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Background of the Study

This part/section should contain the following:

 What is the problem all about;

 problematic situations must surface;

 justifications for the claimed problem (legal bases, results of previous

studies, observations);

 the relation of the research to the researcher;

 the expected result significant to the researcher and other group/entities;


 the expected contribution to the pool of knowledge.

Use simple words which are straight to the point. Should not be a cut-and-

paste. Limit the borrowing of ideas

Quotations must not be more than five lines. Do not under write nor over

write. Statistical proof to the claimed problem must be the latest/most


Use APA style of documentation.

Another thing, use paragraph form; the bullet form indicated here is used

for the purpose of listing down the items that should be included in every section.

Objectives of the Study

 Objectives of the Study should be stated in general and specific


 The specific questions must start with independent, then

dependent, and other variables. Specific objectives should be


 For relationship, consider the hypothesized relationship between

the dependent and independent variables.

 Quantitative: Always specify pre-determined variables/indicators,

etc. and sub variables/indicators

 Qualitative: no pre-determination of


This study was proposed to determine the customer satisfaction towards

quality service of resorts in Northern Samar: Inputs for improvement of the

provincial tourism industry. Specifically it aimed to:

1. Identify the profile of the customers of resorts in Northern Samar in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Educational Attainment

1.4 Monthly Income


Significance of the Study

 This section should spell out the name of agency, group of persons,

individuals who are the beneficiaries of the study.

 Benefits may not just be from the result but from any part of the


 Benefit is the specific thing a beneficiary directly or indirectly gets.

The first paragraph is the general statement of the significance of the

study, then the beneficiaries should be written as follows:

This study will be useful to the entire tourism industry particularly resorts in

Northern Samar. The outcome of this study will enhance the service quality of

resorts in order to meet the customer’s needs to their full satisfaction.

The study considers its great importance to the following:

The Academe. Findings of this study will be useful to the academic

institutions like the University of Eastern Philippines to conduct potential

researches pertaining to customer satisfaction towards quality service of resorts

in Northern Samar. Information from this study will also serve as valuable

baseline data or reference for future research undertakings.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

 Scope is the coverage of the study: subject areas of the study, the

respondents, the place, and the time frame.

 Limitation is the weakness of the research and may be the


The study will focus on customer satisfaction towards quality service of

resorts in Northern Samar: Inputs for improvement of the provincial tourism

industry. Specifically, it will identify the customers’ profile in terms of age, sex,

educational attainment and monthly income..(include all variables) The

respondents are customers of resorts in Northern Samar. The study will be

conducted during the second semester of the school year 2018-2019.

The respondents of this study will be limited only to the customers of

resorts in the province of Northern Samar. The customers are either foreigners

or locals who are Filipino citizens, they may be Norte Samarnon or from other

provinces of the country. Furthermore, no study has been conducted yet in the

whole region including the University of Eastern Philippines (UEP), for this

reason the researcher could not cite local related studies, hence she used only

those related studies conducted abroad.

Theoretical Framework

 A core theory must be that theory which really captures the

substance of the study.

 Support theories strengthen the claim of the major theory

 Corresponding explanation in relation to the study must be


 In the presentation, start with what the theory is, who the theorist is,

when it was established, what the theory claims in relation to the


study and the utility of the same to other studies previously


This study is primarily anchored on the SERVQUAL which was developed

by Parasuman. __________________(explain what is the theory, then explain

how did the theory used in the study).The resorts in Northern Samar will be

evaluated if the level of customer satisfaction based on the outcome of the study

conformed with the standard of the Department of Tourism.

Another theory that was used in this study ……..

Conceptual Framework

 If the study is quantitative, explain or discuss relationship of the


 If the study is qualitative, explain or discuss the interplay of the

concepts in the entire study.

 Relationships/correlations are dependent on the

research design/type of research.

Hospitality industry is concerned with customer satisfaction. Hence,

this study assumed that it is important to look into the quality service of resorts in

Northern Samar in order to give their customers excellent service and full

satisfaction. The conceptual framework of this study is the input-process-output

(IPO). The input variables are….(write all input variables). The process variables

are (write all process variables). The output is an improved tourism industry to

conform with the criteria of resorts in accordance with the standards of the

Department of Tourism.

Paradigm of the Study

 This section (usually contained in one page) shows the flow of the


 It shows the relationships/interplay of the


 Its structure is dependent on the type of research.

Figure 1. Schematic diagram showing the relationship among the variables of the study


 This section will be part of the paper depending on the type of


 The hypothesis lends itself to the relationships of the


 This section shall be presented as follows:

This study will prove the following:

1. There is no significant difference on the extent of practices…,

2. There is no significant correlation between…

Definition of Terms

 Important words should be defined conceptually and operationally.

 The words usually defined are the variables in the paradigm.

The format is:

An introductory sentence like:

Some terms are herein defined to facilitate understanding of the study.

Then the key terms will be presented as:

Coastal resources. Conceptually and operationally, the term refers to…

 Remember that conceptual definition must be taken from technical

book/references which is cited as footnote.




Teacher-student Interaction

Certain elements of teaching and teacher’s work in the classroom were

understandably considered important elements of appraisal and feedback. In

fact, across TALIS countries, the quality of teachers’ relations with students was

the most important item as it emphasizes the importance accorded to teacher-

student relations in school education. (Lim, 2017)

This perspective is supported by research suggesting that teachers who

develop such relationships experience fewer classroom behavior problems and

better academic self-efficacy which ultimately result to better academic

performance. (Cruz, 2010) Similarly, Brekelmans and his associates explore the

significance of the experience of the teacher in realizing appropriate relationships

with students. They have proven that this can contribute to general improvement

of the learning environment and that teacher-student interactions are an

important means for preventing discipline problem and fostering professional


The example page shows how studies and literature are intertwined in the

discussion of teacher-student interaction.

 This chapter is arranged according to essential or substantial

topics, concepts, or variables.


 Topics are arranged according to significance as they appear in the

title, objectives or paradigm of the study.

 Literatures and studies are lumped.

 Similarities and differences are given as literatures and studies are

presented; no more separate section for the similarities and


 Sub-variables, concepts and topics are integrated in the major

variable, concepts or topic.




Locale of the Study

This section presents the description of the locale of the study

 Vivid description of the specific place; highlight the place of study.

 Layout and features of the place will be described.

 In case of an institution like UEP, show curricular offerings, indicate the

area in hectare, population.

 The rationale behind the choice of the research locale must be presented.

Research Design

This section indicates the research design utilized in the study .

 Must answer the “why this research design” and not the definition of the

research design.

The researcher will use a descriptive correlational method to describe the

variables used in this study. It is simply collection of information about the profile

of the customers. The profile will be correlated to the level of customer

satisfaction towards customer expectations and perceptions based on the

dimensions of quality service.


The Variables

This section describes the variables, and their general categories such as

independent and the dependent variables and their components; need of

indicating the detailed description, definition or categorization of every variable.

The variables of this study were categorized into three parts. First part

was the input which includes the resorts customers profile in terms of

age……The second part was the process variables which were the customers

expectations and customers perceptions……The third part was improved

provincial tourism industry to conform with the criteria of resorts in accordance

with the standard of the Department of Tourism.

Resorts Customer’s Profile

Age. It was used to determine the differences of the customers

perspectives about quality service according to different age level.

Sex. Male customers were presumed to have different perceptions of the

service quality than female even if given the same service at the same time and


Population and Sampling

The sampling technique and procedure used must be very well-

described. Steps in the selection must be presented in detail. The nature

and characteristics of the sampling groups as well as the rationale for their

choice must be well explained.


The provincial Department of Tourism collected tourist arrivals every year.

The total number of visitor arrivals last September 2014 was 769. Using Sloven’s

formula, the total population sample was 265 customers. This was divided by the

total number of resorts in Northern Samar. (265/12=22 customers each).

Therefore, the researcher took more or less 22 respondent customers in each

resort in Northern Samar.

The Respondents

Present in this section the following:

 total population and the number of the samples of the study,

 nature of the sample, and

 the universally-accepted sampling technique used.

 There should be delineation of terms used: subjects of the study for

experimental; informants or research participants of the study for

qualitative; and respondents of the study for surveys.

The total population/visitors last September 2014 was 769. Using Sloven’s

formula, the sample size was 265 customers. This was divided by the total

resorts in Northern Samar. Since there are 12 registered resorts in the province,

265 was divided by 12, resulted to more or less 12 customer respondents in

each resort. The number of respondents may not be exactly the same since the

number of available customers vary in each resort. The respondents were both

foreigners or Filipino citizens, either local or from other provinces.


Research Instrument

The research instrument must be very adequately presented. State if it

is researcher made, standardized and adopted from whom/where/what study.

Acknowledge and properly document the source.

Explain briefly the parts of the research instrument/s.

The main data gathering instrument of this study will be a structured

questionnaire patterned from Alin Sriyam, modified to suit the present study. Two

sets of questionnaires will be used which are composed of three parts.

Part I of the instrument will be the resorts customers profile in terms of

age, sex, educational attainment and monthly income.

Part II will be the expectations towards quality service of resorts in

Northern Samar. Dimensions of quality service includes assurance, empathy,

reliability, responsiveness and tangibles.

Part III will be the customers’ suggestions towards quality service of

resorts (e.g. compliment, complaint)

Scoring and Interpretation

Indicate how the variables are scored/categorized. Indicate the range and

how the scores will be interpreted or the meaning of the data. This section may

include comparison with and in the light of all previous researches, therefore,

documentation or citing the source is important.


The resort’s customers profile in terms of age, sex, educational attainment

and monthly income will be determined by the respondents and scored using

frequency counts and percentage.

Moreover to find out the customer’s satisfaction and perception towards

the dimension of quality service of the resorts, the weighted mean and

descriptive equivalents will be used:

Scale Mean ranges Adjectival Rating Interpretation

5 4.20 – 5.00 Strongly Agree Highly Satisfied

4 3.40 – 4.19 Moderately Agree Satisfied

3 2.60 – 3.39 Agree Moderately Satisfied

2 1.80 – 2.59 Moderately Disagree Slightly Satisfied

1 1.00 – 1.79 Strongly Disagree Not Satisfied

Validation of Research Instrument

Explain in this section how, where, to whom (the valuators) the research

instrument is validated.

It must be comprehensively discussed especially how validity and

reliability indices are established.

If the research instrument is standardized and no longer needs

validation, state the reason why validation is no longer necessary.


The survey questionnaire adopted from the study of Alin Sriyam was

slightly modified using the criteria of resorts as per the standard of Philippine

Tourism Industry to suit the present study.

Data Gathering Procedure

Present adequate explanation how the data is gathered.

Steps in the data gathering must be well-explained. Point out the control

employed to insure the validity of the results, environmental conditions, and

other occurrences.

In gathering the data of this study, the following procedures will be


The researcher went to the Provincial Department of Tourism to gather the

data of tourist visitor arrivals and all necessary information regarding provincial

tourism industry. She asked the approval of the managers or owners of the

resorts in Northern Samar upon recommendation of the College Dean to

conduct the study.

(Narrate in paragraph form the how you will gather data)

Statistical Treatment

See to it that the statistical measures used are appropriate for the kind of

data used. Present the statistical tools, reasons for using such statistical

tests, and explanation on the scoring, weighing of scores and other


The level of significance must be stated in cases where the treatment

requires hypothesis testing.

This study will use frequency counts, weighted mean, percentage and

ranking. To measure the relationship among variables, Pearson R coefficient

correlation will be used and the researcher also use descriptive analysis with

level of significance at 0.05. To measure the difference between customers

expectations and perceptions, t-test will be applied.

1. Frequency Count. This will be used to tabulate the data obtained.

2. Ranking. A descriptive measure will be used to compare the positional

importance of the computed weighted mean value.

3. Weighted mean and frequencies. These will be used for the data of resort

customer profile and level of customer satisfaction.

4. T-test. This statistical treatment will be utilized to determine the significant

difference between customers’ expectation and customers’ perception.

5. Pearson R Coefficient Correlation. This will be used to determine the

relationship between the profile of the customers and the customers’

expectation and perceptions.




 This part follows the sequence of the objectives.

Data are presented textually first, followed by the tabular presentation.

Use the following table format:

Profile of the Respondents

Educational Qualification. The data gathered, categorized according to

educational attainment of the two groups of respondents are presented in Table

1. There were 2 or 5.26% administrators and 36 or 94.74% faculty who were

college graduate…

Table 1

Profile of the Respondents

Note: it is in this chapter where the reviewed literatures and studies (presented in
chapter II) will be used to support the findings of the study conduct




• This section presents the summary of findings only; arranged according to

the sequence of the objectives.

Conclusions and Implications

 Conclusions are not mere repetitions of findings

 A conclusion answers to question “if this is the finding, so what?

 Conclusions may or may not include reviewed theories and other


 Implications to persons/education must be stated


 One to one correspondence is usually observed

 Recommendations must be doable.

 Recommendations are numbered.

Note: Chapters IV and V should be presented following the one-to-one

correspondence: objective 1 – finding 1 – conclusion and implication 1 – and
recommendation 1.


This section presents the alphabetically (by authors’

surname) arranged references of all kinds; no grouping as to books, journals,

Use APA documentation style or format. Examples presented below are

unpublished material, internet source, journal, book, respectively.

Cerbito, E.(2012). “Communicative competence of the college and arts and

communication english language and literature and literature teachers
as rated by the students in the university of eastern Philippines.”
Unpublished Master’s Thesis. University of Eastern Philippines.

Doenia, D. “Deviations in linguistics conventions on poetry (English version).

Retrieved August 21, 2014.

Nofal, KH (2011). “Systematic aspects of poetry: a pragmatic perspective.”

International Journal of Business and Social Sciences. Vol. II, No. 16, 2-6.

Zulueta, F. M. (2006). Principles and Methods of Teaching. Manila: National


Note: You may underscore or italicize title of books and journals. (Lee, 2016)


This section may include the following:

A. Letter request

B. Research Instrument

C. Other support documents

D. Tables generated/printed from the program like SPSS

Note: chapter pages will not bear page numbers; first page of preliminary and
supplementary sections/parts will not be numbered, too. First page of Abstract
and Literature Cited, for example, are included in the counting of pages but page
number will not appear on the page.

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