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BAG BR FE G/M ‘¥T000007 CHINA CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY. < : Ht Uw iE # CERTIFICATE OF TYPE APPROVAL ‘eh eretene TOO SIENA ARIE BT AMA EP EL i RE ALF OPA TE ER Te tei tele loving netics esa! y egtechtere eons wo rte mt a peers ec oad ak ioel ce: iATIP*ih/ Product Approved BER LIFEJACKETS ‘M{38/-/ Manufacturer. MAAS AAR SA BAS A] Jiangsu Dingxiang Marine Equipment Co., Ltd. RAT MAAR TTS ‘UST#RE/ Approval Standard 119746 Aree 65 RATESIBULR, BA, 7. 22M ‘Regulation 4,7,22 and 34, Chapter Il of International Convention forthe Safety of Life at Sea, 1978, as Amended, 2MSC.48(66) (THREE LN) BEMSC.207(81). MSC.218(82).. MSC.368(93) [MSC.48(66) the Intemational Life-saving Applianee Code and MSC.207(81). MSC.218(82).. MSC.368(93) 3.MSC:81(70) (4 AEIEM EE fe REBEL? ZMSC.200(80). MSC.226{82). MSC.323(89). MSC.378 (93) 'MSC.8I(70) Revised Recommendation on Life-saving Appliances and MSC.200(80).. MSC.226(82).. MSC.323(89). MSC378 (93) EAA RGA / This Certificate is valid until 2020105 18H / Oct 18, 2020\, On ha? Rie SPURL IT ITPA SRM Issued by __CCS Jiangsu Branch Date TEESHME Gren ana aaxwrncza, XT vOUARERTEONAURAG, SRSTOREAGUY. MOVECDD. 1 afar & Rethawn igh ta: MAAN TAS anERRCES MHETNE, SANE NRRREE TOS Ree rice sarcomere tee area tar eran [et ut tg suet Say cme! few of ecient hy ote ene ts ee py ‘Penal em po cee Se mts Ste afb es Rew Se a ey tc nee Sy ‘Wu iio FRRGUORAS interiors SCRATINAMNMERE — MG OT OHA, oI AA/Fox alos FHS el ice RANA GS Hime Bch H/T: mB RAT M1 H 3 / Poge 1 of 3 NJ95535713 NQ 16155005 GEG /Cortificate No. NJ16T00179_01 Product Description ‘CER /LIPEIACKET MA/Type + UIBIE (See attached page) ‘ALAMO RAEALREEEICAS/ Approved Drawings and Design Calculations RAMS Drawings Approval No. 1: NP12A00652 PE ARABTRUOAR A / Approval Test Report SRIRAM /Test Report No. + 2OLIYWI16~118, , 201214010 SRNGHTE ELIB/Test Report Date 2011-10-24 ‘SAAC Laboratory scam AL a A Ht The National. Suppervision Testing Center of Fishery Machinery and Instrunent ‘SRUDAUSHL/ Test Adress 2s swe No. 68 Chi Feng Rd. Shanghai, China S387 {2181/ Application of the Product 1 ADR. He A Thtended for the Life-soving of seasan and passenger 2. ILI (See attached page) UTORAES AE / Mi LATS, WALLIS ROR. AYR RNR EN Ce, REMAINS BEE. BIE. BPABHRMAREA REaQUNElh Mackae CHER enotame, HelmAnnLeN, Heine Mies Ramah. JARnee LASTER. iter type spproval, if there sre changes to the design, anterials used or aanufocturing wethod of the product thd teportant components and seh changes affect aajor cheracteristics and properties of the product or property intetes of the product are changed and exceed the scape of eporovl elated Grovings anf documents are’ tobe! examined and approved by the concerned survey office, There sewed necesaney by the survey office, the surveyor to the Soctety will go to witness relevant tests find conduet inspection end the Teaults should be able to demonstrate complinace with the spprovel conditions OTRO RARE AGEAE. SEITARI— HL. WURICAR PPA RARER, ROARK RM EOL SHAR. ee ‘ The quality aonagenent systen of the factory shall be ensure effective operation, and shall be the Sine as the situation of approval, Tf there are any changes to the quality management. systen, fauditing of the original certification organization for quality monagenent systen and the society” s ‘spproval shell ve. obtained STS gratis, AOE SUaT Ae AAEM ATION, TER RAT ADE EA Within the validity of the approval certificate, if cases occur that aay cause the Society to withdraw the approval, the manufacturer should take corrective actions in a prompt and effective CERI Y MM, ALDARA RE RIMM TNT Mea HR, ORL: MMH ROEM RanhiRe. ther ome Hithin the vallalty of the approvel certificate, the surveyor to the Soriety aay pay snamouneed uit to the manufacturing process of the prodiet In order to confira whether it fs’ in compliance ‘th he roa an documents tyrone ty te Sortety. The factory shuld rode am ative ooperat ion and necessary for the surveyor SUM PAU Rie Ate, [em ieAnm = Gus meEM ete, UTE a MER Ae PME LE Mma sicicbiins Heuou Ma mai nOeme rem: ti hat If belong to the situetion of the product has type approval mode B certificate, ‘ond aarine product cortifieate/equivalent document is not necessary those sho have obtained the certificate should be subject to poriodies! ‘audit every year. The perfodieal audit should be carried out within 9 months Before ang efter the einiversary date shich corresponds to the date of expiry of the relevant. snance Requirements of Approval {SADIE RLRDSASK/_Method of Product Inspection after Approval LINHA OY B/The produc inspected by sampling in torn of the rules Sepa a aindil Se ACGAIPERAERE DS REESE. Sl aA Attar cpprevals ‘product inspection should be carried out by sampling by the Surveyor of the Society in secordance vith the approved product inspection scheme, and thellarine Product Certificate will bbe issued by the Society upon satisfactory inspection ~~ ME ROAR BO RRMASER/_Inspestion Requirements for Materials and Components iba RH REA ULI ere Th foto he once ad conorent of be rast Should be manufactured by the factory ape ty BAHN Retzorretlective materials yo ESIHF certificate No, NIGTOOITS_O1 M2 WHS HL / Page 2 of 3 N° 15806496 EBM /Cortitic No, __NJ16700179_01 Fol F RH OSE AONE HL HEAG/The following materials and components of the product should be inspected by the Society: S4E4KT /Life jacket. lam ADTRAN REM OIRTIN, GAAMIAT ARI /THe List of manufacturer fo the following fatertals and comonents of the product should not be changed without the Societys approval HIME Buoyancy, MIH/Cover, Hl/Closures, HBBL/Seans, -F/Tapes HEH / Statement of Responsibility ARVIND REN. BACAR RAR NNN I ATA LACT AVIATOR. SEARS AN AR RMN BDRM, ARALIACEAE ET AUP RLOU ERLE The approval of the Society does not affect and replace any approval and certification of the nanufacturer by any parties that bear no relation vith this Society’ s authorization or survey and therefore takes no responsibility for these parties. The Society does not undertake any legal and economic Liabilities arising from accepting this Society’ s certificate without prior permission from this Society. 3£fh/Otners =A EAI ACH EH (Wo, NJ1.ZTOODAG_O1, XJL2TOOOAG_02) RTIEAM ERTIES. ‘This certificate is roneved from and supersedes the previous Type Approval Certificate No. JL2TO0O46_01, NJ12TO0046.02 ARAL CLR EET PART AAPL, LARA Se IE LAT By RE CH The declaration of asbestos-free submitted by manufacturer has been reviewed by the Society. However, liability of the manufacturer to guarantee the products are asbestos-free to purchaser under contract Will not be exempted ARAL IAP CS Jiangsu Braneh seeeeKUEREXIE/ End of Texteonen i RERAAMT, SUT & Note:The certificate is atteched with 1 sadittenal ps : SS NO 15engqg7 BMMY/ertItHeate No. wsreTo017s oF M5 HS SH / Page 3 of 3 ‘iE 15803 /Certificate No. NII6T00179_01 HH SUA dditional Page 7 th Product Description WER GRAD ASAE Marine life jacketAdul) Marine lif jackeChild) RT yw Y¥SS91A YYSS9IC Type 8 eh i RAE Shel fabric Oxford ctw Oxford cloth Oxford lth ne EPE RZ ERE HZ60E EPE REZABHODE Buoyant Materia EPE Polythene far EPE Polythene foam _EPE Polythene foam ae 219N 21U9N 288N Buoyancy. 2a NEAR Z = zg Buoyancy Loss (24h) = = = HR (om) BOE LE 153 sayweia | Mei com) $3 ormore 43 or more 18 or more butless then 43, Scope af application | Tt (kg) 155 ROLE 155 ae 100-133 ‘Weight (hg) 185 ormore 135 ormore 100 oF mre but ess then 183 ARALRUEA CALA) FINDEN FANGS) 140kg, HAC 1750mm ff) AFI Marine life jacket(Adult also to fit persons weighting up to 140kg and with a chest girth of up to 17S0mm. 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