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Autonomy, teamwork, varied and dy-

namic classes where the teacher must Foreign language
define the goals for the students are
involved in the CLIL method, stan-
ding out the use of authentic and 
comprehensible material as a tool for content/content-based.html
the students to develp communicative
skills throught the learning of the se- 
cond anguage. watch?v=r0DvXxqO94o
The teacheer would use some strate- Content-Based
gies to teach as: activate students' ba-  Current approaches and
ckground knowledge to reading and methods, Richards & Rodgers. Instruction
listening activities and helping them to (CBI)
anticipate the content of texts; and
providing contextual clues to meaning,
including gestures, visuals, realia, or
graphic organizers.

María Camila Amaya Angarita

Cod. 26171002.

María Fernanda Santamaría

Cod. 26171145.
content-based instruction (CBI), or content and language integrated learning (CLIL).

This method is based in teaching the

second language bound with the APPROACH
teaching of academic subjects. Accor- Students have to be prepared for academy
ding to several authors this method studies and in this method communicative
helps the students to acquire and im- approaches maintain the second language as
prove their skills in the second language a tool for communicating and here, is there-
through the learning and developing fore best learned by using it to communi-
knowledge in specific contexts. cate. Language as a vehicle for learning con-
tent and used as a form to integrate skills by
using the language with meaning and pur-
There is not an only one model of this DESING
method to follow, but all of the models
are identify by the characteristics: They
are based on a subject-matter core, they The objectives of CLIL course are the
use authentic language and texts and same as the objectives of the subject
they are appropriate to the needs of course. The objective is the content, not
specific groups of students. the language, in this method, language is
going to be use as a tool to learn ocabu-
lary, discourse, interaction and develop
These means that this method has to be skills.
modify by the teacher according to the
group he is going to teach.
 Topics selected from stundt’s inter-
est, related to subject’s vocabulary,
"People learn a second language more structures and concepts where the
successfully when they use the language comprehension is developed.
as a means of acquiring information, rat-
her than as an end in itself" (Richards &
Rodgers, 2001, p. 207).

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