The Politics of Location - Feminist and Queer Spaces Within Global Contexts

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The Politics of Location: Feminist and Queer Spaces within Global Contexts
A special issue of Gramma/Γράμμα: Journal of Theory and Criticism (2018)
Deadline for proposals: 15 March 2017
For this special issue of Gramma/Γράμμα: Journal of Theory and Criticism (2018) we invite you to submit
papers focusing on what Adrienne Rich termed “the politics of location.” Papers may examine theoretical,
literary, and, more broadly, artistic explorations of various kinds of location (for example, in addition to
location, allocation, dislocation, relocation). How do cultural, economic, historical, and political legacies, as
well as material conditions, inform or produce the movement of bodies across various spaces (for example,
textual, media, geographical, temporal, embodied, relational)? How does such movement shape the definition,
recognition, viability, and value of those bodies? How have changing conceptions of space produced and
reshaped understandings of gender, sex, sexuality, ethnicity, race, disability, and class? Relatedly, in what ways
does the body become the site where individual, local and global intersections take place?
Contributions may analyze works from any time period or engage with readings across times and cultures.
Topics may include the following:

 digital embodiments and cybersexualities

 new media spaces as counter-geographies
 the globalization of erotic spaces
 race and class questioning within and against feminist and queer geography
 postcolonial locations and bodies
 decoloniality
 feminist politics in local/global frameworks
 transnational activism and body rights
 human trafficking
 migrations
 refugee crises
Proposals (500 words) and a short/abbreviated curriculum vitae should be sent to Margaret Breen
( and Katerina Kitsi-Mitakou ( by March 15, 2017 (drafts
will be due by August 1, 2017).
Gramma/Γράμμα: Journal of Theory and Criticism is an international journal, published in English and Greek
once a year by the School of English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in collaboration with the Publications
Department of the university. It welcomes articles and book reviews from a wide range of areas within the
theory and criticism of literature and culture. Of particular interest to the journal are articles with an
interdisciplinary approach. Each individual issue has guest editors and is devoted to a subject of recent cultural
interest, with book reviews relevant to the topic. All manuscripts are subject to blind peer review and will be
commented on by at least two independent experts.
For more information about the journal, visit .
(posted 3 September 2016)

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