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Phone no : +917892543484
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Professional Summary:

Having 3+ Years of experience in IT Industries with Professional Development, Automation of Build,

Deployment, Release Management and Configuration Management activities

Devops Skills :
 Administration of both Windows and Linux Systems.
 Experience in Software Configuration Management tools on Windows environment and Linux using
Subversion and Git.
 Good knowledge in GitLab
 Integrated Build Process through Jenkins to various SCM tools like Git and Subversion .
 Developed and maintained end-to-end build scripts like Pom.xml, build.xml for packaging the enterprise
applications with ANT and Maven.
 Expertise with build systems and tools such as Maven.
 Good experience in creating and configuring new Build jobs, Plug-ins Management, distributed builds using
Master/Slaves and other administration tasks in Jenkins.
 Use Jenkins to create jobs for clients to build and deploy packages on demand.
 Experience in using Bug tracking tool like JIRA and ServiceNow
 Expertise in trouble shooting the problems generated while building, and deploying.
 Efficient in working closely with teams to ensure high quality and timely delivery of builds and releases.
 Hands on experience in shell and Python Scripting.
 Strong knowledge on source controller concepts like Branches, Merges and Tags.
 Ability in managing all aspects of the software configuration management process including code
compilation, packaging /deployment /release methodology and application configurations
 Extensively worked on Jenkins for continuous integration and for End to End automation for all build and
 Installation, Configuration, Administration of Jenkins for continuous integration.
 Knowledge on writing the Ansible Playbooks Roles for configures the new licensed servers.
 Configured the servers with the Nagios monitoring and monitored the performance metrics of the
production servers
 Created continuous integration system using Jenkins, Rundeck, with full automation
 Integrated Build Process through Jenkins to various SCM tools like GitHub.
 Writing the chef cookbooks for apache, tomcat and for Infrastructure provision on AWS
 Configuring the Docker containers and creating Docker files for different environments.
 Good knowledge in taking the backup using Nexus.
 Having knowledge to check the code quality plug-in SonarQube.
 Very good knowledge deployment process using the Rundeck and chef.
 Took ownership of the task to be delivered and working extra hours if required to ensure that delivery is not
 Actively involved in various project requirement analysis in addition to project development.
 Involved in technical discussions with the Client negotiated, planned and managed all project related
 Attending the calls, meetings with the clients to ensure smooth project / task delivery.

 Participated in various application life cycle development steps from development, QA to production.
AWS: -
 Fundamental knowledge on the AWS cloud computing platform with different services.
 Launching and configuring of Amazon EC2 Cloud Servers using AMI’s (Redhat/Ubuntu) and configuring the
servers for specified applications.
 Worked on creating Roles, users and groups using IAM GUI.
 Having hands on experience on AWS, VPC, S3, Instance, firewall routing etc.
 Configuring security groups and grouping the servers depending on the applications.
 Enabling and disabling of inbound and outbound ports of security groups using AWS GUI.
 Taking backup of EBS volume.
 Implemented Auto Scaling using custom based AMI on Centos/Red hat.
 Deploying chef to completely provision and manage AWS EC2 instances, volumes, DNS, and S3.

Linux Skills :
 Responsible for installation, configuration, management and maintenance over Linux Systems.
 Remote Administration of Linux Server Using SSH Viewer
 Monitoring Server using Nagios.
 Installation & Configuration of various Linux Flavors such as Redhat 5.0, 6.0 and Centos .
 Package Management using RPM & Yum , Disk Management Partitioning Tools like fdisk ,parted etc.
 Experienced in Installing, Upgrading, Patching, Configuring and Administrating Red Hat Linux.
 File System Management Ext2, Ext3,Ext4 Utilities.
 Configuration of SQUID proxy server with access control list for Internet.
 Managing different file Server like NFS, FTP and SAMBA Server.
 Configuration of FTP and remote applications like SSH, SCP, Telnet.
 Configuration of different RAIDS RAID0,RAID1, RAID5 on Linux.
 Configuration of LVM and managing the volumes, configuration of virtualization.
 Diagnosing user related issues and providing solutions to them backup & restoration by using tar.
 Diagnosing monitoring performance and network related issues using PS, Telnet.
 Responsible for adding creating new users, groups and setup home directories and appropriate access
restrictions to software to and directories &file using access modes.
 Maintaining Linux Quota system, Operating installing through Kickstart and PXE Boot.
 Configure IP Addresses, Subnet Masks and gateway Addresses on Routers and hosts.
 Remote administration of management Routers& Switches with Telnet and SSH

Education Details:

 Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science from Sri Venkateswara University – 2014

Work Details:

 Working with Tavant technologies Pvt. Ltd from May 2017 to till now
 Worked with Citrix R&D India PVT LTD from sep 2015 to April 2017
 Worked with Pinnacle Infotech PVT LTD form march 2015 to august 2015
Technical Skills

Tools & Technology DevOps

Version Control System GIT, SVN, Mercurial
Build Tools Ant, Maven
Continuous Integration Jenkins/Hudson
AWS (Fair understanding of AWS Services-EC2, Security Group Management, S3,
Cloud Computing ELB, Auto Scaling, Route 53, VPC, EBS , RDS, Cloud Watch, VPC Peering, Public
subnet, Private Subnet, Internet gateway, Nat gateway, Elastic IP, Ami, Route
53, Volumes, Snapshot, NACL, Security.
Virtualization Platform Virtual Box, Vagrant.
Containerization tools Docker
Scripting Shell, Python
Ansible, Chef, Rundeck
Operating System Linux–Centos, Ubuntu, RHEL, Windows
Databases Oracle/MYSQL.
Application Servers Apache Tomcat
Log Monitoring tools Nagios
Code Analysis Sonarqube

Professional Experience
Project #1
Client : Provident Financial Services Inc Feb 2015 to APR 2017
Role : Build and Release Engineer
Environment : SVN, Maven, Jenkins, chef, AWS, Nexus,Nagios, Mysql, JIRA
Team Size :5
 Branching, Tagging, Release Activities on Version Control Tools: SVN.
 Creating the automated build and deployment process for application, re-engineering setup for better user
experience, and leading up to building a continuous integration system for all our products.
 Implemented rapid-provisioning and life-cycle management for Ubuntu, Linux using Amazon EC2, Ansible,
and custom Shell scripts
 Developed automation framework for Application Deployments to the cloud environments
 Managed and optimize the Continuous Delivery tools like Jenkins.
 Developed and implemented Software Release Management strategies for various applications according to
the agile process.
 Writing inventory files, Ansible Configuration files, Ansible playbooks and scripting
 Implemented AWS solutions using EC2, S3, RDS, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer, Auto scaling groups,
 Optimized volumes and EC2 instances
 Providing access to S3 buckets and folders using IAM policies
 Used Maven as build tool on Java projects for the development of build artifacts on the source code
 Automated deployment of builds to different environments using Jenkins.
 Worked on infrastructure with Docker containerization.
 Created and maintained the Shell deployment scripts for Tomcat Server/Tomcat web application servers.
 Worked with Ansible on various deployment Configurations.
 Developed shell scripts for automation of the build and release process.
 Develop Custom Scripts to monitor repositories, Server storage.
 Member of the Technical Design team, Build and Release Module for Development of new products.
 Performed and deployed Builds for various Environments like QA, Integration, UAT and Productions

Project #2
Client : Tavant technologies Pvt Ltd. May 2017 to till now
Project : Provident Financial Services Inc.
Role : Build and Release Engineer
Environment : Git, Maven, Jenkins, Docker , shell, Ansible, Nexus, mysql, Nagios, Sonarqube,
Team Size :6

 Responsible for tagging and maintain code version control GIT and Responsible for creating builds and
deployment plans
 Build the code using build tool Maven.
 Setting up Jenkins master, adding the necessary plugins and adding more slaves to support scalability and
 Planning and setting up of Continuous Integration for various properties on Jenkins with Commit,
Component, Assembly, Deploy and Smoke jobs.
 Branching, Tagging, Release Activities on Version Control Tools
 Setting up commit builds to check for compilation failures of checked-in source code by the developers to
accelerate CI.
 Assembly, deploy jobs to list the exact configuration of packages with all their dependencies, settings and
deploying them to various environments for running tests.
 Set up the Nexus repository for deploys the artifacts.
 Writing Cookbooks, Docker files for different scenarios to manage the infrastructure and integrating with
CI/CD (Jenkins)
 Working with the development team to increase the unit test code coverage.
 Planning the releasing activities and delivering them on schedule
 Managing nightly builds, weekly builds, feature addition builds.
 Automation of day-to-day, repetitive tasks
 Experience in designing and deploying AWS solutions using EC2, RDS, EBS, Elastic load Balancer ,
Auto scaling, Optimized volumes, Create multi EC2 and VPC instances, Used IAM to create new Accounts,
roles and groups
 Providing access to S3 buckets and folders using IAM policies

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