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Mọi ý kiến đóng góp và thắc mắc, quý phụ huynh liên hệ trực tiếp quản lý:

Mr Tu 0918. 635. 670 hoặc qua địa chỉ email:

Sunday 15 April 2018. Teacher: Thai Hoang Phone: 0888 618 497
Student’s name: …............................................................. Class: 6A1 Lesson 10
Lịch học: Thứ 4: 19h30 – 21h15 Chủ nhật: 17h30 – 19h15
Choose the word (A, B, C, or D) which has the underlined part pronounced differently .
1. A. call B. fall C. math D. wall
2. A. clown B. down C. own D. town
3. A. who B. where C. why D. when
4. A. languages B. dresses C. watches D. becomes
Choose the best answer
1.My house is ______________to the supermarket.
A. to the left B. behind C. near D. next
2. You have to throw the ball into the net when you play___________
A. basketball B. football D. badminton
3. Quang is a good badminton player. I cannot___________him.
A. win B. defeat C. control D. hit
4. Karate is a form of martial ___________
A. fighting B. skill C.sports D. arts
5. This small ___________ is used to play table tennis.
A. racket B. stick C. bat D. hoop
6. You must learn the ___________ of the game before playing.
A. rules B. laws C. agreements D. sayings
7. We ___________to Ho Chi Minh City for our last summer vacation.
A. go B. went C. goed D. will go
8. ___________Liz buy a lot of souvenirs for her friends?
A. Did B. Do C. Were D. Is
9. John ___________return to America last week.
A. doesn't B. isn't C. didn't D. wasn't
10. Last weekend Phong and Lan ___________their grandparents.
A. visited B. was C. did D. are
11. All of us ___________at home yesterday evening.
A. were B. was C. did D. are
12. If we throw trash on the road, we will _________ our environment.
A. pollution B. pollute C. Polluting D. to pollute
Supply the correct form and tense of the verbs in brackets
1. People ( speak) ________________________ English and French in Canada
2. They ( not do) ________________________their homework last night.
3. He (not smoke)______________________ for two weeks. He is trying to give it up.
4. My wife and I (travel)________________________to Mexico by air last summer.
5. If you (not like) _________________________ this one I'll bring you another.
6. I (have)___________________ a little trouble with my car last week.
7. If he (wash) ________________________ my car I'll give him $10.
8. If she (need) ________________________a radio she can borrow mine.
9. If you (not go) ____________________________away I'll send for the police.
Read the passage and choose the correct answer in A, B, C or D. (10 pts)
Flood in Dorchester
(1)______ six o’clock yesterday evening, the River Thames burst its banks and flooded a wide area. By nine o’clock
the floods had reached the town of Dorchester. The main street was soon (2)______ 3 feet of water. Fire engines
arrived quickly to pump away the water, but heavy rain made their job very (3)______.
Mrs. Rose Willow, a (4)______ nearly 80 years old, and living alone in her cottage, was trapped upstairs (5)______
three hours. Finally, firemen were able to rescue her with ladders and a small (6)______ “My cat, Tibbles, stayed
with me all the time”, said Mrs. Willow. “She (7)______ me a lot. She sat with me so I didn’t feel afraid”.
The rain has finally stopped, the river level is falling and the weather forecast is good, (8)______ the floods have
done a great deal of damage. “Luckily, nobody was (9)______ or injured”, Chief Fire Office Hawkins (10)______
reporters, “but it will take a long time to clear up the mess”.
1. A. In B. To C. At D. Until
2. A. over B. under C. through D. between
3. A. easy B. difficult C. quick D. clear
4. A. girl B. man C. lady D. child
5. A. for B. during C. while D. through
6. A. ship B. boat C. car D. bicycle
7. A. worried B. frightened C. bored D. helped
8. A. but B. also C. therefore D. so
9. A. burnt B. cut C. scratched D. drowned
10. A. said B. asked C. told D. spoke
. Read the text and choose one suitable word to fill in the blank.
has to is teaching cover teacher more and high decided
Foreign English language teachers for schools in Vietnam
Vietnam (1)_________________ well on its way to integrate with the world and for that reason emphasis on English
language skills (2)_____________________ become very essential.
Recently, the City Department of Education and Training (3)________________ to recruit foreign native English
speakers to teach in elementary, middle and (4)_______________________ schools in Vietnam.
The policy calls for social contributions to improve English language (5)______________________ from primary
schools to senior high schools by employing only foreign native English teachers. Each student will chip in
VND120,000 ($5.8) a month to (6)___________________ the $35 an hour salary of the foreign (7)____________.
Compared (8)________________________ traditional English teaching methodology, it is better that thousands of
students in the City have a chance of practicing listening (9)___________________ speaking skills with native
English speakers, who create a (10)_____________________ exciting atmosphere in classrooms for students.
Rewrite the following sentences using the words provided.
1. Couldn’t you find a better hotel?
Is this___________________________________________________________________________?.
2. I haven’t seen that man here before.
This is__________________________________________________________________________.
3. Old car tires are recycled to make shoes and sandals.
4. The coffee is so hot that I can’t drink it.
The coffee is too__________________________________________________________________.
5. Somebody repaired his car yesterday.
He had__________________________________________________________________________.

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