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Syllabus Healthcare Analytics

Business Analytics/MBA program

MSCI:6180:0EXB\0EXC Fall 2018 (Cedar Rapids)

Times Tuesdays, Aug 21 – October 30, 6:00 PM – 9:40 PM

Location 302 CBCR Tippie College of Business, Cedar Rapids
Professor Todd Papke (, 319-335-3046
Office Hours Before or after class, or by appointment
Required Text Clinical Research Computing: Practitioner's Handbook
ISBN: 9780128031308
Author: Nadkarni
Publisher: Academic Press Incorporated ©2016
Optional texts Additional readings will be assigned in class as appropriate.
Web site
Prerequisites (MSCI:9100 or MBA:8150) and MSCI:6050

Description. Clinical data management is essential for evaluating evidence-based practice/performance-

improvement projects; a high quality data management plan provides key stakeholders with information necessary
to make decisions; plan components include identified processes and outcomes linked to variables and data sources,
adequate statistical power, data cleaning and manipulation techniques, statistical methods, and meaningful
presentation of variables that address stakeholder concerns and questions; students gain knowledge and skills
necessary to develop and execute a data management plan within a final project. Topics include:

• Electronic Health Record Systems

• Clinical Data Representation: Models/Ontologies
• Biomedical/Translational Informatics
• Ethics in Biomedical and Health Informatics: Users, Standards, and Outcomes
• Big Data in Healthcare
• Interoperability
• Clinical Decision Support Systems
• Risk and Risk Management
• Clinical Research Concepts
• Data Governance

Course activities. Course activities will include formal and active-learning lectures, individual and group in-class
exercises, individual homework, and individual tests. Students are expected to prepare ahead of time for each class
meeting. The reading and homework for each week will be posted on ICON one week before class.

Final Project/Presentation. Using a supplied open source patient record data set, each student will be required to
do a data translation/analysis project and formally present their results in class. Each student will meet with me to
discuss their proposed project.

Materials. Each student will be expected to bring a laptop computer and on which they can install open-source
software downloaded from the Internet. Any modern operating systems should be fine, although you will need
Microsoft Office for Windows in order to use Access for some examples. UIowa students are eligible to get MS
Office 365 for free from ITS. If you are using a Macintosh, you can install Windows in a VM (e.g., Virtualbox,
Parallels, VMware Fusion). If you have difficulties getting this working on your Macintosh, see me during the first
week of class. The University of Iowa Virtual Desktop can also be used: The
Internet is also a rich resource for the course. In addition, the course web site will be hosted on the university ICON
Grading. The coursework breakdown is as follows:

20% Homework
25% Midterm
25% Final exam
5% Class participation
5% Quizzes
20% Final Project/Presentation

The score - grade mapping will be determined by the instructor at the end of the course. The usual 90/80/70 cutoffs
will be used as a baseline, but may be adjusted. In addition, the A range and B range will be equally divided into +/-

Attendance & Participation: Participation is expected. You get 3 points for each class you attend, 1 point if you
are absent but notify me (by email or phone), and 0 points if you are absent and do not let me know. You will be
responsible for knowing everything that happens in class, and everything that is posted to the ICON site. If you have
to miss a class, you should obtain notes from a classmate afterward.

Late Assignments and Make-Up Exams. All assignments are expected on time. You may turn in an assignment
late, but you will receive a 10% deduction for each day that it is late, including the first day. For example, if
Assignment X is due at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, and you submit the assignment at 6:01 PM on Tuesday, then you will
lose 10%; if you submit Assignment X anytime on Wednesday, then you will lose 20%; etc.
A make-up exam can be requested in case of illness, mandatory religious obligations, or other special circumstances.
Please see me to discuss any special circumstances. You must receive permission to take an exam at a different time
at least two weeks prior to the scheduled exam date, or have a documented and verifiable emergency. Another
exam/project in the same week will not be considered a special circumstance.

Academic Integrity. The Honor Code for the Tippie College of Business is available at: procedures.pdf. All
students are bound by this Code. As with all courses in the Tippie College, academic integrity is essential to your
success. It is my sincere hope that no student in this class submits work which is not his or her own. However, it
seems prudent to clarify in advance the policy on cheating. If I determine that any assignment was not written solely
by the student whose identification number appears on the project, the student will receive a zero (0) for the
assignment and may receive an "F" for the class. All incidents of cheating will be reported to the appropriate
academic office at the Tippie College of Business, and the student may be placed on disciplinary probation, be
suspended, or even permanently expelled, depending on the severity of the offense. In general, the decision of the
Professor may be appealed to a Judicial Board, then to Associate Dean of the Program in which the course is

The University has licensed Turnitin (, which is a plagiarism detection service, and we invite all
interested instructors to utilize this tool through ICON. Additional information is available at

All class policies on matters such as requirements, grading, and sanctions for academic dishonesty are governed by
the College of Business. Students wishing to add or drop this course after the official deadline must receive the
approval of the Dean of the College of Business. Details of the University policy of cross enrollments may be found
Disabilities/Academic Accommodations. If you have a disability that may require some modification of seating,
testing, or any other class requirement, please let me know as soon as possible so that appropriate arrangements can
be made. Similarly, if you have any emergency medical information about which I should know, or if you need
special arrangements in the event the building must be evacuated, please let me know. Please see me before or after
class hours or schedule an appointment. I would also remind you that the Office of Student Disability Services is
available to assist you. Students seeking classroom and/or exam accommodations should first register with Student
Disability Services (SDS):

Sexual Harassment. The University will not tolerate sexual harassment, nor will it tolerate unwelcomed behavior of
a sexual nature toward members of the University community when that behavior creates an intimidating or hostile
environment for employment, education, on-campus living, or participation in a University activity. Incidents of
sexual harassment should be reported immediately. See the UI Comprehensive Guide on Sexual Harassment for
assistance, definitions, and the full University policy:
harassment. Concerns regarding sexual harassment should be directed to the Office of the Sexual Misconduct
Response Coordinator:

Grievance Policy. Student concerns regarding this course should first be discussed with me, the faculty member
teaching this course. If we cannot resolve the complaint, you may contact the DEO of Management Sciences, Nick
Street, 319-335-0858,

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