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Erick John Aquino

Understanding the Self

Independent Practice
Performance Task(required)(100points)
1.Who buys your products and services?

Answers: Consumer

2.Who makes the decision to buy the product?

Answers: The consumer buyer

3.Who influences the decision to buy the product?

Answers: If the brand is original the price is low is the purchase decision made?

Answers: When the buyer likes the product and the money is right.

5.Why does the customer buy?

Answers: Because he needing it and he liked it.

6.Why does the consumer prefer one brand over another?

Answers: Because he was branded and original instead of a local and he knew it was strong
because it was branded.

7.Where do customers go to buy the brand?

Answers: Going buy in the Mall or Online shopping

8.When do customers buy a product?

Answers: When he really needs it buy sometimes there are buyers who don’t even need to buy

9.Why do most customers buy expensive brands over another?

Answers: Because it’s fashionable and they think it’s beautiful and durable because it is branded and
famous clothing.

10.what is the product’s perception? Is the product perceived as a value for money product or is
it perceived as prenium?

Answers: It is only noted for the brand and wear of celebrities and social people.

11.What social factors influence the purchase decision?

Answers: By wearing artist and wearing by other people

12.What is the role of the consumer’s lifestyle in his behavior?

Answers: They are used to buying and this is their fashion.

13.What role does the personal or demographic factory play in the purchase decision?

Answers: The age of a person plays an important role in the purchase decision of a consumer, As
people age their need also change.

14.What can you understand about spirit of poverty when buying a product?

Answers: Poverty is an evil spiritual personality and principality. It is a condition where people’s
basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter are not being met.

15.How can you demonstrate spirit of poverty when buying a product?

Answers: By buying Fair Trade products and supporting Fair Trade practices, communities are
able to obtain resources and skills to meet their needs independently. Thos who make the
products are able to pay their children’s school fees, Nutritional needs can be met, they can
afford to pay for their health care costs, etc,. Fair Trading also lessens the negative impact
production may have had on the local government.

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