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Heat Recover)' Systems Vol. 6, No. I, pp. 47-61. 1986 0198-7593/86 $3.00 + 0.

Printed in Great Britain. Pergamon Press Ltd


H E A T P U M P S Y S T E M S F R O M 1975 T O M A Y 1985


Department of Chemical and Gas Engineering, University of Salford, Salford M5 4W/', U.K.

Abstract--More than four hundred references for absorption heat pump systems have been listed and
classified on the basis of heating, cooling and heat storage. They have been further classified on the basis
of water-lithium bromide, ammonia-water and other systems.


In recent years there has been an increasing interest in the development of heat driven absorption
systems for heating, cooling and heat storage. Absorption systems have the advantage that they
can operate on relatively low temperature heat and furthermore do not require compressors, which
are not always readily available. Furthermore, they can often be more accurately matched to a
particular application than a mechanical vapour compression system. Their disadvantage is the
relative lack of thermodynamic and operating data required for the design of large scale systems.
The classification of references reported in this paper was made in order to help people to make
better use of existing data and to encourage further research in absorption systems.
Appendix 1 gives references with titles in English with the names of the first author in
alphabetical order. Appendix 2 gives references without titles in English.
Sections 1A, 1B and 1C list the name of the first author and year for each of the main references
since 1975 for water-lithium bromide, ammonia-water and other absorption systems, respectively,
for cooling.
Sections 2A, 2B and 2C list the name of the first author and year for each of the main references
since 1975 for water-lithium bromide, ammonia-water and other absorption systems, respectively,
for heating.
Sections 3 and 4 list the name of the first author and year for each of the main references since
1975 for reversed absorption systems (heat transformers) and absorption heat storage systems,
Some references appear under more than one classification.



Experimental papers
Albinder et al., 1975 Kumar et al., 1985
Bessler et al., 1975 Kumar et aL, 1984
Burdukov et aL, 1976 Kuriiov et al., 1976
Bykov et aL, 1982 Landauro et al., 1983
Camporese et al., 1980 Mitsubishi Ltd, 1983
Eisa et aL, 1985 Namkoong, 1976
Gabsi et al., 1983 Pyzhov et al., 1977
Grosman et al., 1976 Rosenfeld et al., 1978
lyoki et al., 1981 Van-Hattem et al., 1981
Iyoki et al., 1978 Volfiykh et al., 1976
Iyoki et aL, 1977 Ward et aL, 1979
Kumar et aL, 1985 Zhuravlenko et al., 1975

*Mahmoud Abdel Rahman Eisa; (Ph.D.), Cairo, Egypt.

48 M . A . R . EIsA et al.

Theoretical papers
Anderson, 1976 Lazzarin, 1980
Boldrin et al., 1978 Miao, 1978
Cocchi, 1980 Perry, 1975
Cocchi et al., 1979 Renz et al., 1982
Gazinski, 1981 Vliet et al., 1983
Lansing, 1976 Vliet et al., 1982
Lawson, 1980 Vliet et al., 1980


Experimental papers
Danilov et al., 1976 Gross el al., 1984
Danilov et al., 1976 Holldorf, 1977
Dao et al., 1976 Jansen, 1983
Dao et al., 1977 Kandlikar, 1982
Diessner, 1980 Merrick, 1982
Gorbunov, 1976 Muhlmann et aL, 1983
Gross et al., 1984 Qusrawi et al., 1981
Rojey el al., 1980
Theoretical papers
Anderson, 1976 Koshkin, 1985
Brousse et al., 1983 Kuhlenschmidt et al., 1983
Dhar et al., 1977 Muhlmann et al., 1983
Farber et al., 1977 Perez-Blanco, 1984
Hensgens et al., 1980 Qusrawi et al., 1981
Johnston, 1980 Schmidt, 1980
Kaushik et al., 1985 Schu¢ller, 1984
Kaushik et al., 1981 Sheridan et al., 1981
Kaushik et al., 1982 Simmons, 1975
Kaushik et al., 1982 Tleimat et al., 1978
Kaushik et al., 1982 Tropp et al., 1983


Experimental papers
Bierman, 1979 Murphy et al., 1983
Carrier Corp., 1976 Sanyo Co., 1982
Cohen et al., 1981 Sibley, 1976
Eichholz et al., 1980 Timofeevskii et d., 1983
Inst. Francis, 1980 Trane Co., 1979
Jelinck et al., 1980 Uemura, 1975
Kakabaev et al., 1976 Uemura, 1976
Krueger, 1977 Usukin et al., 1977
Mark et al., 1983 Ward et al., 1976
Matsuhita Co., 1983 Wehner et al., 1975
Matsuhita Co., 1983 Yanchenko et al., 1976
Matsuhita Co., 1983 Yazaki Corp., 1984
Matsuhita Co., 1983 Yazaki Corp., 1984
Yazaki Corp., 1984
Theoretical papers
Akaji, 1982 Kaushik et al., 1985
Alizaheh et al., 1979 Kaushik et al., 1984
Allen et al., 1976 Leibundgut et al., 1976
Allen et al., 1976 Lorsch, 1981
Andrew et al.. 1978 Mansoori et al., 1979
Best, 1977 McLinden et al., 1983
Best et al., 1976 Munner et al., 1985
Bjurstr6m et al., 1981 Oonk et al., 1975
Borde et al., 1977 Perez-Blanco et al., 1981
Collier, 1978 Phillips, 1976
Collier, 1979 Radermacher el al., 1980
Eichholz et al., 1980 Radermacher et al., 1982
Gadhi et al., 1984 Renz et al., 1981
Gandhidsan et al., 1976 Rojey et al., 1983
Gilman, 1975 Rojey et al., 1983
Gilman et aL, 1975 Russel et al., 1984
Grassie et aL, 1976 Sauer, 1977
Jelinek et al., 1978 Smith et al., 1981
Kappel et al., 1981 Steimle et al., 1981
Classified references for absorption heat pump systems since 1975 49

Stephan, 1980 Ward, 1979

Stephan et al., 1984 Ward et al., 1977
Tyagi, 1983 Whitlow, 1976
Tyagi, 1984 Wilbur et al., 1975
Tyagi et al., 1976 Wilbur et al., 1976
Uemura, 1977



E x p e r i m e n t a l papers
Bugarel et al., 1981 Grosman et al., 1976
Bukov et aL, 1982 Huntley, 1984
Chaudhari et al., 1985 Kumar et al., 1985
Danila et al., 1982 Mitsubishi Ltd, 1983
Gabsi et al., 1983 Thomas et al., 1984
Zaworski et al., 1982
Theoretical papers
Chaudhari et al., 1985
Cocchi, 1980
Cocchi et al., 1979
Gazinski, 1981
Huntley, 1984
Knoche et al., 1979
Renz et al., 1982


E x p e r i m e n t a l papers
Danila et al., 1982 Jansen, 1983
Dao et al., 1976 Malewski, 1981
Dao et al., 1977 Merrick, 1982
Diessner, 1980 Muhlmann et al., 1983
Gross et al., 1984 Qasrawi et al., 1981
Gross et al., 1984 Rojey et al., 1980
Theoretical papers
Baehr, 1980 Koshkin, 1975
Brousse et al., 1983 Kuhlenschmidt et al., 1983
Faber et al., 1977 Muhimann et aL, 1983
Hensgens et al., 1980 Perez-Blanco, 1984
Helard et al., 1984 Qasrawi et al., 1981
Johnston, 1980 Schmidt, 1980
Kaushik, 1982 Schueller, 1984
Kaushik et al., 1981 Sheridan et al., 1981
Kaushik et al., 1982 Simmons et al., 1975
Kaushik et aL, 1982 Tieimat et al., 1978
Trepp et al., 1983


E x p e r i m e n t a l papers
Alefeld et al., 1981 Sanyo Co., 1983
Cohen et al., 1981 Scher et al., 1983
Eichholz et al., 1980 Stephan et al., 1981
Erickson, 1982 Takeshita et al., 1984
Gosling, 1980 Toray Ind., 1982
Huntley, 1983 Traine Co., 1979
Inst-Franfais, 1980 Ward et al., 1976
Kakabaev et al., 1976 Westermark, 1984
Li, Chien Corp., 1974 Yazaki Corp., 1984
Li, Chien Corp., 1977 Yazaki Corp., 1984
Mark et al., 1983 Yazaki Corp., 1984
Murphy et al., 1983 Zerweck, 1981
Theoretical papers
Akaji, 1982 Andrews et al., 1978
Atefeld, 1978 Best, 1977
Alefeld et al., 1982 Bjurstr6m et al., 1981
Allen et al., 1976 Cassel et al., 1975
Allen et al., 1976 Cohen et al., 1981

H.R.S. 6/I--D
50 M . A . R . EIs^ et al.

Eicholz et al., 1980 Perez-Blanco, 1981

Furukawa et al., 1981 Perez-Blanco, 1981
Gadhi et al., 1984 Phillips, 1976
Gandhidasan et al.. 1976 Radermacher et al., 1980
Gilman, 1975 Radermacher et al., 1982
Gilman et al., 1975 Renz et al., 1981
Grassie et al., 1976 Rojey et al., 1983
Grossman et al., 1982 Rojey et al., 1983
Hfglund et aL, 1978 Russell et al., 1980
Hour et al., 1981 Sauer, 1977
Iedema, 1984 Smith et al., 1981
Janssen et al., 1979 Sofrata et al., 1979
Kappel et al., 1981 Steimle et al., 1981
Kaushik et al., 1984 Stephan, 1980
Leibundgut et al., 1983 Stephan, 1980
Li, Chien Corp., 1977 Stephan et al., 1984
Lorsch, 1981 Takashita et al., 1984
Malewski, 1977 Tyagi et al., 1976
MeLinden et al., 1983 Ward et al., 1977
Mende et al., 1975 Whitlow, 1976
Ook et al., 1975 Wilbur, 1975
Park et al., 1979 Wilbur, 1976


E x p e r i m e n t a l papers
Alefeld et al., 1981
Erickson, 1982
Seher et al., 1983
Siddig-Mohammad et al., 1983
Stephan et al., 1981
Theoretical p a p e r s
Alefeld, 1982 Stephan, 1980
Anon, 1979. Stephan et al., 1984
Cohen et al., 1979 Stephan et al., 1984
Groll et al., 1981 Stephan et al., 1984
Hanna et al., 1983 Trepp, 1983
Kripalani et al., 1984 Zaworski et al., 1981
Rojey et al., 1982 Ziegler et al., 1982
Stephan, 1980


E x p e r i m e n t a l papers
Clark et al., 1979 Monsen et al., 1982
Greiner, 1984 Nix, 1983
Hass et al., 1979 Offehartz, 1980
Hiller et al., 1979 Offenhartz et al., 1977
Jaeger et al., 1978 Offenhartz et al.. 1979
Jaeger et al.. 1980 Offenhartz et al., 1979
Jesinghaus, 1981 Rocket Res. Co., 1982
Matsushita Co., 1984 Westermark, 1984
Theoretical papers
Akaji, 1984 Gruen et al., 1978
Alefeld et al., 1978 Gruen et al., 1979
Alefeld et al., 1981 Ishiki, 1980
Alefeld et al., 1981 Mazet et al., 1984
Argabright, 1982 McBridge, 1981
Bjurstr6m et al., 1981 Nonnenmacher et al., 1981
Bride, 1980 Raldow, 1978
Claesson, 1978 Raldow, 1981
Clark, 1981 Rocket Res. Co., 1982
Clark et al., 1980 Suda, 1984
Clark et al., 1981 Taube et al., 1978
Greiner, 1977 Thomas et al., 1978
Groll et al., 1981 Wentworth et al., 1978
Classified references for absorption heat pump systems since 1975 51



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4. Akaji, T. (1984) Chemical heat pumps, Kagaku Gijustsushi MoL 22(10), 70.
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21. Allen, R. W., Morse, F. H., Anand, D. K., Hurdis, D. A. and Sargent, S. L. (1976) Optimisation studies of solar
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22. Altenhovel, H. and Kantner, A. (1982) Sorption heat pump, Get. Often. DE 3,216,491.
23. Anderson, P. O. (1976) Solar-operated absorption water chiller--a comparison of aqueous bromide and aqua
ammonia cycle, ASHRAE Trans 82(1), 959.
24. Ando, E. and Takeshita, I. (1984) Residential gas-fired absorption heat pump based on R22-DEGDME pair, Int.
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31. ASHRAE Handbook and Product Directory, Fundamentals (1981) ASHRAE lnc., New York.
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52 M . A . R . EISA et al.

41. Best, G. and Geffroy, E. (1976) Refrigeration from solar and residual energy, Bull. Inst. Int. FroM. Annexe 1, 633.
42. Biermann, U. K. P. (1980) Working medium for absorption heat pump consisting of fluorochloroalkane solution. Ger.
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