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CRF-CRF/E - Flow Control and Regulation Study Unit

1. General
This unit makes it possible to analyze the behaviour of a control loop where the controlled quantity is the flow rate of a liquid
in a circuit.
Compared to other quantities such as the level or the temperature the flow rate varies as a function of the regulating signal in
a very quick way. This makes the problem of choosing the most suitable control technique very interesting.
Students can examine the effects of the different control parameters on the performance of the control chain and on the
stability of the system; furthermore, they can become familiar with the components commonly adopted in modern industrial
applications, as the system is entirely made of industrial quality components.
The unit can be had in two versions, where the control element consists of a pneumatic valve (CRF) or a motorised electric
valve (CRF/E).
2. Composition
The CRF unit consists of:
• Process rig with pneumatic valve and electrical equipment (code 916928);
• Control and monitoring software CRS/F (code 917008);
• Optional MiniReg electronic regulator (code 916940);
• Optional CRSS Control and Regulation Simulation Software (code 914372);
• Optional Electric compressor (code 971227).
The CRF/E unit consists of:
• Process rig with electric valve and electrical equipment (code 916912):
• Control and monitoring software CRS/F (code 917008);
• Optional MiniReg electronic regulator (code 916940);
Optional components are described in separate data sheets.

DIDACTA Italia S.r.l. - Strada del Cascinotto, 139/30 - 10156 Torino - Italy
Tel. +39 011 2731708 - Fax +39 011 2733088 - - E-mail:
3. Description
Process Rig and Electrical Equipment
The aim of this process (see fig. 3) is to control the water flow-rate in the main circuit in the presence of a disturbance flow.
The main flow is created by the centrifugal pump (2) and makes for the tank (1) through the valve (14), normally open.
The valves (11) and (12) allow to introduce an independent disturbance flow.
The value of the controlled quantity is acquired by means of a turbine-type transducer (16), converted into an electric signal
(Y) and supplied to the electrical equipment (9).
The flowmeter (13) allows the direct measurement of the same flow rate.
In the CRF unit the control is performed by means of the pneumatic valve (3) and in the CRF/E unit by means of the
motorised electric valve (15).
Closed loop control can be performed in different ways:
• via software, by using the CRS/F software program than runs on the Personal Computer (10);
• through the optional electronic regulator, MiniReg (8);
The control action is of PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) type, and is achieved by comparing the signal corresponding to
the actual flow rate (Y) with a Set-Point signal selected by the user.
Hence the regulator generates an actuating signal (X) that acts on valve (3) or (15) and modifies the main flow rate in direct
Furthermore, the Personal Computer can control the disturbance flow rate by generating a signal (n) which acts on the
solenoid valve (12).
The electrical equipment (9) includes the controls for the main electrical components of the unit, an AD/DA conversion board
to interface with the Personal Computer through the USB port, a digital indicator to display the instantaneous flow rate value.

Fig. 1 -CRS/F Software: Set-Point Setting Window Fig. 2 -CRS/F Software: Real Time Signal Diagram

CRS/F Control and Monitoring Software

The Control and Monitoring Software, running in the MS-Windows environment, makes it possible to perform PID type digital
control via software. Control parameters can be set independently and in real time and so can the characteristics of the Set-
Point (see fig. 1) and disturbance signals.
The software makes it possible to observe the process in real time by displaying on screen the diagram of the controlled
quantity, the actuating signal, the Set-Point signal and the disturbance signal as a function of time (see fig. 2).
This diagram can be printed at any time, whilst the samples of the signals and the control parameters can be saved in a file,
in ASCII format, or printed out.
It is also possible to use the software only to observe the process, using an external regulator (e.g. the optional MiniReg). In
this case, it is possible to transmit the Set-Point to the regulator via software.
4. Experiments
• Study of the process and of the industrial components employed;
• Determination of open loop process characteristics;
• Determination of closed loop process characteristics with PID control, and effects of the three control actions
(proportional, integral, derivative);
• Study of system stability in the different conditions and calibration of the different control actions;
• Demonstration of the use of an electronic type local regulator with remote Set-Point (with optional MiniReg);

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5. Required PC Configuration
• PC minimum Pentium with Hard Disk (>10Gb) and CD drive, SVGA graphic card 800x600, mouse, RAM 32 MB, USB
• Graphic Printer.
• XPMS-Windows or later versions.
6. Required Services
• Electric Power Supply 220/240 V AC - 50/60 Hz
• Compressed air: 5 bar, mini. 200 l/min (not required with CRF/E)
7. Weight and Dimensions
• Dimensions: 770 x 450 x 1000h mm
• Weight: 45 kg

Fig. 3 - General Synoptic

1. Water collection tank
2. Centrifugal pump
3. Proportional pneumatic valve (CRF)
4. Current / pressure converter (CRF)
5. Compressed air inlet (CRF)
6. Compressed air pressure gauge (CRF)
7. Compressed air pressure manual adjustment device (CRF)
8. Optional MiniReg electronic regulator
9. Electrical equipment
10. Personal Computer (not included)
11. Valve for disturbance flow rate manual adjustment
12. Solenoid valve to introduce the disturbance
13. Flowmeter for direct flow reading
14. Valve for main flow rate manual adjustment
15. Motorised electric valve (CRF/E)
16. Turbine-type flow rate transducer
17. Discharge valve
X. Actuating signal
Y. Controlled variable signal
n. Disturbance signal
Cod. R00784/E 0308 Ed. 01 Rev. 03

In any time and without notice, Didacta Italia can carry out any appropriate modification on the product details, always
maintaining their main features, according to the designing and teaching necessity. Page 4

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