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The LTTE, TGTE and Brian Senewiratne

Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam added 3 new photos.
21 hrs · 12.12.2014

Is that the Tamil Tiger flag?

When he got back from his trip to the USA where he had been invited as a "senator" of the
Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) my mother noticed that my father had what
she described as an ugly yellow T-shirt in his bag. The photo shows him wearing it, clapping and
smiling with an equally cheery Rudrakumaran ("Prime Minister" of the TGTE). My mother asked
him whether it was true that he had given a speech next to the Tamil Tiger (LTTE) flag. He said
that it was "just a Tiger" and not the LTTE flag at all. My mother hasn't seen the photos yet. It's
hard to re-radicalize one's parents!

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Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam This is a 2008 photo of the LTTE leader Prabakaran next to the same flag.

My father took copies of his new book which claims an “epidemic” of rape by the armed forces in Sri
Lanka to the USA with him. It can be seen on the table in front of the LTTE flag in the photo of his
speech to the TGTE “parliament”.

This is the back cover of the book. It was news to me when I read it:

This presentation of himself as having campaigned for the rights of Tamils, consistently since the age
of 16 is not true, and his claim that he started campaigning for the rights of Indigenous Tamils in
1956 does not even have a vestige of truth. His story about “addressing” a large public protest when
he was 16 has an element of truth – he was (as he admits elsewhere) persuaded to address a
political rally when he was 17 by his uncle Edmund Samarakkody, who was a Marxist politician who
did indeed campaign for the Tamil estate workers and for Tamil rights. He had boarded with Uncle
Edmund after he was expelled from the boarding school of Colombo’s St Thomas’ College. It was
Edmund Samarakkody (his mother’s younger brother) who suggested that he try and organize a
protest at St Thomas’ around the same time. In this interview for a Tamil TV station in Canada in
2006 he gives a more accurate version of what happened:

In the 2008 TV interview above, my father was on his best behaviour. What he says in private is
quite different to what he says in public. What he says even in private is not necessarily what he
thinks. And what he says in public depends on his audience. In his public speeches and interviews he
always mentions that he is Sinhalese and not Tamil, but unlike most of the Sinhalese he campaigns
for the Tamils. He also mentions that he is a cousin of the ex-president Chandrika Kumaratunga, and
that “his” family has been responsible for disaster in Sri Lanka, especially for the Tamils. Like all
propagandists my father skilfully blends fact with fiction. Privately he has said that “Tamils are the
stingiest race on God’s earth.” (because he was unhappy that they were ordering his propaganda
DVDs but not, in his opinion, paying enough for them).

As he admits in the interview above, the Bandaranaike family wants to have nothing to do with him,
and though he knew the family when he was a child (since his father was a first cousin of SWRD
Bandaranaike, the father of Chandrika) his occasional contact with Sunethra Bandaranaike
(Chandrika’s sister) had “dried up” by 2006. In the interview above he says that he was SWRD
Bandaranaike’s “tennis partner” – but he admits this meant running after the ball as a boy, while
SWRD stood still calling “partner, partner”. His claim to have advised SWRD on the treatment of
Tamils can be taken with a pinch of salt.

Using these family connections is important to my father, and he never fails to mention his “major
political connections” to Tamil audiences. He also never fails to mention that he is from the
“Sinhalese community” and not from the “brutalised Tamil minority”. The truth is that my father, of
his own volition, has nothing to do with the Sinhalese community in Australia and less with the
Sinhalese community in Sri Lanka. He does not speak Sinhalese anymore and when he did he used it
mainly to speak to servants on his family estate in Urapola. Since the 1950s when he unsuccessfully
tried to improve his Sinhala to get into medicine in Sri Lanka, he has made no effort to learn Sinhala,
and does not try to read Sinhala script or speak the language. He never tried to learn Tamil despite
marrying my mother in 1957 – at which time my mother was trilingual in Tamil, English and Sinhala.
My father’s parents spoke English at home, but they were poorly educated and were not literate in
Sinhalese and barely in English. My father was very ashamed of this fact – especially of his father not
finishing high school unlike my grandfather’s older brothers.

This has a bearing on my father’s attitude to Sri Lanka, the Sinhalese people and the Sinhala
language. He wanted to get into medicine but was unable to pass his O’levels (year 10) Sinhala
language exams, which I have been told was a pre-requisite for getting into medicine in the early
1950s. My father was born on 16th January 1932, so when he first tried to get into medicine it was
before the so-called Sinhala Only Act of SWRD Bandaranaike (1956). By 1955 my father had got into
Cambridge as a private fee-paying student and had relocated to England for his studies. He was not
involved in the protests by the Sinhalese and Tamil politicians to include Tamil as a national language
(Tamil language act introduced in 1958). So his claim that he has been campaigning for the rights of
“Indigenous Tamils” since 1956 is a complete fiction. By the way he has since written about the
“Sinhala only act as an act of ‘genocide’ against the Tamils”, failing to admit that the Tamil language
act was brought in 2 years later (and the previous official language was English, which was clearly
not tenable in the newly independent Ceylon where 75% spoke Sinhalese, 25% spoke Tamil and less
than 10% also spoke English. The number of Ceylonese who only spoke English, like my father, were
few indeed.

In the Canadian interview from October 2006 my father was asked directly about the accusation that
he was a “Sinhala-skinned Tamil Tiger”. This is his response:

“As for being a Tamil Tiger terrorist, I’ve been called that, without question. I mean, if standing up
for the Tamil people which is what I’m all about makes me a Tamil Tiger terrorist, so be it. I did say
that if I’m a Tamil Tiger terrorist so is Chandrika Kumaratunga because we all come from the same
family [interviewer laughs]. I mean, I can’t be a Tamil Tiger terrorist and she be a Sinhala patriot. I
mean that’s nonsense. I am neither pro-Tiger nor anti-Tiger. I don’t need to be. I am unashamedly
and unapologetically pro the Tamil people. I mean, I’ve been asked whether I can give a balanced
view. I can’t. I have to be partisan. Just as much as in World War Two you couldn’t give a balanced
view of the war. You had to say that what Mr Hitler was doing in the concentration camps was
wrong. Full stop! I mean, right now you can’t give a balanced view. You have to be either pro-
government, that’s fair enough, or pro-Karuna or whoever is in bed with the government, or pro the
Tamil people. It’s a question of the oppressor or the oppressed. I’m with the oppressed.”

“Getting into bed with” the Sri Lankan government is a favourite phrase of my father. He has
accused the many countries that sided with the Sri Lankan government against the Tigers as being
“in bed with them”. His claim that to side with “Karuna” meant siding against the “Tamil people” is
contradictory, since Karuna is Tamil. Karuna (Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan) was however regarded
as a traitor by the LTTE, since he defected to the government side in 2006 after being in charge of
the Tigers’ eastern province command. When he defected and laid down his arms he took with him
6000 men, who were allowed to return to their homes. Some were recruited to fight with the Sri
Lankan military against the Tigers. This was a decisive factor in the LTTE defeat, and my father
shared the LTTE hatred of Karuna. He also described other Tamils who were against the LTTE as
traitors, identifying some of these by name. The LTTE had a policy of eliminating “traitors”.

The comparison between the government of Sri Lanka with that of Hitler is silly, but it has been
made by other extremists. There were no concentration camps in Sri Lanka, though my father has
been shouting about Nazi-style concentration camps and genocide for many years. Recently he has
also described refugee camps in Asia and Australia also as “concentration camps”.

It is possible, of course to voice for the Tamils without voicing against the Sinhalese (who he claims
are his own people). The interviewer asks him “why do you voice for Tamils and why do you voice
against your Sinhala people.”

The answer does not come across as sincere, and he doesn’t really answer the question about his
hostility to the Sinhalese:

“For the same reason that I cried all night when the Plantation Tamils were disenfranchised and I
took two days sick leave to write a letter, a note – we didn’t have emails and all that fancy gadgetry
you’ve got – you had to write by hand. I wrote 560 letters to my classmates saying come and protest
with me on Saturday. Of the 560, six turned up. It’s a humanitarian issue. It is not whether I could
have done better. Of course I could have – I could have gone back to Sri Lanka for example. But the
issue is - are you prepared to take a stand on what is clearly an injustice or not. That is the issue.”

The important issue is what sort of stand against injustice my father was advocating. The interviewer
asks him specifically about weapons. It’s a leading question in broken English and my father seems
keen to be led to declare his enthusiasm for war:

Q: “It’s about Tamils with weapons. Before the seventies there’s no leaders had weapons. Their only
weapon was ahimsa. Right. They have done so many in the past but they have never got a good
results from that. Whose fault is that?”

A: “Well, in order to get results from a non-violent protest you must have decent people against
whom you are protesting. The British weren’t particularly decent but at least they would not line up
aid workers and shoot them as this government has done or massacre three thousand people in
Colombo. You’ve got to pick the regime for the type of demonstration you’re going to have. The
Sinhala leaders in the past and present and almost certainly in the future, certainly in the present, if
you sit cross-legged they’ll mow you down. They wouldn’t give a jot to do that. The Tamil leadership
took a long time to realise this and one of the reasons why they took such a long time is that the
leadership of the Tamil people came from the same social club that the Sinhala leadership came
[from]. They shouted in parliament and came and drank from the same cups. The current leadership
[LTTE] is coming from a very different source which is grass roots level. That I think is the change. I
think that the Tamil leadership, the militant leadership decided that, you know, this type of pussy-
footing around is not going to work. The only thing that will bring the Sinhalese leaders to any form
of negotiation is weapons, full stop. When peaceful protests fail armed struggle is the only struggle
possible. There’s no other option.”

Q: “So you’re saying it’s very much justifiable?”

A:”Not justifiable, essential. Or you can remain as you have been in the past 50 years sitting under
the table of the Sinhala people and to pick up crumbs from the table. They’ve talked about disarming
the Tamil Tigers. Yes, you can disarm them, no problem about that. You’ll also be sending the Tamil
people to a genocidal extinction. These people [LTTE] – it’s not acts of terror that they are
committing. They’re trying to liberate that Tamil people from Sinhala domination. And the only
language that they will understand is a weapons struggle.”

It seems from this interview that my father is a supporter of terrorism is it is true that the LTTE were
terrorists. If not, he is just a warmonger.

At the end of the interview he was given an opportunity to speak to the Sinhala and Tamil diaspora.
His answer is a clear indication of how little he sought to interact with the Sinhalese section of the
Sri Lankan diaspora.

Q: “As a closing what would you like to say to the Sinhala and Tamil diaspora?”

A: “Sinhala and…I don’t know about the Sinhala diaspora but the Tamil diaspora have a major role to
play. They have to do or you have to do the things that Mr Prabakaran can’t do in the Vanni. That is
to raise the level of concern about the International Community. Tell the people in the International
Community what is going on – that 500,000 people are being starved to death, that the Sencholai
massacre – bombs were dropped on 400 innocent children. They called them Tiger trainees. Well,
the Sri Lankan Monitoring Mission were there in two hours. They confirmed that they were children
being trained in health issues etcetera. We are not doing our job. I am not being critical of the
expatriate Tamils. They think that to throw a couple of million dollars, a thousand dollars or a million
dollars, or whatever it is, is the answer. No! It is to involve a million expatriate Tamils. I think that the
greatest power that the Tamils have got is a million educated and professional and even
nonprofessional people working in the developed world earning hard currency, and if we are in a
position to stand up and tell our representatives – your congressmen or whoever represents you –
that this is what is going on in Sri Lanka, then ask your papers – Boston Globe already had an
editorial yesterday, the Washington Post and the other papers – Toronto Globe and Mail etcetera –
why have you blacked out Sri Lanka? Do we have to have another massacre in Colombo before you
tell the world what is going on in Sri Lanka…and I think that that is the critical role and the expatriate
community have got to face this.”

“And one more word, you may not like it coming from me but this infighting between Tamil groups
outside, petty. Who’s going to be appointed to the Kovil board or some rubbish like that. What does
it matter? We are fighting a repressive regime of a barbaric nature. We can’t be fighting amongst
ourselves. I mean, the Sinhalese have got a lot of faults. They have got about 5, 6, 7 groups. But
when it comes to being anti-Tamil there’s only one group – “Anti-Tamilness”. …You can’t opt out of
this. You can’t take a partisan stance. Either you are fighting for the Tamil people or you don’t give a
damn. And I urge you to get involved. Even if it’s a question of carting me from the airport to give a
talk like this, it’s still involvement. But my greatest worry is that the Tamil people who fled the
country because of human rights violations of their own – their human rights violations, most often
the 1983 massacre – then they come here, settle down and they don’t want to know anything more.”

There were good reasons that Tamils who left Sri Lanka after the 1983 “Black July” events did not
want to talk about it afterwards. People who have been directly traumatized by such violence as was
perpetrated against the Tamils by Sinhalese mobs in Colombo in July 1983 carry scars of such
violence that makes them reluctant to talk about it.

I have read of Black July as being alternatively a “pogrom” or a riot. It seems to me that it was more
a pogrom than a riot, since a riot implies both sides (or many sides) engaged in the violence. Here

the Tamil people in Colombo and Tamil businesses were specifically targeted and it is said that
certain government ministers were involved in leading or spurring on the violence. Some, including
my father, have specifically blamed the President at the time, J R Jayawardene, with an act of
“genocide” against the Tamils. This discounts the role of the LTTE, which triggered the anti-Tamil
attacks in Colombo by ambushing an army convoy in Jaffna, killing several soldiers. It was the funeral
for these soldiers in Colombo that spread into violence against Tamils throughout the island.

Wikipedia provides more of the story:

Black July
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Black July

Part of Riots in Sri Lanka

A stripped naked Tamil youth sits on a concrete step at the Borella bus

stand as a laughing Sinhalese mob dance around him.[citation needed]Later

petrol is poured on the youth and he is burnt alive.[citation needed]

Location of Sri Lanka


Location Sri Lanka

Date 24 July 1983 –

30 July 1983 (UTC+6)

Target Primarily Sri Lankan Tamils

Attack type Burning, decapitation, stabbing, shooting

Weapons Axes, guns, explosives, knives, sticks

Deaths 400-3,000

Non-fatal injuries 25,000+

Victims Tamil civilians

Perpetrators Sinhalese

Number of participants Thousands

Anti-Tamil riots
in Sri Lanka

Gal Oya (1956)

1958 riots (1958)

1977 riots (1977)

Black July (1983)

 V

 T

 E

Black July is the common name used to refer to the anti-Tamil pogrom[1] and riots in Sri
Lanka during July 1983. The riots began as a response to a deadly ambush on 23 July 1983 by
the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, a Tamil militant group, that killed 13 Sri Lanka
Army soldiers. Beginning in the capital Colombo on the night of 24 July 1983, the riots spread to

other parts of the country. Over seven days mobs of mainly Sinhalese attacked Tamil targets,
burning, looting and killing. Estimates of the death toll range between 400 and 3,000.[2][3] 8,000
homes and 5,000 shops were destroyed.[4] 150,000 people were made homeless.[5] The
economic cost of the riots was $300 million.[5] A wave of Sri Lankan Tamils fled to other countries
in the ensuing years and many thousands of Tamils youths joined the militant groups.[2][3]
Black July is generally seen as the start of full-scale Sri Lankan Civil War between the Tamil
militants and the government of Sri Lanka.[3][6][7][8] July has become a time of remembrance for
the Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora community around the world.


 1 Background
 2 Black July
o 2.1 Sunday 24 July
o 2.2 Monday 25 July
o 2.3 Tuesday 26 July
o 2.4 Wednesday 27 July
o 2.5 Thursday 28 July
o 2.6 Friday 29 July
o 2.7 Saturday 30 July
 3 Government's response
 4 Eyewitness accounts
 5 Casualty estimates
 6 Prosecutions and compensations
 7 As a remembrance day
 8 Notes
 9 References
 10 External links

This section does not cite any references or sources. Please help
improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources.
Unsourced material may be challenged andremoved. (July 2013)
Main article: Origins of the Sri Lankan civil war
During the colonial period many Sri Lankan Tamils, particularly those from the Jaffna peninsula,
took advantage of educational facilities established by missionaries and the British policy of
divide and rule which placed minorities in positions of power in colonies, and soon dominated the
civil service and other professions. When Sri Lanka became independent in 1948, a majority of
government jobs were held by Tamils, who were a minority of the country's population. The
elected leaders saw this as the result of a British stratagem to control the majority Sinhalese, and
deemed it a situation that needed correction.
In 1956 the Official Language Act (commonly known as the Sinhala Only Act) was introduced.
Hitherto English - spoken by only 5% of the population - had been the sole official language, with
the use of Sinhala (spoken by 75%) and Tamil (spoken by 25%) being severely restricted.
Protests against the Sinhala Only policy by Tamils and by the leftist parties were met with mob
violence that eventually snowballed into the riots of 1958. The implementation of the Sinhala
Only Act deprived the Tamil populations in the north and east of the country of their right to fully
integrate into government institutions and was the foremost injustice brought upon the ethnic
minority group.
In 1958 the Tamil political leadership acquiesced to a formula of Sinhala as the official language,
but with the "reasonable use of Tamil". Only the leftist parties opposed this, holding out for parity

of status between the two languages. However, after the Tamil people gave an overwhelming
mandate to the Tamil nationalist Illankai Tamil Arasu Kachchi (Federal Party), which had agreed
to a subordinate status for the Tamil language, the leftist parties eventually abandoned parity of
Throughout the 1960s, protests and state repression against these protests created further
animosity. In 1972, the policy of standardisation that affected Tamils' entry into universities
strained the already tenuous political relationship between the elites of the Tamil and Sinhalese
communities. The quota entitlement in political representation became another cause for
contention between Sinhala and Tamil people. There was also a series of ethnic riots in
1977 following the United National Party (UNP) coming to power.[9] In 1981, the renowned public
library in Jaffna was burnt down by a violent mob. The Jaffna Library was well known at the time
as a nexus of Tamil activity with various Tamil groups vying for control. Until 1983, there were
similar incidents of low level violence between the government and the mushrooming Tamil
militant groups with a significant number of murders, disappearances and cases of torture
attributed to both sides.

Black July
On 23 July 1983 at around 11.30pm the rebel Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (the Tamil Tigers
or the LTTE) ambushed the Four Four Bravo military patrol in Thirunelveli near Jaffna in northern
Sri Lanka.[10] A road-side bomb was detonated beneath the Jeep that was leading the convoy,
injuring at least two soldiers on board. As soldiers travelling in a truck which was following the
Jeep dismounted to help their colleagues, they were ambushed by a group of Tamil Tiger fighters,
who fired at them with automatic weapons and hurled grenades at them. In the ensuing clashes,
one officer and 12 soldiers were killed immediately, while two more were fatally wounded,
bringing the total death toll to 15 along with a number of rebels.[11] Kittu, a regional commander of
the LTTE later admitted to planning and carrying out the ambush.[11]
Sunday 24 July
The Army, including its Commander Tissa Weeratunga, didn't want the soldiers' funeral held in
Jaffna and they didn't want to hand the bodies over to their families to avoid disturbances at
multiple locations.[12][11] The decision was made at the highest levels to hold the funeral, with full
military honours, at Colombo's General Cemetery at Kanatte.[12] Prime Minister Ranasinghe
Premadasa, fearing violence, had been against holding the funeral in Colombo but President J. R.
Jayewardene over-ruled him.[13] The President, Prime Minister and the rest of the Cabinet were to
attend the funeral which would take place at 5pm on 24 July. This was going against standard
procedure where the fallen members of the armed forces were buried in their home villages.[11]
Preparations were made for the funeral and the riot squad at Borella Police Station were put on
stand-by, but by 5pm the bodies hadn't arrived in Colombo.[14] The soldiers' families wanted the
bodies handed over to them to be buried according to tradition. Procedural issues meant that the
bodies were still at Palali Army Camp near Jaffna.[14] The bodies eventually left Palali Air Force
Base shortly after 6pm. Back at Colombo General Cemetery tension grew due to the delays and
a large crowd, including around 3,000 people from the Wanathamulla slum, started gathering at
the cemetery, angered by news of the ambush, which was magnified by wild
rumour.[14] The Avro plane carrying the bodies arrived at Ratmalana Airport at 7.20pm by which
the crowd at the cemetery had swollen to more than 8,000.[14] The crowd were agitating for the
bodies to be handed over to families rather than buried at the cemetery. Violence broke out
between the crowd and police and the riot squad were called in.[14] They fired tear gas at the
crowd and baton charged them before handing control of the situation over to the Army. The
President then decided to cancel the military funeral and hand the bodies over to the
families.[15] The bodies had left Ratmalana at 8.30pm and were heading for the cemetery before
they were diverted to the Army Headquarters so that they can be handed over to the families.
The crowd at the cemetery were informed of the President's decision at around 10pm.[15] The
crowd left the cemetery in a restive mood.
A section of the crowd marched up D. S. Senanayake Mawatha to nearby Borella where they
destroyed Tamil-owned Nagalingam Stores.[15] The mob, which was now around 10,000, attacked,

looted and set fire to any building near Borella junction that had a Tamil connection, including
Borella Flats.[15] Then houses belonging to Tamils in the neighbourhood were targeted. The police
fired tear gas at the crowd but after exhausting all their stock were forced to fire rifles into the
air.[16] The crowd then dispersed in the direction of
Dematagoda, Maradana, Narahenpita, Grandpass and Thimbirigasyaya where they attacked and
looted Tamil properties and set them on fire.[16] Members of the underworld criminal gangs then
joined in.
Monday 25 July
President Jayewardene met the country's Security Council at President's House, Colombo at
9.30am on 25 July. 100 yards away at the Bristol building the Tamil owned Ambal Cafe was
ablaze.[16] Also close by on York Street the Tamil owned clothier Sarathas was ablaze as
well.[16] Soon all the Tamil owned shops on Baillie Street, opposite the President's House, were
on fire. Every Tamil owned business in the Fort area was on fire by the time the Security Council
meeting finished.[16] The President ordered a curfew in Colombo from 6pm.[17][18] The mob moved
on to Olcott Mawatha where the Tamil owned thosai boutique Ananda Bhawan, oilman store
Rajeswari Stores and Ajantha Hotel were set on fire.[16]
The rioting had spread to the slums of Canal Bank, Grandpass, Hattewatte, Kirilapone, Kotahena,
Maradana, Modera, Mutwal, Narahenpita, Slave Island and Wanathamulla by 10am. Mobs
armed with crow bars and kitchen knives roamed the streets, attacking and killing
Tamils.[16] Wellawatte and Dehiwala, which contained the largest number of Tamils in Colombo,
were the next target of the mob. Homes and shops were attacked, looted and destroyed.[16] Tamil
shops on Main Street and Bo Tree Junction were also attacked.[19] The riots then spread to the
middle class residential areas of Anderson Flats, Elvitigala Flats, Torrington Flats and
Thimbirigasyaya. Tamils targets in the exclusive Cinnamon Gardens were also attacked, as were
those in the suburbs of Kadawatha,Kelaniya, Nugegoda and Ratmalana.[20] The residence of
the Indian High Commissioner was attacked and ransacked.[18] By lunchtime virtually the entire
city was on fire. The curfew was brought forward to 4pm and then to 2pm and was extended
to Gampaha District due to the violence spreading as far as Negombo.[20] In Kalutara the TKVS
Stores was set on fire. The owner jumped out of an upstairs window but the mob threw him back
into the fire.[21] The curfew was extended to Kalutara District.
The police were unwilling, or unable to enforce the curfew.[22] The army was then called in to help
the police.
The rioters were now becoming organised, using voter registration lists to target Tamils.[21] 81 out
of the 92 Tamil owned flats at Soysa Flats were attacked, looted and set on fire.[21] The mob
attacked the industrial areas of Ratmalana which contained a number of Tamil owned factories.
Jetro Garments and Tata Garments on Galle Road were completely gutted.[21] Other factories
attacked included Ponds, S-Lon, Reeves Garments, Hydo Garments, Hyluck Garments, AGM
Garments, Manhattan Garments, Ploy Peck, Berec and Mascons Asbestos.[21] Indian owned
factories such as Kundanmals, Oxford and Bakson Garments were not attacked, giving credence
to the suggestion that the mob was deliberately going after Sri Lankan Tamil
targets.[21] Seventeen factories were destroyed in Ratmalana. Capital Maharaja, a Tamil owned
company, is one of Sri Lanka's largest conglomerates. Six of their factories in Ratmalana, their
headquarters in Bankshall Street and their Hettiaratchi were destroyed.[23][24] The mob ended the
day by setting fire to Tilly's Beach Hotel in Mount Lavinia.[21]
One of the most notorious single incident of the riots took place at the Welikada Prison on 25
July.[22][25] 37 Tamil prisoners, most of them detained under the Prevention of Terrorism Act,
were killed by Sinhalese prisoners using knives and clubs. Survivors claimed that the prison
officers allowed their keys to fall into the hand of the Sinhalese prisoners, while at the
subsequent inquest, the prison officers claimed the keys were stolen from them.[22]
Outside of the Western Province, there was violence
in Galle, Kegalle, Trincomalee and Vavuniya on 25 July.[26]
The mobs were equipped with voter registration lists, thereby giving credence to an organised
attack with support at government level, burning and attacking mainly Tamil residences and

business, while army and government officials were deployed late. While a number of Tamils fled
the city, many of the Sinhalese and Muslim people saved the lives and properties of many Tamils
despite the activities of the gangs. Many Tamils were sheltered in government buildings, temples
as well as Sinhalese and Muslim houses during the following days.[22][27][28]
Tuesday 26 July
The mob continued their attacks in Wellawatte and Dehiwala on 26 July. There were 53 houses
on Ratnakara Road. The 24 Tamil owned/occupied houses were burnt.[23] Three houses were
owned by Sinhalese but were rented by Tamils. The mob removed the property in these three
houses to the road and burnt it.[23] These three houses weren't burnt down, as weren't the 26
Sinhalese owned/occupied houses.[23] In many parts of the city the Army merely looked on as
property were destroyed and people killed.[23]
The violence spread to the country's second largest city Kandy on 26 July.[25] By 2.45pm Delta
Pharmacy on Peradeniya Road was on fire.[26] Soon afterwards a Tamil owned shop near the
Laksala building was set on fire, and the violence spread to Castle Street and Colombo
Street.[26] The police managed to get control of the situation but an hour later a mob armed with
petrol cans and Molotov cocktails started attacking Tamil shops on Castle Street, Colombo Street,
King's Street and Trincomalee Street.[26] The mob then moved on to nearby Gampola.[26] A curfew
was imposed in Kandy District on the evening of 26 July.[26]
In Trincomalee false rumours started spreading that the LTTE had captured Jaffna, the
Karainagar Naval Base had been destroyed and that the Naga Vihare had been
desecrated.[29] Sailors based at Trincomalee Naval Base went on a rampage, attacking Central
Road, Dockyard Road, Main Street and North Coast Road.[30] The sailors started 170 fires before
returning to their base.[30] The Sivan Hindu temple on Thirugnasambandan Road had been
The curfew was extended nationwide on 26 July as a precautionary measure, as there were
more outbreaks of violence against Tamils in areas where various ethnic groups lived together
and looting.[25] By the evening of the 26 July the mob violence began to slacken off, as the police
and army patrolled the street in large numbers and began to take action against the
rioters.[31] The soldiers killed in the Thirunelveli ambush were quietly buried during the night
Wednesday 27 July
In the Central Province the violence spread to Nawalapitiya and Hatton.[30] Badulla, the largest
city in neighbouring Uva Province, had so far been peaceful. At around 10.30am on 27 July a
Tamil owned motorcycle was set on fire in front of the clock tower in Badulla.[30] Around midday
an organised mob went through the city's bazaar area, setting shops on fire.[30] The rioting then
spread to the city's residential areas where the homes of many Tamils were burnt down.[30] The
mob then left the city in vans and buses they had stolen and headed for Bandarawela, Hali-Ela
and Welimada where they set properties on fire.[32] The riot had spread to Lunugala by nightfall.[32]
The daytime curfew was lifted in Colombo on 27 July and the city started the day relatively calmly.
At Fort Railway Station a train heading for Jaffna was stopped as it was pulling out of platform 1
after cartridges were found on the track. Sinhalese passengers on the train started attacking
Tamil passengers, killing twelve.[32] Some Tamils were burnt alive on the railway tracks.[32]
Following the riot at Welikada prison on 25 July, Tamil prisoners had been moved from the
Chapel Ward to the Youth Offenders Building. On the evening of 27 July Sinhalese prisoners
overpowered their guards, armed themselves with axes and firewood, and attacked the Tamil
prisoners in the Youth Offenders Building, killing 15 Tamil prisoners.[32][25][33] Two Tamil prisoners
and a third prisoner were killed during a riot at Jaffna prison on the same day.[25][34]
Thursday 28 July
Badulla was still on fire on 28 July and the rioting spread from Lunugala to Passara.[35] There was
also rioting in Nuwara Eliya and Chilaw.[35] Colombo, Kandy and Trincomalee were peaceful.[35]

President Jayewardene and his Cabinet met in an emergency session on 28 July after which
Jayewardene made a prime time televised address in which he appealed for an end to the
violence.[25][36][35] Jayewardene blamed the violence on "the deep ill-feeling and suspicion that has
grown between the Sinhalese and the Tamil people" caused by the calls for an independent
Tamil state which began in 1976.[37] The Tamil United Liberation Front, the largest political party
representing the Tamils, had passed the Vaddukoddai Resolution in 1976. He blamed the
violence committed by the Tamil militants for the way "the Sinhalese people themselves have
reacted".[37] Jayewardene vowed that the "Sinhalese people will never agree to the division of a
country which has been a united nation for 2,500 years [sic]" and announced the government
would "accede to the clamour...of the Sinhalese people" and ban any party which sought to
divide the nation.[38][34]
Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi called Jayewardene on 28 July and informed him of the
impact the riots had had in India.[39] She requested that Jayewardene receive Minister of External
Affairs P. V. Narasimha Rao as her special envoy.[39] Jayewardene accepted and a few hours
later Rao arrived in Sri Lanka.[39]
Friday 29 July
Colombo was still peaceful on 29 July. Tamil residents were visiting their friends and relatives
who had taken refuge in the many refugee camps in the city. But at around 10.30am two
Sinhalese youths were shot on Gas Works Street.[40] A large crowd gathered at the scene and
soon rumours started circling that the youths had been shot by Tamil Tigers in the Adam Ali
building.[40] The building was surrounded by the army, navy and police who proceed to fire at the
building using submachine guns and semi-automatic rifles.[40] A helicopter also fired machine gun
at the building. The security forces stormed the building but didn't find any Tamil Tigers, weapons
or ammunitions inside.[41] Wild rumours started spreading around Colombo that the army was
engaged in a battle with the Tamil Tigers.[42] Panicking workers fled in any mode of transport they
could find. Mobs started gathering in the streets, armed with axes, bricks, crow bars, iron rods,
kitchen knives and stones, ready to fight the Tigers.[42][31] The Tigers never came, so the mobs
turned their attention to fleeing workers. Vehicles were stopped and searched for Tamils. Any
Tamil they found was attacked and set on fire.[42] A Tamil was burnt alive on Kirula
Road.[42] Eleven Tamils were burnt alive on Attidiya Road.[42] The police found an abandoned van
on the same road which contained the butchered bodies of two Tamils and three
Muslims.[42] Police shot dead 15 rioters.[33] At 2pm on 29 July a curfew came into force which was
to last until 5am on Monday 1 August.[43]
Badulla, Kandy and Trincomalee were peaceful on 29 July but there was violence in Nuwara
Eliya where, around midday, the Tamil-owned Ganesan and Sivalingam stores were attacked
and set on fire.[43] The violence then spread to Bazaar Street and Lawson Road in the
city.[43] Violence was also reported in Kegalle District and Matara District. In Kegalle District the
violence spread from Dehiowita to Deraniyagala to Avissawella.[43] In Matara District the worst
affected areas Deniyaya and Morawake.[43] There was violence in Chilaw as well.
Indian External Affairs Minister Rao held discussions with President Jayewardene and Foreign
Minister A. C. S. Hameed before visiting Kandy by helicopter.[39][43]
Saturday 30 July
Violence was reported in Nuwara Eliya, Kandapola, Hawa Eliya and Matale on 30 July.[43] The
rest of the country was quiet. That night the government banned three left-wing political parties -
Communist Party of Sri Lanka, Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna and Nava Sama Samaja Party -
blaming them for inciting the riots.[43]

Government's response
See also: Human rights in Sri Lanka and State terrorism in Sri Lanka
There was a growing tension between the Sinhala and Tamil communities of Sri Lanka, even
before the actual riots, and with the formation of rebel Tamil groups, there was a rising anti-Tamil
sentiment among the Sinhalese majority. Although it started as a spontaneous reaction by

Sinhalese mobs gathered at the Colombo cemetery where the bodies of the soldiers were to be
buried, later joined by elements associated with the Sinhalese political activists actively involved
in the organisation of the riots.[44] Also, during the early stages of riots, it is alleged the local police
officers and military stood by doing nothing.[45] By 26 July however, police and the army were out
in the streets taking actions against the mobs and most of the violence died out. The government
extended the curfew to prevent violence from spreading to other parts of the country. A brief
span of rioting broke out on 29 July when police shot and killed 15 Sinhalese looters.
Even though some Tamil politicians accused the ruling UNP for not taking appropriate actions to
prevent the riots, according to the government it took vital counter measures from the very early
stages to combat rioters and safeguard the Tamil community. Curfew was enforced immediately
after the riots broke out. The attacks, according to the government, were carefully organised and
government properties such as trains, buildings and buses were the initial targets. Prime Minister
Premadasa formed a committee to organise shelter and feeding for an estimated 20,000
homeless Tamils in Colombo. These temporary shelters were situated at five school buildings
and an aircraft hangar. After the number refugees increased to around 50,000 and the
government with help from India took measures to send Tamils north by ships.[31]

Eyewitness accounts
The rioters initially targeted government properties. As it had happened many times before and
after, most of the people who gathered at the Borella Kanatta, where the dead army soldiers
were supposed to be buried, directed their anger towards the government. Later it developed into
full scale violence, targeting Tamil citizens and their properties.
The murder, looting and general destruction of property was well organised. Mobs armed with
petrol were seen stopping passing motorists at critical street junctions and, after ascertaining the
ethnic identity of the driver and passengers, setting alight the vehicle with the driver and
passengers trapped within it.
Mobs were also seen stopping buses to identify Tamil passengers and subsequently these
passengers were knifed, clubbed to death or burned alive. One Norwegian tourist saw a mob set
fire to a minibus with 20 people inside, killing them all.[44][46]

Casualty estimates
The estimates of casualties vary. While the government initially stated just 250 Tamils were killed,
various NGOs and international agencies estimate that between 400 and 3,000 people, believed
to be Sri Lankan Tamils or Hill Country Tamils, were killed in the riots.[2][3] 53 terrorism suspects
alone were killed in the Welikade prison massacre. Eventually the Sri Lankan government put the
death toll at about 300 dead.[47][48]
More than 18,000 houses and numerous commercial establishments were destroyed and
hundreds of thousands of Tamils fled the country to Europe, Australia and Canada.[47] Many
Tamil youths also joined the various Tamil groups including the Tamil Tigers.

Prosecutions and compensations

There was a presidential commission appointed during the subsequent People's
Alliance government that estimated that nearly 300 people killed and 18,000 establishments
including houses were destroyed and recommended that restitution be paid. Thus far, no
restitution has been paid or any criminal proceedings against anyone involved begun.[47]

As a remembrance day
July has become a time of mourning and remembrance amongst the Sri Lankan Tamil
diaspora around the world. Tamil diaspora around the world come together to commemorate the
loss of Tamils. This has happened in countries such

as Canada, Switzerland,Norway, Denmark, Germany, France, Great Britain, Australia, and New

Panorama of the Black July's 26th anniversary remembrance day observed at Trafalgar Square in London in

1. Jump up^ Community, Gender and Violence, edited by Partha Chatterjee, Pradeep
2. ^ Jump up to:a b c Harrison, Frances (23 July 2003). "Twenty years on - riots that led to
war". BBC News.
3. ^ Jump up to:a b c d Buerk, Roland (23 July 2008). "Sri Lankan families count cost of
war". BBC News.
4. Jump up^ "Peace and Conflict Timeline: 24 July 1983". Centre for Poverty Analysis.
5. ^ Jump up to:a b Aspinall, Jeffrey & Regan 2013, p. 104.
6. Jump up^ Senewiratne, Brian (28 July 2006). "Sri Lanka's Week of Shame: The July 1983
massacre of Tamils – Long-term consequences". Ilankai Tamil Sangam. Retrieved 1
7. Jump up^ Wilson 1989.
8. Jump up^ Tambiah, Stanley (1984). Sri Lanka: Ethnic Fratricide and the Dismantling of
Democracy. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-78952-7.
9. Jump up^ Rajasingham-Senanayake, Darini (May 2001). "Dysfunctional Democracy and the
Dirty War in Sri Lanka". AsiaPacific Issues(East–West Center) (52). Retrieved 1 August 2006.
10. Jump up^ Dissanayake 2004, pp. 63-64.
11. ^ Jump up to:a b c d O'Ballance 1989, p. 21.
12. ^ Jump up to:a b Dissanayake 2004, p. 66.
13. Jump up^ Cooray, B. Sirisena (2002). President Premadasa and I: Our Story. Dayawansa
Jayakody & Company. pp. 60–63.ISBN 955-551-280-9.
14. ^ Jump up to:a b c d e Dissanayake 2004, p. 67.
15. ^ Jump up to:a b c d Dissanayake 2004, p. 68.
16. ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f g h Dissanayake 2004, p. 69.
17. Jump up^ "Travellers warned on Sri Lankan strife". The Free Lance–Star/Associated Press.
26 July 1983. p. 11.
18. ^ Jump up to:a b "Mobs burn shops in Sri Lanka". The Times/Reuters. 26 July 1983. p. 1.
19. Jump up^ Dissanayake 2004, pp. 69-70.
20. ^ Jump up to:a b Dissanayake 2004, p. 70.
21. ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f g Dissanayake 2004, p. 71.
22. ^ Jump up to:a b c d O'Ballance 1989, p. 23.
23. ^ Jump up to:a b c d e Dissanayake 2004, p. 72.
24. Jump up^ "The Group". Capital Maharaja.
25. ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f "Sri Lanka ethic riots kill at least 88 people".Telegraph Herald/United
Press International. 28 July 1983. p. 12.
26. ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f Dissanayake 2004, p. 74.
27. Jump up^ Piyadasa, L. (1986). Sri Lanka: The Holocaust and After. Zed Books. ISBN 0-
28. Jump up^ "Anti-Tamil Riots and the Political Crisis in Sri Lanka".Bulletin of Concerned Asian
Scholars 16 (1): 27–29. January–March 1984. doi:10.1080/14672715.1984.10409780.
Retrieved1 August 2006.

29. Jump up^ Dissanayake 2004, pp. 74-75.

30. ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f g Dissanayake 2004, p. 75.
31. ^ Jump up to:a b c d O'Ballance 1989, p. 24.
32. ^ Jump up to:a b c d e Dissanayake 2004, p. 76.
33. ^ Jump up to:a b O'Ballance 1989, p. 25.
34. ^ Jump up to:a b Hamlyn, Michael (29 July 1983). "Colombo acts to appease mobs". The
Times. p. 1.
35. ^ Jump up to:a b c d Dissanayake 2004, p. 77.
36. Jump up^ Wilson 2001, pp. 113-114.
37. ^ Jump up to:a b Dissanayake 2004, p. 78.
38. Jump up^ Dissanayake 2004, pp. 78-79.
39. ^ Jump up to:a b c d Dissanayake 2004, p. 79.
40. ^ Jump up to:a b c Dissanayake 2004, p. 80.
41. Jump up^ Dissanayake 2004, pp. 80-81.
42. ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f Dissanayake 2004, p. 81.
43. ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f g h Dissanayake 2004, p. 82.
44. ^ Jump up to:a b Hoole et al. 1990.
45. Jump up^ Swamy, M. R. Narayan (2003). Inside an Elusive Mind: Prabhakaran. Literate
World. ISBN 1-59121-003-8.
46. Jump up^ "History of Tamil struggle for Freedom in Sri Lanka: A Photo Album". Ilankai Tamil
47. ^ Jump up to:a b c "We must search for unity in diversity - President". Daily News (Sri Lanka).
26 July 2004.
48. Jump up^ Grant, Patrick (2008). Buddhism and Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka. State University
of New York Press. p. 132. ISBN 0-7914-9353-9

Friday 12.12.2014 Facebook:

I sent a message to the Sri Lankan government today. I don't know if it will help:
I have just watched the Sri Lankan Defence Secretary talking about the security threats to Sri
Lanka, where he mentions the TGTE and Rudrakumaran. I have been opposed to the LTTE
despite the fact my father was an outspoken advocate of the LTTE - claiming that they were the
"sole legitimate representatives of the Tamil people" as late as 2009. In late 2008 he flew to
Canada to address a large crowd of Tamil people in Toronto that were waving LTTE flags and
placards of Parabakaran (YouTube search Brian Senewiratne Tamil Pongu). Despite many
evidences to the contrary my father claimed that he was "neither for nor against the Tigers". He
systematically exaggerated, though, every claim on TamilNet and barely acknowledged the
crimes of the LTTE, which he showed no interest in.
After the war he had long predicted would be won by the LTTE was lost my father intensified his
claims of "genocide" and "concentration camps" etc - enlisting the support of the gullible Socialist
Alliance in Brisbane, as well as the support of the newly-formed TGTE. He has been a friend of
the LTTE lawyer Karen Parker for a long time and repeated her legal arguments to validate his
claim that the LTTE were "freedom fighters" and not terrorists. After the war he was appointed a
senator of the TGTE, and has continued his propaganda activities against the Sri Lankan
government and military. His most recent effort has been a book claiming that there is an
"epidemic of rape" of Tamil women in the North and East for which the main cause is "the military
occupation by the Sinhalese of Tamil lands". His unsubstantiated claims are followed by a wild
demand that the UN mandate the immediate removal of the armed forces from the North and
East to be replaced by a UN or Indian force. Copies of this book were printed in Malaysia and he
promoted the book at the recent "sitting of the TGTE parliament" in the USA. At this parliament
the flags of the LTTE and USA were flown alongside the logo of the TGTE. There is a photo of
my father next to the LTTE flag giving a speech, with his book "Sri Lanka Rape Crisis of Tamil
Civilians in the North and East by the Sri Lankan Armed Forces" in the table next to him. The
speech itself has not been uploaded yet.
I have been opposed to my father's political activities for more than 20 years. I have always
supported a unified country, and promoted trilingualism as the best solution to the ethnic problem.
I have always been against the military solution to the Tamil grievances, and questioned my
father's motives for supporting the cause (given that he has shown no inclination to learn Tamil
from his trilingual wife over 50 years of being married to her). My father's reaction to my criticism
of his politics and style of medicine was to arrange to have me locked up in mental hospitals and
injected with drugs against my will. He first did this in 1995 when I was 34 years old, by writing
letters and sending faxes to the psychiatric authorities in Melbourne and enlisting the help of Dr
Chelvarayan Barr-Kumarakulasinghe, who was working as a psychiatry resident in the public
hospital system in Melbourne, where I had been living and working as a GP since 1988.
Chelvarayan Barr-Kumarakulasinghe was professor of surgery in Peradeniya when my father
was working there in the 1970s, but was not allowed to work as a surgeon after he came to
Australia. He remains a close friend of my father; I am uncertain of his role in terms of supporting
the LTTE, but he was one of the doctors who my father conspired with to have me falsely
imprisoned the first time.
Since then my father has maintained that I am "mentally ill" and has arranged for me to be locked
up on several occasions. He did this despite being 2000 kms away from me by sending faxes
and making phonecalls or making my mother (who is frightened of him) call the authorities. In
2007 I moved back to Brisbane from Melbourne and he has continued to have me periodically
locked up and tortured. He did this by influencing psychiatrists at the PA Hospital, where he was
first employed as a specialist physician in 1976. Though he was asked to leave the hospital in
2001, he continues to have contacts with the senior medical staff at the hospital. At the age of 82
he is still allowed to practice medicine, whereas I have been prevented from earning a living as a
doctor since 2002 despite there never being any complaints about the quality of my medical work
- rather it has been because my perfectly accurate claims about my father supporting terrorism
have been regarded as "paranoid delusions" of "schizophrenia".

In 2011 I was locked up for 2 months for maintaining that my father was supporting the LTTE and
that the TGTE was an LTTE front. I came to this conclusion by researching the background of
Rudrakumaran and the so-called "senators" including my father. The treating psychiatrists - Dr
Paul Schneider, Daniel Varghese and Subramaniam Purushothaman sided with my father
against me, when he and my mother denied ever supporting the LTTE. When I was eventually
given leave and took back evidence in the form of my father's propaganda DVDs and writings,
the hospital doctors refused to look at the evidence. Instead, the told me that if I accepted a
depot injection I would be allowed to leave the hospital in a few days. I agreed, despite the
adverse effects of the injections, because I was desperate to get home.
I am still on an ITO (Involuntary Treatment Order) from the PA hospital. This authorises them to
request the police to return me to the hospital if I refuse an injection. So I have been allowing
them to inject me in my home; the alternative is worse.
Is there anything the Sri Lankan government can do to help me?
Dr Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam
76 Fegen Drive
Australia 4105
Phone 617-3277-2010

Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam
December 10 at 12:24pm ·
On the links between the TGTE and LTTE (Tamil Tigers) by a Sri Lankan lawyer. This has relevance to
the recent conferences organized by the separatist diaspora in which there have been calls for the LTTE to

be de-banned, as well as a call for the UN/India to forcibly evict the Sri Lankan military from the North
and East of the country.

How TGTE tries UN card

TGTE’s call for a UN monitored protection mechanism in North and East : Lakshman I.Keerthisinghe LLB,
LLM.MPhil, Attorney-at-Law Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell in unit...

Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam
December 9 at 4:59pm · YouTube ·

The TGTE resolution of 7th December calls for the de-banning of the LTTE. Looks like the TGTE
is abandoning the pretense of being other than a reincarnation of the LTTE, given that the "Prime
Minister" Rudrakumaran's podium stands between the flags of the LTTE and USA.

TGTE Rudrakumar 2014 Resolution Tamil Video By Kvm Jvm

TGTE Rudrakumar 2014 Resolution Tamil Video By Kvm Jvm

Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam shared Yogalingam Yogi Tgte MP's photo.

December 9 at 2:37pm ·

Third "sitting" of the "Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam". On the left you can see the
USA and LTTE flags (crossed assault rifles and a charging Tiger). The "Prime Minister"
Rudrakumaran is wearing all white in the middle of the photo.

Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam shared Penang International Tamil Conference 2014's photo.

December 9 at 1:51pm ·
From November 7-9 there was an International Tamil Conference in Malaysia. It was organized by Prof
Ramasamy who is the deputy chief minister of Penang. The guest of honour was the controversial Tamil
Nadu politician, Vaiko, a vocal supporter of the Tamil Tigers and a personal friend of the LTTE leader
Prabakaran. The conference was opened by the Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, who is seen seated
between Vaiko and Professor Ramasamy in the photo. The conference called for a UN-monitored
referendum on "Tamil Eelam".
Professor Ramasamy then flew to New York where he has repeated the call for a referendum at the
"Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam" (TGTE) conference in New York. Here the proceedings were
run by the "Prime Minister" Rudrakumaran who used to be the international legal adviser to the LTTE. The
proceedings are mostly in Tamil and they have established videolinks to France, India and elsewhere.
Though I cannot understand the content I am struck by the fact that in the conference room there are two
flags flying alongside the logo of the TGTE (with its exorbitant land claim). These are the flags of the
LTTE and that of the USA.
In addition, the Tamil Tigers have employed lawyers to argue in the European courts that they are freedom
fighters and not terrorists and should therefore be de-banned. Their objective is to get their hands on frozen
funds. So the LTTE is obviously not as totally destroyed as some have been claiming.


Hon Julie Bishop

Dear Julie,

I have just watched the Defence Secretary of Sri Lanka talking about the security threats to Sri Lanka,
where he mentions the TGTE (the 'Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam' and Rudrakumaran its
Prime Minister'. I have been opposed to the LTTE (Tamil Tigers) for many years despite the fact my
father, Brian Senewiratne, was an outspoken advocate of the LTTE - claiming that they were the "sole
legitimate representatives of the Tamil people" as late as 2009.

In late 2008 my father flew to Canada to address a large crowd of Tamil people in Toronto that were
waving LTTE flags and placards of Parabakaran despite the fact that by then the LTTE were banned
as a terrorist organization in Canada and elsewhere (but not Australia)

Despite many evidences to the contrary my father claimed that he was "neither for nor against the
Tigers". He systematically exaggerated, though, every claim on biased sources like the pro-Tiger
TamilNet and barely acknowledged the crimes of the LTTE, which he showed no interest in.
Consistently exaggerating the crimes of the Sri Lankan armed forces and minimising those of the the
Tigers while urging the Tamil Diaspora to contribute more money and men for the separatist war
made my father popular among the minority of Tamils who supported the LTTE. It was a minority but
it was a noisy an influential minority.

After the war he had long predicted would be won by the LTTE was lost my father intensified his
claims of "genocide" and "concentration camps" etc - enlisting the support of the gullible Socialist
Alliance in Brisbane, as well as the support of the newly-formed TGTE. He has been a friend of the
LTTE lawyer Karen Parker (a member of the TGTE advisory council who also advised the LTTE) for a

long time and repeated her legal arguments to validate his claim that the LTTE were "freedom
fighters" and not terrorists. After the war he was appointed a senator of the TGTE, and has continued
his propaganda activities against the Sri Lankan government and military. His most recent effort has
been a book claiming that there is an "epidemic of rape" of Tamil women in the North and East for
which the main cause is "the military occupation by the Sinhalese Army of Tamil lands". (The is no
Sinhala Army only a Sri Lankan army) His unsubstantiated claims of an "epidemic" of rape are
followed by a wild demand that the UN mandate the immediate removal of the armed forces from the
North and East to be replaced by a UN or Indian force (which happens to be the LTTE/TGTE
objective). Copies of this book were printed in Malaysia and he promoted the book at the recent
"sitting of the TGTE parliament" in the USA. At this parliament the flags of the LTTE and USA were
flown alongside the logo of the TGTE. There is a photo of my father next to the LTTE flag giving a
speech, with his book "Sri Lanka Rape Crisis of Tamil Civilians in the North and East by the Sri
Lankan Armed Forces" in the table next to him. The speech itself has not been uploaded yet. (see
attached photos)

I have been opposed to my father's political activities for more than 20 years. I have always supported
a unified country, and promoted trilingualism as the best solution to the ethnic problem. I have always
been against the military solution to the Tamil grievances, and questioned my father's motives for
supporting the cause (given that he has shown no inclination to learn Tamil from his trilingual wife
over 50 years of being married to her).

My father's reaction to my criticism of his politics and style of medicine was to arrange to have me
locked up in mental hospitals and injected with drugs against my will. He first did this in 1995 when I
was 34 years old, by writing letters and sending faxes to the psychiatric authorities in Melbourne and
enlisting the help of Dr Chelvarayan Barr-Kumarakulasinghe, who was working as a psychiatry
resident in the public hospital system in Melbourne, where I had been living and working as a GP
since 1988. Chelvarayan Barr-Kumarakulasinghe was professor of surgery in Peradeniya when my
father was working there in the 1970s, but was not allowed to work as a surgeon after he came to
Australia. He remains a close friend of my father; I am uncertain of his role in terms of supporting the
LTTE, but he was one of the doctors who my father conspired with to have me falsely imprisoned the
first time.

Since then my father has maintained that I am "mentally ill" and has arranged for me to be locked up
on several occasions. He did this despite being 2000 kms away from me by sending faxes and
making phonecalls or making my mother (who is frightened of him) call the authorities. In 2007 I
moved back to Brisbane from Melbourne and he has continued to have me periodically locked up and
tortured. He did this by influencing psychiatrists at the PA Hospital, where he was first employed as a
specialist physician in 1976. Though he was asked to leave the hospital in 2001, he continues to have
contacts with the senior medical staff at the hospital. At the age of 82 he is still allowed to practice
medicine, whereas I have been prevented from earning a living as a doctor since 2002 despite there
never being any complaints about the quality of my medical work - rather it has been because my
perfectly accurate claims about my father supporting terrorism have been regarded as "paranoid
delusions" of "schizophrenia".

In 2011 I was locked up for 2 months for maintaining that my father was supporting the LTTE and that
the TGTE was an LTTE front. I came to this conclusion by researching the background of
Rudrakumaran and the so-called "senators" including my father. The treating psychiatrists - Dr Paul
Schneider, Daniel Varghese and Subramaniam Purushothaman sided with my father against me,
when he and my mother denied ever supporting the LTTE. When I was eventually given leave and
took back evidence in the form of my father's propaganda DVDs and writings, the hospital doctors
refused to look at the evidence. Instead, the told me that if I accepted a depot injection I would be
allowed to leave the hospital in a few days. I agreed, despite the adverse effects of the injections,
because I was desperate to get home.

I am still on an ITO (Involuntary Treatment Order) from the PA hospital. This authorises them to
request the police to return me to the hospital if I refuse an injection. So I have been allowing them to
inject me in my home; the alternative is worse.

Is there anything you can do to help me?



Dr Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam
76 Fegen Drive
Australia 4105

Phone 617-3277-2010
4 Attachments

Preview YouTube video Speech by Dr Brian Senwiratne- Australia, about Tamil Genocide in
Sri Lanka

Speech by Dr Brian Senwiratne- Australia, about Tamil Genocide in Sri Lanka

Preview YouTube video Dr. Brian Seneviratne's Speech at Pongu Tamil in Toronto 1-3

Dr. Brian Seneviratne's Speech at Pongu Tamil in Toronto 1-3


Romesh Senewiratne <> 2:31 PM

(22 hours
ago) R
to Rohan ly

Dear Rohan,

I have been following the TGTE's activities, such as I am able and have noted that in the recent
photos and videos on YouTube the LTTE flag features prominently at their meetings. I have also
found a photo of my father Brian Senewiratne giving a speech next to the LTTE flag and read the
book he has written titled "Sri Lanka Rape Crisis of Tamil Civilians by the Sri Lankan Armed Forces".
As usual this book consistently exaggerates the crimes of the Sri Lankan Government and its armed
forces. He claims that as a result of the LTTE there was little rape in the North and East when it was
under Tiger control, but that now there is an "epidemic" of rape by the armed forces who are behaving,
in his words, as an "army of occupation".

His "solution" to the alleged problem is the evoke the "R2P" laws! He makes the irrational suggestion
that the UN force the Sri Lankan military and police to "withdraw" from the "North and East" making it
a UN mandated territory. I take a dim view of using the serious problem of rape to play politics.

These photos and this book prove my claim that my father is a supporter of the LTTE. I am trying to
get justice for the fact that I was locked up for 2 months in a mental ward of my father's hospital in
2011 and again on 4 occasions in 2013. To this day I am being injected with depot antipsychotic
drugs (which sterilize me and have made me put on a lot of weight). If I refuse the injections I will be
locked up again - with "police assistance". It is less traumatic for me to allow them to inject me in my
home than to be taken to the hospital by force and injected anyway (plus an unknown period of

I have just watched a video of the Defence Secretary giving a speech in which he described the
TGTE as a threat to the security of Sri Lanka. I noted also that the recent Proclamation of
Rudrakumaran speaking in English is calling for the LTTE to be debanned (speaking next to a LTTE

Is there anything you can do to help me?

3 Attachments

Preview attachment Brian Senewiratne at TGTE (2014 Dec).jpg

Brian Senewiratne at TGTE (2014 Dec).jpg


Preview attachment Brian Senewiratne at TGTE sitting (2014 Dec).jpg

Brian Senewiratne at TGTE sitting (2014 Dec).jpg

Preview YouTube video TGTE Rudrakumar 2014 Resolution Tamil Video By Kvm Jvm

TGTE Rudrakumar 2014 Resolution Tamil Video By Kvm Jvm

Rohan Gunaratna (Prof) 3:49 PM

(21 hours
ago) R
to me ly

Dear Romesh

With the huge economic development in the north and the east, the Tamils, Sinhalese and Muslims
have come together. The propaganda is no longer resonating among Sri Lankans including the
Tamils living in the island and those who have visited beautiful Sri Lanka.

If you look carefully at the photo Rudrakumaran is laughing and even mocking at Dr Brian wearing an
Eelam Tshirt! The LTTE is feeding him false information and making use of him. My personal advice
to you is not to get into a direct confrontation with your father. He needs significance and as he is
aging may not live too long. If you need a point of contact to expose the LTTE - like Rudrakumaran -
and how they are exploiting your father, I can introduce you to an expert on the LTTE who is keen that
you write a series rebutting what Dr Brian has said which is not factual.

Why not visit Sri Lanka? I am happy to see you if you can come at the end of December or early

February. A change of location will help you to recover fully and contribute meaningfully to life and for
Sri Lanka to recover fully. See you soon.

From: Romesh Senewiratne []
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2014 12:01 PM
To: Rohan Gunaratna (Prof)
Subject: TGTE

Romesh Senewiratne <> 6:06 PM

(19 hours
ago) R
to Rohan ly

Dear Rohan,

Thanks for the reply. I would love to visit Sri Lanka but cannot for a number of reasons. I have been
placed under an ITO and also have to appear in court on 5th February after my father made a
vexatious claim that I had subjected him to harassment to the police. He did this after getting me
locked up at his hospital in 2011 - I was placed on a 2 year DVO (domestic violence order) although I
have never subjected my father to violence of any sort. His request to the court was to prohibit me
from posting anything about him on the Internet for 10 years (which was not granted by the court).
Under duress I consented to the DVO and this stopped me from ringing him or visiting him at my
parents' place. As soon as he had obtained the DVO he reported to the police that I had breached it
by ringing my parents' house (I had rung to speak to my mother, not my father, when I was worried
about the whereabouts of my young daughter). As a result of this I was charged by the police with the
serious charge of breaching a DVO. The court case is, as I said, in early Feb 2015. Because of my
financial situation I am forced to represent myself.

The conditions of the Involuntary Treatment Order (ITO) is that I submit myself to the treatment of the
PA Hospital, where my father worked as a consultant physician since 1976. I have been locked up
there many times since 2002, on the instigation of my father. In 2011 I was locked up for two months
and injected with drugs that crippled me for a while. The psychiatrists at the PA cited by claims that
my father was supporting the LTTE as the main reason for diagnosing me with "schizophrenia". This
was explicitly written in the notes - where it is written that I had a "paranoid delusion" that my father
was involved with the LTTE (the Tamil psychiatrist who was put in charge of me, wrote that I has the
delusion that my father was an "enabler for the LTTE", though I did not use this term - I said he was a
propagandist and lobbyist).

Every month workers from the PA Hospital come to my house armed with an injection of a drug called
Paloperidone. If I refuse the injection they have orders that I am to be "returned by Police" to the
hospital, where I will be both locked up and injected anyway. Though the injections are harming my
health, I allow them to give it to me, rather than being locked up again. If I leave the country and miss
an injection they have orders to lock me back up as soon as I return.

As for writing a refutation of my father's many false claims, I am definitely in a position to do so, but I
risk both his fury and that of my mother. It may result in me being locked up and tortured again - all
they have to do is report that I am "unwell again". I do want to work against the LTTE and TGTE,
though. Maybe I can write under a pen-name and maintain some degree of anonymity.

If you are ever in Australia I would like to meet you, and it may be possible for me to make it to Sri
Lanka later next year.

Best wishes


Rohan Gunaratna (Prof) 8:23 PM

(16 hours
ago) R
to me ly

Dear Romesh

Do not breach the law. Let me discuss with govt and come back to you. R
From: Romesh Senewiratne []
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2014 3:36 PM
To: Rohan Gunaratna (Prof)
Subject: Re: TGTE

Dear Rohan,

Thanks for the reply. I would love to visit Sri Lanka but cannot for a number of reasons. I have been
placed under an ITO and also have to appear in court on 5th February after my father made a
vexatious claim that I had subjected him to harassment to the police. He did this after getting me
locked up at his hospital in 2011 - I was placed on a 2 year DVO (domestic violence order) although I
have never subjected my father to violence of any sort. His request to the court was to prohibit me
from posting anything about him on the Internet for 10 years (which was not granted by the court).
Under duress I consented to the DVO and this stopped me from ringing him or visiting him at my
parents' place. As soon as he had obtained the DVO he reported to the police that I had breached it
by ringing my parents' house (I had rung to speak to my mother, not my father, when I was worried
about the whereabouts of my young daughter). As a result of this I was charged by the police with the
serious charge of breaching a DVO. The court case is, as I said, in early Feb 2015. Because of my
financial situation I am forced to represent myself.

The conditions of the Involuntary Treatment Order (ITO) is that I submit myself to the treatment of the
PA Hospital, where my father worked as a consultant physician since 1976. I have been locked up
there many times since 2002, on the instigation of my father. In 2011 I was locked up for two months
and injected with drugs that crippled me for a while. The psychiatrists at the PA cited by claims that
my father was supporting the LTTE as the main reason for diagnosing me with "schizophrenia". This
was explicitly written in the notes - where it is written that I had a "paranoid delusion" that my father
was involved with the LTTE (the Tamil psychiatrist who was put in charge of me, wrote that I has the
delusion that my father was an "enabler for the LTTE", though I did not use this term - I said he was a
propagandist and lobbyist).

Every month workers from the PA Hospital come to my house armed with an injection of a drug called
Paloperidone. If I refuse the injection they have orders that I am to be "returned by Police" to the
hospital, where I will be both locked up and injected anyway. Though the injections are harming my
health, I allow them to give it to me, rather than being locked up again. If I leave the country and miss
an injection they have orders to lock me back up as soon as I return.

As for writing a refutation of my father's many false claims, I am definitely in a position to do so, but I
risk both his fury and that of my mother. It may result in me being locked up and tortured again - all
they have to do is report that I am "unwell again". I do want to work against the LTTE and TGTE,
though. Maybe I can write under a pen-name and maintain some degree of anonymity.

If you are ever in Australia I would like to meet you, and it may be possible for me to make it to Sri
Lanka later next year.

Best wishes


On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 3:49 PM, Rohan Gunaratna (Prof)

<<>> wrote:
Dear Romesh

With the huge economic development in the north and the east, the Tamils, Sinhalese and Muslims
have come together. The propaganda is no longer resonating among Sri Lankans including the
Tamils living in the island and those who have visited beautiful Sri Lanka.

If you look carefully at the photo Rudrakumaran is laughing and even mocking at Dr Brian wearing an
Eelam Tshirt! The LTTE is feeding him false information and making use of him. My personal advice
to you is not to get into a direct confrontation with your father. He needs significance and as he is
aging may not live too long. If you need a point of contact to expose the LTTE - like Rudrakumaran -
and how they are exploiting your father, I can introduce you to an expert on the LTTE who is keen that
you write a series rebutting what Dr Brian has said which is not factual.

Why not visit Sri Lanka? I am happy to see you if you can come at the end of December or early
February. A change of location will help you to recover fully and contribute meaningfully to life and for
Sri Lanka to recover fully. See you soon.

From: Romesh Senewiratne

TGTE Launched ‘Tamil Eelam Freedom Charter’

May 19, 2013 | Filed under: Colombo Telegraph,Most Popular,News,STORIES | Posted by: COLOMBO_TELEGRAPH

The Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam launched Tamil Eelam Freedom Charter today. Aspiring
to take the Vaddukoddai Resolution forward as the TGTE moves towards realizing its goal, and taking
inspiration from Britain’s Ma’gna Car’ta, the Freedom Charter of the African National Congress (ANC)
as well as the Palestinian National Charter, the Tamil Eelam Freedom Charter “will enshrine the
‘Freedom Demands’ of the people.” the Prime Minister Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran said. The Tamil
Eelam Freedom Charter finalized today (18) after three day International Conference.
We publish below the statement in full;


Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran - Prime Minister TGTE

We, the people of Tamil Eelam, have an inherent right to self-determination. Subject to Genocide at the hands of
successive Sinhala national governments and as an essential measure of protection we wish to establish our own
independent and sovereign State of Tamil Eelam.

2. The creation of an independent and sovereign State of Tamil Eelam remains the only viable option to lead a life
with security, dignity and equality, both individually and collectively.
3. For over six decades we have struggled, through both non-violent means and armed resistance, to protect
ourselves from state sponsored Genocide. We demand the international community organize a referendum to
enable us to exercise our right to self-determination and also take all measures to bring to justice the perpetrators
of Genocide against the Tamil people.
4. The North-East of Sri Lanka is our traditional homeland and will be the territory of the State of Tamil Eelam.
The maritime and aerial limits of Tamil Eelam will be established according to international laws.
5. The independent state of Tamil Eelam will embrace wholeheartedly the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
and all international human rights and humanitarian treaties and conventions.
6. A Constituent Assembly, elected by the people, shall draft the Constitution. The Constitution will avoid any
concentration of power in one authority or person and enshrine the independence of the Legislature, the
Executive and Judiciary. Tamil Eelam shall be a Republic adhering to the laws enacted by a Parliament of
elected representatives chosen through direct voting by the people. The people shall have the right to recall their
elected representatives.
7. No religion shall be given the foremost place in Tamil Eelam. The freedom to worship and the cultural right to
practice religious traditions shall be ensured.
8. Tamil Eelam will prohibit capital punishment.
9. The state of Tamil Eelam shall guarantee Constitutional protection of individuals, families and communities
from any form of discrimination on the basis of religion, ethnicity, language, caste, gender or sexual orientation.

10. The rights of all minority groups in Tamil Eelam will be respected and safeguarded. The distinct identity of
Muslims will be recognized. They shall have the right to participate in formulation of their role in Tamil Eelam.
Whenever the hill country Tamils choose to settle in Tamil Eelam, citizenship rights will be extended to them
forthwith and the state shall implement special programs for their welfare.
11. All freedom fighters shall be honored as national heroes. All those who sacrificed their lives shall be honored as
martyrs. The welfare of the families of the martyrs and cadre shall be the responsibility of the state. All civilians
who lost their lives during the freedom struggle shall be remembered through a national monument. May 18 will
be established as a National Day of Mourning and November 27 will remain as the National Maaveerar Day.

Foreign Policy

12. Tamil Eelam shall maintain close relations with all nations that have democratically elected
governments. Expressing solidarity with the people of India and to foster peace and security in the Indian
Ocean region, Tamil Eelam will forge a special relationship with India.

Economic Policy

13. The economic policy of Tamil Eelam will be shaped with the needs and resources of the people of Tamil
Eelam in mind and to cultivate global cooperation as well as recognizing the significant role of the Tamil

Language Policy

14. Tamil, Sinhala and English shall be the official languages of Tamil Eelam.

Education Policy

15. Education shall be compulsory and free for all.

Health Policy

16. Health will be a fundamental right and all citizens will have access to free healthcare.

Development Policy

17. Development includes economic as well as social, human resource and cultural development in a sustainable
way. An important goal of development policy would be to create social equity and minimize disparities.

18. Some of the objectives of development projects in Tamil Eelam will be to ensure that all citizens have:

- their own shelter;

- basic livelihood

- adequate nutrition, especially for children, pregnant mothers and the elderly

- protection from infectious diseases

Environment Policy

19. Land, water and space resources within the territory of Tamil Eelam will be conserved. Large-scale
reforestation projects, especially of the Palmyra resource destroyed during the war, will be undertaken as a

20. Emphasis will be given to renewable energy forms such as solar, wind and wave. All non-renewable
resources will be used cautiously keeping in mind the needs of future generations.

Citizenship Policy

21. Citizenship will be extended to all those born in the homeland or descended from those born in the
homeland. Provisions will be made for obtaining citizenship through naturalization and also for holding dual


If I may suggest an important correction to the Charter? 
 “We, the people of Tamil Eelam, have an inherent
right to self-delusion. .. and I have a question about the involvement of minorities in formulating Tamil Eelam.
Rudrakumaran says: “The rights of all minority groups in Tamil Eelam will be respected and safeguarded. The
distinct identity of Muslims will be recognized. They shall have the right to participate in formulation of their
role in Tamil Eelam.” What about the rights of Sinhalese (e.g. Dr Brian Seneviratne) who want to participate in
formulation of their role in Tamil Eelam?. Are they to be denied their inalienable right to make complete idiots
of themselves? Why only favour Muslims?

May 19, 2013 at 4:59 am


‘Some of the objectives of development projects in Tamil Eelam will be to ensure that all citizens have:- their
own shelter;- basic livelihood- adequate nutrition, especially for children, pregnant mothers and the elderly-
protection from infectious diseases’ So you are going to spend the millions of dollars you are no longer donating
to the LTTE terrorists to improve life in the Vanni? When did the diaspora spend a cent on the Tamils of Sri
Lanka? It is easy for these clowns to sit comfortably in Ontario and make grand pronouncements. Do they think
that a minority of 12% of the population of Sri Lanka will ever get a third of the land mass and two thirds of the

May 19, 2013 at 12:19 am

o 1

Support for untenable “Grand Ealam Project” is actually even lower than 12%. Cos’ not all Tamil Sri Lankans
support this ridiculous, extreme Tamil ethno nationalistic idea. But, then again LTTE die-ass-pora lunatics have
no regard for will of the people. PS: When 300 000 Tamil refugees escaped through VP’s gates of hell in Vanni.
Soldiers gave away their daily food rations to fellow Tamil Sri Lankans. In a true display of brotherhood and
humanity. These LTTE rump monkeys have done nothing to support innocent, poor Tamils of Vanni. Except
sending money to VP. So that, VP could kidnap Tamil kids for frontline duties. And have them brutalized.
There is only one thing that matters to them. Tamil Ealam Project. At all costs. While they live in relative
comfort in Toronto.

Ben Hurling
May 19, 2013 at 4:00 am

o 0

I don’t think the Diaspora should spend any money until the occupying Sinhala thugs who are the main
impediment to the development of Tamil Eelam are made to leave by influencing the West to put pressure on
GOSL. Already the Sinhala thugs are stealing the doors and windows and any valuables in the abandoned
houses and do you want the Diaspora to spend money and let the Sinhalese to steal further? The Sinhala
government is still claiming the Tamil areas as part of Sri Lanka, therefore they must spend money for the
development of Tamil Eelam also. After all, the foreign countries are not giving aid only for the Sinhalese even
though they go around begging the world. The greedy Sinhalese even refused to share the Tsunami foreign aid
with the mostly affected Tamil victims.

May 19, 2013 at 4:54 am

 1

But then who destroyed these valuables to the ground? The LTTE spared nothing. They cultivated the north east
land with landmines. One uneducated man became the destruction and nightmare for Tamils and the TGTE is
trying to take it forward. Once again it’s the Tamils who are going to suffer…

May 19, 2013 at 12:44 pm

 1

Ravi, So you guys still need West to clear the ground to place your cradle? Dream on man, till the leaches suck
the blood out of your kind!

mohamed fazly ilyas

May 21, 2013 at 8:42 am

o 0

So you call it a Tamil Eelam and expect muslims and Sinhala people to have equal status

May 19, 2013 at 10:05 am

o 0

Why if they spend, do you want Rajapaksha to take credit of that?

May 19, 2013 at 11:43 am

o 1

Will any of these pompous fools ever return to live in SL? After surviving for so long on donations collected on
behalf of prabha now that he’s dead they just need another cause to keep the $$$ rolling in.

Suq Madique
May 20, 2013 at 2:17 pm

2. 1

Tamil, Sinhala and English shall be the official languages of Tamil Eelam. LOL :-)

Siva Sankaran Sarma

May 19, 2013 at 1:04 am

o 1

If that is not enough. “The rights of all minority groups in Tamil Eelam will be respected and safeguarded. The
distinct identity of Muslims will be recognized”. Do Muslims have an inherent right to self-determination too?
Inside Tamil Ealam? Muslims were subject to Genocide at the hands of Talented Mr. VP. TGTE’s eternal
national leader. As an essential measure of protection Muslims of Tamil Ealam wish to establish their own
independent and sovereign State. Inside Tamil Eelam. LOL!

Ben Hurling
May 19, 2013 at 3:45 am

 1

We know how the Eelamites treated the Muslims of Jaffna. THAT was ethnic cleansing.

May 19, 2013 at 4:09 pm

o 0

This must be one of the high points and one that includes the Sinhala-speaking people in the Composite whole.
Methinks it is a signal to the minorities within they have a place in the uniting exercise. Senguttuvan

May 19, 2013 at 4:06 am

 0

You think anything consistent to within the walls of your brain, nothing but think in a compost hole.

May 19, 2013 at 2:25 pm

o 0

The barbaric language Sinhala should be removed.


May 19, 2013 at 4:43 am

 1

This comment is not acceptable Ravi, people who speak that language may behave barbaric, but no language is
barbaric. I was really happy to see such fair minded charter. Then it will be no different that we are calling
srilankan chauvanist for their glorified false stand of sinhala only, if you choose to stand in similar fashion

May 19, 2013 at 11:46 am

 0

Useless, still the barber lives there to shave your dangling dongles.

May 19, 2013 at 2:27 pm

o 0

HELLO PRIME MINISTERRR. WE will support you to Get your dreeeeeeem Come true. so JEYALALITHA,
KALAENJAR KARUNANIDHI, SSEMAN, AND OTHER CLOWNS will not have any voice in south india
and you can HOOK the MALABAARI State Kerala also. “Tamil Eelam will forge a special relationship with
BUT “Sinhala and English shall be the official languages of Tamil Eelam”. HOW COME as THERE Are NO
sinhaleese settaled in South India, But you have to be careful about I S I [ RAW ]. do not try what PIRAPAh
THambi did to RAJIVe.

May 19, 2013 at 12:11 pm

o 0

Include Portuguese, Konkan and Malayalam much related to Jaffna in the past.

May 19, 2013 at 2:39 pm

o 0

Siva Sankaran Sarma “Tamil, Sinhala and English shall be the official languages of Tamil Eelam. LOL” Indeed
it is LOL. Why wouldn’t the stupid Tamils follow their Sinhalese brethren enforcing Tamil only language policy?
Outrageous, an act of treason on the part of TGTE. Why should the Tamils learn Sinhala and English? Why
should they even have a language policy in the first place? They must be very stupid indeed.

Native Vedda
May 19, 2013 at 6:10 pm

3. 0

HA! HA!HA!………..Look at him! A prisoner of the eelam. Condemned by every word he utters, By rights he
should be taken out and hung For the cold bloody murder of the tamil kind….. This guy is very irrational and
that’s all there is for that. His head is full of Cow dung and nothing but trash He sounds a very exasperating,
infuriating and agitating brat… Hear them down in foreign land at every forum that they can, speaking nothing
but eelam, that they can’t have…………… Please try to imagine the famous song ‘ Why can’t the English’from
‘My Fair Lady when trying to stomach thee few lines! and finish it with your own ending.

mohamed fazly ilyas

May 19, 2013 at 1:20 am

o 0

There were sick minds that laughed when the ANC was in its infancy. We have others living amongst us
dangerously, who cannot read the signs around. Senguttuvan

May 19, 2013 at 4:11 am

 0

You couldn’t read the sign that they are blind as well for you are the one really seeing blind.

May 19, 2013 at 2:32 pm

 0

RedShot “You couldn’t read the sign that they are blind as well for you are the one really seeing blind.” You
forgot, braille and braille technology can help the blind.

Native Vedda
May 19, 2013 at 6:15 pm

 0

Sangyou vedda, don’t know whether Songuva the Blind Pilot can read the braille or just scratch his balls in the

May 20, 2013 at 3:14 pm

 0

It’s the bloody sick who’s mind have to be drilled and olive oil that has to be injected to will agree the TGTE
and its Sickos’

mohamed fazly ilyas

May 19, 2013 at 6:00 pm

o 0

mohamed fazly ilyas You should be worrying about the BBS who is trying to screw your women wearing that
black burka. Why worry about TGTE? There should be a limit for flipping your hat. By talking against the
TGTE the BBS is not going to let your women in black go free.

May 19, 2013 at 5:00 am

 0

it’s an internet forum. people comment anonymously. the screen names don’t necessarily point to a real person
they seem to point to.

All Good Names Taken

May 19, 2013 at 12:40 pm

 0

In that case you are much free to keep your slot machine greased, wait for BBS they will tease you in a

May 19, 2013 at 2:21 pm

 0

Ravi, when the BBS comes to screwing about my community women or for that matter the religion for dress or
code of ethics, then i’ll worry and respond. Meanwhile, i am not the kind not stir a hot,but melting pot by
infusing unwanted air.

mohamed fazly ilyas

May 19, 2013 at 6:05 pm

4. 0

Ha..Ha! I find Foreign Policy of the “Charter” specially comical. 1. “Tamil Eelam shall maintain close relations
with all nations that have democratically elected governments”. Talented Mr. VP’s now dismantled, yet
excellent administration in the Vanni would not have qualified for relations with TGTE’s Tamil Ealam under
this “Charter”. 2. “Expressing solidarity with the people of India and to foster peace and security in the Indian
Ocean region” While overtly expressing solidarity, covertly TGTE will plot to asassinate elected leaders of
India, Sri Lanka etc? 3. “Tamil Eelam will forge a special relationship with India” Then use that special
relationship as a platform to promote Tamil Nadu’s separation from India proper eventually. Realize Great
Ealam? We are all really thrilled by TGTE “Charter”. Very good luck to you Mr. Rudrakumar. Please pray that

SL Intelligence Services will not manage to grab you from somewhere. Before you fully implement your fantasy

Ben Hurling
May 19, 2013 at 1:32 am

o 0

Ben Hurling “Then use that special relationship as a platform to promote Tamil Nadu’s separation from India
proper eventually. Realize Great Ealam?” TGTE persevere to establish Tamil Eelam. India will annex Sinhala
Eelam. A neat idea. A cunning idea from TGTE. An idea whose time has come.

Native Vedda
May 19, 2013 at 5:10 am

 0

And eventually the Greatest Natives out of the punnakku natives could establish their ancestral dream land
along the borders sandwiched between heladiva and helaeelam borders.

May 19, 2013 at 3:18 pm

 0

Ace In the ensuing pandemonium we will eject both Tamils and Sinhalese out of our ancestral island. Please do
pack your bags.

Native Vedda
May 19, 2013 at 10:24 pm

 0

Soory, I am not one of the Abhorigins.


Tasmanian Tiger
May 20, 2013 at 3:19 pm

o 0

Why should the intelligence services grab him even if they could ( in the USA?), now that he has probably
ensured — with this toxic garbage– the re-election of the incumbent?

Dr Dayan Jayatilleka
May 19, 2013 at 9:33 am

 0

i don’t read a garbage anymore in that Dayan. at least it guarantees the rights of its potential minorities in
writing, whereas this very aspect has been the debate for than half a century in some other system. it’s all over
the local media that it’s democratically ensured and officially proven that this land belongs to one ethnicity. you
good guys don’t seem to have a voice louder than racism and fascism does. so it’s time that people think about
what you have been suggesting in your public appearances? this guy didn’t have to ensure the re-election of the
incumbent. neither do i buy that computer gilmart explanation for the last time. the moment this guy gets
grabbed could be the moment the us navy seals officially enter the local air space? because war crimes
allegations are on both sides, according to the homegrown LLRC

All Good Names Taken

May 19, 2013 at 12:47 pm

 0

DJ, The idea that SL’s intelligence agents can grab a US citizen who abides by US laws is a preposterous
fantasy of many Sinhalese. By the way, I saw Rudra a couple of weeks back at a funeral of a Washington area
Tamil matriarch; the lady’s family is related to the Loganathan family by marriage (“World Bank” Loganathan’s
daughter lives in this area, and your friend Ketheesh’s niece is an Assistant Attorney General of the US). I didn’t
talk to him because a funeral is not the right place to talk politics, and I saw less than a handful of people talk to
him. I know that the TGTE and Rudra are hardly popular even within the Tamil Diaspora. It is foolish for the
Sinhalese people to make the TGTE out to be something big; opinion makers like you should make that clear to
the Sinhalese masses, rather than arguing that whatever the TGTE says strengthens the Rajapaksas.

May 19, 2013 at 12:57 pm

 0

Well.. Grabbing Rudra is probably way out of our league. Sri Lanka is not Israel. We have no God Father
watching over us. Rudra may not even be worth the trouble. PS: Sri Lanka should go about all guns blazing, in
building a just society. Where rule of law is supreme. Where all are equal. That will be the death knell for Rudra
and others of his ilk.

Ben Hurling
May 19, 2013 at 5:05 pm

o 0

Ben Hurling “I find Foreign Policy of the “Charter” specially comical.” You have your share of clowns and why
would you stop the stupid Tamils having theirs? That would really amount to discrimination. Being a Sinhalese
yourself you are accustomed to treating the minorities the way you have done in the past. No wonder you are at
it again.

Native Vedda
May 19, 2013 at 6:24 pm

 0

Native Vedda, Guilty as charged. I have had a few hearty laughs at the expense of our monority brethren.

Ben Hurling
May 19, 2013 at 10:40 pm

 0

…cheer all the way with a wet middle finger….

Dun Shining
May 20, 2013 at 3:23 pm

5. 0


Just wait mia mia doc reaction….I will follow him. I mean rajapakse licker call Dr rajathi raja rajasinge
narendiran mahathayaa….

May 19, 2013 at 2:09 am

o 0

Mutha, I am indeed honoured by the title bestowed, although it is meant to be insulting. My only regret is that
you are not fit to bestow such a title even as an insult on an undeserving and inconsequential person like me! I
am witnessing Muthu’s Koothu ( dance) and Parttu ( song) in CT- both very much short in taste! I have already
commented on this bombastic, but hollow, irrelevant and stupid ‘ Freedom Charter’ , in response to Usha Sri-
Skanda- Raja’s earlier presentation. I was not intending to comment on this presentation, until I read your
comment. This comment is to satisfy your craving for my views. Dr. RN

Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
May 19, 2013 at 7:44 am

o 0

Jungle Muttu follows to intake DRN’s burritos, funny.

Elephant Pearl
May 19, 2013 at 3:06 pm

o 0

J.muthu “I mean rajapakse licker call Dr rajathi raja rajasinge narendiran mahathayaa….” Come on, You can do
better than this.

Native Vedda
May 19, 2013 at 6:26 pm

6. 0

Watch out. KP being such a master. Was picked up without any resistance.dont try to be too smartwitout your
knowledge you will end up ib a cell. Take care

May 19, 2013 at 3:31 am

7. 0

Does this man Rudra…., realise that his utterences from outside Sri Lanka are not doing any good for the Tamil
people already on the Island. Instead of alienating the Sinhala people and dividing the Country further, he
should be doing more towards reconciliation and the Welfare of the Tamil people still living in the North and
East of the Island. What he is trying to achieve is only Self-aggrandisement!

Pol Pot
May 19, 2013 at 4:06 am

o 0

..and talk in a jungle dais like the old Pol Pot.

Saloth Sar
May 19, 2013 at 3:11 pm

 0

Saloth “and talk in a jungle dais like the old Pol Pot.” What exactly did you mean by jungle dais?

Native Vedda
May 19, 2013 at 6:29 pm

 0

That’s 57′s cryptic sign, only Polpot knows.

Saloth Sar
May 20, 2013 at 3:27 pm

8. 0

If I may suggest an important correction to the Charter? 
 “We, the people of Tamil Eelam, have an inherent
right to self-delusion. .. and I have a question about the involvement of minorities in formulating Tamil Eelam.
Rudrakumaran says: “The rights of all minority groups in Tamil Eelam will be respected and safeguarded. The
distinct identity of Muslims will be recognized. They shall have the right to participate in formulation of their
role in Tamil Eelam.” What about the rights of Sinhalese (e.g. Dr Brian Seneviratne) who want to participate in
formulation of their role in Tamil Eelam?. Are they to be denied their inalienable right to make complete idiots
of themselves? Why only favour Muslims?

May 19, 2013 at 4:59 am

9. 0

A beautifully drafted charter. But, it is not worth the paper it’s written on. TGTE’s diplomatic battle to win
Tamil Eelam is a desperate slogan of some desperate members of the Tamil disapora. Tamils would have
achieved something equivalent to Tamil Eelam had Prapaharan supported Rajiv Gandhi when he landed the
IPKF in North East Sri Lanka. Tamils have missed the bus and will be stranded for ever.

May 19, 2013 at 5:27 am

10. 0

Most of the 21 clauses in the Charter, have “We” in front?. Obviously this must be the reference to the Daspora
Tamil population of Srilankan Origin. who have elected Mr Rudrakumaran as their Prime Minister by exercising
their universal franchise. Right?. As our inhabitants understand, all these Tamils are now citizens of Canada,
Britain, , US , Australia , Norway, France and Switzerland. What about the Tamils who are still inhabitants in
Lanka?. Does this charter encompass them too?. Since the TNA is recognised by the West as the sole custodians
of the remaining Tamil population in Srilanka.shouldn’t this chater be counter signed by Mr Sambandan or at
least a power of atorney of the calibre of Mr Sumanthiran? Especially when the implimentation of the clauses
like Reforestation,granting Dual Citizenship or reverse Citizenship to the whole Diaspora, have severe
implications with regards to population density, natural resources like water and the Ozone layer besides so
many other Environmental issues?.

K.A Sumanasekera
May 19, 2013 at 5:55 am

o 0

K.A Sumanasekera “have severe implications with regards to population density, natural resources like water
and the Ozone layer besides so many other Environmental issues?.” I hate to agree with you. However if you are
genuinely concerned about these trivial Western values you should enforce castration procedures on Sinhalese
breeding,similar to that is practiced in China. Even one child is too many.

Native Vedda
May 19, 2013 at 6:37 pm

o 0

Ozone has nothing to do with rehabilitation. Ozone holes occur over Lanka for uncivics like you who puff Ganja
from your backs over the innocent populace.

May 20, 2013 at 3:35 pm

11. 0

Nelson Mandela of the ANC and Arafat of the PLO were acknowledged by the whole world and won the Nobel
Peace Prize. They also led their own people in South Africa and Palestine. I did not personally know both of
them on a personal basis although I have visited South Africa and Lebanon many times since 1968. However I
have known Rudrakumar since he was a poor college student in Texas in 1985. And he was not even supportive
of the LTTE at that time. lol. Rudrakumar is no Mandela, Tutu or Arafat. He cannot hold a candle to them.
Period. If he dares go to Jaffna he will not even be given nomination by the TNA to even contest the elections of
the provincial council or Municipal Council. Even if he receives a nomination he will lose the elections very
badly. He cannot even visit Canada or return to the United States. So what are the Tamil diaspora talking about?
Or what the Sinhalese being so concerned about this so called Prime Minister appointing MP’s and Senators?
Are their elections soon for the TGTE since it is 4 years after KP and Rudrakumar founded the TGTE together
with the Rev. Chandrakanthan brothers and Paul Willems the burger boy from Holland!!!!!!! Having said that,
the Sinhala War criminals and especially the 4 US citizens will not escape from justice as the US and UN will
and have decided to pursue relentlessly immaterial of some of the dysfunctional Tamil diaspora associations.
The empty vessels make the loudest noise playing into the hands of the Sinhala State Terrorist. Donald
Gnanakone Tamils For Justice Founder.

Donald J Gnanakone
May 19, 2013 at 6:40 am

o 0


Uncle Donald, Despite your misgivings Rudra claims he was elected through universal franchise of the diaspora.
In your shoes, I would not insult my own PM. LOL!

Ben Hurling
May 19, 2013 at 10:35 pm

12. 0

Dayan Jayatilleka in an interview published on May 10th 2013, quotes Lee Kwan Yew’s statement made in
2010, “Sri Lanka’s rulers think that by defeating the Tigers, they have defeated Tamils. Tamils are a community
that cannot be defeated though the LTTE can and has been defeated”. If LKY is wrong, I choose to err with him
like DJ. Contingent on certain developments, DJ adds “I think it would make almost certain that we will see a
Tamil Eelam carved out by external forces in our lifetime”. He says further that with a more hawkish leader in
SL, “We will be broken the way that former Yugoslavia and Sudan were broken”. This is DJ’s prescience. With
similar insight Rudrakumaran appears forewarned and forearmed.

May 19, 2013 at 8:24 am

o 0

Chankyan, If what you assume is what Lee Kwan Yew quoted was correct, i agree. because in the inception
after Singapore got Independence he came across some Rabid and communal minded rebellious tamil indivduals
who would have put a spoke into the wheels of development he had inciting a false communal card for them to
gain material wealth and fame. He, wisely and meticulously put them where they had to be and Singapore grew
and grew to be a great multi- ethnic and a great vibrant nation. I salute this great visionary and lament the
opportunities our leaders missed.

mohamed fazly ilyas

May 19, 2013 at 6:21 pm

13. 0

Now I am convinced that Tamils cannot coexist as a minority in SL. If I have right to vote in referendum, I
favor separate state for Tamils. Human life and their physycological well being are much more important than
land boundaries or history. Anura

May 19, 2013 at 8:31 am

14. 0

when I read this article, I also like this Imaginary Land. Hevens should be secondary to this land. Every thing is

May 19, 2013 at 9:13 am

o 0

Jim, i see a ‘Rudra in a wonder(ful)land’! you just imagine the natives

mohamed fazly ilyas

May 20, 2013 at 10:27 am

15. 0

clauses 7, 10 and 14 are far better than what sri lanka is definitely going to be. respects from a hitherto non
cessationist! 0. will you also later bring in a 1956, 1972, 1978 like changes and sponsor a 1983 like ritual? will
there be a 2/3 majority catch in your constitution and policies? 1. will your govt documents have a sinhalese
translation side by side everywhere? or is it the same equal rights as in current SL? 2. will your citizens have
rights to state in public their opinions if they didn’t agree to your honoring of LTTE? 3. can anyone in your land
say they LTTE were ethno fascists and autocrats who monopolized the tamil cause, in their opinion? 4. can
people still write admiring those good minority of the sinhalese people while they are your citizens? 5. can i be
hold a dual citizenship from both your land and remaining sri lanka? :D hope you go on with a diplomatic and
pacifist campaign. wish you all the best. both sri lankan archaelogy and bodu bala sena are displeasing to the
core. who knows i will also be evacuated from my home when they find some old statue around in my
neighborhood or because i am not a sinhala buddhist to whom this land now mythologically belongs.

All Good Names Taken

May 19, 2013 at 9:20 am

16. 0


The TGTE has outlined its positions well and formulated Policy quite thoughtfully. However I differ violently
on two matters. Free eduction and free health services for all. After more than 60 years of free education at what
level of competence do the students stand? Has the system produced the men and women to generate enough
wealth to make education even half free. Why do we need Tamil Eelam if there be no way of getting out of this
populist maelstrom? We can as well stay on with the twin millstones. From where will we get investible surplus
after financial profligacy? Lee Kwan Yew’s words of wisdom – “Successive British governments seemed to
assume that the creation of wealth came about naturally, and that what needed government attention and
ingenuity was the redistribution of wealth”. TE proponents have to demonstrate their capacity for unpopular but
rational decisions, instead of proudly exhibiting parental birthmarks.

May 19, 2013 at 10:34 am

17. 0

This document is an important. It should eventually lead to a constitution in which following guarantees
provided among others. The Republic of Tamil Eelam should be an independent, sovereign, democratic, unique
and indivisible state. The Republic of Tamil Eelam should have no territorial claims against, and should seek no
union with, any State or part of any State. The sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Tamil
Eelam should be intact, inalienable,indivisible and protected. The Republic of Tamil Eelam, in order to maintain
peace and to protect national interests, may participate in systems of international security. Eelam Tamil
nationality should be the right of every Eelam Tamil and shall be the basis of his/her citizenship. A Eelam Tamil
is any person born to a Eelam Tamil father or mother. Every Eelam Tamil has the right to own property
throughout Iraq. No others may possess immovable assets. Owning property for the purposes of population
change shall be prohibited. The Tamil language and English language should be the two official languages of
Tamil Eelam. The right of people to educate their children in their mother tongue, such as Sinhalese, Malay,
should be guaranteed.

Peter Drummonds
May 19, 2013 at 11:56 am

o 0

Have you ever visited the planet earth?

May 19, 2013 at 12:30 pm

 0

Intimately very often, next time with you.


May 19, 2013 at 2:37 pm

o 0

Peter Drummonds ; were you, or are you a DRUMMER OR TOM TOM BEATER??.

May 19, 2013 at 2:55 pm

o 0

Peter drummonds, You are one of a ‘pissu double ‘

mohamed fazly ilyas

May 19, 2013 at 6:27 pm

18. 0

It is heartening to see Health is given top priority too in Eelaam PM’s Charter. It says Health is a fundamental
right and health care will be free for all citizens. Does the PM envisage any action to remedy the people who
suffered injuries and subsequent health problems by the past actions of PM’s supporters?. Has he taken any
action to pay compo and on goung medical care for the famous Tamil journo in Toronto who suffered serious
injuries at the hands of the LTTE supporters when the PM was an advisor to the Leader Prabkaran.?. Or has the
PM delegated it to the leader of the Canadian Eelaam chapter?.

K.A Sumanasekera
May 19, 2013 at 6:11 pm

o 0

Sir, It is very frightful that the ‘puss’ PM has not mentioned about self defence policy and safeguarding of honor
of TGTE natives!ARE they going to be lambs for slaughter if a ‘Dutugemunu’ arises from the South!

mohamed fazly ilyas

May 20, 2013 at 10:47 am

19. 0

Haha ha ha !!! Stop it you’re killing me Hee hee hee ! By the way which planet are you from ???

Mohamed Firdhouse
May 19, 2013 at 6:27 pm

20. 0

IT is stupidity to try and divide Sri Lanka. Yes there are issues for the minorities in SL. This has to be addressed
and an equitable solution has to be found. Holding Tiger Flags and asking for equal rights also will not work. So
if the Tamils and Muslims need equal rights first they themselves have to recognize that they are Sri Lankans
and want a united Sri Lanka and not a divided Sri Lanka, then they can ask for equal rights. As long as there is
support for the division of the country Tamils and Muslims in Sri Lanka will not have peace. I challenge TGTE
leaders to openly say that there should be no division of Sri Lanka and no LTTE flag carrying processions and
go to Sri Lanka under the United Nations Flag and sit across the Presidents desk and negotiate then there will be
change. Can TGTE leaders accept this challenge?

May 19, 2013 at 7:13 pm

o 0

mr .lankan where are from …. WAKE UP from 1956 tamils who live in srilnaka asked equality & sovereign
with in the srilanka democratic way until 1987 im not agree what LTTE did.. dont not trying change the PAST

May 19, 2013 at 10:26 pm

 0

Chola, equality and sovereign to gether with humanity was there for all srilankans’ to share.But like ‘Oliver.. i
need some more..’and more was the issue for a few disgrunting tamils that has led them to see through a barrel. I
yet know many tamils’ who want to live in peace rather trying to reach the rainbow of an eelam.

mohamed fazly ilyas

May 20, 2013 at 10:40 am

 0

ilyas, ” equality and sovereign to gether with humanity was there for all srilankans” i really love your joke, these
days even majority they dont have humanity & equality i never be rainbow lover or Eelam dreamer or day
dreamer like you my dear friend Cholar

May 20, 2013 at 7:14 pm

 0

Cholar… see, you missed out to important words in my first sentence …. equality……….’ TO SHARE. Thus
misread the meaning of the reply. This is the trouble with you ignorant type. This is God’s Land.. he has let this
to us and depart without it when our time comes. Not me, not you nor the bloody blood thirsty separative
individuals, greedy land grabbers,the seekers of wealth and fame and the high mighty rulers of this land now
and the future can lay permanent claim to it. Ashes to ashes and dust to dust. that’s all we are worth.

mohamed fazly ilyas

May 20, 2013 at 11:04 pm

21. 0

I think, Mr. Rudrakuman should incoporate and register this TGTE and should sell shares to everybody. I am
sure, it will be a good profitable venture which we can trust about good dividends.

May 19, 2013 at 7:14 pm

o 0

Jim, it has already started happening perhaps under another alias organisation..that’s how they can snatch a
fool’s gold, lest they face the wrath of the FBI/CIA/IRS etc., for unaccounted wealth.

mohamed fazly ilyas

May 20, 2013 at 10:32 am

22. 0

Kosala – Great comment.

May 19, 2013 at 10:44 pm

23. 0

12 Foreign Policy – To maintain good relationship with India. AND if any Prime Ministerial Candiate goes off
step, NEED TO MURDER HIM by sending a suicide cadre to India. Clause 15- Can Rudra specify the meaning
“free for all” ? the ALL Clause 16 – Heath, free to all Citizens? Who are these All Citizens/ Where is this eelam
going to be? In the outter space or in the space station?? Nominate Ravi the Secretary for Defence as future HR
Organisations need to be kept busy.

dirty seththu
May 19, 2013 at 11:14 pm

o 0

Keep you attitude and MR regime for next four years, and your grandson may apply visa to this imaginary land
if he is willing to travel.

May 20, 2013 at 11:56 am

24. 0

Are these Really True? What did LLTE do? Fools, “Madus” and “Modays” BEWARE. ‘No religion shall be
given the foremost place in Tamil Eelam. The freedom to worship and the cultural right to practice religious
traditions shall be ensured. “Citizenship Policy” 21. Citizenship will be extended to all those born in the
homeland or descended from those born in the homeland. Provisions will be made for obtaining citizenship
through naturalization and also for holding dual citizenship.” Comments on Sri Lanka Constitution. Not much

different except that this will be Christian Tamil State Funded by Norway and the Christian West. Instead of
Sinhala Buddhist hegemony, it will be Tamil Christian Hegemony. Tamil Hindus, beware, they will convert the
rest of you to to Christian Myths. Muslims, beware, they will wither chase you again or make you convert to
Christians and believe in their Myths. Amarasiri

May 20, 2013 at 4:59 am

25. 0

keep dreaming rudra!

Probono Publico
May 20, 2013 at 5:31 am

26. 0

Have anyone seen the Elam Passport, can Sinhalese come in a boat and apply refugee status in Elam, can SL
export their products to your country, what are the main products Elam is exporting to other countries (terrorism,
suicide bombs, cyanide capsules, bra bombs etc.)are you going to send high commissioner to SL, when Elam is
going to hold CHOGM

May 20, 2013 at 9:39 am

27. 0

Good and sensible. Don’t do the mistakes of SL in 1948, 1956, 1972, 1977, 1983 and 2009. Promising
constitution but no land to implement it. India will not allow any Tamil nation. SL will not allow free flow of
water to Tamil areas because all rivers start from their areas. Colombo Tamils will need special areas in the
north east with all facilities. Tamil Elam will also need a strong army, navy and airforce. Most importantly a
very strong counter insurgency force. Beef production must be allowed in Tamil Elam because that is food for
some people there. Good relations with Pakistan will be needed to safeguard interests of Eastern Province of
Tamil Elam citizens.

May 20, 2013 at 4:11 pm

Nelson Mandela of the ANC and Arafat of the PLO were acknowledged by the whole world and won
the Nobel Peace Prize. They also led their own people in South Africa and Palestine. I did not
personally know both of them on a personal basis although I have visited South Africa and Lebanon
many times since 1968. However I have known Rudrakumar since he was a poor college student in
Texas in 1985. And he was not even supportive of the LTTE at that time. lol. Rudrakumar is no
Mandela, Tutu or Arafat. He cannot hold a candle to them. Period. If he dares go to Jaffna he will not
even be given nomination by the TNA to even contest the elections of the provincial council or
Municipal Council. Even if he receives a nomination he will lose the elections very badly. He cannot
even visit Canada or return to the United States. So what are the Tamil diaspora talking about? Or
what the Sinhalese being so concerned about this so called Prime Minister appointing MP’s and
Senators? Are their elections soon for the TGTE since it is 4 years after KP and Rudrakumar founded
the TGTE together with the Rev. Chandrakanthan brothers and Paul Willems the burger boy from
Holland!!!!!!! Having said that, the Sinhala War criminals and especially the 4 US citizens will not
escape from justice as the US and UN will and have decided to pursue relentlessly immaterial of
some of the dysfunctional Tamil diaspora associations. The empty vessels make the loudest noise
playing into the hands of the Sinhala State Terrorist.
Donald Gnanakone Tamils For Justice Founder.

Donald J Gnanakone

Tamil Eelam Freedom Charter To Enshrine Clearly

Enunciated Principles Of International Law
March 16, 2013 | Filed under: Colombo Telegraph,MORE OPINION,Opinion | Posted by: COLOMBO_TELEGRAPH

By Usha S Sri Skanda Rajah -

Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah

It’s a great step in the right direction; the fact that the Tamil people will be the architects of the Tamil Eelam
Freedom Charter and will be contributing towards “developing” and drafting it, is a heart warming
thought. Tamil Eelammust be governed by its people, in that there is no doubt; how will it be governed is as
important a question that must be addressed and there is no better time than to do it now and do it right.
Here then is a truly forward looking initiative; the Tamil people have been given an opportunity to reassert their
rights through this Freedom Charter. Prime Minister Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran, reiterated, the Charter,
“whilst taking the Vaddukoddai Resolution forward and at the same time drawing inspiration from Britain’s
Magna Carta, the Freedom Charter of the African National Congress (ANC) as well as the Palestinian National

Charter,” will enshrine clearly enunciated principles of international law, a conclusion that can be arrived at,
after looking at the survey questions designed to obtain the people’s inputs.
It goes without saying the Charter will show a great unity of purpose. In the words of the TGTE Minister for
Political Affairs Thayaparan Thanikasalam, it will be a “major soft power tool to demonstrate that the Tamil
people are united in purpose, and are irrefutably bound by principles of international law through this Freedom
Charter, containing the rights and freedoms that are recognized and respected by the international community
and the United Nations.” Thayaparan was insisting, demonstrating unity of purpose through the Charter is an
important factor, one that will determine international acceptance and support. The Minister, one of the leading
proponents of the Tamil Eelam Freedom Charter project was talking about the importance of the Tamil speaking
people coming together through this Freedom Charter to enhance their soft power.

The “question of how Tamil Eelam will look like is most critical,” Thayaparan sought to explain, because the
“question of Tamil Eelam itself is an already established fact,” he said, one that can be further validated in a

I have to agree with the Minister. This is the time to envision how Tamil Eelam would unfold, and to determine
the fundamentals required for a model Nation State.

As Tamils make their ‘Freedom Demands’ known through the survey, the prospect of finally taking some
concrete steps towards reinforcing the rights of the North East Tamil people to restoring an independent and
sovereign Tamil Eelam is exciting after the unimaginable setbacks of the past.

Not merely reflecting on the thought of freedom but being called upon to articulate the rights that should be
contained in the Freedom Charter is an exhilarating experience, enslavement on the other hand being
excruciating. It’s time that the Tamil people held captive in a highly militarized North East enjoyed the kind of
rights and freedoms that the Freedom Charter will guarantee.

The question as to whether the Tamil people want a referendum, is in the special survey that the TGTE wants all
Tamil speaking people to answer: “Do you believe the outcome of a referendum would decide the permanent
political solution to liberate the Tamil people, and for them to live in peace with dignity and security as a
Nation?” the survey asks.

The TGTE has always maintained that the people of Tamil Eelam and the Tamil Diaspora are two sides of the
same coin, so the question as to who should vote in a referendum is also an important one and is another
question that’s asked in the survey.

The survey itself has been well crafted. With 35 questions the survey can be accessed online : “With clearly enunciated principles, the eventual promulgation in the
international arena,” of the Freedom Charter, “is a credible way of realizing our freedom,” the portal
states.Those enunciated principles are articulated in this question posed in the survey, for instance: “Do you
support the principles of justice, freedom, sovereignty, self determination, human dignity, and the right of
peoples to exercise them?” the survey asks.
A question on the territorial integrity of the Tamil Nation State is an important one in the present context when
the Rajapaksa government is bent on manipulating the demographic composition of Tamil Eelam through
intense Sri Lankan state sponsored colonization both through establishing Sinhala settlements and
appropriation of private and state land for army cantonments and military centered developments as opposed to
people centered, for example, corporate and agricultural initiatives undertaken by the Sri Lankan military. The
three concepts of the right to self determination, homeland and nationhood upon which Tamils base their claim,
hinges on reasserting the territorial integrity of Tamil Eelam.: “Do you agree that the 8 Districts namely
Amparai, Batticaloa, Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Mannar, Mullaitivu. Trincomalee and Vavuniya in the NorthEast
mentioned in the Interim Self Governing Authority (ISGA) Proposal constitute the geographic description of
Tamil Eelam?” the survey asks.

There are many questions in the survey that relate to human rights, social, civil, political and cultural rights and
principles of democracy including the protection of those rights; international law principles that should and

would take its rightful place in the Charter. This augers well for the future of Tamil Eelam and illustrate how
important such rights are to Tamils: “Do you agree that every law, regulation, rule, order, or decision in Tamil
Eelam shall conform to internationally accepted standards of human rights protection? Do you agree that there
shall be an independent Human Rights Commission, with assistance from international human rights bodies to
facilitate the rapid establishment of an effective system for protecting human rights and to ensure compliance
with all such human rights obligations?” the survey asks.

Another question close to my heart that I was pleased to see related to article 27 of the International Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights that guarantee the civil and political rights of individuals, including theright to
life, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, electoral rights and rights to due process and
a fair trial: “Do you agree that minority rights guaranteed in Article 27 of the International Covenant on Civil
and Political Rights cannot be changed even with a two-third majority and referendum in Tamil Eelam?” the
survey asks.
That the people of Tamil Eelam would not tolerate impunity by its own governments and that all actors will be
open to international scrutiny is reflected in this Question: “Should Tamil Eelam accede to the jurisdiction of the
International Criminal Court?” the survey asks.

The question: “Will the establishment of Tamil Eelam contribute to regional peace and stability?” is a critical
question because of its strategic location, and would and should elicit a resounding yes. Most of the questions
had space allocated for comments which allowed the respondent opportunity to make additional points and
recommendations. Further, the survey asked for “any other rights/matters related to freedom that you can think
of, not mentioned in this questionnaire and should be included in the Freedom Charter,” and wanted the
respondent to list them.

With much respect and credence given to human rights, justice, democratic values and fundamental freedoms,
the Tamil Eelam Freedom Charter will reflect a model Nation State.

Drafting the Charter is a huge responsibility before the Tamil people and their ability to participate fully in this
endeavour and work in concert would ensure its success. The promulgation of the Tamil Eelam Freedom
Charter on May 18, 2013 will be an important milestone for the Tamil people in their journey towards freedom
and should be celebrated.

The survey can be found online on:

Usha S Sri Skanda Rajah

Chair TGTE Senate

by Taboola
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96 Responses to Tamil Eelam Freedom Charter To Enshrine Clearly

Enunciated Principles Of International Law
1. 0


Excellent as always. A pdf version of the survey would be useful. “The survey can be found online
on: ” Link should be

March 16, 2013 at 9:33 am

2. 0

Is this the same socalled charter Prabakaran scorned over.. And thus created a New Charter which the LTTE and
the entire western Tamil Entity Backed which includes the socalled Prime Minister Visuvanathan
Rudrakumaran backed 100%.. Hmm in that charter to sum up If you dont toe the Line you will be considered as
a Traitor and executed.. What a joke and the East where most Tamils cant stand this socalled Prime Minister and
Now the Muslims who out number the Tamil population..Just like Prabakaran later came to realise this socalled
copy and paste charter is a joke and the Ground reality is different from the 70′s to now. That is the truth.

thangadurai sivakumaran
March 16, 2013 at 9:52 am

o 0

This charter TGTE says is based on Universal or may be on UN charter and includes the best Human Rights
chaeter of Canada.

March 19, 2013 at 3:24 pm

o 0

This charter is based on UN charter of rights and drawn from the Western Powers.

March 19, 2013 at 3:33 pm

3. 0


Usha S Sri Skanda Rajah I wonder why this charter wasn’t drafted when VP was alive and killing his own
people? When did the Tamils begin their journey towards establishing civil and political rights of individuals,
including the right to life, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, electoral rights and
rights to due process and a fair trial? I wonder whether Usha S Sri Skanda Rajah truly understands the
philosophy, politics and practices of these noble ideas? Magna Carta was an agreement between the king and his
barons and landed gentry which had nothing to do with the peasants. By the way does this charter include VP’s
political ideas/thoughts? If it does could we have his political, socio economic thoughts and how these ideas
have been enshrined in this “Freedom Charter”. I am bit thick please bear with me. Usha S Sri Skanda Rajah
Could you help us to draft a freedom charter for my people.

Native Vedda
March 16, 2013 at 10:18 am

o 0

Native Vedda My good old friend, Why don’t you check it out, it won’t cost you anything… Best Wishes Usha

Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah
March 16, 2013 at 5:46 pm

 0

Usha S Sri-Skanda- “Why don’t you check it out, it won’t cost you anything…” Check it out what, how, where,

Native Vedda
March 16, 2013 at 6:28 pm

 0

Usha S Sri Skanda Rajah Why is TGTE maintaining a deafening silence on the attacks of Sri Lankans in
Tamilnadu by Tamils hooligans. Is it to silence the peaceful democratic protest of many students which is
gaining steam. I wonder these attacks on Sinhala tourist are orchestrated by Indian state through its agent
provocateur to undermine student’s legitimate and democratic demand for an independent international
investigation into war crimes in Sri Lanka. Please note your silence indicates your collaboration with Delhi
which many people believe undermines the legitimate demand by the decent students. Speak up against the
random attack on Sinhala tourist in Tamilnadu and attacks on Muslims by BBS.

Native Vedda
March 19, 2013 at 10:55 am

o 0

I think Tamils began their journey from the time the sinhalese took away the clause from the sonstitution
granted by the British Empire to protect the tamils

March 19, 2013 at 3:37 pm

4. 0

Dear Usha Will this so called “Freedom Charter” apply to Tamils in their true homeland, Tamil Nadu? Where
60 million Tamils live. By far the largest population of Tamils. Is it a bit too early and silly to talk about Tamil
Ealam in South India just yet, Usha? Funny, how tables turn all of a sudden. Isn’t it, Usha? “PM Rudra” was
busy keeping Tamils under VP’s Jackboot for so long. Now that VP is nomore, same Rudra now dishing out a
so called “Freedom Charter” for the same Tamils in Sri Lanka.

Ben Hurling
March 16, 2013 at 10:19 am

o 0

Very true.. Prime Minister Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran the socalled was the same guy who refuse to step in and
ask the LTTE leaders to release the Tamil civilian Human Shields.. (wikileaks) because he values the freedom
well its good to have a good laugh.. I see these fools have outdone the Kollywood Comedy movies.

thangadurai sivakumaran
March 16, 2013 at 11:12 am

o 0

Your comments mean you haven’t read my article – Tamil Eelam is composed of 8 districts in the merged
NorthEast (1987)of the island of Sri Lanka. Please read my article. Thank you

Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah
March 16, 2013 at 5:50 pm

 0

Dear Usha Only when we truly free ourselves from the shackles of extreme Ethno Nationalism, shall we be truly
free as equal human beings. Can you handle it? Or are you forever burdened by the perverted version of Tamil
nationalism that you are married to via TGTE and “PM Rudra”?

Ben Hurling
March 16, 2013 at 6:34 pm

o 0

Rudra Kumar is talking about the Tamil Ealam in Sri lanka, not in TamilNadu.It of course will apply to the 80
million tamils in the World as they do not have a Government of their own.

March 19, 2013 at 3:40 pm

5. 0

Ben Hurling I have already asked Usha to help draft a freedom charter for my people. You too can request her
for a Sinhala/Buddhists freedom charter. Please feel free to ask her, I am sure she will oblige.

Native Vedda
March 16, 2013 at 10:39 am

6. 0

Its a great exercise in building a “Dreamland” so that some who crave to call a place their home, even it if it is in
the Ether can anchor their desires. Lets get real, this is not going to help, BUT hinder the Tamil’s rights in Sri
Lanka, by such nonsensical perversions. Help those who need your help within Sri Lanka, then you may have
some legitimacy. First set up a detox section for Tamil youth in Jaffna. Those of you have not been there lately
will not know that half the Tamil youth under 25 are alcoholics, thanks to the SL Army practice of only
allowing alcoholics free passage at night without detention. Further free money from relatives who have fled,
makes these kids unemployable and not wishing to work either! It is a huge social problem, which by a clever
method as outlined above has reduced the BOYS sperm count so much that their reproductive prospects are also

questionable. All part of the cynical ploy of the SL Govt. to reduce the Tamil population to a negligible number,
and you Diaspora pontificators are talking about nation building in the mind!! You are must be ashamed of
yourselves calling your self Tamil! A lot needs to be done today, not in the future. In the future there may be no
Tamils except in Tamil Nadu. In Sri Lanka they would have been immersed into Sri Lankan culture, and in the
West to Western ones with intermarriage etc. so stop blowing the last post and get on with what is needed on the

Patta Pal
March 16, 2013 at 10:48 am

o 0

You may be right when you say,there wont be any Tamils in Sri lanka as Genocide would have killed all the

March 19, 2013 at 3:44 pm

7. 0

Please note that the Lebara Foundation run by the succesful ‘ Lebara’ telephone card company ( London, UK)
has done the following for the war-affected Tamils in the north: 1. Built a 50 house village in Maniam Thottam
in Jaffna ( Lebara village ) for the houseless. 2. Built a modern library complex in Kilinochchi ( Lebara library ).
The Lebara telephone card company was founded and is managed by three Tamils from the north – Leon ( Le),
Baskaran (Ba) and Rathesan ( Ra). This is the type of tangible help we need from the Diaspora. The Lebara
Foundation and these three great Tamils, deserve our thanks and applause. Incidentally they are also helping the
Sri Lankan Tamils in Tamil Nadu, in a very substantial manner. I hope the TGTE will take note of this. Dr.
Rajasingham Narendran.

Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
March 16, 2013 at 11:34 am

o 0

Dr.Rajasingham Narendran If Lebara telephone card company is doing all these good work why do the Tamils
need Sri Lankan state and its rulers. Let Lebara run North East instead of the state, its institutions and its rulers
who are supposed to be doing the work for the Tamils. If Lebara can do a better job the three of them should
form a junta and run area. When you meet the clan next time around please tell them to back off and withdraw
all its state institution from North East as it happen the Tamils have found good partners who seem to deliver
projects, from their own pockets, instead pocketing public money.

Native Vedda
March 16, 2013 at 3:19 pm

 0

Native Vedda Exactly for that reason we asking for devolution/fedaral setup/eelam…

March 16, 2013 at 3:55 pm

 0

ANPU When we have enemies like you we don’t need friends. You have let the hobbling Tiger out of the bag
by showing what everybody knew already anyway: Northern Provincial Council – Northeastern Provincial
Council – Northeastern Tamil State – Tamil Eelam – Pan Tamil Nadu. LET’S ROLL !

March 16, 2013 at 4:21 pm

 0

Rambler Do I have to constantly remind you that this island once belonged my ancestors? You can have your
petty quarrels away from my ancestral land and in your homeland India, Bihar or Tamilnadu.

Native Vedda
March 16, 2013 at 5:06 pm

 0


March 16, 2013 at 5:39 pm

 0

Rambler “GO TO HELL.” You mean Sri Lanka?

Native Vedda
March 16, 2013 at 6:31 pm

 0

TO Usha S Sri Skanda Rajah, T G T E , ANPU, AND EEEELAAM LOVERS. Pirapaharan Tried that so called
Devolution / Federal setup / Eeelaam and Raised A WHITE FLAG and GOT IT. AND PUT THOSE
YOU PEOPLE Were So LATE to join them. Because You all want Others to do it, You Selfish Pariah Dogs
Type Jackals. Still We hear Deads are Crying At Their Killing Fields in Mulaithivue, Thunukkai, SAmpoor,
Waakarai, Kokadcholai And Evan in Kithuluthuva, Digampathaha,Aranthalaava too. Why not try a Freedom
struggle Tamilzer Nadu in India. Siri Sabarathinam and Uma Mukundan Tried it with Rajiv but your Sun god
gave them chances to try RUSSIAN ROULETTE and they All won. Just one more chance, Try it In Tamilzar
Naadu in India Not in ILANKAI [Sri Lanka]. Karunanidhi and Jayalalitha are anxious to help you people.

March 16, 2013 at 6:02 pm

 0

Dear Native Vedda, Lebara will do and still wanted to offer services to the Tamils. But what is the guarantee if
they go to Sri Lanka. I personally knew Ratheesan, an aeronautical engineer, who is the master brain behind this
foundation. He has helped people even in Africa. He has helped several schools and temples. Remember he has
won six Awards for becoming within the first 100 best entreprenaur in the UK. He went to UK as a refugee at
the age of 15 and later pursued his higher studies. He has given every national a place in his establishment.
Should there be normalcy in Sri Lanka, you can see how he develops the North-East. He wanted everyone to
work and come up in life. As Dr.N.Rajasingam said he helps everyone who wants to come up in life. There is
also a project of 101 roomed 4-star hotl at Mamallapuram undertaken by Lebara Group in collaboration with Taj.
In Tamil Nadu he bought a land of 500 acres and settled about 3,000 Sri Lankan Tamil refugees. Moreover, he
had even financially helped Rahuman’s Charity.

March 17, 2013 at 1:08 am

 0


Citizen I congratulate Lebara team for building a successful business model and their philanthropic activities.
We should welcome such people and their contribution to overall humanity, if it is done out of goodness of their
heart. My comment is aimed at the Sri Lankan state. Should we need a state when things can be done by people
outside the state. In fact on many occasions the state deliberately holds back development, progress, ….
philanthropy and curtail most people from unleashing their full potential. We can find many reason for such
behaviour of the state, its institutions and its rulers, one important factor is that the state is structured on
undemocratic parochial bigotry. Therefore my comment to Dr.Rajasingham Narendran was aimed at the state’s
deliberate attempt to demotivate and destroy every initiative by people outside the establishment. The state is the
great barrier to progress and development. Hence my suggestion to rollback the state. I have no intention of
belittling Lebara or for that matter any other do gooders.

Native Vedda
March 17, 2013 at 12:25 pm

 0

Native Veddah, This is what I have been advocating for a long time. We have to do do what we can by
ourselves, with our resources. This will complement what the government is doing in terms of infra-structure
development. It is a partnership of sorts, without political overtones. The Lebara represents what the community
and the Diaspora are capable of doing from within. The State represents the external input. Both efforts are not
exclusive of each other. They are complementary and that is how it should. The school system in Jaffna
developed because of the partnership of the state, the churches and Hindu revivalist movement. Although they
were not planned to be complementary activities, they ultimately delivered what was needed- high quality
education. Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
March 17, 2013 at 2:31 am

 0

Dr.Rajasingham Narendran The state has a monopoly on violence and destruction. Therefore the state has a
great responsibility to do everything to rebuild or reverse the destruction. The war was imposed on the innocent
people by the actions or inaction by the stupid state and its successive rulers. My point is this, where the state
cannot provide the basic needs of the people, then the state should be rolled back and let the individuals or
NGOs replace the functions of the state, particularly sack all the inertia driven bureaucracy and send the
members of peasant army back to their paddy fields. Sri Lankan state is a burden on the people irrespective of
their race, religion, or region and not an enabling institution. Therefore its time it is replaced.

Native Vedda
March 17, 2013 at 12:47 pm

 0

Native Veddah, I have to disagree with you. It is the state that provides free medical care from birth to death and
free education from grade 1 to the Universities. One cannot deny the positive role of the government in the daily
lives of all people in Sri Lanka. Most of us would not be what we are or where we are, if not for the free
education system. Our quality of life is much better than those of many of our neighbours, because of this
government input. Further, the destruction brought about directly and indirectly to infrastructure during the war
is a curse yet bedevilling the Tamils. Both parties are responsible for this. The government forces bombed
buildings and destroyed property. The LTTE blew up roads , bridges and tank embankments. The LTTE
dismantled the railway lines and looted factory equipment. The LTTE destroyed the electricity distribution
system and stole the cables and wires. The LTTE also laid mines indiscriminately and in large concentrations
over vast extents of land. The government has demined and restored the infrastructure to a considerable extent.
However, the lives of the people has to be rebuilt. This is where the community and the Diaspora have to
contribute. Dr. Rajasingham Narendran

Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
March 17, 2013 at 4:06 pm

 0

Dr.Rajasingham Narendran I beg to differ. How did Sri Lanka manage to arrive at point where war was
inevitable or was it? Lets not boringly dwell on the history of the island after it effortlessly received its
independence on a silver platter. A cursory look at state’e history, its achievements are dwarfed by its failures.
The state is not fit for its purpose. The state always put the cart before horses forcing the cart to pull horses. The
priority for the state, its institutions and its rulers has always been Sinhala/Buddhistisation of my ancestral land
forgetting the diversity of its people. Herein lies the central failure. You are proud of Sri Lanka’s achievements.
I am not, in fact I am mourning about the forgone development, progress, peace, prosperity and loss of lives and
dignity as people. Stupid Tamils and stupid Sinhalese passively take whatever is given to them and never
demand the best out of the state and its rulers.

Native Vedda
March 17, 2013 at 7:03 pm

 0

Native Veddah, I can agree with you on factors that precipitated the destruction and the LTTE phenomenon,
with some blame being also laid on the shortsighted , sloganeering Tamil politicians of those days. The same
stupidity afflicts Mahinda’s. government and almost all Tamil politicians today. If this trend continues we may
not live to see. Thirty more years of lost development and human progress. Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
March 18, 2013 at 2:41 am

 0

I agree with you.

March 17, 2013 at 12:48 pm

o 0

Yes Tamils are grateful for your help but your resources are limited very much less than that of a
Government.Thats why TGTE is trying to establish a Government for the Tamils,so that that Govt, will look
after everything for the tamils like Sri Lanka.

March 19, 2013 at 3:50 pm

o 0

Thank you for your help but your resources are limited to look after all the Tamils.So TGTE is doing that to
look after all the Tamils.

March 19, 2013 at 4:02 pm

8. 0

Sri Lanka is a multi ethnic, multi cultural society. From time to time we have had issues between communities,
only because the ruling parties have added fuel to the fire. But Sri Lanka cannot be and never be divided and
there is no place for Tamil Eelam. If TGTE is interested in the Tamils then they have to register as a political
party and contest Presidential, Parliamentary and Provincial elections and work within the united Sri Lanka to
help Tamils.

March 16, 2013 at 1:05 pm

o 0

You are right,there is no question of separation.Tamils are asking for their Kingdom taken over by the Sinhalese
in 1940s,like Pakistan.If Tamils had a leader like the great Mohammed Alli Jinnah,Tamils would have got back
their Kingdom at that tine.

March 19, 2013 at 3:55 pm

9. 0

Great Article by Mrs.Usha Sriskandarajah, thank you for your explanation on Freedom Charter. Very well
explained. Those who thinks Freedom Charter has to do with PM Rudra or Vellupillai Pirabaharan does not
know what they are talking about. Right of Self Determination is a collective wish of Tamils, it is NOT
S.J.V.Chelve nor VP nor PM Rudra’s personal wish, they are mere custodians of the struggle at the given period.
Understand this we Tamils did not pull put the right to Self-Determination out of the air. 1975 Vattokottai
Conference declared it, 1977 General election and the subsequent elections there after given people mandate to
it. Sinhalese do not understand it yet? Or you do not want to respect the collective wishes of the Tamils?

Waran Vaithilingam
March 16, 2013 at 1:35 pm

o 0

WARAN VAITHI C’MON MAN, 1975 Vaddukoddai Resolution has no mandate from the Tamil people,
though desperate Tamil nationalists try to piggyback it on the results of subsequent parliamentary elections. You
know people have to elect their M.P.s whether they like the resolution or not. This is Jaffna legal brain that can
only impress G.G. Ponnan fans. Anyway looks like you are making efforts to improve your English since we
met last time. Keep up the good work. How is the weather in Toronto? How is Tim Horton’s “double double”?
Say Hi to Harper.

March 16, 2013 at 4:40 pm

 0

So put up the resolution to the people now.


March 19, 2013 at 4:08 pm

o 0

OH WAKE UP. you numskulls, bloody morons. Those buffaloes are sold in wholesale. and cyanide capsules
were taken by all hierarchies ordered by LTTE. we do not want another Draculas here in Sri lanka to suck
innocent’s blood. Jump to the Sea where you reside and die, then Tamils in Sri lanka may live peacefully. still
they are suffering because of you morons put them in So called EEELAM FIRE PIT.

March 16, 2013 at 6:24 pm

o 0

very nice

March 19, 2013 at 3:56 pm

10. 0

Dr.Rajasingham , what the phone company has to do with Freedom Charter article ?, Are you a sales man for
the LIBRA ?. Who gave you Doctorate degree? Did you know you; get zero marks if you write uncalled answer
for your Doctorate exam? Are you really a Doctor or You are like Dr.Mervin Silva ?

Waran Vaithilingam
March 16, 2013 at 1:41 pm

o 0

WV, If you do not see the connection, or refuse to see it, you never will. Vituperation is the last resort of the
stupid! Dr. Rajasingham Narendran

Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
March 17, 2013 at 2:34 am

o 0

I dont think Tamils will accept his request because he is asking for money from others.If that is the case TGTE
has to establish a committeee.

March 19, 2013 at 4:10 pm

11. 0

USHA AUNTY, who fancies she is the new ADELE for aging Tiger Romeos, is having one of her paroxysmal
attacks. These self-serving and self-elected (with the help of their shady hangers-on) are insulting our
intelligence by perversely invoking Britain’s Magna Carta, the Freedom Charter of the African National
Congress (ANC) as well as the Palestinian National Charter. It’s a sacrilege for fascists like the TGTE to invoke
truly oppressed people’s struggle for liberation. Nothing more needs to be said about these cunning and
unconscionable Jaffnese than the apt words with which DBS concludes his recent and excellent article:
“Diaspora LTTE Activists Posing as Human Rights Champions” Here’s straight from the horse’s mouth: “The
LTTE and pro-LTTE elements abroad lost considerable power and clout after the military defeat of the LTTE in
2009.Internal dissension and factionalism has caused much damage to the movement. A striking example of this
is the pronounced antipathy displayed by the one –time Tiger media flagship “Tamilnet” towards the
Transnational Tamil Eelam Government of its self – styled Prime Minister Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran.”
“Gone were the days when the LTTE could mobilize thousands of flag waving demonstrators at short notice in
important Western cities. A large number of Tiger media organs have ceased to operate. Fund raising has not
completely dried up but has certainly dwindled. Many “benami’s holding or managing property and enterprises
owned by the LTTE have begun “appropriating” them or selling them and running off with the money.”
“Hilarious too was the overnight transformation of many “educated” Tiger supporters with high academic and
professional qualifications. These people who justified every action of the LTTE including the assassination of
those with different opinion have now become champions of human rights. They shamelessly align themselves
with reputed human rights organizations like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and International
Crisis Group and talk of human rights.” “In Tamil folklore and everyday usage, there are many sayings and
references about the tiger. “Pasuthhol porthiya puli” is one such descriptive phrase, which means the tiger
covered in a cow’s skin or hide. Metaphorically, this alludes to something fiercely dangerous portraying itself as
harmlessly docile-an equivalent of the English idiom “wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

March 16, 2013 at 2:10 pm

o 0


Rambler ““Diaspora LTTE Activists Posing as Human Rights Champions” If a Human Rights Champion poser
could become a alleged war criminal is it too much for war mongers changing their strips? Changing one’s mind
is not a crime but if the change is not for better is the issue. You should be welcoming the stupid Tamils’ change
of heart and mind and let them be part of humanity. I hope they do.

Native Vedda
March 16, 2013 at 5:25 pm

 0

Vedda You have no right to talk about Tamils’ change of heart as you have made all of them stateless by your
mindless gibbering.

March 16, 2013 at 5:47 pm

 0

Rambler My name is Native Vedda and not mere Vedda. Address me properly please. “You have no right to talk
about Tamils’ change of heart as you have made all of them stateless by your mindless gibbering.” I am
surprised. So if I continue with my mindless gibbering do I have any chance of making the Sinhala/Buddhists
stateless? Good idea. I want my ancestral land back from both Tamils and Sinhalese, this could work. Thanks
for your novel idea. If the rest don’t leave what shall I do to ethnically cleanse them?

Native Vedda
March 16, 2013 at 6:40 pm

 0

TGTE is trying to regain the lost Tamil Kingdom.

March 19, 2013 at 4:13 pm

 0


S.Thiagarajah “TGTE is trying to regain the lost Tamil Kingdom.” I am trying to reclaim our lost ancestral land.
Do you have any problem with our claim? Please spit it out.

Native Vedda
March 20, 2013 at 10:55 am

12. 0

Tamils need to live as free and equal citizens in every sense of the word,in their own homes, pursue their lives
and livelihoods without restrictions/harassment,posess their lands as before,vote in free and fair elections and be
governed by their own representatives, and not by a military regime. Is this too much to ask?

March 16, 2013 at 2:19 pm

o 0

Justice Okay, now you are talking. You have described exactly what the Tamils had before they went off the
rails because of FP/TULF/LTTE-TNA. Tamil racists thought “Sinhalaya modaya” and can be bamboozled into
conceding 1/3 of the land and 5/6 of the coast to 1 million people (the other million is out of northeast) out of
the 21 million people as a separate, sovereign state of Tamil Eelam. In Tamil there is a saying, “loosing one’s
Amude in the greed to get a silk Vetti.”

March 16, 2013 at 10:23 pm

13. 0

Who ever you may be excellent work Lebara…..May you grow in strength. CT is a good way of self promotion.
Do not abuse it or conduct in such a manner to bring more misery. So… Rudra is blowing Hot & Cold with the
same breath and what does Usha do? trying to differentiate his breath?? Get a life Usha. Draw up a charter save
the Jaffna Youth of alcohol abuse and save the Jaffna virgins who are promised marriage by the wife serching
diaspora who destroy their Virginity and disappear… There are lot of simple things to be done in the North &
the North seeks simple solutions and not Charters..

Dickie Bird
March 16, 2013 at 2:48 pm

o 0

Dickie Bird, Thanks for the largely positive comment. The Lebara Foundation is quietly doing getting about its
work. I first heard about it a year or more back through an AlJazeera documentary. The Lebara commercial
entity operates in the UK and the Charity does its work in Tamil Nadu and the north of Sri Lanka. Please do not
look at a gift horse in the mouth! I don’t see any reason for self promotion in Sri Lanka and India, as the
business entity does not operate in these countries. Further the foundation does not publicise its work. Very few
in the north are aware of what they have done. I came to know of their work within the past week and
highlighted it here to emphasise what could be done to help the war-affected Tamils here, instead of what the
TGTE , GTF and the BTF are trying to do . Dr. Rajasingham Narendran

Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
March 17, 2013 at 2:49 am

 0

Mr Ratnasingham if you can help without expecting anything in return please go ahead.Your job is to help not
to talk badly about others.Also Tamils are tired of giving money as they were misused,so please dont ask for
money.Also please do not plant things against independence of tamil Ealam, in the minds of people.Then your
help will be treated as Bribe..

March 19, 2013 at 4:22 pm

 0

S.Thiagarajah, Who is talking badly of others? I am against the concept of Eelam. However, I want the Tamils
to be equal citizens in everyway in this country and be yet Tamils. I am for a united Sri Lanka and stand for a
solution based on meaningful devolution, power-sharing or a combination of the two. There is no ambiguity
about this. You and those like you have the right to pursue what you think is right. You can seek the lost
Kingdom or the Kingdom lost! But pause a bit to think whether this is what the Tamils here want or need in
their current circumstances. Make your case for Eelam, but do not try to condemn my right to advocate my case
against it. If people are changing their minds, because of what I write, my persistance has paid off. Who is
bribing you to advocate your cause? Why should you assume that I am being bribed to advocate mine? Tamils
are tired of giving money to whom? How many Tamils gave money to help the war-affected, other than their
relatives? Many Tamils paid the militant movements and the LTTE, relucatantly, either because of coertion or
because they thought it was an insurence premium to safeguard their relatives from harassment and predation! I
however recognise that you are an honest man who believes in what you advocate- an independent Tamil
Eelam- and is not afraid to proclaim it in public. There are many who write and comment here, who do not have
the courage or honesty to do so. Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
March 20, 2013 at 2:31 am

 0

Sir,Mr.Rajasingham,i have been following the Sri Lanka politics since the 1958 riots when I went to Jaffna in a
goodship due to fear of killings by the sinhalese.They will never ,ever give anything to the Tamils.Any rights or
anything else to the tamils.They will go on talking for ever,may be now till they complete their Genocide of
tamils.So your solution for this hour or any hour does not make sense.We can only talk from the experiences of
the past.There is only one solution ,the Two Nation solution.Mind you Tamils are not asking for separation,they
are asking for their Kingdom like Alli Jinnah asking for his Kingdom.It is possible that Sinhalese will try to use
some Tamils to do their work ,by giving bribes or giving positions or by threat or by other means.They have
been doing this since independence but it never worked from the fact the problem is still there.Unlike what you
said about support for Two Nations,support is enormous from what we saw during the struggle.Almost ninety
nine percent of the 80 million tamils in the World from South Africa to Newzeland supported it.The two nation
solution is natural.Tamils also want to live like sinhalese as independent people or like any other race.Live and
let others live.If you want to help Tamils,please do without expecting anything in return.This is from Lord

March 26, 2013 at 1:40 pm

14. 0

Waran said it well. Usha, very well written article explaining the Freedom Charter. Some of these people don’t
even know what they are talking about, some are being paid by the SL govt. and the others are so ignorant. I feel
sorry for these people.

March 16, 2013 at 3:42 pm

o 0

TO JEYAM, 2 nd time my answer to you people, [ from a buddhist Sinhalese]. HAROOO HARAA, KADAUL
Skanda Rajah, T G T E , ANPU, AND EEEELAAM LOVERS. Pirapaharan Tried that so called Devolution /
Federal setup / Eeelaam and Raised A WHITE FLAG and GOT IT. AND PUT THOSE INNOCENT KIDs with
LATE to join them. Because You all want Others to do it, You Selfish Pariah Dogs Type Jackals. Still We hear
Deads are Crying At Their Killing Fields in Mulaithivue, Thunukkai, SAmpoor, Waakarai, Kokadcholai And
Evan in Kithuluthuva, Digampathaha,Aranthalaava too. I saw my own eyes, how they suffered and still
YOU??????// Why not try a Freedom struggle Tamilzer Nadu in India. Siri Sabarathinam and Uma Mukundan

Tried it with Rajiv but your Sun god gave them chances to try RUSSIAN ROULETTE and they All won. Just
one more chance, Try it In Tamilzar Naadu in India Not in ILANKAI [Sri Lanka]. Karunanidhi and Jayalalitha
are anxious to help you people.

March 16, 2013 at 6:48 pm

15. 0

Dickie, What are you doing about these simple things that can be done in the North?

March 16, 2013 at 3:45 pm

o 0

Jeyam Tricky Dicky has other important matters that he is guilty of neglecting his duty to his own people. There
are tens of thousands of members of armed forces whose heads are screwed up either witnessing war crimes or
committing themselves. Already four hundred of them had committed suicide and some of them have
committed homicides. They need support. Tricky Dicky and fellow war crime deniers rather spend their time
with screwed soldiers than wasting their time being pain in our necks.

Native Vedda
March 16, 2013 at 5:15 pm

 0

One of my friend’s daughter is psychological counselor and do free counseling with an Ingo. . She says most of
her Patients are members of armed forces and their families who come with pathetic stories. see what is
happening to the nation, when the rulers of a country done to it’s people. So these DICKS, Ducks and PIGS
cannot understand what is happening around them and just HOWLING Only.

March 16, 2013 at 6:35 pm

 0


JULAAMPITYE AMARAYA This is Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan Syndrome.

Native Vedda
March 16, 2013 at 6:48 pm

16. 0

Are you qualified journalist or a member of the TGTE. If your comment is as a journalist, i am afraid you
should re-thing the ethics of journalism, since you are just promoting another war against innocent citizens of
Srilanka. Your so called TGTE charter is like butter applied to a stale slice of bread.But if you are a member of
the TGTE your statement is akin to promotion of a War! Well. why can’t you. people like you who have
cushioned jobs with guaranteed paychecks and cosy round tables and plush offices living at the expense of some
gullible members of the Tamil diaspora(as you call it)who equally are adapt to protect their Visas’a and the
foreign passports to prosperity, would always like blood to flow in this peaceful island so that you will live on.
Why not come in person to the Island and fight your new eelam War/Charter personally on soil. Never know the
kind of wolves in sheep clothing you may find here to help your cause. ‘You live by the sword,you die by the
sword’ remember that

mohamed fazly ilyas

March 16, 2013 at 4:57 pm

o 0

Mohamed Don’t you know USHA AUNTY is a member of the non-existing senate of the non-existing TGTE of
non-existing Tamil Eelam. And her non-existing qualification is her non-existing brain full of real shit.

March 16, 2013 at 5:53 pm

 0

Rambler, like her many of her kind have a clot in their brains, which blind the reality. If i may quote Helen
Keller…. ‘ the only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision’.

mohamed fazly ilyas

March 18, 2013 at 5:42 pm

o 0

How can she come to your place as the country is full of murders,rape and abductions.

March 19, 2013 at 4:26 pm

 0

Tell me place or even a corner in any country where these evils don’t exist. i’ll be glad.Mr. Thiagarajah, are you
a true resident of mother lanka or a dual citizen with some other color passport.

mohamed fazly ilyas

March 23, 2013 at 2:42 am

 0

Sir you are safe as a Muslim,but think of us .During one of the riots they asked me what is the time,i could not
say correctly in sinhalese.Ohh they assaulted me left and right.Now they will kill me.Genocide.Anyway you are
ok ,live happily.

March 26, 2013 at 1:46 pm

17. 0

Rambler ” is her non-existing brain full of real shit” How could non existing brain hold real shit? Too much of
abstract conversation. Could you translate it into simple English.

Native Vedda
March 16, 2013 at 9:19 pm

o 0

Native Vedda Don’t you know there’s something called “poetic License”? This is a way of expressing the idea
that if her non-existing brain is full of shit, if she does in fact have a brain it would be shit hell.

March 17, 2013 at 2:34 pm

 0

Rambler Thanks for introducing me to such highly intellectual concepts. Sounds very pompous. Where should I
apply to obtain one? I can use it when I write something that I don’t understand.

Native Vedda
March 17, 2013 at 3:16 pm

o 0

Native Vedda, have you ever heard what a ‘ figure of speech means’

mohamed fazly ilyas

March 18, 2013 at 5:59 pm

18. 0

By the time the Eelam Charter gets universal approval there will be no separately identifiable geographical
territory left in Sri Lanka for Tamils to create their dreamland of Eelam. Eastern Province will soon become
“Kelakistan” where Muslims are the dominant community now. They already control the Eastern Provincial
Council and at the rate the Muslim politicians are changing the demography of the East, Tamils will soon be
reduced to the third racial community numerically. As for the Northern Province, Mannar district will soon be a
Muslim majority district at the rate Minister Rishad Badiuddin is settling Muslims from other parts of the
country in that previously Tamil dominated district. Parts of Vanni will be be separated and joined up with
North Central Province thanks to the planned as well as unplanned settlements of Sinhalese. Soon nothing will
be left to constitute geographical description or identification of Tamil Eelam. Tamils will not be able to claim
Northern and Eastern provinces as their geographical habitat or identifiable geographical area of control which
is one of the essential conditions for the claim of a separate state under the principles of international law. TGTE
can proclaim the Tamil Eelam Charter in May 2013 but they have to establish that separate state of Eelam over
the waters of the Indian Ocean. They will not have a land mass left in Sri Lanka to found their stupid dreamland
of Eelam.

March 16, 2013 at 11:47 pm

o 0

Naga “By the time the Eelam Charter gets universal approval there will be no separately identifiable
geographical territory left in Sri Lanka for Tamils to create their dreamland of Eelam.” To the contrary, Israel is
a living proof albeit in a state of insecurity. Former USSR continued to change demography of the entire union
with Russian internal migration/colonisation since its formation. When Soviet the union collapsed so did its
social engineering. Most Russian colonisers were forced to leave and settle in Russia proper, amid chaos. I
believe you will take note of these exceptions to the norms.

Native Vedda
March 17, 2013 at 3:07 pm

o 0

The Sinhalese will have to deal with either Muslims or Tamils. Much better to deal with Tamils, as they are
clearly intelligent and also culturally similar. The optimum solution is to give Tamils a federalsolution and
entice the Tamil diaspora to reinvest their money in Sri Lanka. The situation that we see at present is very
unfortunate. Particularly with the East turning into a new Saudi Arabia.

March 17, 2013 at 3:47 pm

 0

‘Tamils are clearly intelligent’ Where did you find this? From your own pocket? So the Muslims are less
intelligent? What an insult to our Muslim brothers an sisters.

March 17, 2013 at 6:03 pm

 0

Hi Dubdoc, Not from my own pocket, but from Microsoft, which invested first and foremost in South India .
The Indian economic miracle is really a South Indian miracle. You can see the statistics for yourself: North
India vs South India Per Capita Income North =$214.81 South =$347.16 Literacy Rate North = 53%(well below
national average) South = 74%(well above national average) Per Capita expenditure on Public Earth North
=$2.34 South =$3.23 Proportion of households with electricity North = 49% South = 74% It is no accident that
most of India’s Nobel Prize winners are from the South, and that most of the millions of engineers it produces
annually are from the South. Sri Lankan Tamils could do the same thing for Sri Lanka, given sufficient space

and monetary rewards. It is my opinion that Muslims do not have much to contribute to Sri Lanka’s economic
growth. They have not made any major contribution to the real GDP growth of Sweden, Germany, England, or
the USA, despite being present in large numbers. Or just compare Singapore and Malaysia. Singapore is a first-
world nation and Malaysia is a —– toilet.

March 18, 2013 at 9:34 pm

 0

Lester, some vision you have. how much dealing was done in the name of peace by the various politicians in the
past 30 years.A terrorist whether Tamil,Sinhalese or Muslim does not understand the meaning of peace or
respect.If they are intelligent and culturally the same, they should understand that this island is an unitary state.
There should be no room for Federalism or an EElam. Pray, on what judgement you say that east is turning to a
Saudi Arabia? If so, please watch out for your neck!

mohamed fazly ilyas

March 18, 2013 at 5:52 pm

 0

Lester “Much better to deal with Tamils, as they are clearly intelligent and also culturally similar.” The Sri
Lankan state has already dealt with Tamils and the final settlement was signed on 19 May 2009. The proof of
Tamil intelligence was evident in Mullivaaikkaal. We do not want further proofs. If the Muslims want Saudi
Arabia let them have it including its medieval justice.

Native Vedda
March 18, 2013 at 11:32 pm

o 0

You are sadly mistaken Naga,TGTE is asking for the Tamil Kingdom.So all those sinhalese colonizations are
illegal.UN Has to declare that.

March 19, 2013 at 4:29 pm

19. 0

I think the TGTE is on the correct path.

March 17, 2013 at 1:15 am

o 0

Citizen, Yes. on its path to eternity.

mohamed fazly ilyas

March 18, 2013 at 5:53 pm

20. 0

Idiotic person, there is no such thing as tamil eelam! wake up from your nightmare of your own creation!

March 18, 2013 at 1:52 am

o 0

What,who told you ,there is no such think as Tamil Kingdom.That means are you going to say there is no such
Kingdom like Pakistan and there was only India.The Tamil Kindom existed from time immorial and ruins of
tamil Kingdom is in Anuradhapura.

March 26, 2013 at 1:50 pm

21. 0

I have said this before and want to repeat it here. You may agree or not with the TGTE but don’t make the
mistake of under-estimating them. Earlier, I gave you the examples of ANC (Mandela/Sisulu)the PLO and the
Mindanao rebels, who were also taken lightly at the outset. TGTE are going about matters legally and with the
concurrence of leading State agencies in many countries. Usha S engages appropriately and with finesse, when

necessary. For a body of recent existence, more than one single sovereign country is ready to recognise them.
Fortunately, it is understood GoSL sources have been in discussion with them for sometime. There is nothing to
feel shy about this. This is the road to go. The coming into being of TGTE can only be averted by due and early
empowerment to the majority of the Tamil people in the NEP. Senguttuvan

March 18, 2013 at 6:15 am

o 0

Yes, give the Tamils a federal solution and all these political problems will fade away. Unfortunately the
politicians have brainwashed the majority of Sinhalese into believing federalism is equivalient to seperatism.
Exhibit A: former propaganda minister Goebbelstilleke, who thinks power sharing under the Thirteenth
Amendment is superior to federalism.

March 18, 2013 at 9:41 pm

 0

Agreed. If there is Federalism in Sri Lanka, by now Sri Lanka would be a paradise. Instead of sending the Sri
Lankan girds as housemaids, Sri Lanka will importing housemaids from Indonesia and Phillipines. Sometimes
we use to think how Sinhalese were fooled by some selfish politicians. There was a time when JR,
Dr.N.M.Perera, Edmund Samarakoddy insisted on Federalism for the unity and prosperity of the country.
Communal-minded politicians spoilt everything and that wasa curse on Sri Lanka. Mark my word, if only the
Sri Lankan politicians declare that Federalism is the most suitable form of government, all the Western
democratic countries will join and praise Sri Lankan leaders.

March 19, 2013 at 2:49 am

o 0

Senguttavan, Are you saying that TGTE is secretly negotiating with the GOSL behind the backs of the Tamils?
The Co-Founder of TGTE is KP and he is in Killinochchi closely working with Major General Udaya Perera
and Gota R. Anyway your assertions on TGTE in the first part is incorrect and misplaced. They have a long way
to go in building credibility and integrity. I have been in this not for 30 years but 40.

Donald J Gnanakone
March 19, 2013 at 6:25 am

22. 0

In a lighter vein, has anyone noticed the rather close resemblance between Usha Sri-Skanda- Rajah and
Sharmini Serasinghe- one a Tamil and the other a Sinhalese ? Both are also in their own ways espousing the
cause of the minorities. Dr. Rajasingham Narendran

Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
March 18, 2013 at 8:27 am

23. 0

Dr.Rajasingham Narendran “one a Tamil and the other a Sinhalese ?” Genetically both are stupid Tamils and
descendants of South India.

Native Vedda
March 18, 2013 at 11:39 pm

24. 0

Let’s do it , 21st century is Tamil’s Century.

March 20, 2013 at 9:26 am

o 0

I.M.S. MANIVANNAN “Let’s do it , 21st century is Tamil’s Century.” Please let me know who assigns these
periodisation and on what basis. Was there a Veddah Century before?

Native Vedda
March 20, 2013 at 10:59 am

25. 0

Could the saintly Mrs Sri Skanda Rajah explain how the TGTE and its allies abroad have helped Sri Lankan
Tamil refugees still living in squalor and poverty in Tamil Nadu, almost 20 years after arriving there? These
poor people have lost their homes, possessions, livelihoods and subsist on UN and Indian govt handouts. Yet the
wealthy, powerful Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora appear to forgotten their plight. Why? Is it a caste issue? Are these
refugees insufficiently glamorous to be used for their cause? I think the world (and Eezham Tamils) demands
answers! Why not use the millions held by the LTTE to help these unfortunate people? p.s I’m waiting with
bated breath for a report from our valiant human rights defender, the Paris-based Mr Kirubaharan, for his
stories from the UN Human Rights frontlines.

March 20, 2013 at 11:57 am

26. 0

Manivannan – “21st Century is a Tamil century” is a load of rubbish. It is another self-deceiving crowd who
went along these lines who are now looking for escape routes denying all their mis-adventerous follies – here
and in many countries. Tamils have been humble even whey they were conquerors in history many times
covering many areas. Simplicity in thought, dress and demeanour is synonymous with education and primordial
culture. Allow others to call you in complimentary terms – if need be so. Senguttuvan

A Conspiracy At Play?

The gov

By Easwaran Rutnam
Q: The government, during this election campaign, has been saying that there is an
‘international conspiracy’ against Sri Lanka and the opposition is being used as
part of this conspiracy to topple the government. Is this a real and serious threat or
just political talk?
A: The proof of it is that foreign leaders are objecting to the recent actions of representatives of
the LTTE. You read the statement of Don Randall, an Australian Member of Parliament who says
these activities are taking place. Then take the statement by the Canadian Minister. The Minister
finds fault with Rathika Sitsabaiesan, a member of the diaspora in the Scarborough area with
regards to a speech she made in the Canadian Parliament. The Minister wants her to apologise.
Some of the countries concerned are also active to those matters. In some cases they have
established contact with us. There are convictions of people who have been extorting. Then there
are other things which are happening which I have talked about.
There is Anandi Sasithrana who had made a request that the investigations by the team
appointed by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. So you can’t take one piece
and asses it in isolation. They are all interconnected. So the truth is this, with the end of the war

the LTTE threat has not ceased. It is very much there. There is an effort to achieve by other
means what they failed to achieve by military means.
What are the other means? Action at the international level. What more do you need than the
statement by Suren Surendiren (Global Tamil Forum spokesman). He says directly their objective
is to defeat the President at the Presidential elections and have him hauled up before an
international criminal court. There is now an attempt being made to collect information with
regard to the command structure of the armed forces. So it all adds up to a complete and
coherent picture. And connected with that is the plan to isolate the country economically.
Some of the travel advisories are blatantly unfair. There has never been an election incident
where a foreigner was injured. In one case I took up the issue with the Minister in the respective
country and the advisory was changed. What we are saying is that the country needs to be vigilant
to protect the hard won victories. The benefits are being enjoyed by our people. The one thing
that is needed to protect that is a strong and stable government.

Q: But some of these incidents and concerns had been there even before the
Presidential election was announced. So how do you link the international
conspiracy to the opposition and the election?
A: There is now a concerted effort to get rid of a strong government. It is the strength of the
government which enabled terrorism to be defeated. If you have the kind of combination of
incompatibles that the opposition is advocating, would it ever been possible to take concerted
action to end the war? Udaya Gammanpila has said that within a matter of four hours the
opposition candidate has made contradictory pledges to different people. The sole purpose is to
defeat the President. After that it doesn’t matter what happens.
If you have that kind of anarchy prevailing in the country then what these people are attempting
to achieve will become possible. The only buffer against that is an effective administration, which
is what they are trying to dislodge. There are opposition spokespersons who have called for
international investigations. Even Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe had made a speech in Chennai
which was reported in The Hindu newspaper and which I tabled in Parliament. In that speech he
says there should be foreign intervention. So how can you say there is no connection?
We believe in amicable relations with other countries but at the end of the day the responsibility
for making decisions related to domestic issues belongs to the elected leadership of this country
and it cannot be handed over to anyone else in the way that Ranil Wickremesinghe advocates in
the speech that he made in Chennai.

Q: Is Sri Lanka’s relationship with some countries on the decline as a result of pro-
LTTE activities in those countries or actions of some diplomats in Sri Lanka?
A: We think that diplomatic activity must be within certain parameters. We feel at times there is
a tendency to cross the line. It is wrong for foreign missions to associate with criminal elements
with people involved in criminal activity against the interest of this country. How would the
receiving country feel if our Ambassadors or High Commissioners cohabited with people who are
conspiring to destabilise those societies? They also need to be sensitive to the security concerns of
the host government.
The frequency of contact, the manner of contact, all of that is relevant. What should be avoided is
a perception of political partisanship in the public mind. And it is because the line has been
blurred in several instances that these problems have arisen and we have had frank discussions
with the missions concerned about our own concerns regarding these matters.

We talk to everyone. We have not discontinued dialogue with any country. We are pointing out to
them that this in unjust. And although it is dressed up as a moral or political issue, it is far from
that. It is to do with naked power. It is to do with money, power and influence. It is a far cry from
what it is represented to be.
There is also a tendency by some countries to issue harsh public statements at the drop of a hat. I
have told representatives of those countries, not only in Colombo but overseas as well that it is
blatantly counterproductive. Some statements are made even very rapidly, sometimes without
checking the facts. They would not do this in some other countries because there will be
repercussions. The way to persuade a government to make a change where required or to adopt
a different approach is to use the channels for diplomatic communication. Public statements
would polarise the situation.

Q: Is the government looking to reach out to the diaspora who are involved in ant-
Sri Lanka propaganda to maybe persuade them to see things the way the
government wants?
A: We have no wish to cut-off communications with them. The reality about the diaspora today is
that it is not a monolith. There are different views within it. In fact there are some who are
investing in the north. But there is also a section which is clinging to the goal of Eelam which has
not changed. You can talk to a group of people who are open to persuasion, at least up to a point
an open mind. But if people are committed to a political objective which has become in their
minds obsessive, then there is very little room for that kind of constructive engagement. But we
are reaching out.

Q: What kind of foreign policy is Sri Lanka looking at with regards to China and
India post 2015 elections?
A: Those countries are vital for Sri Lanka. We do not envisage a change after the election. What is
important as far as we are concerned is continuity. We have a foreign policy which is not based
on exclusivity. Both India and China have played an important role in the economic development
of this country. But we have stressed that one is not at the expense of the other. We do not make
choices between countries. Both countries have helped us. They have invested and participate in
the development of infrastructure. The President is on record as saying Sri Lanka will not allow
one country which has friendly relations with us to hurt another country using Sri Lanka. He has
categorically stated that. We have excellent relations with both countries.

Q: Does the government have issues with India that have direct talks with the Tamil
National Alliance (TNA)?
A: No we have no issues. We cannot object to the government of India talking to the TNA. We
have never taken up the position that we oppose such a dialogue. On the contrary we welcome
whoever is able to persuade the TNA to engage in some form of discussion with us. If the
government of India is able to play a salutary role to persuade the TNA to engage in dialogue, we
have no problem with that at all.

Q: Can the government win the support of the Tamils in the north at the
Presidential election without the TNA, considering the influence the TNA has on the
people in the north?

A: I don’t think the central government should work through a political party. The central
government is delivering directly to the people of that area. Look at the vast infrastructure
development in the Northern Province. The central government is delivering directly to the
people. But it is a pity that the TNA has even boycotted the District Development Meeting in the
north. That is to do with projects and not political. Also the Northern Provincial Council cannot
deliver without the corporation of the centre. We want the needs of the people of the north to be
meaningfully addressed.

Q: But are they getting the funds they need to get?

A: They are getting the funds but only a very insignificant amount is being spent. That can be
established. There is much to be done. There are high expectations. People can have political
differences. You have your political issues but that should not prevent you from engaging with
the government in other sectors where such collaboration is absolutely essential for successful

Q: Are we prepared to face the inevitable next March at the UN Human Rights
A: We are taking measures at various levels. We are in touch with some of the best lawyers in the
world who are in touch with us with regard to the preparation for the legal strategy. But this is
essentially a political matter. So we are having discussions with like-minded countries. There is a
great deal of activity at that level. Many countries are now saying that they are greatly
embarrassed about the degree of intensity at which Sri Lanka is being pursued. Also don’t forget
that the UN Human Rights Council came into existence after the UN General Assembly was
dissatisfied with its predecessor, the UN Human Rights Commission. The UN General Assembly
felt the UN Human Rights Commission was politicised and they wanted instead a body that is
issue based that would decide issues on their merit. Is that happening with the human rights
council? It has actually become much more politicised.

Q: But with regard to the UN led investigation on Sri Lanka, the government keeps
saying it has nothing to hide. Then why not just allow the UN investigations team to
come, investigate and go?
A: That argument is entirely fallacious. It is not because we have anything to hide that we are not
subjecting this country to an international investigation. We know that this is not a proper
investigation at all. It is political. It is biased. It is a situation where the conclusion has already
arrived at before the investigation is over. An international investigation is not going to deliver

A World Tamil Congress mooted

The Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) has proposed the formation of a world Tamil congress which
will include Tamils and Tamil leaders from around the world.
TGTE leader and former LTTE peace negotiator V. Rudrakumaran had made the proposal in New York when the TGTE
convened its self proclaimed parliament last weekend.
The TGTE parliament began sitting on Friday December 5th and concluded last Sunday and included video live links
with delegations in Malaysia and Tamil Nadu.
Rudrakumaran had told the session that the TGTE will look to achieve its goals through democratic means and having a
world Tamil congress will help supplement those attempts.

He said a world Tamil congress will ensure Tamils around the world are united and that their voice is heard by the
international community.
With regards to the Presidential elections, Rudrakumaran did not express support for any candidate and did not have
hope in either of them addressing the Tamil issue.


The LTTE Revives Its US Network

(By Camelia Nathaniel) - The LTTE’s US network crippled by the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI) in 2006 is being reorganized by both remnant and emerging leaders. The
most prominent among them is V. Rudrakumaran, the son of a former Mayor of Jaffna.
Today, Rudrakumaran runs the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE), one of
the four factions of the LTTE. Until recently the TGTE had limited success in the US but
now with external resources, Rudrakumaran is reorganizing its activities both within and
outside the US. The TGTE has also started to openly display the photograph of Prabhakaran
and the Tiger flag.

Using New York and New Jersey as its main platforms, the TGTE is not only reviving the
LTTE in the US, but also in Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Although the
TGTE is constrained from operating openly in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin
America, it has built and is attempting to build cells in Tamil Nadu, Mauritius, South Africa
and a few other countries where it has cultivated supporters and sympathizers.

Although the LTTE had no respect for human rights and massacred Sinhalese and Muslims, it
is ironic that the main platform upon which the TGTE lobbies US Senators, Congressmen

and officials is ‘human rights’. The TGTE is planning a series of ‘human rights’ meetings in
the US and overseas to network with human rights bodies.

After the LTTE in Sri Lanka was militarily defeated

and its leadership eliminated in May 2009, the TGTE was created by the then newly
appointed LTTE leader Selvarasa Pathmanathan alias KP and the LTTE legal advisor at the
time Rudrakumaran. KP was the chief of procurement of the LTTE responsible for buying
and transporting weapons illegally for the LTTE. Working with KP until the latter’s arrest
and deportation to Sri Lanka on August 5, 2009, Rudrakumaran relied on the LTTE network
and its overseas associates to create a committee for the formation of the Provisional
Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (PTGTE).

Meanwhile Rudrakumaran appointed an Advisory Committee of LTTE supporters and

sympathizers namely Francis Boyle (USA), Joseph Chandrakanthan (Canada), Nagalingam
Jeyalingam (USA), Jeyaprakash Jeyalingam (USA), Karen Parker (USA), Palaniappan
Ramasamy (Malaysia), Peter Schalk (Sweden), Sivanendran Seevanayagam (Australia),
Nadarajah Sriskandarajah (Sweden), Muttucumaraswamy Sornarajah (UK) and Amuthu
Louis Vasanthakumar (UK). Although many of them are no longer with the LTTE, a few
continue to support the revival of the Tigers.

Under the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373, both the TGTE and its leader
Rudrakumaran are listed as terrorist entities and persons. In the next review, other TGTE
leaders engaged in the revival of the LTTE are likely to be listed therein. With the
announcement of the listing, Rudrakumaran and the TGTE lost considerable support from the
Tamil community as they did not want their names on a terrorist listing that would hinder
their travel and banking activities.

According to testimonies provided by detained LTTE leaders and operatives who cooperated
with the US, Rudrakumaran was a prominent member of the LTTE network and engaged in

propaganda, fund raising and other support activities. Rudrakumaran approached several
Tamils for support in the US to revive his network including Aravinth Sugunesh, Asok
Ponnambalam, Dany T. Padigalingam, Gerald R. Francis, Dr Janarthan Kirupananthan,
Jeyaprakash Jeyalingam, Malathi Varatharajah, Dr Siva Karunakaran, Subha Francis, Subha
Suntharalingam, Thavendra Rajah, Dr Vellupillai Kamalanathan and Dr Yoga
Navayogarajah. Although most of them have distanced themselves from Rudrakumaran and
the TGTE, a few remain committed to the LTTE

The revival of the LTTE network

After a hiatus of nearly a decade since the FBI targetted the LTTE network in the US, LTTE
activists in the US, their supporters and sympathizers have reappeared in a series of front
organizations. Other than the TGTE, they staff Tamils for Obama, the United States Tamil
Political Action Council (USTPAC) and Tamils Against Genocide. The LTTE US network is
infiltrating several other groups including Illankai Tamil Sangam, Federation of Tamil
Associations of North America (FeTNA) and Tamil Nadu Foundation. The TGTE is also
working closely with several organizations overseas, notably the Canadian Tamil Congress
(CTC) in Toronto.

After its US network was disrupted by the FBI, the LTTE

in North America maintained a low key presence and organized and operated through five
cells which gradually crystallized into organizations. The lobbying of politicians and
bureaucrats in the US was revived by Dr Elias Jeyarajah, President of the United States Tamil
Political Action Council (USTPAC) and Grace Pushparani Williams through the K Street
lobby firm CJR.

To motivate US politicians to make statements supportive of their position, the Jeyarajah

family gave US$ 10,965 to the Obama and Clinton campaigns in 2008. Dr Jeyarajah also
personally donated US$ 1,565 to the Obama campaign, US$ 1,500 to the Clinton campaign
and US$ 500 to the North Carolina Democratic Party. On the pretext of being against the
defunct LTTE, and calling for LTTE atrocities to be investigated, they have also attempted to
garner the support of Samantha Powers, Richard Boucher, Susan Rice, Robert Blake, Patricia
Butenis and other US officials to act against Sri Lanka

The LTTE US network

After the LTTE was designated as a foreign terrorist organization in the US on October 8,
1997, the Tigers started to operate through a series of fronts including the World Tamil
Coordinating Committee, Tamil Rehabilitation Organization and the Illankai Tamil Sangam,

The LTTE network in the US was the largest terrorist network on US soil placed under
surveillance by its government before the terrorist attacks by Al Qaida on September 11,
2001. The FBI since 2000 and US Immigration and Customs Enforcement after 2002,
targetted the LTTE when they realized that the Tigers were raising funds and procuring
supplies, engaging in drug trafficking and human smuggling, and even attempting to bribe
US officials to delist the LTTE from its list of designated foreign terrorist groups. In addition
to paying US officials to procure classified information, the LTTE also flew Congressman
Danny Davis (D) from Chicago, Illinois to the Wanni to meet the LTTE leadership.

After patiently infiltrating and collecting intelligence on LTTE activities in the US for several
years, the FBI working in collaboration with their partners began dismantling the US based
network in 2005. After arresting the directing figures, the US government charged, tried and
sentenced the most significant LTTE leaders and operatives, both US and foreign nationals.

The FBI investigations discovered that the LTTE wanted radio towers, missile-launchers,
AK-47s, night-vision goggles and software to design submarines and warships. The US
government charged 13 Sri Lankans, domiciled in Canada and the United States with
multiple crimes, including conspiracy to provide material support and resources to a
designated terrorist group. The LTTE’s material support consisted of the procurement of
military equipment, communications devices and other technology, fundraising and money
laundering through front charitable organizations, and a myriad other criminal activities,
including conspiracy to bribe public officials, attempting to obtain classified information and
money laundering, among other crimes.

The US indictment

The US government initially charged Suresh Sriskandarajah, also known as ‘Waterloo

Suresh’; Namasivaya Viswanathan; Tirukumaran Sinnathamby; Thirukumaran
Sivasubramaniam; Murugesu Vinayagamoorthy also known as ‘Dr Moorthy’ and
‘Vinayagamoorthy Murugesu’; Vijayshanthar Patapanathan, also known as ‘Chandru’;
Nachimuthu Socrates and Ramanan Mylvaganam for “knowingly and intentionally
conspiring to provide material support and resources to a foreign terrorist organization…
Murugesu Vinayagamoorthy, Vijayshanthar Patapanathan and Nachimuthu Socrates did
knowingly and intentionally conspire to bribe public officials,” the US indictment stated.

See for full text of the US indictment in

the US District Court, New York.

The indictment further added: “The LTTE relies heavily upon supporters in the United States,
Europe, Canada, Australia and elsewhere to raise and launder money, acquire intelligence,
purchase technology and military arms and equipment, and improperly influence elected
politicians and other government officials”.

The designation of the LTTE by the US as a terrorist organization significantly hindered the
LTTE’s propaganda campaign to portray itself as a legitimate ‘Liberation’ movement for the
Tamil population in Sri Lanka. However, rather than abandoning their terror tactics, suicide
bombings targetting innocent civilians, assassinations of political figures and the forced
conscription of children as child soldiers, etc., the LTTE attempted to alter its image in the
international community.

The LTTE attempted to bribe its way off the foreign terrorist organization list, resorted to
secret fundraising through front charitable organizations in the US, and relied upon
supporters in the United States. The Tigers used US-based email accounts to acquire
operational equipment and technological knowhow from illegal dealers and unsuspecting
North American companies, the indictment stated.

The LTTE network in the US was guided by Velupillai Prabhakaran, chief of LTTE
intelligence Shanmugalingam Sivashankar alias Pottu Amman, and the head of the LTTE
international secretariat Castro. The Indonesia-based deputy chief of LTTE procurement
Pratheepan Thavarasa was “the principal liaison between Prabhakaran and other LTTE
leadership and LTTE supporters in North America, Europe and Asia, and is actively involved
in procuring operational equipment from around the world,” the indictment noted. Thavarasa
worked with Dr Murugesu Vinayagamoorthy (Dr Moorthy); the latter was sent to the US to
facilitate projects and served as an intermediary between LTTE supporters in the United
States, Europe and elsewhere and the Sri Lankan LTTE leadership.

According to the indictment, Dr Moorthy, Chandru and Socrates, worked with Viswanathan
and Father Jegath Gasperaj and “resorted to bribery to persuade purported US State
Department officials to remove the LTTE from the foreign terrorist organization (FTO) list,
disclose classified intelligence about the LTTE and enable the defendants to travel freely to
and from the United States”.

Socrates, Viswanathan and Father Gasperaj are of Indian origin and not Sri Lankan Tamils.
Viswanathan and Father Gasperaj are located in Tamil Nadu and both fugitives are engaged
in LTTE support activities there. While being sought by the US, Father Gasperaj worked with
Kanimozhi, the daughter of the former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu M. Karunanidhi and his
third wife Rajathi Ammal.

Another key LTTE supporter of the US network that relocated to Canada is Danton
Thurairajah. Under LTTE US branch leader Karunakaran and head of finance Chandru,
Danton Thurairajah engaged in terrorist fundraising activities. According to testimony,
Danton Thurairajah relocated to Canada in 2005 to continue his LTTE activities. In Canada,
he joined the Canadian Tamil Congress which was also designated as a terrorist entity in
March 2014.

CTC sponsored gala dinner

On November 20, 2013, Danton Thurairajah sent an email addressed to: Dear Canadian
Tamil Congress Members, Supporters and Friends; The Canadian Tamil Congress (CTC)
warmly invites you to attend our seventh Annual Gala Dinner at the Hilton Toronto /
Markham Suites Conference Centre. The dinner, which takes place on Saturday, January 18,
2014, will be attended by many business leaders and influential community members.

The evening program features Tamil Canadian arts, concerns, culture and achievements and
highlights our traditional ‘Thai Pongal’ theme.” The email added: “With chapters across the
country, the Canadian Tamil Congress (CTC) serves as a voice of Tamil Canadians on the
municipal, provincial, federal and international levels. CTC engages with many non-Tamil
community organizations to raise awareness about the plight of Tamils. In addition, CTC
promotes the interests of Tamil Canadians on a wide range of critical issues and works to
build a stronger and vibrant community within Canada’s multicultural mosaic.

Your participation and support is vital in strengthening our community’s voice and reach in
Canada and throughout the world in the months and years to come”. The email also stated the
amounts charged to participate in the event.

The email was signed off by Danton Thurairajah, Executive Director, Canadian Tamil
Congress, demonstrating that while US action was effective it had displaced the threat to
Canada. Today, the US LTTE and Canadian LTTE networks have re-linked. Considering
their origins and current plans to revive the LTTE, it is very likely that the US and Canadian
governments will target these emerging networks soon.(KH/SI)

Read 2695 times


The Sri Lankan Presidential Elections And The Tamils

December 15, 2014 | Filed under: Colombo Telegraph,Opinion | Posted by: COLOMBO_TELEGRAPH

By Brian Senewiratne -

Dr. Brian Senewiratne

I have recently had a spate of emails about this. I cannot see the problem.

The Sri Lankan Tamils have three options:

1. To vote for the ‘common opposition candidate’ Maithripala Sirisena

2. To vote for Rajapaksa

3. Not to vote at all

If they opt to vote for Rajapaksa, they are crazy. Every Tamil should know that if Rajapaksa is elected, that is
the end of the Tamils. It almost is, already. No one in his right mind can fail to see this. So, option 2 is out.
Not to vote at all is to vote for Rajapaksa.

Does the Tamil vote matter? Yes it does. With a voter bank of more than 600,000, the Tamil vote can be the

What about Sirisena? Well, we don’t know. When he blasted

Rajapaksa and set out the wonderful things he was going to do if he is elected eg doing away with the Executive
Presidency within 100 days, restoring the judiciary, ending corruption etc, there was not a word about what he
would do about the Tamil people and the trauma they are going through. Not a word about the military
occupation in the North and East where the Tamil civilians are being treated as the ‘spoils of war’. In fact I did
not hear the word’ ’Tamil’ being mentioned.
His closeness to the Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) is a worry. The JHU is a Sinhala-Buddhist extremist party
which is virulently anti-minority, especially anti-Tamil. It is totally opposed to devolution of power of any sort
to the Tamils. An alliance with such a party will create major problems for Sirisena, irrespective of whether he
is any different from Rajapaksa where handling the national question is concerned.

Sirisena was part of the very same government that have done these terrible things which has resulted in
international investigation. Sirisena has vehemently defended the Rajapaksa policies for several years. He now

says that despite being critical of what Rajapaksa was doing, he was not in a position to express his views and
was ‘frustrated’. If so, why then did he not resign?

What is foremost is that this election should be seen as an opportunity, perhaps the last opportunity for many
years to come, to get rid of a dreadfully violent, corrupt, nepotistic government, one of the most dangerous that
Sri Lankan has ever had. Rajapaksa and his junta have virtually dismantled democracy, installed a Totalitarian
State under one family – a family Autocracy – destroyed the legal system, and drained the country financially,
the money being shipped away abroad, the visible evidence of which can be seen in the USA and elsewhere.

Get it wrong, and the Tamils and all other ethnic groups and the entire country will pay a huge price for a very
long time – perhaps forever, ending with a ‘Failed State’ no different from Mugabe’s Zimbabwe, probably

There is simply no choice. It should be a one-horse race but with the violence that the Rajapaksas are capable of
unleashing (which was clearly acknowledged by Sirisena) and the possibility that Gotabaya Rajapaksa will
launch a military coup, or rig the ballot boxes to the extent that the election will be a farce, I would not be
surprised if Rajapaksa wins the election. In any case he has said that he will be the President on 9 January 2015
even of he loses the election since his term as President does not expire for another two years. If he wins, the
two years remaining will be added to the six year term, and Sri Lanka will be cursed with this dreadful regime
for another 8 years, probably for the foreseeable future. As for the Tamils, they will be gone – genocide of the
The Tamil vote for Sirisena, might, I stress the word ‘might’, prevent this disaster. Sirisena might also be a
disaster for the Tamils but less of a disaster than Rajapaksa. Nothing can be worse than the Rajapaksa junta for
Sri Lanka in general, the Tamils in particular.


Selected Writings
Brian Senewiratne, Australia

Brian Senewiratne is a Consultant Physician in Brisbane, Australia. His degrees include - MA

(Cantab), MBBChir (Cantab), MBBS (Lond), MD (Lond), FRCP( Lond), FRACP. He is a
Sinhalese.For many decades, Brian Senewiratne has stood up for the Tamil cause and has given
expression to his own anguish at the suffering of the Tamil people. He has done so, despite
death threats, physical attacks on his medical office in Australia, and vulgar abuse by Sinhala
thugs. He has had the courage to openly stand up for that which he knows to be the truth
and he has been willing to suffer for that which he believes to be right. He wrote recently (May 2006)

"There has been an unprecedented reaction by the Singhalese community by way of offensive e-mails and
telephone calls. The verbal abuse is serious and disruptive. They have taken the form of telephone calls, both to
my home phone and my mobile every half an hour throughout the night, ever since I published the Trinco
bombing. The calls are disruptive not only of my sleep but, what is more serious, of my medical practice. I’m
on call to several hospitals and it is impossible, and quite irresponsible in the interest of patient care, to knock
off both my mobile and home phone. ....Although it does not bother us too much, it may be one reason why so
few Singhalese (and others) have been reluctant to come forward and say what has to be said..." [see also
Comments by Mariam Manuel Pillai, Leslie Kanthanand Usha Sriskandarajah and Daniel David]

June 2007 You Tube Presentation: Sri Lanka the ethnic crisis what the world must know -
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 -part 4 - part 5 - part 6 - part 7

June 2007 You Tube Presentation: Sri Lanka: Survival of Tamil civilians at Stake - part 1 -
part 2 - part 3 - part 4 -part 5

21 May 2007 An Open Letter to Rt Rev Dr Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury on his
Comments about Sri Lanka's 'surgical military action'

6 April 2007 President Rajapakse sends an emissary to Australia

10 November 2006 The Future of Tamil Parliamentarians in Sri Lanka

October 2006 You Tube Presentation: Brian Speaks! - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part

26 October 2006 Sri Lanka's Nonsense 'Talks'

26 September 2006 In the path of Adrian Wijemanne

21 August 2006 The Bombing of Tamil School Children in Sri Lanka

28 July 2006 Adrian Wijemanne – an appreciation by a fellow Sinhalese

23 July 2006 Sri Lanka's Week of Shame - July 1983 Massacre: Long Term Consequences

21 May 2006 An Appeal to Prime Minister Hon. John Howard and Hon. Members of Houses of
Parliament, Australia

20 May 2006 Letter to UK Prime Minister on the Critical Situation in Sri Lanka

12 May 2006 The Situation in Muthur

"..The Sinhala Government is too stupid to realise that Eelam is not a creation of the
Tamils or even of the LTTE. It is a creation of Sinhala ethno-religious
chauvinism and State brutality. The division of the country is not going to come because
the Tamils wanted it, but because it was forced on them by the abysmal stupidity of a
succession of Sinhala Governments since Independence, especially since 1956. It is too
late now to turn the clock back. Indeed, the events now unfolding in Trincomalee are
turning the clock forward at a spectacular rate..."

27 April 2006 Sri Lanka bombs its own People

This is not an Appeal, nor a Plea – humanitarian or otherwise. It is to apprise foreign

Governments, the international media, religious leaders, NGOs, leaders of civic society
and people outside Sri Lanka, of what is going on in that country. It is NOT a request for
help or intervention. I am merely presenting the facts to the outside world and my
sympathy to a devastated people in Trincomalee.

28 February 2006 Peace Talks that Have Gone Nowhere

14 November 2005 One Party State in Sri Lanka:Political Ideology - Anti Tamil

"...Recent revelations have confirmed that there may be several political parties in the
Sinhala South, but only one ideology – being anti-Tamil. There is the right wing United
National Party (UNP), the supposedly socialist Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP), the so-
called “Marxist” Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP), the Marxists of yester-year, the

Lanka Sama Samaga Party (LSSP), the political party of not-so-clean-shaven men in
yellow robes, the Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU), and many more of their ilk. In reality
they are all different names for one party policy – anti-Tamil. .."

1 November 2005 C.J.Thamotheram - the end of an era

"This is not an obituary, since I am not qualified to write one. It is just a note of thanks
from a Sinhalese to a great Tamil for all he has done for the Tamil cause over a very
long time..." more

31 October 2005 Mahinda Rajapakse - the Road to Disaster

"..The upcoming election is to elect a Sinhala President and that is a problem for the
Sinhala people. It is not a problem for the Tamils. If the Sinhala people want crooks who
have had their hand in the Tsunami till as their President, that is their problem. If they
want hoodlums who have wrecked the South in armed uprisings (in 1971 and again in
1989) with the murder of thousands of civilians who included University professors,
leading professionals and charismatic Sinhala leaders such as President Kumaratunga’s
husband, and an extensive destruction of infrastructure which included much-needed
agricultural equipment, which be described as “the vandalisation of a country”, that is a
choice for the Sinhalese. If they want Buddhist “monks” who are more comfortable
preaching violence than the doctrine of Buddha, that is a problem for the Buddhists..."

23 October 2005 EU Credibility on the Line

"...The EU “calls on the LTTE not least to take immediate public steps to demonstrate
their commitment to the peace process and the willingness to change”. For the record, it
was the LTTE that initiated the Ceasefire even before the then Sri Lankan Government
did so. The EU needs to check its facts. Would the EU call on the Sri Lankan
government ”to demonstrate …. willingness to change” by abandoning its declared
policy that Sri Lanka is a Sinhalese Buddhist nation despite the fact that Sri Lanka is a
multiethnic, multicultural and multi religious country, and repeal sections of the
Constitution in which this is guaranteed? If not, why not?.."

22 May 2005 Good wishes for Adrian Wijemanne’s 80th birthday

"..Adrian is one of very few Sinhalese (others being the late Bishop Lakshman
Wickremesinghe and my uncle the late Edmund Samarakkody) to have freed themselves
from the shackles of Sinhala chauvinism to campaign for the right of Thamil people to
live with equality, dignity and safety in the country of their birth. This is not a fight
between the Sinhalese and the Thamils. It is a fight between injustice and justice. It is
not a question of who wins the war between Sinhala chauvinism and justice for the
Thamil people. What is important is where we stand..."

30 March 2005 Solving the Ethnic Problem - Foreigners Have the Answer

18 February 2005 Book Review of Sri Lanka: Witness to History - A Journalist's Memoirs, 1930-2004 by
Subramaniam Sivanayagam

"I am not a fast reader nor a consistent one. With mind cluttered with my medicine,
human rights, the state of our public hospitals, the horrors in Africa etc, I cannot read a
book from cover to cover. Siva’s “Witness to History” was the exception. I got it on
Thursday, I read it all day and for most of the night till Sunday, covering the 683 pages,
reading even the Index! So will you if you are fortunate enough to get this book. It is

compulsory and addictive reading..."

10 January 2005 Tsunami & Sri Lanka: Emerging Realities

"..Even in the face of a national disaster, ethnic and political considerations are never too
far away in Sri Lankan thinking, in particular in the minds of the Sinhalese politicians of
all parties. The best example of this is a recent statement by President Chandrika
Kumaratunga that the Tamil Tigers had lost too many cadres in the tsunami disaster to
resume the armed struggle. This is an outrageous comment from a national leader whose
country has been decimated. Faced with a national crisis from an unavoidable natural
disaster, all that the President could do was to focus on what ‘benefit’ it could be
towards settling her political problems...

September 2003 Peace cannot be abandoned in Sri Lanka

30 November 2001 What can the Tamils expect from 2001 Elections

23 June 2001 The abuse of democracy in Sri Lanka

10 March 2001 A Tribute to C.Jeyaratnam Eliezer

"It is said that no one is irreplaceable. I don't believe this. Bishop Lakshman
Wickremasinghe, Bishop Leo Nanayakkaraya, Vijaya Kumaratunge and now, Professor
Eliezer, are irreplaceable. There can be no fitting memorial to him than to carry forward
the struggle to free the Tamil people from domination by a Sinhalese Government and
Sinhalese extremists, both in Sri Lanka and abroad, hell-bent on crushing, not the LTTE,
but the Tamil people in the North and East of Sri Lanka..."

25 October 2000 The massacre of Tamil youths in a detention centre

2 November 2000 "Behind the Tamil Tigers" and SBS Television Program in Australia

30 April 1988 Sinhala Buddhist Chauvinism & the Buddhist Clergy

" SinhaleseBuddhist ethnoreligious chauvinism and its strongest advocates, the Buddhist
clergy, are the most important factors that prevent a solution to the Sri Lankan ethnic
conflict.... the Sinhalese majority have a deep rooted perception that Sri Lanka is a
SinhaleseBuddhist nation which 'belongs' to the Sinhalese and is the custodian of
Buddhism. The most powerful advocates of this ethnoreligious chauvinism are the
Buddhist clergy. "Even though nonSinhalese and nonBuddhist have been living in this
country for a long time, Sri Lanka is the country of the Sinhala Buddhist" writes the
Venerable Madhie Pannaseeha, Mahanayake Thera of the Amarapura sect, one of the
three major Buddhist sects in Sri Lanka..."

“Saying what’s in my heart” – Dr. Brian Seneviratne

Posted by twnewsfeatures on 15 October 2006, 10:36 pm

By K.T. Kumaran

To say what’s in the heart was first taught to young Brian by his uncle and Marxist Sri Lankan leader Edmund
Samarakody, in the aftermath of the disfranchisement of millions of plantation workers because they were
Tamils. In a gathering of approximately 2,000 people near the Mount Lavania hotel and in the presence of
leaders such as Dr. N.M. Perera and Dr. Colvin R de Silva Brian was suddenly called upon to address.

Cohering to the quick word of advice from his Marxist uncle

then to now, Dr. Brian Seneviratne has been speaking from his
heart on the plight of the people in Sri Lanka for the past 40

Dr. Brian Seneviratne spoke as the honored guest at the 39th

Annual General Meeting of The Ilankai Tamil Sangam USA, on
Saturday October 14th at the Somerset Marriott in New Jersey.

Addressing the gathering at dusk, he recapped the events

leading upto his political activism gaining in momentum after
1983. Dr. Brain Seneviratne, said he wrote an apology, his first
political writing, to his wife, a Tamil – for the injustices
committed by the Sinhala leaders.

Dr. Brian Seneviratne said many Sri Lankan leaders, such as

President J.R. Jayawardane used to dismiss his pleas and
campaigns for justice to minorities as lopsided. “This is his wife
speaking, not Brain, was JR’s take”, he recalled. But Dr.
Senevitatne emphasized that if not for her, he will be more
forceful in his writings. Instead of “President Chandrika Kumaratunga” it would have been “the mother of all
liars”, he quipped.

Sangam’s guest of honor pledged that he stands in solidarity for justice to all people of Sri Lanka. He said,
“sympathy with Sinhala people being misled, and concern for the Muslim people” are all in his heart when
considering the current situation of Sri Lanka. “It’s a humanitarian issue”, Dr. Seneviratne said. He stressed that
his activism is on a humanitarian basis and not a Sinhalease person.

Speaking to a captive audience with wit and vigor, the septuagenarian consultant Physician now based in
Australia talked at length about his pleas and discussions with his relatives who were at the helm of political
power in Sri Lanka. He said his criticism of standardization in university education was turned down by Prime
Minister Srimavo Bandaranayake. And when he visited Jaffna at the time when he was 14 years of age, he
realized that the North was not going to be developed by the Sinhala leaders. “This is a different country”, was
what went through his mind when traveling through Killinochchi decades ago. “Tamils worked to put the map
of Sri Lanka in the world”, and said he hates to say that what is happening to them now is “genocide”.

He requested the audience to get involved and raise the awareness. “There is no time to wait,” Dr. Brian
Seneviratne said. He also urged to stop the Tamil internecine fighting, to the audience applaud. “Sinhala people
have divisions, but one when it’s coming to hate Tamils. And that’s why they were able to brand Tamils as
‘terrorists’”, he said. On the entire current situation he said, “it’s a deception of a country by Sinhala hoodlums”.

Dr. Brian Seneviratne pointed out three “solutions” that could reverse the current trend. Lobbying the
international community, the military power of LTTE and influencing Sinhala people to pressure President
Mahinda Rajapakse to come to his senses.

He thanked the audience and Sangam Committee members, for assisting and facilitating him during the current
visit to the United States of America.

Wednesday, 20 December 2006

My Thanks to those in Canada and USA

After all the generous comments about me and ‘awards’, it is time to thank all those who helped me
during my visit to the US and Canada in October 2006. It was the most gratifying ‘mission’ I have
been on, in the past three decades that I have been campaigning for the cause of the Tamil people.

Ilankai Tamil Sangam

It all started when the Sangam invited me to address the 29th Annual General Meeting on October
14, 2006.

I am not the first Sinhalese to be so honoured. The late Adrian Wijemanne was the Chief Guest in
1997. His keynote address, “Amity, not Unity” , is even more relevant today than it was a decade ago.
It sets out the historical basis on which we can confidently predict the final outcome of the liberation
struggle of the Tamil people – the establishment of a separate State, Eelam.

My stance has been as a humanitarian and someone who opposes injustice (as was Adrian’s) –
indeed a series of injustices - done to the Tamil people by a succession of Sinhalese Governments
over half a century.

I accepted the invitation for two reasons, despite compelling reasons why I should be in Brisbane.
Firstly, it was an honour for me, a Sinhalese, to be invited to address a major event on the US Tamil
calendar. Secondly, with the restart of hostilities despite a so-called Ceasefire, the expatriate Tamil
community was losing hope and was confused, if not despondent, and it was imperative to clarify
the situation and call for action, not despondency.

In view of some damaging comments made by foreign politicians and others from outside Sri Lanka,
and the serious consequences these have had in that country, there was a need to apprise these
people, of what was going on in that country which is very different from Sri Lankan Government

I suggested to Sangam that in addition to speaking at the AGM, I should address public meetings in
other parts of the US and Canada and see whoever should be seen to apprise them of what was
going on in Sri Lanka. The timing was unfortunate in that it was three weeks before the US mid-term
elections and politicians were more concerned about getting themselves elected than in the
slaughter of Tamils in some distant land which had no oil.

I greatly appreciate the Executive of Sangam for making this visit possible.


The AGM was divided into three parts – the morning which was medical (doctors got ‘Brownie
‘points for attending), the afternoon was political (the story that Sri Lankans got de-merit points

from the GOSL for attending this is untrue), and the evening, a dinner and social. I had the fortune (?
misfortune) of having to address all three.

The entire meeting (medical, political and social) seems to have been organized by Tammy Sriharan,
the non-Sri Lankan wife of the President of Tamil Sangam, Sri Haran. Never have I seen someone so
obsessed with ‘getting it right’. To say that anyone is indispensable could be challenged. What
cannot be challenged is that this meeting would not have been the success it was, without the 110%
effort put in by Tammy. At a personal level, I have nothing but gratitude for the scores of telephone
calls she made to me in Australia and all round the US and Canada, arranging all the crazy things I
wanted to do, and what others wanted me to do, with multiple changes at minimal notice.

The morning session

This was organized and chaired by Dr Karunyan Arulanantham, a long-time campaigner for the Tamil
cause, with special interests in refugees and the delivery of medical services to people who do not
exist in the eyes of the Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL).

There were some outstanding papers, the best by Dr Yasodha Natkunam, the daughter of one of the
finest cardio-thoracic surgeons that Sri Lanka has produced but could not retain, like so many others.
Yaso is famous in her own right and Natkunam is in danger of being referred to as ‘Yaso’s father’.

Yaso is a Consultant Pathologist in the US who has spent time in the North of Sri Lanka setting up
pathology services. Having gone down this road in 1968 – trying to set up a clinical research
laboratory in Kandy, starting from ‘ground-zero’, and with maximum obstruction from ‘above’, I
could appreciate the problems she faced and the way she handled them. Her address must be made
available on a DVD.

While experts in their field (Gastroenterologists, Endocrinologists, Psychiatrists, Pathologists, and

others) spoke on subjects in their specialty, I, a Physician, spoke on Post-Traumatic Depression,
which was not in my area of expertise and in which I have no special interest or training. I simply set
out my experience over 30 years in Australia, dealing with supposedly ‘medical’ problems, but which
turned out to be related to, or precipitated by, events in Sri Lanka.

I was introduced by Professor Sriharan, one of the finest brains that Sri Lanka has ever produced
(and lost, like so many others). The loss of Sriharan was serious. He is a Colombo graduate, adopted
by Kandy (when I was there). I had no part to play in his training although he made out that I had. He
ended up as the first Professor of Medicine in Jaffna, and then lost to the UK. When I heard of his
tragic loss, I said that Sri Lanka did not deserve someone like him.

I am obviously not going to evaluate my talk. All I will say is that a single generous comment by Dr N.
Balasubramanium, a Pathologist from New York, gave me enough encouragement to have this talk
put on a DVD and made available. Unfortunately the recording was not great in that while it is
possible to see (and hear) me, the more important slides cannot be seen. This will have to be
rectified but might take a few of weeks.

The afternoon session


A book release A Path to Purposeful Living – The validity and relevance of Thirukkural to modern
times by the author, V.P.Palam, was followed by the political talks.

1. Humanitarian Law and Self-determination by Karen Parker JD.

Karen is a Los Angeles-based human rights lawyer specializing in armed conflict (humanitarian) law
and human rights. She has represented non-governmental organizations at the United Nations, and
has addressed the armed conflict in Sri Lanka since 1983. She has presented more than 30 written
and oral statements to the UN on the application of humanitarian law to the armed conflict in Sri
Lanka and on the situation of the Tamils. She has submitted testimony on the conflict to US Congress,
and at the Parliaments in France, Australia, United Kingdom, and other countries. Much of what she
said has been published, on the net and elsewhere.

2. Genocide of the Tamils, A Failed State and possible Solutions by me

I set out the evidence for genocide of the Tamil people by the GOSL and introduced the concept of
‘economic genocide’, ‘educational genocide’ and ‘cultural genocide’, being the deliberate
destruction of the economy, education and culture of a specific ethnic group. I will put this on the

Sri Lanka satisfies the criteria for a ‘Failed State’. To claim that it is not is deception. This too will be
on the net, although it is already well documented.

As for solutions, I presented the reasons why a separate Tamil State (and a separate Sinhala State)
was the only possible solution today. I will put an expanded version on the net.

3. Politics of Relief: Humanitarian work in NorthEastern Sri Lanka by Nimmi Gowrinathan

Nimmi is a PhD student in UCLA. She has spent some time in Sri Lanka and presented the ground
realities of relief – very different from the false propaganda of the GOSL. This was an excellent paper
which needs wide dissemination to show the international community what the Tamil people in the
North and East are going through.

The formal session ended with Karen Parker conducting a Workshop: The War – Critical issues there
and here.

The evening social

This was very well patronized with more than 300 people (or so it appeared to me), turning up. The
Grand Ballroom of the Marriott Hotel, New Jersey, was packed.

Sadena Thevarajah and Prem Jayanthan from the Tamil Youth Organisation spoke on Getting Youth
Involved. This is an important problem since it is the youth who will have to take the baton from us.

Nimmi Gowrinathan repeated her experience in humanitarian work since the audience was larger.

I spoke on Why I stand where I do. It was a social gathering and I was asked to keep the diners
amused. Unfortunately, I am not a comedian, nor did I think the situation back home warranted
amusement. I thought that informing people was more important than amusing them. However, I
did go over the nonsense in the Mahavamsa which produced the necessary amusement. I pointed

out that I was a member of the Lion race, a direct descendent from a Lion mating with an oversexed
Princess. It had to be true, it is in the Mahavamsa.

I was simply repeating what that outstanding Tamil journalist, S.Sivanayagam, has written in The Pen
and the Gun, to which he invited me to write a Foreword. When I told him that it will be the kiss of
death for the book, his defiant response was, If people will not buy the book because you wrote the
Foreword, damn them. That was Siva.

The Lion story belatedly reminds me of an event in 1956. Bandaranaike was presenting his
infamousSinhala Only Act. Protesting Tamil MPs were being mauled outside Parliament by Sinhalese
hoodlums. The MPs entered Parliament, bleeding and bandaged, to roars of laughter and jeers,
“Wounds of War”, from the Sinhalese MPs. Dr E.M.V.Naganathan, not a man to be intimidated,
muttered something like, “When the Tamil Tiger rises, the Sinhala Lion will go with its tail between
its legs.” I wish the prophetic gentleman was there to see it ‘come to pass’.

I will put the more important parts of my address on the net.

I ended my address raising an imaginary glass in two toasts. The first was to two remarkable women,
neither of them Sri Lankans, whom I had met for the first time 48 hours earlier – Avis Sri Jayantha
who runs the Sangam website, and Tammy Sriharan, whom I have already referred to.

I was able to see staff from the US Senate, House of Representatives, the United Nations section on
the Prevention of Genocide, the renowned newspaper, Washington Post, and Human Rights
Watch (which, incidentally, has a higher standing in the USA than Amnesty International).

During my talk I think Tammy was still running around, I doubt if she heard my toast to her. She is of
Irish background, with a colour in keeping with her genetics. There she was in a yellow saree, looking
as Tamil as they come. Had someone put some dark stripes on that saree, she could have been a
Tiger, as I have been called many times – indeed a Tamil Tiger Terrorist. Incidentally, if I am one, so
are the Bandaranaikes since my father comes from that clan.

Tammy makes the best Thosai I have ever eaten, a sad reflection on my Tamil wife. The second toast
was to ‘Eelam’ which will come despite the best efforts of the Sinhala leadership, present, past and
future, to prevent it. They, and the Sinhala extremists, can delay but not, in any way,prevent it.
History, as set out by Adrian Wijemanne a decade ago at a similar meeting, will not have it otherwise.

A passing word about Avis’ husband, the brilliant Dr Sri Sri Jayantha. now with IBM. When Sri Lanka
loses people like him (and many others like him), it is game, set and match. If they did not have to
leave Sri Lanka, that country would have been a leader in Asia – an ‘Asian Tiger’, if you pardon the
pun. Hopefully they will return, albeit on an intermittent basis, to Tamil Eelam, when it moves
fromde facto to de jure.

Finally, a Vote of Thanks by the President of llankai Tamil Sangam, the no-nonsense Sri Haran, who
impressed me greatly.

This was followed by music and dance, Classical Fusion, they called it, presented by Selvi
Chandranathan and her students. It was pretty loud, perhaps my ears are too old to cope with a lot

of vibration. I sloped off to bed at 2 am, not quite sure whether it was 2am (USA), 5pm (Brisbane), or

At breakfast, in a touching gesture, Karen and I were presented with honour-plaques. I did not see
what Karen’s read. Mine was:-

An “International crusader” for Human Rights and Dignity all over the World and Promoter of Justice
for All

I thought it was an exaggeration but I appreciated the stress on ‘Justice’. That is precisely what I
want – justice for the people of Sri Lanka, and that is what is being denied to them by a succession of
Sri Lankan Governments.

My plaque was presented by a former medical registrar of mine. He was disarmingly honest when he
said, “I did not like Dr Senewiratne when I worked for him. Nothing I could do was right”. It is
probably a sentiment shared by many others who do not have the honesty to say so.

Thanks to Sri Haran, I was able to see Wakeley Paul in his home. He was too unwell to come for the
meeting. I suspect Wakeley had more than a little to do with the invitation to me to address the
AGM. He is a fine soul, totally committed to the Tamil cause. I was most upset to see him so unwell,
but every time I veered towards his medical problems, he veered away! I was delighted to hear later
that he was miraculously on the mend. I’d like to believe that it was the therapeutic effect of my visit,
but I think the medicines is on are more likely to be responsible. He had better be around to usher in
Tamil Eelam, for which he has been campaigning for so many years and with such dedication.

Wakeley, named after the famous British surgeon, Sir Cecil Wakeley, is the son of one of the most
famous and finest Professors of Surgery that Sri Lanka has ever had, Professor Milroy Paul (‘Polo’ to
his students). Milroy Paul must surely be turning in his grave when he sees what has become of his
beloved Department of Surgery which was, for many years, one of the best in the world and one
that has trained so many top Sri Lankan surgeons. I came all the way from Cambridge, just to go on
one of his teaching rounds.


From New York, it was a drive to Washington – my ‘chauffeur’, Dr Saba Kulatungam, Cardiologist,
and his wife, Dr Mano (Navaratnam), a former student of mine. We discussed everything from
Buddhism to Eelam. In Washington, ‘home’ was with Arichandran, ex-World Bank, and a life-long
friend. It was Arichandran’s father, Dr K.Kanagaratnam, who first invited my family to Jaffna in the
1940s. It was on this trip that I, a 14 year old boy, told his parents, “Until this area is separated from
the South, this area will never develop”. It was an early call for Eelam and recognition that
development, or its lack, was the crucial issue. Until that is addressed, there will be no Peace in Sri

When Sinhala patriots decided to burn Arichandran’s home and very nearly his entire family in July
1983, they were depriving Sri Lanka of a competent accountant and a gifted tennis player at the top
of the pile. That is Sinhala ‘patriotism’.

Arichandran showed me a book, Ramanathan of Ceylon – the life of Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan.
With generosity typical of his family, he said, “Nothing would please me more than to present this
book to you, but it was given to me by my father”. This extraordinary book, published in some
backyard in Jaffna, needs to be reprinted. It has invaluable references to Tamils standing up for the
Sinhala leaders, falsely accused and imprisoned by the British in the 1915 anti-Muslim riots.
Anagarika Dharmapala, (1864-1933), the Buddhist revivalist, praised Ramanathan, Solicitor-General,
for getting them freed. He says:

“The day that you (Ramanathan) are taken away from Ceylon, from that day there will be none to
defend the poor, neglected Singhalese. They are a doomed people with none to guide and protect
them. Unhappy Singhalese!”

Dharmapala, who, before his Buddhist-slanted name-change, was a Don Carolis, son of the well-
known furniture maker. I hope he will return to Sri Lanka from wherever he is, and see the damage
done by yellow-robed hoodlums and political opportunists, as a result of his ‘activities’.


From Washington, I got to Toronto to address more meetings, a radio and TV interview, ducking out
to Boston while I was there. The biggest was a dinner organised by the Tamil Canadian Congress,
chaired by Fr. Dr Joseph Chandrakanthan, Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Bioethics,
University of Toronto. I have known him for two decades, from the time he was studying theology in
Ottawa. He is an articulate and forceful speaker who would have ‘disappeared’ had he been in Jaffna,
as his brother priests have done.

My address to the huge audience has been recorded and will be available on DVD. It sure was
comprehensive, but at the cost of intolerable hunger inflicted by me on those who had paid dearly
for food that did not seem to appear (because of the length of my address).

There was ‘audience participation’ in a big way, one of my former students appreciating the stance I
took on ‘ragging’, which in Sri Lanka is a form of sadism which merits criminal prosecution (one
student broke her spine and later died).

At long last, access to food was possible. Then came yet another ‘Award’. It read:

For Your Tireless Contribution in Upholding Justice and Human Rights”.

Again, I appreciated the reference to ‘Justice’.

I did remind them that an ‘award’ was unnecessary since most of the problems in Sri Lanka came
from my relatives, the Bandaranaikes. I can think of no other family in any other country that has
been responsible for wrecking a country and turning it from one with a bright future to one with no

Much as I appreciated the ‘Award’, I had to admit that I valued another ‘Award’ more. This was a T-
shirt I was given many years ago which reads, ”I support Tamil Eelam”. On it is a map of Sri Lanka
with almost half the island shaded to indicate ‘Eelam’! Why not? There will be quantitatively less of a
“Failed Sinhala State”.

I was delighted that the ‘Award’ was presented by Dr Sri Bavan Sri Skandarajah, whose guest I was in
Toronto. Bavan and his highly committed and talented wife, Usha, (who wrote that undeserved ‘Ode’
to me, and the much more appropriate Maveerar poem), could not have been more helpful. They
took me to see a wonderful lady, the wife of my friend Joseph Pararajasingham. She was still
devastated after the outrageous murder of that fine man on Christmas Day 2005. Joseph and
Sugunam have stayed in my home in Brisbane (where I taught him to make ‘godamba roti’).

Bavan and Usha did everything for me, including repairing my shoes which, like Sri Lanka, had fallen
apart, but which, unlike the latter, was readily fixed. They put their lives on hold for the duration of
my visit. I addressed two meetings of University students in the University of Toronto (campus in
Toronto and Scarborough). This is an important area to develop – getting the students involved. The
audience participation indicated the level of interest of these young people, many of whom had
never been to Sri Lanka and whose only connection was their name. It is crucial to take this forward
and build a ‘Federation of Tamil Students’ across the world and link them up with those in Jaffna
(who are facing some terrible problems at the moment).

I barely made it to a Radio interview on CTR (Canadian Tamil Radio) conducted by Wijey
Kulathungam. It went on for double the allocated time because of questions and comments from the

I was delighted to be able to reach out to ‘ordinary’ Tamils through this Radio program, an activity
which I think is crucial and which I hope will be the primary focus, when I next go to Toronto (or

The radio interview was preceded by an excellent interview on television (TVi – Tamil Vision Int.)
superbly conducted by the articulate Vijay Thamil Priyan. It was a wide ranging interview which is
available on DVD and should be re-broadcast in other countries. I will be glad to send anyone a copy.

I was delighted to meet two totally dedicated young men, ‘Danton’ and the outstanding Esan
Satkunarajah whose enthusiasm and commitment know no bounds. No one among the younger
Tamils has impressed me more than these young men. It was great encouragement to me to meet
them. I was deeply moved by an account on Sangam of my time in Toronto.


Boston is home to a longstanding friend of mine, Sri Srithilliampalam whose contribution to the
Tamil cause in the US has been substantial. Sri is a remarkable fellow who has contacts (to this very
day) in the US State Department and in Boston. It was he who was responsible for the famous
Massachusetts Resolution passed in 1979 – which rocked the J.R.Jayawardene Government. It was
an outright condemnation of the Sri Lanka Government and a declaration of “Eelam Day” – 22ndMay.
It was passed by the Massachusetts State Legislature – an unprecedented act by any State in the US.
Sri went on to celebrate this and raised the “Eelam Flag” in Boston in 1981. To this very day, his car
(as old as himself) carries a number plate ‘EELAM 1’.

I addressed a meeting of Tamils in Boston on 22 November 2006. It was regrettable that significant
numbers did not show up because of senseless in-fighting among Tamils. This self-destructive
activity must stop. We are fighting one of the most brutal and ruthless regimes Sri Lanka has ever

had. At a time such as this (for that matter, at any time), it is outrageous that expatriate Tamils
should fight each other over issues which are, at the most, trivial.

From Boston, back to Toronto and then to the West Coast.

San Francisco

A meeting of expatriate Tamils was organized in San Jose by Tom Fernando (a Tamil, despite his
name) married to my ‘adopted Tamil daughter’ and student, Dr Christine Edwards from Kayts. I have
never been to San Francisco without staying with the Fernandos in Sacramento (and never will).
However, chaos on the flights to San Francisco left me no option but a hotel – much to the distress
of Christine and Tom.

The meeting in the San Francisco Bay area was organised by the Tamils of Northern California,
whose President is SivaRaja Swaminathan. The work of getting the meeting together fell on Vimal
Rajagopal, Amaran Wijay and, of course, Tom Fernanado. Here are quiet, dedicated people who
work in the background doing the hard yards, while we get the applause.

Donald Gnanakone came all the way from Los Angeles for the meeting. He has written more than
anyone I know of, on the Tamil struggle. My computer had to be fitted with a larger hard disc to
cope with his emails. How he does it, beats me. One can think what one wants about his writings,
but what cannot be in doubt is his commitment to the Tamil cause. It is absolute.

That night, I left for my second home - Lancaster in Southern California.


Here live expatriate Tamils who put their money where their mouth is. Dr Karunyan and Dr.Inpam
Arulanantham, Dr and Mrs Shan Sunder, my Tamil brother Dr Moorthy, Kandiah Perinpanathan, and
the silent, totally committed, Harichandra (Hari), and others.

Hari is the living example of a truism, “If you want something done, pick the busiest person and ask
him to do it”. For all things in Lancaster, I pick Hari and it is done. This included driving all the way
from Lancaster to pick me up from Los Angeles airport at midnight and driving back, then feeding me,
and then discussing what practical things we can do in the present crisis, and what can be done to
move the issue to the next level. The Lancaster Tamils have an invigorating effect on me which is
impossible to describe.

The public meeting in Lancaster (actually Burbank), was chaired by Karunyan. The comments I made
about Professor Sriharan, apply to Karunyan in full measure. Sri Lanka was too engulfed in anti-Tamil
racism to enable Karunyan (an endocrinologist), and Inpam (a pathologist), to make their
contribution to Sri Lanka.

I dealt with the problem of a lack of information – people, in particular non-Sri Lankans, simply not
knowing what is going on in that country. The suggestion I made was to produce a ‘Basic Information’
45 minute video, setting out, especially for non-Sri Lankans, what the conflict is all about. This is
imperative if the GOSL disinformation campaign is to be countered. It has to assume zero knowledge
of Sri Lanka. Starting from some basic information on the geography, and regional climatic
differences, it has to go on to administrative problems, the centralization of power in Colombo by

the colonial British, the developmental neglect of the Tamil areas, the handing over of the country to
a Government that will always be Sinhalese-dominated, the discrimination of the Tamil ‘minority,
non-violent protests by the Tamils, futile Pacts abrogated unilaterally by the GOSL, the failure of the
democratic process to deliver justice to the Tamils, the inevitable resort to an armed struggle to free
the Tamil people from Sinhala-domination and discrimination, and the response of the GOSL, a
decimation of the Tamil civilian population and the area they live in, and now, to a genocide of the
Tamil people and a humanitarian crisis. I said that I will be glad to make this ‘Information video’.

The highlight of the meeting, from my perspective, was a question by 7 year old Neelan Nanda
Ganshan, “If all the people are Sri Lankans, why are they fighting?” If I could, I’d abduct that boy and
adopt him. Here is a leader-in-the-making and a thinker.

Addressing Neelan’s question as best as I could, I said that my cousin, Chandrika Kumaratunga, when
she was President, in an interview in South African radio, said that the Tamils were asking for a part
of Sri Lanka and, hold your breath, “They are not even the original inhabitants of Sri Lanka”. Alas for
her abysmal lack of knowledge – or is it history being re-written in line with Sinhala ethnic
chauvinism – the cause of the ‘fight’.

It was then time to head off to Los Angeles for the flight back, but not before a final hug at the
airport. Professor Reggie Edgerton and his wife Monica were there for a momentary hug. Reggie was
one of the outstanding Americans from the famous UCLA to come to Kandy and work with me on
the health of the Plantation Tamils. He was disturbed to hear that the contents of that beautiful
research laboratory, the only clinical research laboratory in Sri Lanka, built by me on a personal grant
from the Nuffield Foundation, was smashed by hoodlums for no obvious reason. A senseless act, but
what in Sri Lanka is not?

For those who were in Peradeniya, 1966-1976, there is booklet by me What I have taught and learnt
in Sri Lanka. The musing of a senile teacher. This is what I presented to former students at a reunion
in Las Vegas a couple of years ago. I had lost the floppy disc, but have now found it. I guess Sangam
is not the place to publish this, but I will be glad to send it to anyone by email. It is worth a read. It
will take you back to Kandy. I arrived in Brisbane just in time to start my Medical Clinic – 15 minutes

Was the effort worthwhile? I do not know, time will tell. The purpose of this article is not to evaluate
success or failure but to thank the many people, some whose names I cannot even remember, for
enabling me to do what I set out to do – “wake up the sleeping Tamils”, and inform those who do
not know, or do not want to know, about the suffering of the Tamil people, now a humanitarian
crisis, and to convince everybody of the absolute need for Tamil Eelam.

The three messages I wanted to leave were:-

1. Don’t be intimidated, don’t be afraid. To make expatriate Tamils fearful, is the name of the game,
in the US, Canada, UK, and Australia. It is a carefully crafted strategy between the GOSL and these
governments. If you cave in and become frightened, they win. No one is asking you to do anything
illegal. If helping our people in the North and East, abandoned by their Government, indeed
brutalized by their Government, is illegal, challenge it we should, challenge it we must. No

Government which claims to be democratic and civilized can penalize people for helping civilians
facing decimation at the hands of a brutal and barbaric Government.

Unjust laws should be challenged, even broken. The British Raj declared that Indians should not
make salt. Mahatma Gandhi challenged it, went on his famous ‘salt-march’, and made salt. India got
its Independence and prospered, and the British Empire collapsed.

2. No humanitarian organization e.g. the Tamil Rehabilitation Organisation (TRO) has been banned in
any country. The humanitarian needs, including the massive problem of refugees in the North and
East is being addressed by the TRO – a recognized and registered NGO – and the recipient of an
award by ex-President Kumaratunga. The freezing of the TRO bank account in Sri Lanka is illegal and
is being challenged in the Supreme Court. With the abysmal level to which the justice system in Sri
Lanka has sunk, it may be necessary to take this to an International Court since it affects the lives of
thousands. The blocking of funds of the TRO will not be upheld in any Court outside Sri Lanka. It
might not even be in Sri Lanka.

3. This is a struggle we cannot lose. In fact, Eelam is already established and functioning well, as
documented by Professor Kristian Stokke, University of Oslo, who worked in the de facto State of
Tamil Eelam. His extensive paper is on the net (, and has been published in an
international journal. A de facto State will move to a de jure State as surely as day follows night. We
have the overwhelming force of history behind us to point the way to the future. The future will be a
separate Tamil State (and a separate Sinhala State). Of that, let there be no doubt. Thanks to
the Mahavamsa!

Brian Senewiratne Briabane, Australia

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