Hands of The Black

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Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: African literature as

a means of exploring forces that human beings contend with; various reading style
vis-a-vis purposes of reading; prosodic features that serve as carriers of meaning;
ways by which information may be organized, related, and delivered orally; and
parallel structures and cohesive devises in presenting information.
Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering an
informative speech based on a specific topic of interest keeping in mind the proper
and effective use of parallel structures and cohesive devices and appropriate
prosodic features, stance and behavior.
At the end of the class, the students must be able to:
a. Identify the characters of the story;
b. Determine the tone, mood, technique, and purpose of the author by telling
different stories of each character; and
c. Express appreciation on how God created us human.
A. Topic: Hands of the Blacks by Luis Bernardo Honwana
B. Reference: Learning Module pp. 14-15
C. Materials: book, marker, manila paper, scotch tape, chalk, laptop
D. Code: EN8OL-Ih-3.12, EN8LT- Id, EN8LT-Ic-2.2
A. Preliminary Activities
� Greetings
� Prayer
� Checking of Attendance
� Classroom Policy
B. Motivation
The teacher will tell a story about how God created the Filipinos. Then, the
learners recall and retell their own version of the story on how God created
C. Presentation/Discussion
- Let the students read the story and discuss it.
- Students will be grouped into 8 and will show a picture of the story of each
character. Their performance will be graded according to the rubric attached below.

D. Application (Informational Frame)

E. Generalization
� What have you learned from the story?
IV. EVALUATION (Individual Activity)
No evaluation.
Review on the previous topics being discussed.

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