Monthly English Language Programme 2018

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Month: October, 2018

Unit 1 (one) Time for culture; Student’s book “Wider world”, level A1/A2

~First week of October~ ~Прва недела од октомври~


~First lesson: presenting the vocabulary (art; ~Прв час: претставување на вокабуларот;
reading; photography; dance; music; cinema and ~Вокабуларот од страна 10 – people;
many others; ~Вокабулар за културни активности
~Vocabulary from the page 10 – people; (cultural activities);
~Vocabulary about cultural activities;
~Second lesson: Discussion about the photos ~Дискусија околу

that the students will see on the unit page; сликите/фотографиите од првата
~Giving opinions and sharing ideas about the страница на почетокот од темата;
photos; ~Давање мисли и споделување на идеи
околу сликите
~ Second lesson: The students will have to listen ~Учениците ќе треба да слушаат

the listening activity connected with the активност поврзана со слушање која е дел
vocabulary on pages: 13 and 15; од вокабуларот на 13та и 15та стр.

Month: October, 2018

Unit 1 (one) Time for culture; Student’s book “Wider world”, level A1/A2
~Second week of October~ ~Втора недела од октомври~
~First lesson: Present Simple Tense (affirmative ~Прв час: Сегашно просто време
and negative forms); (потврдна и негативна форма);

~Adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, ~Прилози за зачестеност: always, usually,

never, sometimes… often, never, sometimes…
~page 12, exercise 2: the students will have to
find examples of the Present Simple from the text
“My sister and me”
~page 12, exercises 4,5,6 and 7; doing the given
grammar exercises;

~Second lesson: 1.3. Reading: My sister and me;

~Brief reading of the text “My sister and me”
Vocabulary and reading

~The students will have to find unfamiliar words

from the text above and then translate it;
~page 12, exercise 3: The students will be
separated in pairs and they will have to list the
differences between the two sisters: Violet and
~page 12, exercise 8: the students will be divided
in pairs and they will have to use the given
phrases in the same exercise and list some
examples using them;
~Do young people watch a lot of TV?
~Discussion question: Do you watch a lot of TV
(referred to our students and country);
~The students will have to do the following
exercises: 1,2, 5 and 6;
~Presenting the vocabulary about age groups:
adults; kids; teenagers; middle-aged people and
pensioners… page: 13;
~Presenting the word/phrase: couch potato;
~Reading the text; finding unfamiliar words and
~Doing the given exercise about the text: fitting
the titles to all paragraphs;

Month: October, 2018

Unit 1 (one) Time for culture; Student’s book “Wider world”, level A1/A2
~Third week of October~ ~Трета недела од октомври~
~First lesson: Present Simple Tense (questions
and answers);
~Using P.S.T. for questions and answers (habits
and routines);

~Watching or listening to the video on page 14

(He’s awesome/part one);
~Presenting the phrases presented in out of class
(not right now; to be honest; awesome; I’ve no
idea and yeah, right);
~The students will have to do the following
exercises: 1,2,3,4,5 and six;
~The students will be divided in pairs in order to
make questions and give answers using P.S.T.
(exercise 7);
~Second lesson: “Types of media”- The students
Listening and vocabulary

will be able to identify specific details in a

conversation and talk about media habits.
~The students will be asked to list types of media
and their importance for the society;
~They also will be asked to say if they want to
work in these types of media; career; salary;
ideas; discussion;
~Doing the following exercises: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 and 6.
~Presenting the vocabulary from the exercise 3:
blog/vlog; current affairs; talk show; video
games and many others…
~The students will have to complete the 7th
exercise on page 15 for themselves;
Month: October, 2018
Unit 1 (one) Time for culture; Student’s book “Wider world”, level A1/A2
~Fourth week of October~ ~Четврта недела од октомври~
~First lesson: At the cinema/I can buy a ticket at
the cinema;
~The students will be asked to describe or they
will be asked to talk about the picture on the page
~Watching the video connect about the cinema;

~Speaking about it;

~(possible activity) Reading the dialogue;
~Presenting the phrases on page 16 (out of class):
no way!; come on please!; hold on!;
~Doing the exercises: 1; 2; 3; and 4;

~Second lesson: “A personal introduction”

~Writing a personal introduction;
~Personal details;

~Using the adverbs of frequency: often;
sometimes; never; usually;

*Plus activities that will be performed in this section are: revision part of the first unit (page 17) and a
discussion week where students of all levels will be talking about some certain ideas that the teacher will select!

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