Multiple Choices. Circle The Letter of The Correct Answer.: The Great Biological Science 9 Circulatory System

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Multiple Choices. Circle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following carries the nutrients throughout the body?
a. Heart b. Blood c. Artery d. Vein
2. Which of the following is not a part of the blood?
a. Leucocyte b. Erythrocyte c. Water d.
Carbon dioxide
3. Which of the following demonstrates systemic circulation?
a. blood goes to the heart and to the body b. blood goes to the lungs
c. blood goes to the parts of the bod d. blood goes to the lungs and to
the other parts of the body
4. What organ pumps the blood throughout the body?
a. heart b. artery c. lungs d. Capillary
5. In which location does the exchange of O2 and CO2 takes place?
a. capillary b. artery c. vein d. chromosome
6. What is the correct order of blood collection from body to the heart then lungs?
a. SVC and IVC -Right Atrium – Right Ventricle –Pulmonary artery – Lungs
b. SVC and IVC - Right Atrium – Right Ventricle – Pulmonary vein – Lungs
c. Pulmonary Artery – Heart – Left Atrium – Left Ventricle – Body
d. Pulmonary Vein – Heart – Left Atrium – Left Ventricle – Body
7. What is the correct order of the blood circulation from heart to the body?
a. Pulmonary Vein – Heart – Left Atrium – Left Ventricle – Body
b. Pulmonary Artery – Heart – Left Atrium – Left Ventricle – Body
c. SVC and IVC -Right Atrium – Right Ventricle –Pulmonary artery – Lungs
d. SVC and IVC - Right Atrium – Right Ventricle – Pulmonary vein – Lungs
8. Which of the following type of blood vessels goes Away from the heart?
a. Artery b. Vein c. Capillary d. None
9. Which of the following type of blood vessel goes Back to the heart?
a. Veins b. Artery c. Capillary d. Ventricle
10. Which disease is called myocardial infarction?
a. Hypertension b. Heart Attack c. Atherosclerosis d. Lung Cancer

TRUE OR FALSE. Write a smiley face () if the statement is correct and a sad face if not ()
________11. The correct order of the passageway is the mouth, esophagus, pharynx, and
________12. A person who has asthma has an inflammation of the lungs
________13. The alveoli is the air sacs.
________14. The air sacs is the location of the gas exchange.
________15. The diaphragm goes up upon contraction and goes down in relaxation
________16. The diaphragm goes down when the torso relaxes.
________17. During inhalation the chest cavity goes up and it relaxes upon exhalation.
________18. The esophagus is covered by the epiglottis that prevents the food from entering
the trachea.
________19. The right and the left lung is protected by the chest cavity.
________20. Lung cancer can be caused by secondary smoking.
IDENTIFICATION. Rearrange the letters to create the correct term being described in the following
NDGREGORMEEL. ___________________21. The Scientist who is considered as the father of genetics.
SSBADEPATTRNEL ___________________22. A sex influenced disease that is common to male hair loss.
LORBLNIDNESSOC __________________ 23. A sex linked disease where person sees green when it
should be red.
DRAWFIMS __________________ 24. A recessive trait where the person is shorter than the
normal height.
SXE-LIEITMD ___________________25. Traits that is only limited to one sex (ex. Only female
produce milk)

PROBLEM SOLVING. Compute for the following by determining the offspring, genotype, phenotype, genotypic
ratio and phenotypic ratio.
26-29. The mother of the children is homozygous 30-33. What are the genes of the parents if two of
dominant tall[TT] while the father is homozygous the offspring are homozygous recessive for curly hair
recessive for tallness[tt]. What is the possible and homozygous dominant for long straight hair?
genotype of the offspring/s?



Genotype Genotype
Phenotype Phenotype
Genotypic Ratio Genotypic Ratio
Phenotypic Ratio Phenotypic Ratio

PROBLEM SOLVING. Compute for the following by
determining the offspring, genotype, phenotype,
genotypic ratio and phenotypic ratio.
34-37. BLOOD TYPE. The father is heterozygous for 38-41. HEMPHILIA. The father is a normal male and
blood the mother is a carrier of hemophilia. Write the
type A and the mother is homozygous recessive O. pedigree analysis for the parents and the possible
What are the possible blood types of the offspring? offspring provided there are 4 offspring and each
one got another gene ratio.

Genotypic Ratio
Phenotypic Ratio
Department of Education
Region V
Freedom, Sports Complex, San Jose Pili Camarines Sur
42-45. COLOR BLINDNESS. The father is a color blind
male and the mother is a carrier female.
The mother is heterozygous for lactation while the
Write the pedigree analysis for the parents and the
father is also heterozygous for lactation. Write the
possible offspring provided there are 4 offspring and
pedigree analysis for the parents and the
each one got another gene ratio.
possible offspring provided there are 4 offspring
and each one got another gene ratio.

IDENTIFICATION. Use the picture below to answer the following questions.

______________46. This is the location of photosynthesis.

______________47. The stacks where light reaction takes place.
______________48. The reaction or cycle the occurs in the stroma
______________49. The Input that creates oxygen gas.
______________50. The output of CO2 in Calvin cycle.
The complete formula of phosynthesis

SHORT RESPONSE. Explain the following in three to four sentences only. Express complete thought and
knowledge in English please.
53-54. Hemophilia
55-56. DNA
57-58. Blood Type
59-60. History of the Earth

--You are part of the History of the Earth, Make an Impact--

Department of Education
Region V
Freedom, Sports Complex, San Jose Pili Camarines Sur

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