At Historical Inquiry and Research Course Snapshot

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AT Historical Inquiry and Research Snapshot

The Past is Not the Same (miniproject)

● Why and how do we attempt to understand the past?

The End of History (historiographical review)

● Is there an empirical truth?
● What kind of historians do we want to become?

Inquiry 1: Did Michael Fay Get What He Deserved?

● Are truths and values universal?
● What can the ‘Asian Values’ debate tell us about the
challenges associated with applying western-style values
beyond the West?

Inquiry 2: Student Selected Theme

● Students will dive deep into a selected historical theme, and
adopt a historiographical perspective on an area of interest.

Inquiry 3: Student Selected Content Area

● Building from prior thematic work, students will explore a
content area selected by the group, and delve into an area of
specific interest to the student. Students will demonstrate
their learning through a written historical investigation.

Inquiry 4: Open Inquiry

● Students select a topic, craft a driving question, create
goals and a plan for inquiry, select resources, and craft a
mode of expression to publicize their work.

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