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Gloom - Mobile Review - 12/06/2019

● Cards background vs Readability :

The semi-transparent backgrounds should be avoided in the mobile version. Because
there is a lot of visual elements on a small screen, we should set a less transparent (or
just white) background for cards.

Keeping the semi-transparent background does not serve the readability of the game
and is not necessary in the digital version since we can dynamically change the values
on cards.

● Cards pop-up readability :

When the player presses on a card to zoom and read it, the card overlaps other
information and background elements. Because we are on mobile, overlapping
elements does not help to visually focus on the card. To solve this issue, we can darken
the rest of the screen to help players to focus on the zoomed card.

● Hand readability and usability :

Player’s hand should be always expanded. There is no reason to not have cards
expanded, this only adds an additional interaction to select cards

● Cards content readability in the player hand :

The cards displayed on the bottom of the screen cannot be read. Have you considered
changing the card art to fit better with a mobile version ? For instance, remove text,
increase card title. Removing text from the player hand could allow to increase cards
size, play with portrait and value rather than a card, etc...

● Cards content readability with pop-up display :

When a card is zoomed in, the card texts is still to read, which pushes you to add a
legend with enlarged text. But cards text is always visible and readable. Ultimately, we
have a screen where the information is displayed twice. We should come up with a
zoomed in design that makes all parts of the card readable.

Do you have considered using the portrait mode for the game?
This will allow to display fully readable cards without legends.

Really quick draft below:

! !

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