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Comparing Neubauer Hemacytometer, SY

Conventional, SY Located, and Automated Flow
Cytometer F–100 Methods for Urinalysis
Yung-Liang Chen, PhD,1 Mao-Kuei Chang,2 Yu-Jen Chen,1 Bao-Chy Chang3
(1Department of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology, Yuanpei University, Hsinchu, 2Shih-Yung Medical Instruments Co. Ltd,

Taipei, 3Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Armed Forces Shun-Shan Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China)

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Abstract Results: Overall, each pair of the methods Conclusions: The data suggests that caution
Background: The present study compared were well correlated with a correlation value is needed for the WBC measurement. We
various urinalysis methods for common r>0.9 (P<0.001) for RBC and EC using a linear also found that the UF-100 method tended
laboratory screening procedures. regression analysis. However, the r value for to overestimate the number of abnormal
WBC ranged between 0.73 and 0.98. Further individuals for all cell types relative to the
Methods: The authors compared the Neubauer analysis, regardless of the method chosen, other methods. Since the flow cytometer
hemacytometer, SY conventional, SY located, reveals that the overall performance of WBC method is fast and less tedious, we suggest
and automated UF-100 flow cytometer count was slightly lower than that of RBC that it is appropriate to use UF-100 for
methods for the determination of red blood and EC. conducting urinalysis in a large number of
cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), and patients, while the SY located method could
epithelial cells (ECs) in 182 subjects. be used for a final confirmation.

Urine analysis for the presence of red blood cells (RBCs), Urine Sample Preparation
white blood cells (WBCs), and epithelial cells (ECs) remains More than 20 mL of fresh, midstream urine from each
the most common screening procedure in laboratories for early subject was collected and examined within 1 to 2 h. Ten mL of
detection of renal or urinary tract disease in asymptomatic sub- well-mixed urine was poured into the SY quantitative centrifu-
jects. The conventional procedure consists of using test strips gal tube for cell count and hemacytometer analysis. The remain-
followed by a microscopic examination of urine sediment when ing 10 mL was used for the other assay methods.
test strips are positive.1,2 This procedure, however, often gives a
significant rate of false-negatives or -positives when compared Automated UF-100 Flow Cytometry Analysis
with precise cell counts.3,4 Urine particle counting by visual mi- In brief, after identifying each urine sample by its bar code,
croscopy is convenient, but is time consuming when examining the automated UF-100 analyzer (Sysmex) was used to aspirate
a large number of samples.5 Presently, there are 2 popular meth- 800 µL of the sample for cell, bacteria, and cast counts based
ods for cell counting: automated flow cytometer UF-100 and on electrical impedance for volume, forward light-scatter for
manual SY located. The SY conventional method, originally size, and fluorescent dye to determine nuclear and cytoplasmic
developed by Shih-Yung Medical Instruments, uses one kind characteristics.6
of grid slide with a 0.1-mm depth for cell count. The newly
developed SY located, however, uses 2 kinds of grid devices with Microscopy With the SY System
plurality of counting chambers, one with 81 square grids with The SY system (Shih-Yung Medical Instruments, Taiwan)
a 0.1-mm depth and the other with 24 rectangular grids with a consists of an SY quantitative centrifuge tube and an SY double-
0.05-mm depth. The rectangular grids make the urine sediment grid counting slide 10. The centrifuge tube containing the urine
examination (containing blood cells and pus) easier and clearer specimen was capped and centrifuged at 1,500 rpm for 5 min. Fol-
under microscopic observation. lowing aspiration of the supernatant to a marked level, the pellet
Both the UF-100 and SY systems have claimed to be was agitated into a homogeneous mixture followed by a sampling
precise and accurate for urinalysis. In the present study, we pipette provided by the manufacturer. After that, RBCs, WBCs,
evaluated these 2 methods and compared them with other and ECs were examined using a high-power field (HPF). The SY
conventional measures such as the Neubauer hemacytometer double-grid counting slide 10 provides 2 types of grids for cell
and SY conventional in order to offer a reference for clinical counting. One is used for conventional cell counts (SY conven-
laboratories. tional) and the other for locating the cells (SY located).
The conventional grid has 9 large squares that are evenly
divided into 9 small square grids (for a total of 81). Each large
square grid is 1 mm in length with a chamber depth of 0.10
Materials and Methods mm. For cell counting, the diagonal small square grids (n=9
in each large square grid) were used for each cell type count at
Study Population a 400× magnification. The mean cell numbers per HPF were
The study population consisted of 182 randomized sub- calculated as below:
jects who underwent physical examinations at the Taipei Jen-Ai The mean cell numbers per HPF = n/9 × 1.6; where n is
Municipal Hospital. the total number of cells counted in 9 small square grids. April 2009 j Volume 40 Number 4 j LABMEDICINE 227


The new SY located, so-called “thinner platform,” con- To determine the effect of cell types on the counting per-
sists of 4 large square grids. Each grid is 1 mm in length with a formance, the number of individuals whose cell-count values
chamber depth of 0.05 mm. The large grid is further divided being either false-negative or false-positive (determined by all
into 6 small rectangular grids (for a total of 24). The volume of the methods combined) were summed. This number was then
each small rectangular grid is 0.0083 µL, which is equivalent to defined as the cases that are not consistent. For instance, the
the average volume of 1 microscopic HPF in the conventional RBC values in a subject counted as “normal” by UF-100 but
method of urinary sediment examination. “abnormal” by the others was classified as not consistent. The
For urinary sediments, either cells per µL or cells per HPF remaining number of cases are defined as “consistent.” Percent
were reported. The 4 big square grids of the thinner platform consistency was calculated by ([182–n]/182) × 100; where n =
were used and counted at a 400× magnification. The mean cell number of cases that were not consistent. Therefore, each RBC,
numbers per HPF were calculated as follows: WBC, or EC count possesses its own percent consistency.
The mean cell numbers per HPF = N/12, while the mean
cell numbers per µL were calculated according to the mean cell

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numbers per µL = N/4 × 1.2; where N is the total number of
cells counted in 4 big square grids. Results

Neubauer Hemacytometeric Analysis Categorization

The Neubauer hemacytometer contains 9 big square grids, The criteria for defining the samples as normal and abnor-
where the central big square is divided into 25 small square grids mal are listed in Table 1. Individuals that show cell-count levels
and the surrounding ones are divided into 16 small square grids. greater than that of standard reference values used in the clini-
For cell counting, the diagonal small square grids, except the cal laboratories are considered to be abnormal, but they are not
middle ones (total 8 small square grids), were used and counted necessarily associated with clinical symptoms.
at a 400× magnification. The mean cell numbers per HPF were
calculated as M × 2/9 × 1.6; where M is the total cell numbers
counted in 8 small square grids. Correlation Between the Methods
First, we compared the correlation between the methods
Statistical Analysis using linear regression for all 182 subjects regardless of normal
The cell counts for RBCs, WBCs, and ECs of all 182 or abnormal values. Table 2 shows that each pair of methods
subjects were evaluated without knowing their clinical history. was significantly correlated with each other between every
Those subjects with cell counts greater than standard reference 2 methods for RBC and EC count with a correlation coef-
values were defined as abnormal. The criteria for the reference ficient (r) greater than 0.9 (P<0.001). The correlation was
values of each cell count are given in Table 1. Percent of abnor- slightly lower for WBC measurement but remains significant
mal is calculated by the number of subjects or cases (n) over the (P<0.001). Also, the mean levels of RBC, EC, and WBC deter-
investigated subjects, or as (n/182) × 100. Correlation between mined by each method were not statistically different with
each pair of methods was performed by scatter plot using a a wide range of standard deviation (data not shown).
linear regression in which a correlation coefficient (r) was estab-
lished. Levels of significant difference were determined by Identification of Abnormals Using Neubauer
a paired t test with P<0.05 as a cutoff. Hemacytometer, SY Conventional, SY Located,
and Automated UF-100 Flow Cytometer
Since the abnormal values of patients are critical and es-
sential in clinical practice, we further evaluated the number
and percentage of abnormal subjects determined by each
Table 1_General Criteria for the Diagnosis in Subjects method according to the criteria listed in Table 1. Table 3
With Normal and Abnormal Cell Ranges
shows that the percentages of abnormal patients identified
Method Category Abnormal Range by Neubauer hemacytometer, SY conventional, SY located,
and UF-100 methods were 17.03%, 17.03%, 16.48%, and
Neubauer chamber RBC/HPF $3 21.98% for RBC count, respectively. Likewise, the percentages
WBC/HPF $5 were 12.09%, 12.64%, 12.09%, and 18.69% for EC and were
SY conventional method RBC/HPF $3
15.38%, 15.38%, 16.48%, and 26.37% for WBC. Most inter-
WBC/HPF $5 estingly, the number of abnormal subjects identified by auto-
EC/HPF >4 mated UF-100 tended to be larger than the other methods,
SY located method RBC/HPF $3 particularly for the WBC measurement (Table 3).
RBC/μL $12 Effect of Cell Types on the Overall Counting
WBC/μL $20 Performance
EC/μL >15 We next evaluated the effect of cell types on the overall
UF-100 RBC/HPF $3 counting performance. Those individuals whose cell-count
values in each respective cell type (for example, RBC) that
RBC/μL $17.6 give either false-positives or -negatives judged by all 4 methods
WBC/μL $15.4 were defined as “inconsistent” cases (please refer to the section
EC/μL >8.7 on statistics in Materials and Methods for definition). Table
WBC, white blood cell; RBC, red blood cell; EC, epithelial cell; HPF, high power field. 4 shows that there were 171, 165, and 156 consistent cases
for RBC, EC, and WBC, respectively (containing no false-

228 LABMEDICINE j Volume 40 Number 4 j April 2009


Table 2_Correlation Between Each Pair of Methods for Red Blood Cell, Epithelial Cell, and White Blood Cell Count

Methods for Red Blood Cell

R Neubauer Counting Chamber UF-100 SY Located Method SY Conventional Method

Neubauer counting chamber – 0.91 0.99 0.97

UF-100 0.91 – 0.95 0.95
SY located method 0.99 0.95 – 0.98
SY conventional method 0.97 0.95 0.98 –

Methods for Epithelial Cell

R Neubauer Counting Chamber UF-100 SY Located Method SY Conventional Method

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Neubauer counting chamber – 0.93 0.95 0.96
UF-100 0.93 – 0.91 0.92
SY located method 0.95 0.91 – 0.92
SY conventional method 0.96 0.92 0.92 –

Methods for White Blood Cell

R Neubauer Counting Chamber UF-100 SY Located Method SY Conventional Method

Neubauer counting chamber – 0.97 0.86 0.76

UF-100 0.97 – 0.83 0.73
SY located method 0.86 0.83 – 0.98
SY conventional method 0.76 0.73 0.98 –
Correlation (r) between the 2 methods was determined by a linear regression analysis.
All P values were less than 0.001.

Table 3_Percent of Abnormal Subjects or Cases Determined by Each Analytic Method From 182 Subjects

% Abnormals ([n/182] x 100)

Method (n) Red Blood Cells (n) White Blood Cells (n) Epithelial Cells

Neubauer hemacytomer (31) 17.0 (29) 15.9 (22) 12.1

SY conventional method (30) 16.5 (24) 13.2 (24) 13.3
SY located method (31) 17.0 (30) 16.5 (22) 12.1
UF-100 (40) 22.0 (44) 24.2 (26) 14.3
* Abnormal individuals (n) are defined as cell count greater than standard reference values (see Table 1).

Table 4_Effect of Cell Types on the Overall Cell-Count Performance

Cell types Total Cases * Inconsistent Cases Consistent Cases % Consistency

Red blood cells 182 11 171 94

Epithelial cells 182 17 165 90.7
White blood cells 182 26 156 85.7
* Inconsistent cases represent for the number of subjects with either false-positives or -negatives determined by all methods combined (see Materials and Methods) April 2009 j Volume 40 Number 4 j LABMEDICINE 229


negatives or -positives). The percentage of case consistency for consideration as they may interfere with the diffusion of cells in
WBC (85.7%) seemed to be low relative to RBC (94%) and the SY double-grid counting slide 10.
EC (90.7%) (Table 4). This was because the automated UF-100 Furthermore, based on the clinical diagnosis, it is neces-
tended to overestimate WBC counts and lowered the overall sary to monitor the location of hematuria by examining the
consistency. However, following the removal of those incon- morphology of urinary RBCs.10-13 Using a microscope, the
sistent cases, the correlation between each paired method for detection of abnormal shapes (such as acanthocytes and other
WBC as well as for RBC and EC was highly correlated (r>0.9) dysmorphic forms) as a marker for glomerular hematuria has
(data not shown). It appears that caution is needed when using become a tradition in erythrocyte analysis.10,14 Nonetheless,
UF-100 for WBC analysis. The strategy in the use of UF-100 the different reference for populations, specimen collection
for urinalysis is discussed below. procedures, and analytical handling has to be carefully evaluated
prior to the determination by each method. Caution is needed
for the establishment of normal ranges in adults,15 infants, and
Discussion children.16 In addition, the number of cells found in the sample

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We evaluated and compared urinalyses of 182 subjects can be affected not only by the method of counting but also by
using Neubauer hemacytometer, SY conventional, SY located, the test tubes used,1,7 to which cells, casts, and other particles
and automated UF-100 methods. Each pair of methods in the can adhere. Other mechanical forces, such as transportation and
determination of RBC, WBC, or EC is significantly correlated centrifugation, can also damage the cells to be counted.
and acceptable. However, the abnormal cases determined by Taken together, the first 3 methods were conducted by
UF-100 tended to be higher than the other methods (Table 3). well-trained laboratory technicians using a high-power field
The reason for such overestimation (for example, RBC) has (HPF) to visually confirm the cell types, whereas the UF-100
been mainly due to the presence of crystals, yeast, sperm, and a is based on electrical impedance for forward light-scattering
large number of bacteria as already pointed out by others.7,8 The and fluorescent staining. Therefore, the UF-100 method may
presence of naked EC nuclei may also contribute to the overes- overestimate the cell count, which is unavoidable due to the
timation of WBC.9 Some other factors, such as the presence of nonspecific fluorescent staining and interference of light scat-
cast and mucus in the urine samples, should also be taken into tering by cell debris.

Gross Specimen Teaser No. 2

230 LABMEDICINE j Volume 40 Number 4 j April 2009


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