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My 5 week of experience as Student-Teacher at Sampaga High School

From January 28 to February 2, 2019

Grade 7 Honesty performed absolutely just the Flag Ceremony

From the left Ma’am Demi Ann A. Ocampo- my Cooperating Teacher, myself, Matt Madla, Lea Maries Pelasol,
Johny Mansalapuz, Erica Lacanilao, Myca Ortega and Sir Jessie Silvestre- my Cooperating Principal.

I began my week with an extraordinary Flag

Ceremony. My CT, Ma’am Demi Ann A. Ocampo and I
worked for hand in hand to make our Flag Ceremony
memorable. We led the grade7-Honesty to perform the
best they could. I suggested that it would be great if we
try ethnic style and to push grade 7 honesty of what
they can show up. Thanks a lot! my CT agreed. The
result was appreciated by the faculty members and
students. The Headteacher had also shown his Sampaga High School Flag
appreciation for the job well done through mentioning Ceremony
our efforts on his speech.

After the Flag Ceremony, Sir Jessie Silvestre

announced the schedule of the releasing of cards and it
will be on Friday. During our vacant hours, My CT
showed me how she prepares the students form 138 by
literally asking me to encode their grades directly on
their cards and she also showed me how she makes a
list for those who have not yet submitted their form
137, Birth Certificate and Certificate of Good Moral
Character for follow up. I literally Encode students’ grades

Thursday morning, I was also able to join some faculty members to market the Sampaga
High School too all grade 6 students of Don Fausto Elementary School, Colgante, Apalit. I saw how
these dedicated teachers introduce the SHS as a perfect school for them and I realized many things

Jolyon T. Domingo’s Portfolio/2019 My Weekly

SHS markets Don Fausto Elementary School for
Releasing of cards.
next A.Y. 2019-2020.

about SHS. One thing I appreciated most is that SHS is very strict in term of execution of the DepEd
Order “No Collection Policy”.

Friday, releasing of cards was another amazing experience for me. I was able to see how
parents react when they saw their children’s cards. Sometimes I smile but many times I wonder. It
was so sad that more than 50% of the total number of parents did not come. I felt that we need to
act as a response to this unacceptable state but it should be an act of total collaboration of all the
stakeholders to solve it.

This week I have taught my grade 7 students with Types of Sentences and for the grade 9
St. John was all about preparation to career desired.

Jolyon T. Domingo’s Portfolio/2019 My Weekly

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