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Formula for Sediment Transport in Rivers, Estuaries,

and Coastal Waters

Shu-Qing Yang1

Abstract: The aim of the present study is to develop a formula for the relationship between flow strength and sediment discharge. The
appropriate definition of energy dissipation rate E in the theorem of Bagnold in 1966 is discussed and it is found that the sediment
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transport rate gt in unidirectional flows can be well predicted when E is defined as the product of bed shear stress ␶0 and near bed velocity
u⬘*. Then the linear relationship between u*⬘E and the sediment transport rate is examined using measured data. The good agreement
between measured and predicted values indicates that the phenomena of sediment transport can be reasonably described by the near bed
flow characteristics. As the hydrodynamic modelers are able to calculate the bed shear stress and near bed velocity in various cases now,
thus the new relationship may provide numerical modelers a tool to calculate the sediment transport in rivers, estuaries and coastal waters.
To prove this, the simplified analytical expressions of E and u⬘* in wave-current flows and coastal waters are derived, the results are
checked with the available data over a wide range of flow conditions; and good agreements are achieved, indicating that the presumption
is valid in the cases investigated.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-9429共2005兲131:11共968兲
CE Database subject headings: Sediment discharge; Ocean water; Shear stress; Coastal processes; River flow; Current; Energy

Introduction plication have greatly stimulated the engineers and scientists to

improve the existing equations intensively. To date, there are
Sediment transport plays an important role in the evolution of many empirical formulas for the calculation of sediment dis-
river beds, estuaries, and the coastlines; consequently it exerts a charge in alluvial channels, but few have gained general applica-
considerable influence on the evolution of the topography of the tions to estuaries and coastal waters.
earth’s surface. Therefore, the mechanism of sediment transport is For sediment transport in rivers, Chien and Wan 共1999兲 pro-
of great interest to hydraulic engineers, coastal engineers, geolo- vided a good summary of the well-cited equations, such as those
gists, hydrologists, geographers, and so on. Integral modeling of proposed by Einstein 共1942兲, Meyer-Peter and Muller 共1948兲,
sediment transport from river to marine environment requires a Bagnold 共1966兲, Yalin 共1977兲, Engelund and Hansen 共1972兲, and
quantitative and universally applicable law governing the motion Ackers and White 共1973兲. Chien and Wan 共1999兲 show that all
of the transported sediment in all flow situations ranging from these equations can be expressed as ⌽ = f共␺兲, i.e., the dimension-
pure current to complex flow in the wave-current situation includ- less sediment transport rate ⌽
ing irregular and sometimes breaking waves. The equation of
sediment transport correlated with local flow parameters such as
bed shear stress and near bed velocity is highly demanded by
冉 冊冉 冊

␥s ␥s − ␥

hydrodynamic modelers who are able to precisely determine these is a function of the Shields shear stress parameter

冉 冊
flow parameters by solving the Reynolds equations in rivers, es-
tuaries and coastal waters. ␥s − ␥ d50
⌿= 共2兲
On the other hand, engineers also prefer a simple approach to ␥ RS
describe the sediment transport rate with sufficient accuracy. where ⌽⫽Einstein’s sediment intensity parameter; gt⫽sediment
However, few of the equations developed for sediment transport transport rate per unit width 共kg/ m / s兲; d50⫽median sediment
so far can be used in a wide range of flow conditions. This lack of size; ␥s and ␥⫽specific weight of sediment and water, respec-
accepted fundamental principles and the demand of practical ap- tively; R⫽hydraulic radius; S⫽energy slope; and g⫽gravitational
acceleration. There are other parameters developed to express
Visiting Professor, Div. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, sediment discharge or concentration, such as the V3 / 共gR␻兲 pro-
Korea Maritime Univ., Busan, Korea 606791; formerly, Principal posed by Velikanov 共1954兲, the dimensionless unit stream power,
Research Scientist, Maritime Research Center, Nanyang Technological VS / ␻ by Yang 共1996兲, and the transport-stage parameter,
Univ., Nanyang Ave., Singapore 639798. E-mail: T = 共u⬘*2 − u2*c兲 / u2*c by Van Rijn 共1984兲, in which
Note. Discussion open until April 1, 2006. Separate discussions must
V⫽depth-averaged velocity; ␻⫽sand fall velocity; and
be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by one
month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing Editor. u⬘* = 共g0.5 / C⬘兲V⫽bed-shear velocity related to grains;
The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and possible C⬘ = 18 log共12R / 3 / d50兲⫽Chezy-coefficient related to grains;
publication on March 6, 2003; approved on January 17, 2005. This paper u*c⫽critical shear velocity.
is part of the Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 131, No. 11, Yang and Lim 共2003兲 and Yang 共2005兲 developed the follow-
November 1, 2005. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9429/2005/11-968–979/$25.00. ing equation to express the sediment transport:


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2005.131:968-979.

⌽=k 冉 冊␥
␥s − ␥
TT⬘ 共3兲
sediment transport should be zero because the mean velocity V or
discharge per unit width q in the dead water is zero. Obviously,
this is not correct. This example indicates that Eq. 共5a兲 is not a
where k = dimensionless coefficient= 12.5; TT⬘ ⫽dimensionless general expression, the near bed velocity rather than the mean
parameter⫽␶0共u*⬘2 − u2*c兲 / 关共␥s − ␥兲␻冑gd350兴; and ␶0 = ␥RS. velocity V plays more important role to express the sediment
The objectives of this paper are 共1兲 to express the empirical movement.
equation of Yang and Lim’s 共2003兲 in a more general form; 共2兲 to Yalin 共1977兲 noticed the shortcomings in the assumption of
extend the basic equation to wave-current motion and longshore Bagnold 共1966兲, and he tried to correct it by introducing the near
sediment transport; and 共3兲 to determine coefficients for different bed velocity in the expression of E, thus the numerical modelers
cases; 共4兲 to provide a general relationship between sediment can determine the local sediment transport rate in every grid using
transport and local flow characteristics to numerical modelers. the local hydraulic parameters. But unfortunately he expressed the
near bed velocity using the shear velocity as shown in Eq. 共5c兲.
From the relationship of u* = 共␶0 / ␳兲0.5, one can conclude that the
approach of Yalin 共1977兲 actually indicates that the energy sup-
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Sediment Transport Formula

porting the sediment transport is proportional to ␶3/2 0 , in other
Bagnold 共1966兲 developed a sediment transport function from the words, the bed shear stress is the sole parameter to express the
power concept. He considered the relationship between the avail- energy supporting the sediment transport. Obviously the effects of
able energy, E to an alluvial system and the rate of work being bed forms on the sediment transport are not considered in this
done by the system in transporting sediment. The total load, gt is expression. By plotting the measured sediment transport rate ver-
expressed in the following way from the power concept: sus the bed shear stress, researchers such as Yang 共1996兲 and
Bagnold 共1966兲 have known for a long time that the boundary
␥s us shear stress ␶0 cannot solely determine the sediment transport
gt = k 1E 共4兲
␥s − ␥ ␻ very well, this is why the stream power 共␶0V兲 and the unit stream
where us⫽mean transport velocity of sediment, power 共VS兲 have been proposed. Therefore one can see that the
k1 = ␻eb / 共us tan ␣兲 + 0.01, in which eb⫽efficiency coefficient and goal of Yalin 共1996兲 was to replace the mean velocity V with the
tan ␣⫽ratio of tangential to normal shear force. near bed velocity, but he inappropriately expressed the near bed
Bagnold 共1966兲 expressed the available energy as follows: velocity, which results in that little improvement has been made
by his definition.
E = ␶ 0V 共5a兲 According to Einstein 共Chien and Wan 1999兲 the total shear
stress, ␶0 can be divided into two components, viz., bed shear
Yalin 共1977兲 notes that Eq. 共5a兲 means the loss of potential en-
related to grains, ␳ u⬘*2 and sand wave shear. Van Rijn 共1984兲 first
ergy of the flow per unit area and time because the “available
discovered that a better relationship can be obtained between the
power” termed by Bagnold can be expressed as follows:
sediment transport and the bed-shear velocity related to grains, u⬘*,

冕 he stressed that u*⬘ can eliminate the bed form roughness, and also
E = ␶0V ⬇ ␥S udy = ␥Sq 共5b兲 it is simple and convenient. Van Rijn 共1984兲 comprehensively
investigated the sediment transport phenomena and concluded
where q⫽water discharge per unit width and h⫽water depth. that the bed-shear velocity related to grains u⬘* rather than the total
Different from Bagnold’s assumption, some researchers found shear velocity, u* or mean velocity, V, plays a dominant role for
empirically that the sediment transport is closely related to the sediment transport.
energy dissipation near the bed 共Yalin 1977; Cheng 2002兲, viz. Therefore, it is acceptable to express the “available energy,” E
the product of bed shear stress ␶0 and shear velocity u* with the in Eq. 共4兲 in the following way:
following form:
E = ␶0u*⬘ 共6兲
E = ␶ 0u * 共5c兲
Different from Eq. 共5a兲 共Bagnold 1966兲 and Eq. 共5c兲 共Yalin
where u* = 共gRS兲0.5 = 共␶0 / ␳兲0.5. In Eq. 共5c兲, the near bed velocity is 1996兲, Eq. 共6兲 states that not all energy dissipation, but only the
represented by the overall shear velocity, u*. energy loss caused by grain friction is responsible for sediment
The assumption of Bagnold 共1966兲 shown in Eq. 共5b兲 indicates transport, the energy loss due to the bed forms has little contribu-
that the importance of any unit water volume is identical to sedi- tion on the sediment transport. This may be understandable be-
ment transport, regardless of its position. Noticing that most of cause the form drag is caused by the difference between the high
sediment particles travel with water near the bed, and these par- pressure upstream and low pressure downstream of bed form
ticles converts the water energy dissipated on the bed to their when a separation flow appears behind the sand wave, obviously
kinetic energy, consequently the particles are able to collide with the separation flows or large vortexes behind the save waves
each other and to move in the modes of rolling, saltation and transport little sediment directly to the downstream.
suspension. In other words, the water energy dissipation on the Different from the bed form drag, the grain friction is the shear
bed plays a more important role relative to the potential energy stress acting on the sediment grains directly; both the water and
loss in the upper layer. In order to show this argument clearly, let sediment particles move in the same direction, thus the grain fric-
us imagine the density current in a dead water, when the water tion plays a key and direct role for the sediment transport.
bodies with different densities contact each other, the density cur- McLean et al. 共1999兲 differentiated the roles of form drag and
rent of denser water in the lower layer moves in the opposite grain friction for sediment transport, they concluded that the tur-
direction of lighter water in the upper layer, this phenomenon bulent intensity, which is primarily responsible for the mainte-
often occurs in the dead waters such as reservoirs or lakes and the nance of sediment in suspension, is proportional to the total
sediment transport driven by the density current can be observed. boundary shear stress ␶0, which is typically dominated by the
However, according to Eq. 共5a兲 and 共5b兲, in such case the net form drag, this is why the total shear stress must be taken into


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2005.131:968-979.

account in any analysis of sediment transport. They also noted Sediment Transport in Rivers
that the form drag is unimportant in transporting sediment be-
cause only the grain friction or u⬘* is responsible for the down- To simplify the expression of near bed velocity, similar to the
stream sediment transport, thus both ␶0 and u*⬘ are crucial for definition of Van Rijn 共1984兲, in this study u*⬘ is expressed as
sediment transport. follows 共Yang and Lim 2003兲:
In Eq. 共6兲, if the bed shear stress ␶0 is replaced by bed shear
related to grain ␶⬘0 共=␳ u⬘*2兲 and us is assumed to be proportional V
u*⬘ = 共10兲
to the mean velocity V, then Eq. 共4兲 indicates virtually that the 11R
2.5 ln
total sediment discharge gt is proportional to V4 / ␻, or the sedi- 2d50
ment concentration c relies on V3 / 共hg␻兲 that becomes the Veli-
kanov’s parameter. By simply assuming u⬘*共E − Ec兲 = ␶0共u⬘*2 − u2*c兲, one can obtain the
The mean transport velocity of sediment, us in Eq. 共4兲 is de- equation of Yang and Lim 共2003兲 from Eq. 共9兲
fined as follows 共Yalin 1977兲:
gt = k
␶0冉u⬘*2 − u2*c
冊 共11兲

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h ␥s − ␥ ␻

us = h lim cyudy
␧→0 ␧
In order to test which hydraulic parameter is suitable for the ex-
lim cydy pression of total sediment discharge, the data set of Barton and
␧→0 ␧
Lin 共1955兲 is particularly selected to compare the correlation co-
where y⫽distance from the bed; u⫽local velocity at level y; and efficients of existing hydraulic parameters with measured sedi-
cy⫽volumetric concentration of particles at level y. us can be ment discharge for the dataset has been widely cited in textbooks
determined theoretically by assuming that u in Eq. 共7兲 follows the including Yalin 共1977, p. 127兲, Chien and Wan 共1999, p. 543兲.
log law and cy follows the Rouse equation 共Chien and Wan 1999兲, The experiment was carried out in a 0.267 m width flume; the
but the result is too complicated, thus researchers have to express water depths varied from 0.047 to 0.09 m, the median sediment
it empirically. sizes were 0.088 and 0.145 mm; the observed dunes ranged gen-
Bagnold 共1966兲 assumed that us = V = 兰h0udy / h, this is equiva- erally from 1 / 6 to 1 / 16 of the depth of flow. The data are shown
lent to the assumption that the concentration cy does not vary with in Fig. 1 in which the solid curves are obtained to fit the data
y as commented by Yalin 共1977兲. As is well known, the sediment points best visually.
concentration increases from zero at water surface with the de- Correlation coefficient measures the degree to which two vari-
creasing values of y depending on the Rouse parameter, in other ables are related to, in the present analysis it is calculated by
words, most sediment particles travel with water near the bed,
therefore, it is rational to assume that the mean transport velocity 共X − X̄兲共Y − Ȳ兲
冑共X − X̄兲2冑共Y − Ȳ兲2
correlation coefficient =
of sediment is proportional to the near bed water velocity, i.e.

us = ␣1u⬘* 共8兲 in which the overbar denotes the mean value; Y⫽measured sedi-
ment transport load 共c , ⌽, or gt兲; and X⫽hydraulic parameters
in which ␣1⫽coefficient.
Substituting Eqs. 共6兲 and 共8兲 into Eq. 共4兲, one obtains a sedi- 共VS / ␻, V3 / gR␻, T, ⌿, or TT⬘ 兲, and Y = f共X兲 has been expressed by
ment transport formula previous researchers in various ways based on their own data and
theoretical development.
␥s E − Ec Fig. 1共a兲 shows the relationship between the sediment concen-
gt = ku⬘* 共9兲 tration c and the hydraulic parameters of VS / ␻, V3 / 共gR␻兲, and
␥s − ␥ ␻
T = 共u*⬘2 − u2*c兲 / u2*c, respectively. The unit stream power parameter
where k = k1␣1; Ec is introduced to express the critical condition of Yang 共1996兲 VS / ␻ gives the correlation coefficient of 0.942;
for sediment motion. Eq. 共9兲 states that the sediment transport rate the parameter V3 / 共gR␻兲 of Velikanov 共1954兲 provides correlation
depends on the energy dissipation on the bed, E and near bed coefficient of 0.948; the dimensionless parameter, T developed by
velocity, u⬘*, the net transport will be always in the same direction van Rijn 共1984兲 is correlated with the sediment concentration for
as the movement of u⬘*. Since the direction of near bed velocity a coefficient of 0.943.
may differ from the direction of mean velocity in marine environ- Based on the same data set, Fig. 1共b兲 shows the measured
ment, hence Eq. 共9兲 may explain why the net sediment transport sediment discharge gt versus the stream power ␶0V and ␶0u*, the
goes against the current in some cases as observed by Inman and former provides a correlation coefficient of 0.96 and the latter
Bowen 共1963兲. In other words, if the bed shear stress and near gives a correlation coefficient of 0.885. The correlation coefficient
bed velocity in complicated cases can be modeled correctly, Eq. of the parameter of Einstein 共1942兲, ⌽ with ⌿ is −0.877.
共9兲 could predict the direction and quantity of sediment transport Fig. 1共c兲 exhibits that a one-to-one and linear relationship be-
in various scenarios including rivers, estuaries and coastal waters. tween gt and TT⬘ can be provided by the parameter of Yang and
The validity of Eq. 共9兲 in these scenarios will be justified in the Lim 共2003兲, which gives the highest correlation coefficient of
following sections. 0.973.
Keulegan 共1938兲 also introduced the near bed velocity u⬘* to Yang 共1996兲 ascertained that among all previous hydraulic pa-
express the rate of energy dissipation E. In his definition, u⬘* is the rameters for the prediction of sediment transport including the
velocity at a certain distance from the bed at which log law holds, stream power ␶V of Bagnold 共1966兲 and the parameter V3 / gRS of
and he admitted that the near bed distance for the determination Velikanov 共1954兲, the dimensionless unit stream power VS / ␻ is
of u*⬘ cannot be theoretically computed. Therefore, one should preferable to others in the view of correlation coefficients of mea-
resort to semiempirical ways to express u⬘* or E in some compli- sured total load with these parameters. This conclusion was sup-
cated scenarios, and some simplified assumptions have to be in- ported by the U.S. Geological Survey, the U.S. Bureau of Recla-
troduced, which will certainly bring in some errors. mation, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 共Yang 1996兲.


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2005.131:968-979.

In Table 1, all the observations of Gilbert 共1914兲 are used in
the calculation of correlation coefficients for avoidance of preju-
dice; Column 1 shows the number of experimental runs done by
Gilbert 共1914兲 and Column 2 indicates the median sediment size,
Columns 3–5 list the calculated correlation coefficients between
the measured sediment concentration c and VS / ␻ , V3 / 共gR␻兲 and
T developed by Yang 共1996兲, Velikanov 共1954兲, and Van Rijn
共1984兲, respectively; Columns 6 and 7 exhibit the correlation co-
efficients of the measured sediment discharge ⌽ or gt with param-
eters ⌿ and TT⬘ proposed by Einstein 共1942兲 and Yang and Lim
共2003兲, respectively. The last row of Table 1 shows the mean
values, it can be seen that the parameter TT⬘ achieves obviously the
highest correlation coefficient in all cases, in other words, sedi-
ment transport is strongly related to TT⬘ . The data of Gilbert 共1914兲
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confirms the conclusion drawn from Fig. 1.

Based on flume observations available in the database com-
piled by Brownlie 共1981兲, Yang and Lim 共2003兲 found that
k = 12.5 is sufficiently accurate to describe the sediment discharge
measured in laboratory.
The procedure of calculation for sediment discharge in steady,
uniform and fully developed turbulent channels is shown as
1. Determine u2*c from the Shields curve based on d50, or using
the empirical equation proposed by Guo 共1997兲;
2. Calculate the bed-shear velocity related to grains u*⬘ using
Eq. 共10兲;
3. Calculate the mean bed shear stress using ␶0 = ␥RS;
4. Calculate the sediment settling velocity based on d50; and
5. Calculate the total load of sediment transport using Eq. 共11兲.
Field data 共Toffaleti 1968; Culbertson et al. 1976兲 from the Rio
Grande River are also used for the verification. The river widths
varied from 11.9 to 120.4 m, water depths from 0.2 to 1.5 m, d50
from 0.174 to 0.351 mm, energy slopes from 0.00053 to 0.0008,
gradations from 1.34 to 1.87, sediment concentrations from 35 to
4,890 ppm. Fig. 2 shows that the agreement between the predicted
and measured sediment discharges is acceptable.
Experiments show that the movement of solid particles occurs
when the bed shear stress exceeds the critical value ␶c, with the
increment of bed shear stress, the bed will be generally rippled.
But when the bed shear stress is increased to a very high range,
the bed tends to become plane that is characteristic of sediment
transport in this high-shear range, in which the grains of contact-
load solids move in a near-bed zone, and its thickness of moving
layer is much larger than the particle diameter.
For contact load 共or sheet flow兲, the Einstein 共1942兲 bed-load
function is proportional to ␶0, whereas that of Meyer-Peter and
Muller 共1948兲 is proportional to ␶1.5 0 . Nnadi and Wilson 共1992兲
examined experimentally these two equations and concluded that
both formulas cannot provide satisfactory predictions 共also see
Ribberink 1998兲. The experiments of Nnadi and Wilson 共1992兲
Fig. 1. Relationship between the measured sediment discharge and
various hydraulic parameters based on the data of Barton and Lin were conducted in a pressurized horizontal conduit of square
共1955兲 cross section 98 by 98 mm to obtain a high range of shear stress.
In the experiments, bakelite 共␳s = 1.56t / m3 and d50 = 1.05,0.67
mm兲, sand 共␳s = 2.67t / m3 and d50 = 0.7 mm兲 and Nylon
Therefore, it is meaningful to compare the correlation coefficients 共␳s = 1.14t / m3 and d50 = 3.94 mm兲 were used. The measured
based on the data of Gilbert 共1914兲 by use of available hydraulic contact-load transport rate is shown in Fig. 3. Fig. 3 also includes
parameters. the measured sediment discharge at high velocity 共1–2 m / s兲 from
The database of Gilbert 共1914兲 is selected for the comparison filed 共Voogt et al. 1991兲, the estimated energy slopes for Krammer
because the dataset covers a wide experimental range and its re- tidal channel and Scheldt Estuary are 0.18 and 0.13%, respec-
liability makes it widely cited such as in the textbooks of Graf tively. Fig. 3 demonstrates a reasonably good agreement between
共1971, p. 144兲, Chien and Wan 共1999, p. 169兲, Yang 共1996, p. Eq. 共11兲 and the measured sediment transport rate, the scatter in
219兲, and Yalin 共1977, p. 127兲. The results are shown in Table 1. the field data could be partly attributed to the assumed constant


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2005.131:968-979.

Table 1. Correlation Coefficients between Sediment Transport and Hy-
draulic Parameters based on the Data of Gilbert 共1914兲
Number c c c gt
of and and and and
runs d50共mm兲 VS / ␻ V3 / 共gR␻兲 T ⌽ and ⌿ TT
62 0.305 0.863 0.137 0.265 −0.384 0.972
207 0.37 0.845 0.508 0.528 −0.800 0.921
235 0.51 0.781 0.549 0.491 −0.768 0.956
116 0.79 0.901 0.747 0.669 −0.659 0.988
47 1.71 0.903 0.758 0.688 −0.699 0.973
35 3.08 0.893 0.681 0.503 −0.895 0.972
68 4.94 0.926 0.880 0.846 −0.808 0.989
Mean 0.873 0.608 0.570 −0.716 0.967
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Fig. 3. Comparison of sediment discharge measured from high shear

stress conduit flows and high velocity channel flows with computed
energy slope, in reality the energy slope S for a tidal flow would results from Eq. 共11兲
vary with time.
For sediment transport in unidirectional flows, Yang and Lim
共2003兲 compared Eq. 共11兲 with other popular equations proposed
by Engelund and Hansen 共1972兲, Van Rijn 共1984兲, and Karim
共1998兲 for a wide range of data sets, they concluded that, if Eq. Eq. 共9兲 could be valid for expressing the sediment transport
共11兲 was not better than most of the existing, at least they were rate in such case. The velocity near the bed, u⬘* in Eq. 共9兲 can be
comparable. replaced with the bed-shear velocity u⬘*cu driven by current. Thus,
the sediment transport rate can be expressed as

Sediment Transport by Currents and Waves

␥s u⬘*cu
gt = k 共E − Ec兲 共13兲
In this section, the relationship between the rate of energy dissi- ␥s − ␥ ␻
pation on the bed and the rate of sediment transport is extended to
the case that wave and current interact on sediment transport. where the boldface typeface denotes vector variables and the criti-
Theoretically, Eq. 共11兲 can be directly applied to the calculation cal energy dissipation rate Ec is empirically expressed as
of the sediment transport rate when the bed shear stress is ex- Ec = ␶cu*c, in which ␶c and u*c⫽critical shear stress and shear
pressed in the following form 共Fredsoe and Deigaard 1995, velocity, respectively, and ␶c共=␳ u2*c兲 can be determined from
p. 184兲: Shields curve.
According to the definition shown in Eq. 共6兲, the time-
␥H dH averaged energy dissipation rate on the bed, E is expressed as
␶0 = ␥hS + 共12兲 follows:
8 dx
where H⫽wave height. However, in practice, the wave height
decay dH / dx and energy slope S shown in Eq. 共12兲 are not gen- E = ␶b共t兲ub共t兲 共14兲
erally measured. As a result, Eq. 共11兲 cannot be applied directly to
where ␶b and ub⫽instantaneous bed shear stress and velocity near
the assessment of the sediment transport rate in the wave-current
the bed, respectively; t⫽time; the subscript b refers to the bed.
The velocity in the boundary layer of wave-current motion con-
sists of two components: the steady current contribution ucu and
an unsteady contribution in which uw共t兲 is taken to vary harmoni-
cally with time 共Airy wave兲. Thus ub共t兲 is expressed as follows
共Fredsoe and Deigaard 1995兲:

ub共t兲 = uw共t兲 + ucu = uwm sin共␻1t兲 + ucu 共15兲

where ␻1 is the angular frequency and uwm⫽amplitude of har-
monic near-bed orbital velocity near the bed.
The bed shear stress in wave-current motions has been inves-
tigated by many researchers, and a comprehensive review can be
found in the work by Soulsby et al. 共1993兲. The widely accepted
expression of instantaneous bed shear stress is shown as follows:

␶b共t兲 = 2 f wub共t兲兩ub共t兲兩 共16兲
Fig. 2. Comparison between sediment discharge measured from Rio in which f w is wave friction factor. Substituting Eqs. 共16兲 and 共15兲
Grande River and computed results from Eq. 共11兲 into Eq. 共14兲 yields


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2005.131:968-979.

冕 current motion is normally not measured. Thus the time-averaged
E= 兩ub共t兲兩ub共t兲
dt rate of energy dissipation in wave-current conditions can be ex-
2T 0 pressed as

冕 冋 冉 冊 册
= 关u2cu + uwm
sin2共␻1t兲 ␳ 2␲A 3
2T E=f f wcos ␸ + ␶cuu⬘*cu 共24兲
0 4 T
+ 2ucuuwmsin共␻1t兲cos ␤1兴3/2dt 共17兲 Usually a live bed will be hydraulically rough, and in this case the
where ␤1⫽the angle between the current and the direction of wave friction factor is given by Nielsen 共1992兲 in the following
wave propagation and T⫽wave period. form:
The integral in Eq. 共17兲 cannot be solved analytically. For
simplification of the expression of energy dissipation rate in
wave-current motion, it is assumed that the bed shear stress is
冋 冉 冊
f w = exp 5.5
− 6.3 册 共25兲

superposed as follows:
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The bottom orbital excursion amplitude A may be computed by

␶b共t兲 = f共␶w共t兲 + ␶cu兲 共18兲 use of

where f⫽function of uwm / ucu and needs to be determined empiri- A = H/2 sinh共2␲h/L兲 共26兲
cally; ␶w共t兲 and ␶cu⫽bed shear stresses introduced by waves and where h⫽water depth; L⫽wave length; H = Hs / 冑2 for random
current, respectively. The experiments of Lodahl et al. 共1998兲 wave; and Hs being the significant wave height.
showed that the mean bed shear stress in wave-current motion Substituting Eq. 共24兲 into Eq. 共9兲 leads to

再冋 册 冎
may retain its steady-current value, indicating that the coefficient
f in Eq. 共18兲 is a unit, but their measured data also show that the
mean bed shear stress may be less than the steady-current value in
the wave-dominated regime, meaning that coefficient f should be
gt = k
␥s u⬘*cu
␥s − ␥ ␻

f f wcos ␸
冉 冊 3
+ ␳u⬘*cu
− ␳u⬘*c3

smaller than 1. 共27兲

Thus, the instantaneous energy dissipation on the bed is ex- The procedure of calculation is shown as follows:
pressed by use of Eqs. 共15兲 and 共18兲 as follows: 1. Determine u2*c from the Shields curve based on d50.
␶b共t兲ub共t兲 = f共␶w共t兲uw共t兲 + ␶cuuw共t兲 + ␶w共t兲ucu + ␶cuucu兲 共19兲 2. Calculate the current shear velocity u⬘*cu with Eq. 共10兲 if the
mean velocity is measured or if the local velocity u at eleva-
For periodic waves, the time-averaged wave shear stress ␶w共t兲 tion y is measured, the following equation is suggested for
and velocity uw共t兲 are assumed to be zero. The averaged energy assessment of the bed-shear velocity u⬘*cu:

冉 冊
dissipation E over one wave period can be obtained by the sub-
stitution of Eq. 共19兲 into Eq. 共14兲 u 30y
= 2.5 ln 共28兲
u⬘*cu 2d50
E = f共␶w共t兲uw共t兲 + ␶cuucu兲 = f共␶w共t兲uw共t兲 + ␶cuucu兲 共20兲
3. Calculate f w and A using Eqs. 共25兲 and 共26兲 using wave
Eq. 共20兲 indicates that the energy dissipation in wave-current height, wave period, and water depth.
flows is simply taken to be the sum of energy dissipation rate in 4. Calculate the sediment discharge gt using Eq. 共27兲 and as-
pure waves and that in a steady flow. suming k = 12.5 and f = 1.
For periodic waves, the time-averaged rate of energy dissipa- The measured data of sediment transport in combined current
tion near the bottom was obtained by Kajiura 共1968兲 and its ex- and nonbreaking wave conditions is rather scarce to verify Eq.
tension to spectral waves was conducted by Madsen et al. 共1988兲 共27兲, especially field data, because of the difficulties in measuring
as follows: both the fluid velocities and sediment concentrations under wave
␶w共t兲uw共t兲 = ␳f wcos ␸
冉 冊 3
conditions. The experimental data of Van Rijn et al. 共1993兲 are
used for the verification. In their experiments, two types of sedi-
ment material were used with median diameter of 100 and
where A⫽water particle semiexcursion near the bed; f w⫽wave 200 ␮m. The current velocities varied in the range of
friction factor; ␸⫽phase lead of the near bottom wave orbital 0.1–0.5 m / s, irregular waves following and opposing current
velocity which is expressed as follows: with a peak period of 2.5 s were generated. The significant wave
height varied in the range of 0.075 to 0.18 m, the water depth was
␲/2 about 0.5 m. The sediment concentrations were determined from
tan ␸ = 共22兲
30␬uwm water-sediment sampler using a pump sampling instrument and
ln − 1.15
␻12d50 the velocities were measured with an electromagnetic velocity
meter. The bed load transport rate was estimated from the mea-
in which u*wm⫽shear velocity driven by waves. sured bed form characteristics. The total sediment transport rate
The rate of energy dissipation on the bed by current in Eq. 共20兲 passing a section was determined as the sum of the rate of
can be written in a way similar to that for steady flows current-related bed load transport and the rate of suspended-load
␶cuucu = ␶cuu⬘*cu 共23兲 transport. Two-dimensional ripples were observed, the ripple
heights ranged from 1 to 3 cm and the ripple lengths were in the
where u⬘*cu⫽bed shear velocity related to grains and u⬘*cu can be range of 6–20 cm. From the experiments, they concluded that
determined using Eq. 共10兲. “the influence of the current direction on the concentration profile
The relationship ␶cu = ␳ u⬘*cu
is used to estimate the bed shear and transport rate is negligible,” which is in accordance with
stress driven by a current because the energy slope S in wave- Eq. 共20兲.


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2005.131:968-979.

Fig. 4. Comparison between the rate of total sediment transport in
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combined current and wave conditions from Eq. 共27兲 and the data of
Van Rijn et al. 共1993兲 Fig. 5. Comparison between total sediment discharge between Eq.
共27兲 and the data of Van Rijn and Havinga 共1995兲 for different
current-wave angles
The calculated fall velocities for d50 = 100 and 200 ␮m are
0.616 and 1.92 cm/ s, respectively. The estimated critical shear bination with following and opposing currents in flume condi-
velocities are u*c = 1 and 1.31 cm/ s, respectively. Fig. 4 shows the tions. To demonstrate the influence of the angles between the
comparison of measured and predicted sediment transport rate, in direction of wave propagation and current on sediment transport,
which the measured sediment discharge gt is referred to as the Van Rijn and Havinga 共1995兲 carried out experiments in a wave-
total sediment transport load including the bed load transport rate current basin, in which the water depth was about 0.4 m for all
and suspended load transport rate. The positive sign shown in Fig. tests, and three different wave conditions were generated: signifi-
4 represents sediment transport following the wave direction and cant wave height⫽0.07, 0.1, and 0.14 m for three wave
the negative sign means the sediment transport against the wave directions—60, 90, and 120° between wave orthogonal and cur-
direction. rent direction. Irregular waves with a single-topped spectrum and
Van Rijn et al. 共1993兲 compared the measured sediment trans- a peak period of 2.5 s were generated. Sediment of a median
port rate shown in Fig. 4 with the Bijker 共1971兲 method, the diameter of 100 ␮m was used. Instantaneous fluid velocities were
Nielsen 共1985兲 method, and the Van Rijn 共1985, 1989兲 method. measured by an acoustical probe and an electromagnetic probe,
These methods are all based on the computation of a time- the averaged sediment concentrations were measured by a pump
averaged concentration and velocity profile. All three methods are sampler. The regular ripples are observed, the ripple heights
sensitive to the bed roughness value that is related to the ripple ranged from 0.7 to 1.4 cm and the ripple lengths were in the range
height. of 5.9–11.1 cm. The sediment discharge was measured in 11 tests.
Van Rijn et al. 共1993兲 determined the roughness values by the Fig. 5 displays good agreement between the measured sediment
best fit of the measured velocity profiles, after this treatment he discharge and that calculated with Eq. 共27兲, in which the coeffi-
found that the Bijker 共1971兲 method underestimates 共factor of cient f = 1 and k = 12.5 are applied. The fall velocity and critical
3–5兲 the transport rates, about 48% of the predicted transport rates shear velocity are given as 0.616 and 1 cm/ s, respectively.
are within a factor of 2 of the measured values. The Nielsen Van Rijn and Havinga 共1995兲 compared the measured trans-
共1985兲 method overestimates 共factor of 5–10兲 the transport rates, port rate with the methods of Bijker 共1971兲 and Van Rijn 共1985,
this large overprediction cannot be explained from the predicted 1989兲, they found that the method of Van Rijn yielded the best
concentration profiles, it is caused by the function proposed by results if roughness is set to be 3 times the ripple height, whereas
Nielsen 共1985兲 because this function is quite sensitive to the par- the method of Bijker gave the best results provided the roughness
ticle size of the bed material 共Van Rijn et al. 1993兲. The Van Rijn is about 0.5 times the ripple height, and after the best fit of data,
et al. 共1993兲 method shows reasonable results over the full range about 60% of the computed transport rates were within the dis-
of conditions, about 73% of the predicted transport rates are crepancy ratio of 2 of the measured values. But Eq. 共27兲 shows
within the discrepancy ratio of 2 of the measured values. very good results for these experiments, 100% of the predicted
Without the knowledge of measured velocity profiles and transport rates are within the discrepancy ratio of 2 of the mea-
ripple heights, Eq. 共27兲 also shows reasonable results, about 52% sured values, this is a remarkable achievement for k remains the
of the predicted transport rates are within the discrepancy ratio of value obtained from unidirectional flows and f = 1 is taken, espe-
2 of the measured values. Besides, it can be seen from Fig. 4 that cially Eq. 共27兲 does not require the input of ripple height and the
significant errors occur in the region of low transport rates, the measured velocity profiles.
discrepancy could be ascribed to two main reasons: 共1兲 the mea- In 1999, Grasmeijer and Van Rijn 共1999兲 presented a series of
surement error is relatively larger in the low transport region, this laboratory measurements of sediment transport resulting from un-
is why researchers generally exclude the data with low sediment dertow driven by breaking waves over a near shore bar. The ob-
concentration or discharge for comparison 共Yang 1996兲; 共2兲 the jectives of their experiments were to create breaking wave condi-
low transport region is actually the wave-dominated regime, as tions over a movable bed and to identify the mechanism of
mentioned in such case f is less than 1, but for simplification sediment transport processes. The experiments were conducted in
f = 1 is employed to estimate the transport rate, this may introduce a flume with a length of 45 m, a width of 0.8 m and a depth of 1.0
some errors. Nevertheless, the results of Eq. 共27兲 are still encour- m. Irregular waves were generated with a peak spectral period of
aging. 2.3 s, an artificial sandbar was constructed in the flume, the bed
Fig. 4 only shows the sediment transport under waves in com- profile varied in depth from 0.6 m seaward of the bar to 0.3 m at


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2005.131:968-979.

Downloaded from by New York University on 05/14/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Fig. 6. Comparison of sediment transport rate between Eq. 共27兲 and

the data of Grasmeijer and Van Rijn 共1999兲

the bar crest. The water depth in the trough landward of the bar
crest was 0.5 m, sand with d50 = 95 ␮m was used to form the sand
bar. Two test series were performed with incoming significant ⬘ / u*cu based on experiments shown in
Fig. 7. Variation of f with u*wm
wave heights of 0.16 and 0.19 m, respectively. Time-averaged Figs. 4–6
concentrations were measured with a pump-sampling system and
an acoustic sediment transport meter was used to measure the
instantaneous velocity and particle concentration. Measurements
were performed at 10 different locations across the sand bar, all confirms that f is less than 1 in the wave-dominated regime.
collected sediment discharges are shown in Fig. 6, including the Figs. 4–6 show that k = 12.5 and f = 1 for nonbreaking waves
measurement at breaking point. It was observed that waves were and k = 12.5 and f = 0.4 for breaking waves can generate suffi-
shoaling toward the bar crest, the measured maximum wave ciently accurate results to meet the practical demand.
height was found near the bar crest, the wave height decreased For sediment transport driven by pure oscillatory waves with-
while moving further toward land due to the energy dissipation out currents, Eq. 共9兲 may be also applicable to assess directly the
caused by breaking of waves. Nearly all breaking waves were of transport rate at the time scale of the wave period, in which E can
the spilling breaker type and occurred near the bar crest. be determined from Eq. 共21兲 and the near bed velocity, u⬘*cu can be
An attempt is made herein to extend Eq. 共27兲 to express the estimated by the numerical models or the second-order stokes
sediment transport by undertow. The current shear velocity is cal- wave theorem and the net transport will be always in the direction
culated by Eq. 共10兲 with the depth-averaged velocity, the rate of of the near bed velocity or the drift velocity. Therefore, for the
energy dissipation is calculated with Eq. 共24兲 based on the mea- movement of sediment particles normal to the shore, the shear
sured significant wave heights and the rate of sediment transport velocity of mass transport u⬘*cu in Eq. 共27兲 can be replaced by the
is calculated with Eq. 共27兲. It can be seen from Fig. 6 that the near bed velocity which is expressed as follows according to the
sediment transport rate is well predicted when k = 12.5 and Longuet-Higgins 共1970兲:
f = 0.4 are applied. The reduction of f may be understandable: as
mentioned earlier, in the wave-dominant regime, the factor of f is 5␲2 H2 1 5 um2
smaller than 1. It can be seen from Fig. 6 that about 95% of the u⬘*cu = 2 = 共30兲
4 LT sinh 2␲h/L 4 C
predicted transport rates are within the discrepancy ratio of 2 of
the measured values, in this case of sediment transport driven by where C⫽wave propagation celerity, and
breaking waves over a near shore bar no other methods are avail-
able for comparison in the literature, as far as the writer knows. ␲H
Further investigation shows that the factor of f in the wave um = 共31兲
T sinh 2␲h/L
dominant regime can be modified as follows based on the experi-
mental data shown in Figs. 4–6: For long waves, h / L Ⰶ 1, thus Eq. 共31兲 can be simplified as
f= 共29兲 H
⬘ /u⬘*cu
1 + 0.7u*wm um = C 共32兲
Fig. 7 shows the comparison between Eq. 共29兲 and the cited ex-
periments. It can be seen from Fig. 7 that the data points are very substituting Eq. 共32兲 into Eq. 共30兲, one obtains
scattered, and the trend for the 0.2 mm sand seems to be opposite
from the 0.1 mm sand, this clearly indicates that Eq. 共29兲 may be
not fully reliable and other parameters such as suspended-
sediment stratification and cohesive behavior should be included
u⬘*cu = 冉 冊
5␲2 H
4 2h
C 共33兲

in the function, and the complete analysis of f obviously requires Therefore, one obtains the landward sediment transport rate by
more experiments to be conducted in future. However, Fig. 7 inserting Eq. 共33兲 into Eq. 共27兲.


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2005.131:968-979.

P = E⬘cgsin ␣ cos ␣ 共40兲

K0 = k 冉 冊␥s 5␲ K tan ␤ 冑gh

␥s − ␥ 16 f w ␻

Eq. 共38兲 is similar to the equation of Komar and Inman 共1970兲 if

K0⫽constant and Pc = 0.
In the equation of Komar and Inman 共1970兲 the factor K0 is
assumed to be constant, but a number of studies 共Bailard 1981;
Dean 1973, 1983; Thornton 1972兲 have suggested that K0 in Eq.
共38兲 is not constant but a variable dependent on sediment size and
density. Dean et al. 共1982兲 has shown that K0 varies with grain
Fig. 8. Definition sketch size or sediment fall velocity. It can be seen that their investiga-
tions are supported by Eq. 共41兲, or in other words, the coefficient
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of K0 is a function of 共gh兲0.5 / ␻ and ␥s / 共␥s − ␥兲 as discovered by

Longshore Sediment Transport Dean et al. 共1982兲.
By analyzing the measured data, it is found that the calculated
The previous sections show that the rate of sediment transport is Pc is very small relative to P for the wave motion exceeds critical
closely related to the product of energy dissipation rate on the bed conditions for at least part of the wave cycle, this explains why
and near bed velocity. This section discusses the validity of Eq. without critical condition, the equation of Komar and Inman is
共9兲 for sediment transport driven by currents. As shown in Fig. 8, still valid to estimate the longshore sediment discharge.
the rate of energy dissipation, E in a control area can be obtained In the surf zone the wave height is proportional to the water
from the energy conservation equation as follows: depth 共Fredsoe and Deigaard 1995, p. 322兲. Kamphuis and Sayao
共1982兲 found that the beach slope tan ␤ is proportional to
b 共d50 / H兲0.5. Therefore, it is acceptable to assume that K tan ␤ / f w in
共E⬘cgb兲in = 共E⬘cgxb兲out + xbE 共34兲 Eq. 共41兲 is proportional to the parameter 关共gh兲0.5 / ␻兴n, where n is
cos ␣
an empirical exponent to be determined. Using the measured data,
where 共E⬘cg兲⫽wave energy flux; b⫽width between the two in- it is found that the following expression fits the measured data
clined wave lines as shown in Fig. 8; E⬘⫽wave energy; cg⫽wave best in the view of correlation coefficient:
group velocity; xb⫽distance from shoreline to breaker line;
␣⫽angle between the normal direction of shoreline and the direc-
tion of wave propagation; and the subscripts “in” and “out” de- k
5␲ K tan ␤
16 f w
= 0.0187 冉冑 冊gh

note the incoming and outgoing in the control area, respectively.
In Fig. 8, 共E⬘cgxb兲out = 0, then the rate of energy dissipation on Substituting Eq. 共42兲 into Eq. 共38兲, one gets
the bed can be expressed as follows:

共E⬘cg兲incos ␣
Gt = 0.0187
␥s − ␥
冉冑 冊

E⬘cgsin ␣ cos ␣ 共43兲

xb Eq. 共43兲 is the modified equation of Komar and Inman for long-
Strictly speaking, the energy dissipation on the bed is a fraction of shore sediment transport.
that obtained from Eq. 共35兲, but as described in the previous Fig. 9 shows the measured longshore sediment discharge Gt
section, this can be reflected in a reduction of coefficient f in Eq. against P共冑gh / ␻兲0.5, the data were measured by Komar 共1969兲,
共27兲 or k in Eq. 共9兲 in the breaking waves. Thus, the total sedi- Gable 共1981兲, Inman 共1980兲, Kraus et al. 共1982兲, Watts 共1953兲,
ment discharge in the surf zone, Gt can be obtained by substitut- Bruno and Gable 共1977兲, and these datasets were compiled by
ing Eq. 共35兲 into Eq. 共9兲, one gets Kamphuis et al. 共1986兲. Fig. 9 also includes the measured data by
Wang et al. 共1998兲, Kamphuis and Sayao 共1982兲, Ozhan 共1982兲,
G t = g tx b = k 冉 冊
␥s u⬘*
␥s − ␥ ␻
共E⬘cgcos ␣ − ␶cu*cxb兲 共36兲
and Saville 共1950兲. The basic conditions of these datasets are
shown in Table 2.
The correlation coefficient between the measured Gt and
Instead of near bed velocity u*⬘ in Eq. 共36兲, the mean velocity P共冑gh / ␻兲0.5 is 0.95. Hence, the longshore sediment transport can
V in the surf zone is suggested because it is more reliable in be roughly estimated using Eq. 共43兲. About 65% of the computed
complicated conditions. A well-cited formula developed by transport rates by Eq. 共43兲 are within the discrepancy ratio of 2 of
Longuet-Higgins 共1970兲 is used to assess the mean velocity in the the measured values, whereas the equation of Komar and Inman
surf zone has 60% of predictions in the error band. It can be seen from Fig.
5␲ K tan ␤ 9 that Eq. 共43兲 provides significant discrepancies for the data
V= 冑gh sin ␣ 共37兲 measured by Komar and Sayao 共1982兲, Ozhan 共1982兲, and Wang
16 f w
et al. 共1998兲. The measurement techniques may contribute to the
where K⫽ratio of wave height to mean water depth and discrepancy, e.g., Wang et al. 共1998兲 measured the transport rates
tan ␤⫽beach slope. Therefore, the longshore sediment transport using the streamer sediment traps and short-term impoundment,
rate is expressed as follows: Bodge 共1986兲 and Dean et al. 共1982兲 found that this technique
was not reliable and Wang et al. 共1998兲 themselves also found
Gt = K0共P − Pc兲 共38兲 that their measured values was 3 times lower than the Coastal
Engineering Research Center, U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers
where Pc = ␶cu*cxbsin ␣ and 共39兲 共CERC兲 predictions.


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2005.131:968-979.

near bed velocity. This new relationship has been examined using
the experimental data available in the literature, and the following
conclusions can be drawn from this study.
1. In open channel flows, the total rate of sediment transport
⌽ is highly correlated to the proposed parameter
TT⬘ = ␶0共u⬘*2 − u2*c兲 / 关共␥s − ␥兲␻冑gd350兴, among the existing hy-
draulic parameters including the widely cited parameters,
such as VS / ␻ , V3 / gh␻ and T, the highest correlation coef-
ficient is achieved by the new parameter when the same ex-
perimental data is used for comparison. A linear relationship
exists between ⌽ and TT⬘ , and the proportionality factor k is
found to be 12.5.
2. Eq. 共9兲 has been extended to wave-current motions, the sedi-
Downloaded from by New York University on 05/14/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

ment transport rate is expressed in Eq. 共27兲 which estimates

the observed sediment transport with reasonable accuracy,
the coefficient k 共=12.5兲 remaining the same as that for open
Fig. 9. Measured longshore sediment transport rate versus parameter channel, and the factor f = 1 for nonbreaking waves. The
P共冑gh / ␻兲0.5 comparison between the measured and predicted transport
rates shows that the proposed equations are valid for com-
bined interaction of wave and current at any arbitary angle.
3. For breaking wave condition, or the wave-dominant regime,
On the other hand, the disagreement shown in Fig. 9 between it is found that k = 12.5, but f = 0.4, providing good estimation
the predicted and measured transport rates could be caused by the
for sediment transport under breaking waves over a near-
assumptions made in the theoretical development, for example the
shore bar.
energy dissipation on the bed in Eq. 共9兲 is assumed to be propor-
4. Eq. 共9兲 has been applied to assess the longshore sediment
tional to the incoming wave energy and the near velocity u⬘* is
transport, the widely cited Komar and Inman’s equation can
assumed to be proportional to the longshore current velocity.
then be directly derived from it. The constant in Komar and
Therefore, the errors could be greatly reduced if the bed shear
Inman’s equation is expressed in Eq. 共41兲 and its improved
stress and near bed velocity are provided by numerical models,
form is shown in Eq. 共43兲.
and the real energy dissipation on the bed is used in Eq. 共9兲.
5. To express the sediment transport in coastal waters, some
assumptions have to be introduced, and consequently these
Conclusions oversimplified assumptions incur some errors. To avoid this,
the direct application of Eq. 共9兲 in numerical models is
The aim of the present study is to investigate the relationship highly recommended for the near bed velocity and bed shear
between flow strength and sediment discharge. It is presumed that stress can be easily determined numerically from in the avail-
a general relationship between them exists in a wide range of flow able numerical models.
conditions such as wave-current flows and coastal waters. To in- 6. This study establishes the general expression of sediment
vestigate the general relationship, different expressions of E in the transport for numerical modelers as shown in Eq. 共9兲, it is
theorem of Bagnold 共1966兲 are discussed. It is found that there is suggested that the users calibrate the proportionality k using
a one-to-one and linear relationship between the sediment dis- measured data because the definition of near bed velocity
charge and the product of energy dissipation on the bed with the generally differs from each other.

Table 2. Summary of Hydraulic Conditions for the Data in Fig. 9

Median Maximum longshore
sediment Wave longshore transport
size height current rate Measurement
Researchers Runs 共mm兲 共cm兲 共cm/ s兲 共cm3 / s兲 location
Saville 共1950兲 6 0.3 2.5–5.2 12.1 2.95 Wave basin
Kamphuis and Sayao 共1982兲 38 0.18 4.4–13.1 15 15.7 Wave basin
Wang et al. 共1998兲 29 0.17–2.25 14–79 47 3,170 field
Ozhan 共1982兲 6 0.83 4.5–18.8 41 Wave basin
Kana 共1978兲 6 0.18–0.42 88–200 23-47 158,490 field
Kraus et al. 共1982兲 2 0.23–0.27 98–110 6,241 field
Komar 共1969兲 11 0.18–0.6 39–1.46 76 18,656 field
Watts 共1953兲 3 0.42 28–55 1,852 field
Bruno and Gable 共1977兲 6 0.22 84–1.67 29,792 field
Gable 共1981兲 8 0.22 65–177 73,962 field
Inman 共1980兲 2 0.29 112–129 22,181 field


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2005.131:968-979.

Acknowledgment u* ⫽ shear velocity⫽共gRS兲0.5 关L T−1兴;
u⬘* ⫽ bed-shear velocity related to grains 关L T−1兴;
The data of longshore sediment transport were collected and ana- u*c ⫽ Shields critical shear velocity 关L T−1兴;
lyzed by Mr. Seow Tien-Jin Kelvin, former student of the Na- u⬘*cu ⫽ bed-shear velocity related to grains 关L T−1兴;
tional University of Singapore. V ⫽ mean flow velocity 关L T−1兴;
xb ⫽ distance from breaker line to shore line 关L兴;
y ⫽ distance from the bed 关L兴;
␣ ⫽ angle of wave propagation;
Notation ␣1 ⫽ coefficients;
␤1 ⫽ angle between the current and the direction of
The following symbols are used in this paper: wave propagation;
A ⫽ bottom orbital excursion amplitude of water ␥ ⫽ specific weight of water;
particle 关L兴; ␥s ⫽ specific weight of sediment;
b ⫽ length along wave crest 关L兴; ␶b共t兲 ⫽ instantaneous bed shear stress 关M L−1 T−2兴;
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C ⫽ wave propagation velocity 关L / T兴; ␶cu ⫽ bed shear stresses by current 关M L−1T−2兴;
C⬘ ⫽ Chezy-coefficient related to grains 关L1/2 / T兴; ␶w共t兲 ⫽ bed shear stresses by waves 关ML−1 T−2兴;
c ⫽ depth-averaged sediment concentration 共ppm兲; ␶0 ⫽ bed shear stress 关ML−1T−2兴;
cg ⫽ wave group velocity 关L / T兴; ⌽ ⫽ Einstein’s transport parameter;
cy ⫽ volumetric concentration of particles at level ␾ ⫽ phase;
y; ⌿ ⫽ Einstein’s flow intensity parameter;
d50 ⫽ median sediment size 关L兴; ␻ ⫽ fall velocity of particle 关L T−1兴; and
E ⫽ energy dissipated rate 关M T−3兴; ␻1 ⫽ wave angular frequency 关T−1兴.
Ec ⫽ critical rate of energy dissipation on the bed
for sediment motion 关M T−3兴;
E⬘ ⫽ wave energy at breaker line 关M T−2兴;
E⬘cg ⫽ wave energy flux 关M L T−3兴;
eb ⫽ efficiency coefficient;
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