A Review On K-Anonymization Techniques

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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology (SJET) ISSN 2321-435X (Online)

Sch. J. Eng. Tech., 2017; 5(6):238-245 ISSN 2347-9523 (Print)
©Scholars Academic and Scientific Publisher
(An International Publisher for Academic and Scientific Resources)

Review Article

A Review on K-Anonymization Techniques

Anisha Tiwari1, Minu Choudhary2
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Rungta College of Engineering and Technology, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh,
Assistant Prof., Dept. of Information Technology, Rungta College of Engineering and Technology, Bhilai,
Chhattisgarh, India

*Corresponding author
Anisha Tiwari
Email: anishatiwari20@gmail.com

Abstract: Securing information protection is an imperative issue in microdata distribution. Anonymity strategies
regularly mean to ensure singular security, with insignificant effect on the nature of the discharged information. As of
late, a couple of models are acquainted with guarantee the security ensuring or potentially to diminish the data misfortune
to such an extent as could be allowed. That is, they additionally enhance the adaptability of the anonymous system to
make it all the more near reality, and after that to meet the various needs of the general population. Different proposition
and calculations have been intended for them in the meantime. In this paper a review of anonymity techniques for
privacy preserving. In this paper, the discussion about the anonymity models, the significant execution ways and the
techniques of anonymity algorithm, and also analyzed their strength and limitations.
Keywords: Anonymity techniques, anonymity models, privacy preserving algorithm.

INTRODUCTION isn't revealed by the perspectives and at a comparative

Today's databases contain a considerable measure time there should be sufficient data to play out the
of delicate individual information. So it's significant to investigation. Besides, an enemy who needs to gather
outline data frameworks which may confine the delicate information from the uncovered perspectives in
noteworthy of individual information. For instance, some cases has some data concerning the general
consider a healing center that keeps up patient records. population inside the data. The principle goal is to
The healing facility longings to unveil information to an change over the first data into some mysterious sort to
organization in such some way that the organization prevent from inducing its record owner’s sensitive
can't deduce that patients have that diseases. One information as examined in [9].
system to formally indicate protection arrangements is
to particular sensitive information as inquiries and Information Anonymization
implements excellent security, a terribly durable Information anonymization is the way toward
thought of security that ensures that the other question expelling by and by identifiable data from informational
replied by the data won't uncover any information with indexes, to make the general population unknown about
respect to the delicate information. whom the information describe. It allows the exchange
of information over a limit, as between two offices
Security Preserving Data Publishing inside focus or between two offices, though lessening
Personal records of individuals are logically being the peril of accidental uncovering, and in bound
gathered by various government and organization conditions in an exceedingly way that grants
foundations for the requirements of information investigation and examination post-anonymization. This
examination. The information examination is system is utilized as a part of undertakings to expand
encouraged by these associations to distribute the security of the information while enabling the
"adequately private" thoughts over this data that are information to be broke down and utilized. It changes
collected. Privacy could be a twofold edged brand - the information that will be utilized or distributed to
there should be sufficient protection to ensure that keep the distinguishing proof of key data. Information
touchy information concerning the general population
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anonymization methods, for example, k-anonymity, l-

diversity qualities what's more, t-closeness are broad. t-Closeness: t-closeness could be an extra refinement of
l-assorted qualities bunch based generally
k-Anonymity: The essential arrangement of k- anonymization that is acclimated safeguard security in
anonymity is to shield a dataset against re-identified by learning sets by lessening the coarseness of a data
summing up the characteristics that may be used in a portrayal. t-closeness could be an additional refinement
linkage attacks (semi identifiers). A data set is of l-assorted qualities group essentially based
considered k-anonymous if each data thing can't be anonymization that is wont to save protection in
recognized from at least k-1 elective information things. learning sets by decreasing the coarseness of a data
delineation. This decrease could be an exchange off that
l-Diversity: l-diversity qualities could be an assortment winds up in some loss of viability of information
of group based for the most part anonymization that is administration or mining algorithm in order to
wont to safeguard security in learning sets by understand a few protection [27].
decreasing the coarseness of a learning portrayal. This
lessening might be an exchange off that winds up in K-ANONYMITY
some loss of adequacy of information administration or k-Anonymity could be a formal model of protection
mining algorithm in order to accomplish some security. [28]. The objective is to frame each record unclear from
The l-differing qualities model is related degree an illustrated variety (k) records if tries region unit
expansion of the k-secrecy demonstrate that diminishes made to detect the data. An arrangement of data is k-
the harshness of data representation exploitation anonymized if, for any record with a given arrangement
procedures and in addition speculation and concealment of characteristics, there square measure in any event k-1
indicated any given record maps onto at least k elective elective records that match these traits. The properties
records inside the information [26]. can be any of the accompanying sorts.

Table-I: Dataset Description

Attributes Description Example
Explicit_identifier Set of attributes Name, Id
Quasi_identifier Potentially identify record owners Age, Sex, Zip
Sensitive attributes Person's sensitive information that Salary, Disease
cannot revealed

The usage of k-anonymity needs the preparatory ID Example

of the quasi identifier. The quasi identifier depends on In the event that the previously mentioned table is to
the outer information accessible to the beneficiary, be anonymized with Anonymization Level (AL) set to 2
since it decides the connecting capacity (not all and the arrangement of Quasi identifiers as QI = {AGE,
conceivable outside tables range unit open to every SEX, ZIP, PHONE}.Sensitive trait = {SALARY}. The
potential learning beneficiary); and diverse quasi quasi identifiers and touchy qualities are distinguished
identifiers will without a doubt exist for a given table by the association as indicated by their rules and
[29]. regulation.

Table-II: Table to be Anonymized

ID Age Sex Zip Phone Salary (in Rs.)
1 24 M 641015 9994258665 78000
2 23 F 641254 9994158624 45000
3 45 M 610002 8975864121 85000
4 34 M 623410 7456812312 20000

Table: III: Anonymized Table

ID Age Sex Zip Phone Salary (in Rs.)
* 20-50 ANY 641*** 999******* 78000
* 20-50 ANY 641*** 999******* 45000
* 20-50 ANY 612*** 897******* 85000
* 20-50 ANY 623*** 745******* 20000

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This anonymization can be done by Generalization the security of touchy data. So creator [2] recommends
As well as Suppression That L-Diversity is Lonely Enough to preserve Privacy.
In this procedure the anonymization is performed by
Generalization doling out people in the gathering of size more
Generalization is the way toward changing over an prominent than or equivalent to the estimation of semi
incentive into a less particular general term. For ex, identifier k.
"Male" and "Female" can be generalized to "Any". At
the accompanying levels generalization procedures can Min Wu et al. [18] proposes saving security is most
be connected. basic however a similar time it is inconvenience in
 Attribute (AG): Generalization is performed at arrival of small scale information discharge. In the
the segment level; all the qualities in the perspective of trait disclosure K-namelessness is not
section are generalized at a speculation step. well. So we propose new system called an ordinal
 Cell (CG): Generalization can likewise be separation based affectability mind full differing
performed on a solitary cell; at long last a qualities metric model. The assorted qualities of touchy
summed up table may contain, for a particular properties are done just on the K-anonymized table. To
section and values at various levels of check the differences level of the bunch to start with we
generalization. need to group the credits concerning to start with,
second and third level. What's more, the assorted
Suppression qualities degree is equivalent to the whole table. This
Suppression comprises in averting delicate strategy is basically concentrated on the categorical
information by evacuating it. Suppression can be qualities.
connected at the level of single cell, whole tuple, or
whole segment, permits diminishing the measure of Yunli Wang et al. [19] proposes k- anonymity
speculation to be forced to accomplish k-anonymity. neglects to accomplish qualities revelation however in
l-assorted qualities plans to accomplish characteristic
 Tuple (TS): Suppression is performed at exposure. Second information anonymization procedure
column level; suppression operation evacuates focus on cutting the illation from liberated miniaturized
entire tuple scale traits. Here we point another approach called a
 Attribute (AS): Suppression is performed at remarkable particular l-SR differing qualities to
segment level; suppression operation shrouds accomplish l-differences on the affectability degrees of
every one of the estimations of a segment. delicate characteristics. These outcomes demonstrate
 Cell (CS): Suppression is performed at single that our calculation accomplished better execution on
cell level; at long last k-anonymized table may lessening illation of delicate data and accomplished the
wipe out just certain cells of a given tantamount speculation information quality contrasted
tuple/quality. and other information distributing calculations. At long
last we have two measures i.e Entropy Metric and
LITERATURE SURVEY Variance Metric to check the nature of distributed
Xuyun Zhang et al. [16] proposes giving security information.
and protection over the intermediate data sets become
dispute problem since adversaries may retain micro data Jordi Soria Comas et al. [20] points information
by identifying multiple data records. Encryption of all anonymization strategies save protection, k- anonymity
datasets in general society stage called cloud take in and €-differential security are two principle protection
past systems may extremely tedious and exorbitant. So display. The t-closeness is the augmentation of k-
we give new novel upper bound protection spillage obscurity, the development of private sensitive data
requirement based strategies to give which middle of depends on Bucketization algorithm. The fundamental
the road information records request to be figured and point of t-closeness is to understand the doles out
which don't to guarantee a few information usage and exposure issues. An information records is said to finish
security safeguarding. t-closeness if, for each horde of information managing a
joining of semi identifier quality assess, the hole among
Mohammad Reza Zare Mirakabad et al. [17] points the circulation of each private property in the group and
giving protection over the information production. the conveyance of the same secret appoint in the all
Under security information usage and aversion of information records is close as far as possible t. The
divulgence of individual personality is more critical. Bucketization development is utilized to accomplish t-
One of the information anonymization methods called closeness. On the off chance that the calculation of
K-secrecy keeps the divulgence of individual character Bucketization is excessively unforgiving the
however it is for the most part neglected to accomplish. information misfortune in the classified appoint is
The other strategy called l-differing qualities will give expansive.

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Table-IV: Shows comparison between various existing approaches and its limitation
S.No. Ref.No. Method Used Data Source Approach Strength Limitation
1 [1] Systematic Medical data Author presents a Results show that Need to extend the
clustering clustering based k- our method attains systematic
method anonymization a clustering algorithm
technique to minimize reasonable to k-anonymity
the information loss dominance with model
while at the same time respect to both
assuring data quality information loss
and execution
2 [2] k-anonymization k-anonymized Author proposed an Author develop a Additional
algorithm dataset efficient k- suitable metric to performance
anonymization estimate the measures are there.
algorithm by information loss
transforming the k- introduced by
anonymity problem to generalizations,
the k-member which works for
clustering problem. both numeric and
categorical data.
3 [3] Nearly-Optimal CENSUS dataset Author develop a experiments Need extend the
Anatomizing linear-time confirm that technique to
Algorithm algorithm for anatomy permits multiple
computing anatomized highly accurate sensitive attributes
tables that obey the l- aggregate is an interesting
diversity information about topic
privacy requirement, the unknown
and minimize the error microdata, with an
of reconstructing the average error
microdata. below 10%
4 [4] heuristic Real world dataset proposed an approach results Need to investigate
algorithm that identifies demonstrate that privacy aware
which part of the privacy- efficient scheduling
intermediate data sets preserving cost of of intermediate data
needs to be encrypted intermediate data sets in
while the rest does not, sets can be cloud
in order to save the significantly
privacy preserving reduced
5 [5] sequential US Census proposed the private PMI measure is Additional
clustering Bureau mutual information much more performance
algorithm. (PMI) utility measure suitable when the measures are there.
that aims at goal is
maximizing the to achieve
correlation between the anonymizations
generalized public data
and the private data.
6 [6] apriori-based Real world dataset Author develop proposed Need to consider
anonymization an algorithm which algorithms are sensitive
algorithm flnds the optimal experimentally values associated to
solution, however, at evaluated using set-valued quasi-
a high cost which real datasets identiflers.
makes it inapplicable
for large, realistic
7 [7] LowCost anonymous data propose the Efficiency performs the best Additional
algorithm record both in performance
represents both the terms of utility measures are there.
utility and privacy of measure and
the anonymous data privacy measure.
and can assess
algorithms fairly.

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8 [8] Greedy k- UCI machine Author propose two Author illustrate Ne4ed to evaluate
member learning repository approaches for the effectiveness the performance
algorithm and database minimizing the of the proposed on a combination of
Systematic disclosure risk and approaches by multiple SA and QI
clustering preserving the privacy comparing them attributes.
algorithm by using systematic with the existing
clustering clustering
algorithm. algorithms.
9 [9] centralized Health care data PPDP Has Received A Degradation Of Additional
and distributed Great Deal Of Data / Service performance
anonymization Attention In The Quality Loss Of measures are there.
algorithm Database And Data Valuable
Mining Research Information
Communities Increased Costs

10 [10] Є-Differentially GWAS data Author present Author provided a Improvement

Private methods for releasing differentially required to get
Algorithm differentially private private algorithm more accurate result
minor allele for releasing these
frequencies, chisquare statistics for the
statistics and p-values. most
relevant SNPs

11 [11] Generalization- BMS-WebView-1 Author develop PCTA, a clustering-based Need to extend

based algorithm and a generalization-based algorithm that can accommodate
BMSWebView-2 algorithm to construct produce a privacy and utility
datasets anonymizations significantly better constraints that
that incur a small result than the are common in real-
amount of information state-of-the-art world applications.
loss under many methods in terms
different privacy of data utility
12 [12] kACTUS Adult dataset from Author propose a new Proposed method Need to extend the
algorithm the UC Irvine method for achieving requires no prior proposed method to
Machine Learning k-anonymity named K- knowledge other data mining
Repository anonymity of regarding the tasks (such as
Classification Trees domain hierarchy clustering and
Using Suppression taxonomy association rules)

13 [13] Privacy policy GWAS data Author proposed a approach Algorithm does not
extraction (PPE) method to anonymize automatically guarantee that the
algorithm patient-specific clinical extracts potentially anonymized clinical
profiles, which should linkable clinical profiles will incur
be disseminated to features and the least amount of
support biomedical modifies them in a information loss
studies way that they can possible to satisfy
no longer be used the specified utility
to link a genomic policy.
sequence to a
small number of
14 [14] TDControl BMS-POS, BMS- propose ρ-uncertainty, problem is solved Improvement
algorithm WebView-1, and the first, to our non-trivially by a required to get
BMSWebView-2. knowledge, privacy technique that more accurate result
A concept that inherently combines
safeguards against generalization and
sensitive associations suppression,
without constraining which also
the nature of an achieves favorable
adversary’s knowledge results
and without falsifying

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15 [15] CLUSTERING- synthetic and real- presented a measure algorithm is able Improvement is
BASED world data that can capture both to produce require with respect
ALGORITHM data usefulness and anonymizations of to the performance.
privacy protection in high quality,
this paper, and we balancing
developed a clustering- usefulness and
based algorithm that protection
exploits this measure requirements
16 [21] Full-Domain Publicly available Implementation To Produce Performance Of
Generalization data sets. Framework For Full Minimal Full Incognito Can Be
Algorithms Domain Generalization Domain Enhanced By
Using Generalizations Materializing
Multidimensional Data Perform Up To An Portions Of The
Model Together With Order Of Data Cube,
Suite Of Algorithms Magnitude Faster Including Count
Than Previous Aggregates At
Algorithms On Various Points In
Two Real-Life The Dimension
Databases Hierarchies
17 [22] Exhaustive Salary data Anonymization High Efficiency Problem Of
Algorithm Algorithms That And Quality Data Measuring The
(Rothko-T) Incorporate A Target Overcomes Quality Of
Class Of Workloads, Problem Of Anonymized Data
Consisting Of One Or Scalability Fails To Work In
More Data Mining The Top-Down
Tasks As Well As Specialization
Selection Predicates (TDS) Approach
And The Datasets
Much Larger Than
Main Memory
18 [23] heuristic Medical records K-Anonymizing A Achieve High More Compaction
algorithms Data Set Is Similar To Efficiency And Is Needed To
Building A Spatial Quality Achieve High
Index Over The Data Anonymization Quality
Set Using R-Tree Multidimensional Anonymization
Index Based Approach Generalization, Different Indexing
High Accuracy Algorithm Provide
Different Issues

19 [24] MapReduce Real time data Mapreduce Is A Allows Us To Mapreduce Is Not

Programming Model Handle Lists Of Suitable For A
Implementation For Values That Are Short On-Line
Processing And Too Large In Transactions
Generating Large Data Memory The
Sets Performs Map() Model Is Easy To
And Reduce() Use

20 [25] MapReduce IDS data set To Protect Data Sensitive User Scalability Problem
Privacy During Map- Data Protection Occurs
Reduce Programming High Privacy
Assurance Ease
To Use Fully
Preserve The

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of information utilized for the most part for data Efficient multidimensional suppression for k-
analysis. anonymity. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and
Data Engineering. 2010 Mar 1;22(3):334-47.
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