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Survey Questionnaire

Researcher – Made Questionnaires on Impact of Social Media Grade Five and Six

Students of MATS College of Technology

I. Demographic Profile

A. Direction: Please check the box that corresponds as correct data.

Name (Optional): ___________________

Age: 10 – 11 years old 12 years old and above

Gender: Male Female

Grade Level: Grade 5 Grade 6

B. Direction: Please rate (5, 4, 3, 2, 1) the item statement by checking the column

corresponding the number of your rating.

(5) Strongly Agree; (4) Agree; (3) Moderately Agree; (2) Disagree; (1) Strongly


Rating Scale Range of Means Descriptive Equivalent

5 4.50-5.00 Strongly Agree

4 3.50-4.49 Agree

3 2.50-3.49 Moderately Agree

2 1.50-2.49 Disagree

1 1-1.49 Strongly Disagree

Academic Performance 5 4 3 2 1
1. Addiction to online social networks is a
problematic issue that affects my academic
2. Online Social networks distract me from my
3. I cannot see improvement in myself when I
became engaged into those social networking
4. Google helps me a lot because I searched If
have some unfamiliar words.
5. I prefer to study during my vacant time just to,
just catch up in my lesson.

1. I engaged in academic discussions on twitter
and this has improved my academic
2. I make use of whatsapp to disseminate
knowledge to my classmate.
3. I solely rely on information gotten from google
to do my assignments and shared it to my
classmates online.
4. I used facebook to communicate with my
5. I usually have unlimited access to facebook
since my teacher always posted an assignment

1. I am always late in the school because I sleep

late at night.
2. I am comfortable when I have to update my
social media account.
3. I feel confident on my ability to use the internet
to locate reliable academic sources.
4. I have found that it is difficult to concentrate in
making my assignment because I am
distracted by social networking sites.
5. I have felt bothered when I have could not
check my smartphone while sitting in a lecture.

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