in the well or retrieved. The An alternative plan would eliminate the use
present technology of these tools limits them to of selective packers and sliding sleeves, and use
an expansion ratio (expanded set diameter to coiled tubing to initially perforate a single
collapsed diameter) of approximately two. A zone. The zone would be produced until it
typical inflatable coiled tubing packer (ICTP) watered out. Coiled tubing would then be used to
has a collapsed diameter of 2.8 in. (71 mm) which squeeze off the zone, set a permanent casing plug
can be set in a 6.5-in. (175-mm) internal above the zone, and perforate the next interval.
diameter pipe (any 7-in. (178- mm) casing). This process would be repeated throughout the
However, this limits its use to 3-1/2-in. (90-mm) life of the well.
tubing. The present goal is to develop ICTPs
with expansion ratios of three or greater. This
would allow ICTPs to be run through 2-7/8-in. Perforating
(73-mm) tubing and set in 7-in. (178-mm) casing
or through 2-3/8-in. (60-mm) tubing and set in A perforating service using coi 1ed tubing
5-1/2-in. (140-mm) casing. Since a large has been developed to operate either with an
majority of horizontal wells will be completed internal wireline (most common) or by applying
with one of the above combinations of tubing and internal tubing pressure.
casing, the need for such tools is apparent.
Prior to offering commercial coiled tubing
Another problem with the present generation perforating services, several field tests were
of retrievable ICTPs is that, after setting, they performed to evaluate the effects of explosive
rarely collapse to their original running-in shock on the perforating gun connector head and
diameter. This has caused retrieving problems on the coiled tubing itself. Tests were
when re-entering close tolerance (clearance) conducted in a horizontal, water filled, trench
tubing. and in a vertical test well. After detonation,
all 11 downhole 11 equipment, including several
Because of the elastomeric material used, bottom sections of tubing, were subjected to
inflatable bridge plugs run on coiled tubing may visual examination, optical micrography, pressure
not have a very long life in a high-temperature, and tension tests and the Vickers Hardness tests.
hydrocarbon environment. This makes it necessary The conclusion was that perforation detonation,
to set a cement p1ug on top of the i nfl a tab 1e using up to 36 charges, produced no detectab 1e
plug to ensure permanent isolation. Low effect on the integrity of the tubing or
viscosity silica gels and thermosetting epoxies connectors.
are being studied as alternatives for cement
plugs. The ability to use i nterna 1 coi 1ed tubing
pressure to activate perforating guns a1so was
In several future horizontal well completion tested. This technique was developed as a backup
programs coiled tubing is being considered as a or alternative method to cable-fired guns. The
means to selectively perforate, test, and isolate system uses a scaled down version, 1-11/16 in.
sections of horizontal wells. (43 mm) OD, of a convention a 1 TCP firing head
adopted for activation by tubing internal
In one specific instance, low-angle wells pressure rather than annulus pressure. This
(<50°deviation) are normally perforated over system has the advantage that it can be run on
several thin intervals which, in turn, are any reel of coiled tubing because wireline is not
individually isolated and selectively produced by required and it can be activated over a wide
a series of permanent packers, tubing plugs, and range of preselected pressures as well as
sliding sleeves. All plugs and sleeves are providing underbalanced wellbore conditions. In
presently set and operated by a wireline. addition to standard perforating applications,
However, consideration is now being given to this system could equally well be used for
increase the wellbore contact area with the thin pipe-cutting or backoff charges.
zones by using high-angle· (85°) wells, which
prohibit the use of a wireline.

SPE17581 R.E. COOPER 5

An example of coiled tubing perforating is a Other logging advantages include the ability
recent operation performed on a horizontal to circulate fluids while logging or running in
well in the North Sea. The objective of the job the hole, and since coiled tubing stretches less
was to perforate 295 ft (90 m) of a prepacked than a wireline, accurate depth control from
gravel-pack screen that was plugged from the surface measurements is feasible.
outside and had not responded to conventional
cleanup treatments. The operation involved two For practical reasons, coiled tubing loggin9
passes of a TDT log over the horizontal section, with surface readout capability (rea 1 time}
984 ft (300 m), followed by seven runs with requires a dedicated reel of coiled tubing with
perforating guns. the wireline permanently installed in the tubing.
However, in some instances, real-time data
Several aspects of this operation are acquisition is not necessary and logging tools
noteworthy. The well was equipped with an incorporating a downhole memory may be used. In
electrical submergible pump using a 11 Y11 tool these cases, an internal wireline is not required
above the liner lap. Previous attempts to enter and any coiled tubing string can be used.
the 1i ner with open-ended coiled tubing failed;
however with 50ft (15m) of rigid tools the With the recent availability of 1-1/2-in.
coiled tubing repeatably entered the liner (38 mm) coiled tubing and the introduction of
without problem. 2-in. (51 mm) coiled tubing, it has become
feasible to log openhole sections and with the
Coiled tubing tension, compression, and development of an appropriate downhole locomotive
buckling (particularly with the additional weight system and ~roper tool centralization, it should
of the tool string in the horizontal section) was be possible to log extremely long horizontal
a concern and, therefore, was closely monitored. sections. This would simplify openhole logging
However, the compression and buckling were not a which is now done by time-consuming drillpipe
problem, and tension was maintained safely within conveying methods.
operating limits. Fig. 5 is a plot of tensions
experienced during the final two perforating Production Logging
runs. As can be seen, these two runs were
remarkably similar and, therefore, possibly The production profile of a horizontal well
predictable by simulation in the future. The is often required for effective production
progress through the high-angle section of the management. The respective quantities, pressures
well also is evident in the plots where the and entry points of water, oi 1, and gas are
tension levels off from about 800 m to 1400 m as necessary data to optimize horizontal well
a result of the lower tubing being supported and production. However, production logging and
friction evidently being low. subsequent interpretation have proved to be more
difficult in horizontal wells than in less
This job clearly demonstrated that with deviated wells. One of the biggest prob 1ems is
adequate precautions and careful planning, jobs the measuring and interpretation of multiphase
involving up to 56 ft(17 m) of riser can be flow.
handled safely. Crucial to this were the lifting
frame (capable of handling 20 tons), adequate guy The problem of multiphase flow measurement
lines, and a crane with excess capacity and is compounded by two situations which are typical
stability for the job. The rig-up proved to be of horizontal wells. First, most horizontal
very stable during the operations, despite wells are producing from uncemented slotted
reasonably strong North Sea winds and operating liners which may make it difficult to identify
on an open platform. The addition of guy lines the exact location in the formation from which
in the middle of the riser reduced the bending production is coming.
that was evident in the prejob tests. A constant
overpull of 1-1/2 tons was maintained by the Secondly, during multiphase flow in
crane to also help prevent buckling of the riser. horizontal wells, a variety of flow patterns can
exist. Each pattern results from the
distribution of gas and liquids in the wellbore.
Logging Techniques Most researchers have agreed on six possible.flow
patterns in horizontal wells (Fig. 6). These
The use of coiled tubing to convey logging flow patterns can vary from place to place in a
tools in horizontal wells has several advantages horizontal well even under constant flow-rate
over other currently used methods. Two of the conditions.
main advantages are that coiled tubing can be run
without a rig and that coiled tubing can be run An example of varying flow patterns can be
at constant, uninterrupted logging speeds from predicted in a horizontal well with some vertical
6,000 ft/hr (1,800 m/hr) to as slow as 250 ft/hr. deviation, which is draining an under-saturated
(75 m/hr). This latter advantage allows gas and water drive reservoir. At constant flow
continuous and extended operation of intensive rates, stationary gas bubbles may exist along the
data acquisition toola and sensitive image making high points of the well, while intermittent
of specific intervals • _ 11
plug 11 gas flow may exist in the center of the


lower horizontal sections because of the release Similar tempe~ature surveys were also
of gas that periodically is produced from the successfully run 1n a horizontal well in
high points. Under these conditions, it is Indonesia. A base temperature profile, made with
difficult to obtain a reliable estimate of the the well shutin, was compared with the profile
location of actual fluid influx. (Fig. 8) made while the well was being produced.
Slight temperature anomalies seen during
Two techniques have recently been developed production could be an indication of fluid influx
to improve the measurement of two-phase flow in points but they do not seem to be conclusive on
horizontal wells and to determine the location of their own. However, the temperature profile was
fluid influx. These techniques, using coiled sensitive enough to correlate with the minor
tubing, involve a small, petal-basket, fluid depth variations along the horizontal section.
analyzer tool and the use, of temperature surveys
to measure temperature anomalies during One method of making flow or temperature
production or injection. Well flow can also be anomalies more distinct is to use a short-period
induced by injecting nitrogen down the coiled fluid injection. This technique was developed
tubing to allow the establishment of stable flow for the survey of injection wells and it was
rates. proposed for the 1oggi gg of hori zonta 1 we 11 s,
including wells in Italy and India. A series of
To capture or measure the flow across the estimated temperature profiles, resulting from
entire cross-sectional area of a horizontal cold fluid injection, were simulated to show
wellbore, a variable-diameter metal petal basket layered injection effects for a horizontal well
has been developed (Fig. 7). This tool has in India (Fig. 9).
advantages over earlier models in that the
opening,, and setting forces are
controlled from the surface. FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS
The flowmeter spinner is located downstream Coiled tubing is being developed as a means
from the diverter basket and a special crossover of conveying and operating downhole tools in
tool is used to divert flow back into the coiled horizontal wells. Future work will center are
tubing annulus after passing through the spinner improving the coiled tubing system itself and on
section. For safety reasons, well flow is never developing the downhole tools necessary to meet
permitted inside the coil tubing. Measurements reservoir management and workover requirements.
are made under stationary conditions with the
basket fully opened, and a flow profi 1e can be One of the primary requirements is that the
constructed by the cumu 1at ion of flow from the coiled tubing and the downhole tools must be able
various stations. The device was originally to pass thorough minimum internal tubing
developed for the measureme~t of diaphasic flow restrictions and operate effectively in
from multilayered reservoirs . relatively much larger casing diameters. Once
this becomes feasible the need to use more
It may be possible to make continuous expensive workover rigs will be reduced.
logging measurements by using a minimal setting
force on the metal petal basket and slowly moving Other proposed coiled tubing uses in
the tool with the coiled tubing. In this case, horizontal wells include the ability to isolate,
it would be necessary to run a downhole perforate, test, and stimulate prior to final
tensiometer or acceleromete~ to monitor the well completion (Fig. 10). This would allow the
pushing force from the produced fluid to avoid horizontal section to be selectively completed
buckling of the coiled tubing. based on actual fluid influx information.
Extreme care must be taken when running the
complete production logging tool assembly into CONCLUSIONS
high-angle or horizontal wellbores. The assembly
must be well centralized and protected from Convention a1 uses of coi 1ed tubing in
abrasion and debris a1ong the 1ow side of the horizontal wells have included stimulation, well
hole. Proper centralization also will improve kickoff, and zone isolation while newer,
the sea 1i ng effectiveness of the flow di verter non-fluid applications have included the
basket. conveying and operation of downhole tools and
data acquisition systems. When a conventional
Temperature surveys during stabilized wireline cannot be run in high-angle wells,
production furnish semiquantitative flow data coiled tubing is being run as an alternative.
when conditions are such that the temperature Cased, hori zonta 1 sections exceeding 2000-ft
curve is approaching an asymptote parallel to the ( 610 m) have been successfully trans versed with
geothermal gradient. In the case of hori zonta 1 coiled tubing.
wells, the logging plane can be an isotherm.
Production 1oggi ng experi~ents performed in Computer models have been developed to
Italian horizontal wells confirmed these predict tubing stresses and buckling when
observations where the temperature log showed an operating in horizontal or highly deviated
almost constant value over the logged interval. conditions.

SPE17581 R.E. COOPER 7

Fie 1d usage has proven the abi 1i ty of coiled APPENDIX A

tubing surface depth measurements to corre 1ate
closely with actual downhole depth measurements. Buckling Theory
This has led to the use of coiled tubing to set
plugs, perforate, and log without downhole depth Dawson and Paslay 2 showed that the critical
correlation. force, FCRIT required to helically buckle pipe in
It appears feasible to use coiled tubing as an inclined hole is
a means of running openhole logs in horizontal 0 5
wells. In some cases, a method of downhole FCRIT = 2A(EIW' Sin 8/R) · ( 1b) (A-1)
locomotion may have to be developed.
Two important areas currently under
development include a technique to determine E = Young's modulus (psi), 4
multiphase production profiles and a means to I =moment of inertia (in. ),
selectively test, stimulate, and squeeze off w• =buoyed pipe weight (lb/in.},
horizontal intervals. a= hole inclination from vertical ( 0 ) , and
R = radial clearance between pipe and hole
The moment of inertia is :
John Martin of Quality Tubing provided
valuable assistance in developing the tension and I = 0.04909 (D 2 - d2) (A-2)
buckling models and Mark Corrigan of Dowell
Schlumberger provided much of the surface where
monitoring technique. Appreciation is given to D =Pipe O.D. (in.)
the management of Dowe 11 Schl umberger for d =Pipe I.D. (in.)
approval to present this paper.
The constant, A, is :
REFERENCES A = (1 - u) 2/(1 + u)(1 - 2u) (A-3)
1. Martin, J.: 11 Coiled-Tubing Loading and where
Buckling Model , 11 in-house program of Quality
Tubing, Houston, TX. u = Poisson's Ratio
2. Dawson, R. and Paslay, P.R.: 11 Drillpipe For· steel (u = 0.29)
Buckling in Inclined Holes, 11 _JPT (Oct. 1984)
1734-38. A = 0.93
3. Cooper, R.E. and Troncoso, J.C.: 11 An Dawson and Paslay 2 assumed that A= 1 in all
Overview of Horizontal Well Completion cases, therefore Eq.A-1 reduces to
Technology, 11 paper SPE 17582 presented at 0 5
the 1988 SPE International Meeting On FCRIT = 2 (EIW' Sin8/3R) · (lb) (A-4)
Petroleum Engineering, Peoples Republic of
China, Nov.1-5.
If Wis buoyed pipe weight (lb/ft), then
4. Howell, E.P., Smith, L.J., and Blount, C.G.:
Coiled Tubing Logging System, 11 paper SPE w• = W/12 (lb/in.), (A-5)
15489 presented at the 1986 SPE Annual
Technical Conference and Exhibition, New
Orleans, Oct. 5-8. therefore, Eq. A-4 reduces to
05 ( 1b) ( A-6)
5. Ehlig-Economides, C.A. and Joseph, J.: 11 A FCRIT = (EIW Sin8/3R) •
New Test for Determination of Individual
Layer Properties in a Multilayered Eq. A-6 is not correct for verti ca 1 ho 1es
Reservoir, 11 SPEFE (Sept. 1987) 261-83. (9 = 0), since it predicts that the vertical
buckling load equals
6. Joly, E.L., Dormigny, A.M., and Catala,
G.N.: 11 New Production Logging Technique for FCRIT = 0 ·
a Hori zonta 1 We 11 , 11 paper SPE 14463,
presented at the 1985 SPE Annua 1 Techni ca 1
Conference and Exhibition, Las Vegas, Sept.


In near vertical wells, the following

equation should be used (Eq.A-2) 2

where the new variables are

n =order of buckling (1, 2, .• ),
u = Poisson•s ratio and
L = length of column (in.).


Critical Considerations When Cementing Through

Co1led Tub1ng

Optimized Rheology
To ensure that placement pressures
are within acceptable limits, the
slurry yield point (YP) 2should be
between 1 to 5 lb/100 ft .
Minimal Fluid Loss
Free water and fluid loss should
be reduced to minimum values to
prevent water channels in the
cement plug along the high side of
the hole. High slurry fluid loss
could also lead to problems in
case of pin hole development in
the coiled tubing.
Thickening Time Based on BHST
Because of very low placement
rates, the s 1urry heats up more
quickly than during conventional
cementing operations; therefore,
slurry thickening times should be
based on bottomhole static
Slurry Should be Batch Mixed
Slurry homogeneity is critical and
batch mixing should be employed.
Placement Must be Precised
Volumes involved are typically
very small and the area to be
covered critically located; both
of these considerations demand a
well coordinated operation and a
precise monitoring system.

Coiled-Tubing Loading Input Data
(For Figures 1,2 and 3)
1000 I I I ,.., .-' I , ' I 1

Coi 1ed Tubing Data

+-' 2000 I
,---..... I , IC 7 .- ~ ~·- I I I
Tubing Tubing TubinJ Cable Total Hole Drilling ~
OD ID Wt. (Air Wt. (Air) Wt.(Air) ID MD
1i!!.J. (in.) (lb/ft) (lb/ft) (lb/ft) (in.) 1!U ....c
1.00 0.782 1.037 0.000 1.037 4.15 5500
o_ 30001 I
1.25 1.032 1.328 0.000 1.328 4.15 5500 <1)
1.50 1.282 1.619 0.000 1.619 4.15 5500 0

Well Design Information

4QQQ I !/tr I I I I I I I I
Diameter of Logging Tool = 1.625 in.
Length of Logging Too 1 = 30 ft
Weight of Logging Tool = 150 lb
sooo I ' I I I I I I
Too 1 Drag at Bottom = 35 1b
Mud Weight = 7.00 lb/gal
Calculation Interval = 100 ft 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Friction Factor = 0.20
Survey Data of Depth, Azimuth, and Inclination Pick-up Tension in Coiled Tubing (fbs)
Fig. 1-Horizontal well coiled tubing pickup tension.

0 . 1200

1ooo I I I '< A > ,- -·1- I 1000

1.50 X 0.109

,---..... 800
-::;:? 2000 I I \ y., ..._. ~ I I I (f)
'+-- _o
....c 600
o_ 30001 -o
0 _J
1.50 X 0.109 400
40001 fQI I I I I I I
sooor---------------~------~-------+------~ ro
-1 000 0 1 000 2000 3000 4000
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 . 80 . 90 .,_
Slack-off Tension in Coiled Tubing (lbs) Hole Inclination Angle (Degree)
Fig. 2-Horizontal well coiled tubing slackoff tension. Fig. 3-Horizontal well coiled tubing critical buckling.


cased hole open hole


Treated ; ::::::::::·.·.::::::::::r:=::r . . . . . . . . . . . .. -::!2en 11
Additives ························~·····,

Plain· c
Oil ···········~ '·························•·······················I .2 10

Invert Treated cQ)

~ 1-
Mud Additives i 9

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Coefficient of friction

goo 85° 80° 75° 70° 65° 60° 55° 50°

Inclination at which sliding stops 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Depth (m)
w Fig. 5-Coiled tubing tensions during horizontal perforation.
c.:l Fig. 4-Deviated well friction factors.


() L--/o::LJ:oLJ) PLUG FLOW

00 ____ SLUG FLOW
\: )

(}:~:;..;.!:~-=::.:::;;;~~..:~:!'_.;,.::.3 DISPERSED ,_.
Fig. &-Horizontal well multiphase flow patterns. co

DEPTH (feet) 5000. _


(ft/h) 0. 200.
0. 10000. ,


1··::::.-~-~; I09: oo ...................................

~ 1'....
----- ___________ j
-----~~~~::- ··-:-.... I '
I 10:00
ater Hold-
Up Section

1 - ' - - - - - - 1 11 :00
·.t ' •,

I j' 1
t--.---------1 13:00
·. _
Resistivity Cell
DC Motor ·····r-----!
section 1__:.,_ 114:00

Full Bore

:: ,.,.. .........'

(Optional) __:;
.-·r··· I i

I _(
1 ------- ------------~ I .I
_..----··· l

Fig. 7-Small petal basket fluid analyser tool. Fig. 8-Horizontal well low-inertia thermometer survey. -"'0
Temperature [deg F]
~ m ~ M ~ ~ m -m M ~ m ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m m m o
4450 ~


4550 1-1 1-1-1-1-1 I~V:

,......, 4650 l-1-1-----1-l-+-1+--+l-l-l IVA-·VAH


-'="' ~ 4700

i--Soacer Sub


Fig. 10-Perforate, isolate, test, and treat with coiled tubing.


Fig. 9-Simulated temperature profile, cold fluid injection.


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