Arellano University Graduate School of Nursing: 2600 Legarda ST., Manila, Philippines PACUCOA Level 1 Accredited Status

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2600 Legarda St., Manila, Philippines
PACUCOA Level 1 Accredited Status

Adv. Medical Surgical Nursing 1

Case Study and Concept Mapping

24 year old healthy male with one day hx of abdominal pain. Pain was generalized at first, now
worse in the right lower abdomen radiates to his right groin. He has vomited twice today.
Denies any diarrhea, fevers, dysuria or other complaints.
No appetite today.
ROS otherwise negative
Past Medical History: negative
Past Surgical History: negative
Meds: none
Social hx: no alcohol, tobacco or drug use
Family hx: non-contributory

Physical Exam: T: 37.8, HR: 95, BP 118/76, R: 18, O2 sat: 100% room air
Uncomfortable appearing, slightly pale
Abdomen: soft, non-distended, tender to palpation in
RLQ with mild guarding; hypoactive bowel sounds
Genital exam: Normal
1. Prepare power point presentation of the disease
2. Develop the concept map for your client by following guidelines below:
Include somewhere on the map:
o Risk factors
o Pathophysiology
o Medical diagnosis
o Assessment data (signs, symptoms, test results, pertinent history)
o Nursing diagnoses
o Goals and outcome criteria
o Nursing interventions
o Evaluation
a. Show the connections between the parts of the nursing process by drawing
connecting lines
b. Utilize color coding in concept map

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