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Social Studies

Chapter 14, section 3 outline- pgs. 361-364

“French Revolution-Napoleon Bonaparte”

Define the following terms:

King Louis XVI: the king of France who wanted to tax the nobles.

Queen Marie-Antoinette: the queen of France.

First Estate: the clergy (church officials)- members of the upper class.

Second Estate: nobles- upper class.

Third Estate: peasants- lower class

Bastille prison: a prison in Paris that people of France stormed into and set the prisoners free.

Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen: a document of 1789 that guaranteed French citizens their
rights and made fair taxation.

Reign of Terror: a period during which the government executed its opponents by using the guillotine.

Napoleon Bonaparte:

Josephine Beauharnais:

Napoleonic Code:

Waterloo, Belgium:

Congress of Vienna:

C. The French Revolution

1. the people of France watched the events of the American revolution

2. the French people were inspired by the American revolution.

Jacob Gers French Revolution Social Studies

3. there was anger over the differences between the social classes.

4. a king ruled over the three social classes.

5. the first estate- the clergy.

6. the second estate- the nobles.

7. the third estate peasants.

8. the third estate thought this was unfair.

9. the king and queen were very wealthy.

10. the peasants were very poor.

11. the French government was deeply in debt.

12. the king wanted to start taxing nobles to pay the debts.

13. the king called a meeting to discuss the tax increase.

14. the meeting did not go well.

15. the people who attended the meeting were familiar with enlightenment ideas.

16. the third estate wanted more of a voice in the government.

17. the third estate formed the national assembly.

18. the national assembly demanded the king sign a constitution that limited his powers.

19. ling louis refuse to sign it, and this angered the people

20. July 14, 1789, the people of France stormed into the bastille prison.

21. this act began the French revolution

22. the revolution spread from Paris to the countryside.

23. the peasants took revenge on the landlords and nobles that had always kept them down.

24. they burned manor houses and monasteries.

25. the National Assembly approved the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen.

D. The French Republic

1. a republic was created.

2. this did not solve the problems right away and the unrest returned.

3. in 1793 the French people executed king louis.

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4. the republic leaders began to execute those who opposed them.

5. this began the reign of terror.

III. Napoleon Bonaparte


A. Military Conquests and Rule


B. Napoleon’s Defeat


Jacob Gers French Revolution Social Studies

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