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Goal/Tujuan dari pembelajaran pada bab ini adalah:

To congratulate others for their fortunes and achievements (Memberikan ucapan

selamat kepada orang lain atas kebahagiaan dan prestasi)

To express hopes and wishes to others (memberikan doa, harapan dan

keinginan untuk orang lain supaya dikabulkan apa yang dicita-citakanya, apa
yang diharapkannya.

I. Congratulation
Adalah ucapan selamat yang ditujukan kepada seseorang atas
prestasi dan kebahagiaan yang diraih.
Contoh: prestasi sekolah, lomba (Competition), mendapakan
beasiswa(scholarship), ulang tahun (aniversary), getting
permission, etc.

Contoh ekspresi/ungkapan yang digunakan:

- Congratulations, Ana!
- Congratulations on winning the English speech contest!
- Congratulation Adi on being the champion!
- I’m happy for you.Congratulations!
- Congratulations Shidqi, you become the winner!
- Congratulations you passed the exams!
- Congratulations for your graduation!
- That’s a very beautiful handycraft!
- Zahra,That’s a beautiful picture!
- Wow, your menu is delicious!
- Good on you Fayyadh!
- You sing like a real singer.
- Etc.
II. Hope/wish
Adalah ungkapan atau ucapan seseorang yang menunjukkan
doa, harapan dan keinginan terhadap orang lain supaya lebih
baik, dan terkabul cita-cita atau yang menjadi harapannya.

Contoh ekspresi/ungkapan hope/wish:

- I hope ...
- I hope you will win the first prize
- I hope you pass the examination
- Wish you luck
- Wish me luck
- Good luck
- Etc.
III Contoh dialog Congratulation and hope/wish
Dialogue 1
Shidqi : Congratulations, Zahra. I hope you will be the
winner of the singing contest.
Zahra : Thanks Shidqi. Wish me luck. Amin.
Dialogue 2
Dea : Fayyadh, I got a scholarship.
Fayyadh : Congratulations, Dea. You deserve it.
: Your mom and dad must be proud of you.
Dea : Yes, thanks. It will help my parents a lot.
Dialogue 3
Rissa : Wow, that’s a beautiful handycraft!
I’m sure you’ll win the national competition.
Yeni : Thank you. I hope so, too.
Teacher : The winner of the story – telling competition in this
class is Lina. Congratulations Lina

Students : Congratulations Lina

Lina : Thank you,Mom. Thank you,everybody

Teacher : Lina, because you are the winner of the story-

telling competition in this class, you will represent this class for the story-telling
competition of our school next month Prepare your best for the competition, will
you? I hope you will win the first prize, too. Good luck.

Lina : I hope so too, Mam. Yes, I will do my best.

Edo : Lina, you are a very good story teller. I’m sure you will
win the school’s story-telling competition. Good luck

Lina : Thank you Edo.

Friend 1 : Congratulations for being the champion of the

class, Lina! I hope you will be the winner of the school’s competition too.

Lina : Thanks. I hope so too.

Friend 2 : Lina, I’m happy for you. Congratulations. I hope

you will win the "rst prize in the school’s competition.

Lina : Thank you. Wish me luck.

Friend 3 : Congratulations Lina. It’s your dream to go to the

school’s story telling competition, isn’t it?

Lina : Yes, it’s my dream. And I have practiced everyday for

the last two months with my dad.

Friends : Sure, you have to work hard for your dreams. Good

Lina : Thank you, Siti, Udin, for your support.

Contoh soal expressing hope, Wishes, congratulate
dan pembahasannya.


Siti has just made a very beautiful handycraft from pandan

leaf. Beni praises her craft and hope that she will win the national competition.

Beni: “That’s a very beautiful handycraft. I’m sure you will win the national
Edo: “Thank you. I hope so too.”

Situation 2:

Lina has just finished drawing a picture of Mrs. Ani, her

English teacher. She will present it to her on her birthday. Siti praises the picture
and she’s sure that Mrs. Ani will like it. (

Siti : Lina it is a very beautiful picture, I am sure that Mrs. Ani will be very happy
about it.
Beni : “Thanks. I hope so too.”

Situation 3:

Udin has just Finished making fried tofu for his friends. Dayu
says that it looks nice and she’s sure that everybody will like it.

Dayu : you are great chef Udin. I am sure that your friend will like it.
Siti : “Thank you. I hope so too.”

Situation 5:

Siti has just finished practicing singing. She will sing in the
celebration of the Kartini Day. Dayu praises her that she sings like a real singer,
and she will get a big applause for that.

Dayu : you have a very beautiful voice, I am sure that you will get a big applause
from the audience.
SIti : “Thank you. That’s very nice of you.”

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