Guía 4 T. M

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Write in the space 10 sentences of the topic “past perfect tense” and recently you dialogue
of your company’s

1. I have talking to my boss.

2. I have doing my daily work
3. I have helping my coworkers
4. I have having lunch with my coworkers
5. I have asking my boss things
6. I have at my job all day
7. I have with my clients all day
8. I have in a meeting with some suppliers
9. I was with my coworkers
10. I was in the office before check-in time


1. Complete the followings sentences

1. I go to the mall after school.

2. My brother buy a bear an hour ago.

3. Mike visit his grandmother last night?**

4. Alex did not come last weekend.

5. were Judy and Liz at last month’s meeting?

6. We has not happy after the sad ending.

7. Do you see Jody’s new dog yesterday?

8. Sorry, I not hear you at the door.

9. I Learned English for two years.

10. What Do you eat for lunch yesterday?

A) Which sentences/questions are correct?

1) Which sentence is in the Simple Past?

1). She has read a book.

2). She read a book.

3). She reads a book.

2) Which question is in the Simple Past?

1). When did Anne find the keys?

2). When found Anne the keys?

B) Form questions in the Simple Past.

was you store yesterday?

Example: when / he / to visit / his uncle

When did he visit his uncle?

1) How / they / to ride / their bikes.

They how their bikes to ride?

2) what / Peggy / to throw

What to throw Peggy?

C) Negate the given sentence.

Example: He walked to the park. He did not walk to the park.

1) My brother made a lot of noise

My brother did not walk to the park.

2) 2) We ran to the tree house.

Did not we ran to the tree house.

3) D) Use the verbs in the Simple Past.

4) 1) they work - they They worked

2) we arrive – we We arrived


Question Excerpt from Possessive adjectives

1. I play on My computer.
A. I

B. my

C. you

D. Peter E. he

2. No problem! We can help you with Your homework.

A. your

B. you

C. we

D. I

E. she

3. Dave lives in Germany, but His brothers live in France.

A. we

B. her

C. he

D. his

E. they

4. Amy watches Her favourite programme on TV.

A. me

B. his

C. her

D. she

E. he

5. My friends and I like Our new classroom.

A. our

B. they

C. their
D. I

E. he

6. The house is big, but Its windows are small.

A. his

B. it

C. her

D. she

E. its

7. My grandfather and grandmother go to the beach, but Their dogs don’t go.

A. their

B. they

C. it

D. its

E. we


n Change the sentences using Object Pronouns.

n Example: I like the teacher. - I like him.

1. She calls Mary. - She calls Her .

2. You eat breakfast with David. - You eat breakfast with Him.

3. We don’t like fast food. - We don’t like That

4. I miss my family. - I miss You

5. He wants the book. - He wants It

6. Max likes David and me. - Max likes We

7. We give presents to Mom at Christmas. - We give presents to Her

8. I want to see the movie. - I want to see It .

9. We love to meet Peter and Julie. - We love to meet Them .

10. I want to talk to Paul. - I want to talk to His .


Type the correct word in the boxes below.

my self








1. I went to the supermarket by Myself

2. Harry lives by Himself

3. Anna had dinner at the restaurant by Yourselves.

4. You shouldn’t go there by Yourself

5. We will build the house by Ourselves

6. The dog came home by Itself

7. They went on a holiday by Themselves

8. I don’t like eating by Itself

9. She cooked the dinner all by Herself

10. Did the two of you do this by Yourselves


Complete the followings sentences with WH questions

1. What is this table made of?

2. Which book do you prefer, this one or that one?

3. Who do you want to talk to?

4. Which is your brother’s name?

5. What train shall we take? The 4.15 or the 4.30 one?

6. Where does Terry live?

7. Which does Marry go to work? By walking or by bus?

8. When do Penny and Jenny start to work? Next week?

9. Where do you get for breakfast?

10.Why don’t you like Tom?


Completa con la “question word” que corresponda.

1. are you happy? Because I finished school.

2. is your birthday? May 12th.

3. are you going for holidays? I'm going to London.

4. are you going for holidays? Because I need a rest.

5. did you do yesterday?

6. happened?

7. trousers are these?

8. money do you have?

9. children do you have?

10. were you yesterday evening?

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