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 Identify rising and falling intonation in the given sentences
 Deliver the given lines with proper intonation
 Show importance in using the rising and falling intonation


Delivering the given lines with proper intonation
Topic: Rising Intonation and Falling Intonation
References: English Learner’s Material, pg. 108
Materials: DIY Digital Telephone, PowerPoint Presentation, Laptop, Cartolina, Projector, White

Value Infusion: Respect to Others


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Daily Routine
a. Prayer
“Class, please stand and pray.
_____, will you please lead the
prayer.” “Amen.”

a. Greetings
“Good morning class.” “Good morning Ma’am.”

b. Classroom Management
“Before you sit, please pick all the
pieces of paper under your chair
and then throw it to the trash can
later.” (The students will get the papers under their

“Are you done, class?” “Yes, Ma’am.”

c. Checking of Attendance
“Okay, so you may now sit.
______, who is absent today?” “No one is absent today, Ma’am.”

“That’s a great news class. No one

will miss our lesson today.”

2. Review
“Okay class, did you still remember
our topic yesterday?” “Yes, Ma’am.”

“What was our topic yesterday?” (The students will raise their hands)

“Yes, ____.” “Our topic yesterday was all about stresses.”

“Nice answer. What is Stress?” (The students will raise their hands)

“Yes, _______.” “Stress is the relative emphasis given to a syllable

or a word in a sentence.”
“That’s right. Where do you put the
stress in nouns?” (The students will raise their hands)

“Yes, _____.” “Ma’am generally we put the stress in the first

syllable in nouns.”

“Correct. What about on the verb

words?” (The students will raise their hands)

“Yes, _____.” “Ma’am generally, we can put the stress in the

second syllable if the word is in the verb form.”

“Very good. It seems that you are

ready for our next topic so let us
now proceed.”

3. Motivation
“Okay class. Who among you have a
telephone at home?” (The student who have a telephone on their home
will raise their hands)

“Okay. Now class, I have here a

telephone. Do you know what the
function of a telephone is?” (The students will raise their hands)

“Yes, ______.” “The function of the telephone is make a

conversation to someone we want to talk to.”

“That’s right. We use telephone to

talk to someone we want to talk to
about something important.
Therefore, I have here a dialogue. I
want you to make a conversation
using this dialogue. Who wants to be
Mar?” (The students will raise their hands)

“Okay Arland, come here in front”

“Who wants to be Luna?” (The students will raise their hands)

“Yes Sheila, come here in front.”

“You may now start.” (The two students will perform the conversation.)

“Thank you Sheila and Arland. Give

them five claps for having a good

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation of the Lesson
“Now class, eyes on me. What do
you notice to the activity that Sheila
and Arland did?” (The students will raise their hands)

“Yes, ______.” “Ma’am, they perform the conversation with

correct pronunciation.”

“Nice observation. What else?” “Ma’am, they perform the activity with
appropriate emotion.”
“Very good. Another one?” “Ma’am, sometimes they are raising their voice
and sometimes they are so calm in saying every
“Very good observation. Do you
have any idea of what do we call to
the rising and lowering of voice?” “None, Ma’am.”

“Since that you don’t know what do

we call to the rising and lowering of
voice, we will tackle it now today.”

2. Discussion of the Lesson

“Rising and lowering the voice are
common to a person when speaking
and this is what we called
Intonation. And for more
understanding, will you please read
the definition on the board.” (The students will raise their hands)

“Yes, _______.” “Intonation means the rising and lowering of the

voice when speaking.”

“Thank you. A while ago you said

that sometimes your classmate were
raising their voice and sometimes
they are calm when they are
speaking. Do you have any idea of
what do we call to the rising of
voice?” (The students will raise their hands)

“Yes, _____.” “Ma’am highering of voice.”

“Nice try. Another one?” (The students will raise their hands)

“Yes, _______.” “Ma’am, raising intonation.”

“Good answer. Another one?” (The students will raise their hands)

“Yes, ________.” “Ma’am rising intonation.”

“Very good. When we are raising

our voice, we called it Rising
Intonation. For more understanding,
will you please read the meaning on
the board?” “Rising Intonation means the pitch of the voice
rises over time.”

“In rising intonation the voice is

rises and stays high at the end of the
sentence. When you hear rising
intonation, it indicates that the
speaker is waiting for a reply just
like in this example. Will you
please read?” “Have you heard the news?”

“What do you notice to the sentence

when you read it?” “Ma’am when I read it, my voice was raised at the
end of the sentence.”

“That’s right. Will you find another

sentence with rising intonation?” “Mark won the Poetry Contest!”
“Very good. What else?” “He got $1000 in cash!”

“Excellent. Another one?” “Really? That’s wonderful!”

“Nice answer. What else?” “That’s great!”

“Very good. For the last one,

_______.” “Look Danny, Mark is coming!”

“Based on the sentence, where do

you usually found rising
intonation?” (The students will raise their hands)

“Yes, ______.” “Ma’am I think when we are asking question.”

“What specific type of question?” (The students will raise their hands)

“Yes, ________.” “Ma’am when the question is answerable by yes

or no.”

“That’s right. What else?” (The students will raise their hands)

“Yes, _______.” “In the situation where someone is expressing

doubt or surprise.”

“Very good. Always remember

class that the rising intonation will
hear if the voice is rising and if it
indicates surprise or expressing
doubt. Are we clear?” “Yes, Ma’am.”

“Okay. Now, when the voice is

lowering, what do you call to that?” (The students will raise their hands)

“Yes, _____.” “Ma’am, lowering intonation.”

“Nice try. Another one?” (The students will raise their hands)

“Yes, _____.” “Ma’am, falling intonation.”

“Very good. When the voice is in

the normal tone that is what we
called falling intonation. For more
understanding, will you please read
the definition on the board?” “Falling Intonation means that the pitch falls
with time.”

“Thank you. Like what I have said

earlier, falling intonation can heard
if the word pronounced in a normal
voice. Falling intonation indicates
calmness and lack of strong feeling.
For example, will you please read?” “What did he receive as a prize?”

“What do you notice on the way

you read the sentence?” “Ma’am when I read the sentence, I am just calm
and I just want to know what prize that Mark got.”

“That’s right. Will you find another

example in this dialogue?” “I will tell Mark to bring me a hat.”

“Very good. Another one.” “I want him to buy e some masks.”

“Nice answer.”
“Remember class, Intonation is the
rising and lowering of the voice
when speaking. Rising Intonation
when the voice is rising but when it
became calm and in normal voice, it
called Falling Intonation. Do you
understand?” “Yes, Ma’am.”

3. Generalization
“Okay. Let us now test your
understanding about our topic.
What is the Intonation?” “Intonation is the rising and lowering of voice
when speak.”

“Very good. What is Rising

Intonation?” “Rising Intonation means the pitch of the voice
is rising.”

“Excellent. Where we could found

the rising intonation?”

“Yes, ______” “We can found the rising intonation in the yes or
no questions and in the situations when someone
is expressing doubt or surprise.”

“Very good answer. How about the

falling intonation?” (The students will raise their hands)

“Yes, _______.” “Falling Intonation means that the pitch falls

with time.”

“Very good. What did falling

intonation indicates?” (The students will raise their hands)

“Yes, _______.” “Falling Intonation indicates calmness and normal

voice when speak.”

“Excellent. Now that you are

mastered our topic, let us proceed to
our activity.”

Valuing Integration
“But before we that, I have a
question to you. Did you experience
talking to an elder in person or even
in telephone?” “Yes, Ma’am.”

“What do you feel?” “Ma’am, I need to be calmer and lower my


“That’s right. What if you

encounter an elder which is so
annoying and you need to talk to
him/her?” “Ma’am, I think I need to have a calm voice even
if he/she is so annoying.”

“Very good. What if they shout to

you even if you do not do anything
wrong?” “Ma’am, I will not talk while he/she speaking
because it shows disrespect and I know that we
can solve the problem if I will wait until he/she
done talking.”

“Very good. Based on your answer,

what values did you show?” “Ma’am we show respect to the one who is older
to us.”

“That’s right. Why do we need to

respect them?” “Because they are older to us.”

“Very nice answer. What else?” “Because they know what is best for us even if
sometimes they are annoying. And also they are
the one who teach us to respect elders.”

“Excellent. We need to respect

elders because they know what is
best for us. They already know how
world runs. Moreover, they are just
annoying because like what we said
they are elders. They want to do
something but they could not do it
because they are weak and difficult
to do it. Do you understand?” “Yes, Ma’am.”

“Very good.”

4. Application
“Okay class, as you can see there is
a dial pad and inside of it are
different dialogues that you need to
deliver based on the emotion that
the emoti-wheel will show to you.
To make a fair choice of who will
do it, I have here the phone that we
have used earlier. Pass it in your
right side while the music is playing
and when it stops, the one who
holds the phone will be the one who
will deliver the dialogue. Is that
clear?” “Yes, Ma’am.”


Determine if the sentence is Rising Intonation or Falling Intonation. Write RI if the sentence
is in Rising Intonation and FI if the sentence is Falling Intonation.

1. Am I beautiful?
2. She is beautiful.
3. Do you make those lanterns by yourself?
4. Please give me some money.
5. Go there and ask for forgiveness!
6. Let us make a good day.
7. Where did you come from?
8. We love to listen to our elder’s words of wisdom.
9. Do you follow your mother’s advice?
10. Follow your elder’s advice.
Act out a situation where the characters ask and answer questions. Use the intonation patterns in
asking and answering questions. You will guide by the following:

-Mar asking question to Luna or

-Luna to Mar
-Luna to her cousin
-Luna to her father
-Sun god to Luna
-Sea god to Mar

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