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Joecoh F.

9-Alexander Briant
Scaffold #3
My Hero of Love (Saint Ignatius of Loyola)
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Saint Ignatius of Loyola was a Spanish Basque Catholic Priest and Theologian, who co-
founded the religious order called the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) and became its first
Superior General at Paris in 1541. Ignatius was beatified in 1609,then canonized, receiving
the title of Saint on 12 March 1622. Íñigo López de Loyola was born in the municipality of
Azpeitia at the castle of Loyola. Íñigo was the youngest of thirteen children. His mother died
soon after his birth, and he was then brought up by María de Garín, the local blacksmith's
wife. Ignatius was born on October 23, 1491 and died on July 31, 1556.

1.What interior and exterior threats to freedom did he or she have to hurdle?
-In the Life of St. Ignatius, the interior threats to freedom that he had to hurdle included his
vices for alcoholic drinks or wine, women and gambling. The exterior threats to freedom
included the wars during his time, violence and bloodshed, poverty and discrimination
between the rich and poor.

2.How does his or her life illustrate the relationship between “freedom from obstacles” and
“freedom for authentic love”?
-The life of Ignatius illustrated freedom from obstacles when he educated his conscience
by reading the two books on the “Life of Saints” and the “Book of Christ” Ignatius became
self-aware by meditating and reflecting through his Spiritual Exercises, prayer and fasting.
He showed freedom for authentic love when he decided to follow Christ by serving God as a
Jesuit Missionary with his Society of Jesus.

3.Choose a line from any of his or her known works that shows his or her growth in true
freedom. Relate this line to your own personal struggle to grow in true freedom
-One of the famous lines by St. Ignatius of Loyola is “Ad Majorem Dei GLoriam” Which
means, “For the greater glory of God” This line is the motto of Ateneo today. This line
guides me in growing in true freedom as I live each day of my life doing what is good and
pleasing to God for God’s greater glory. As I continue to glorify God in my life, I grow and
grow in authentic freedom.

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