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Wearable Noncontact Armband for

Mobile ECG Monitoring System
Vega Pradana Rachim and Wan-Young Chung, Member, IEEE

Abstract—One of the best ways to obtain health information Various studies have been conducted related to the devel-
is from an electrocardiogram (ECG). Through an ECG, charac- opment of remote healthcare systems, especially heart rate
teristics such as patients’ heartbeats, heart conditions, and heart monitoring systems. Most of these studies have focused on
disease can be analyzed. Unfortunately, most available healthcare
devices do not provide clinical data such as information regarding four main topics: sensor technology, wearable systems, signal
patients’ heart activities. Many researchers have tried to solve this processing, and mobile monitoring systems. Researchers have
problem by inventing wearable heart monitoring systems with a tried to develop sensors that are able to sense bio-signals with-
chest strap or wristband, but their performances were not feasible out generating side effects or distracting users, but these were
for practical applications. Thus, the aim of this study is to build still unable to provide a high level of accuracy. The standard
a new system to monitor heart activity through ECG signals. The
proposed system consists of capacitive-coupled electrodes embed- procedure in a hospital to measure an electrocardiogram (ECG)
ded in an armband. It is considered to be a reliable, robust, and is to use a 12-lead ECG. In a conventional 12-lead clinical ECG
low-power-transmission ECG monitoring system. The reliability system, electrodes are affixed to specific parts of the chest,
of this system was achieved by the careful placement of sensors in arms, or hands and legs. Even though this promises highly
the armband. Bluetooth low energy (BLE) was used as the protocol accurate results, it often requires a great deal of preparation
for data transmission; this protocol was proposed to develop the
low-power-transmission system. For robustness, the proposed sys- and an expert to attach the electrodes to the patient’s body.
tem is equipped with analysis capabilities–e.g., real-time heartbeat These electrodes also require skin preparation and conduction
detection and a filter algorithm to ignore distractions from body gel to reduce contact impedance [4]. The main problem with
movements or noise from the environment. this method is that it cannot be used for long-term measurement
Index Terms—Armband, bluetooth low energy, capacitive- because of the limitation of the gel and complicated wiring.
coupled, ECG monitoring, wearable device. Because of this, other techniques have been provided to over-
come these weaknesses, such as using dry electrodes [5], [6] or
noncontact electrodes [7]–[13].
Dry electrodes consist of a metal with no electrolyte or con-

M -HEALTH or mobile health [1] is a term that is used to

describe healthcare services with the assistance of mo-
bile devices. The M-health monitoring and diagnostic medical
ductive gel between the electrode and the skin. Instead, sweat
or moisture on the skin will reduce the impedance between
the skin and the electrodes. Various applications have been
devices market is currently in its infancy but is expected to grow proposed using the dry-electrode technique, but these required
rapidly due to market demand for remote monitoring systems. direct contact with the skin. Thus, researchers have invented a
According to a new report from Transparency Market Research noncontact or capacitive-coupled ECG. The capacitive-coupled
[2], the market for mobile health monitoring and diagnostics ECG was first introduced by Lopez and Richardson [7].
will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 43.3 percent Then, researchers expanded its use in various environments.
from 2013 to 2019. This will put the market at $8 billion in Lim et al. [8] and Yama et al. [9] developed a heart monitoring
2019. Increased sports activities and awareness about health system in office chairs and mattresses using flexible fabric
and fitness are some of the factors that are anticipated to fuel the electrodes. Leonhardt et al. [10] introduced the idea of an
growth of this market [3]. Unfortunately, high demand does not insulated electrode implemented in a car system. Lee et al. [11]
automatically guarantee that the devices available in the market proposed the use of thin and flexible electrodes for a wearable
are reliable and trustworthy. ECG system to build a system that can measure an ECG
in remote areas. Oehler et al. [12] proposed an integrated
15-capacitive-electrode array and combined this array with a
personal computer tablet.
Manuscript received February 23, 2015; revised October 11, 2015 and Different placements of sensors have been proposed by var-
December 10, 2015; accepted December 21, 2015. This research was
supported by the Basic Science Research Program through the National ious researchers. Some have suggested using belt-type ECG
Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education monitoring systems with the implementation of conductive
(2012R1A1B3004140). This paper was recommended by Associate Editor fabric and active electrodes [14], [15]. Others have suggested
S. Leonhardt.
The authors are with the Department of Electronic Engineering, Pukyong using bio-clothes for vital sign monitoring [16], [17]. Different
National University, Busan 608739, South Korea (e-mail: veggapradana@ placements would provide different shapes of the ECG signal;; thus, they tried to find the best place from which to measure an
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at ECG based on demand. Nevertheless, researchers also focused
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TBCAS.2016.2519523 on developing a mobile monitoring system. This system uses
1932-4545 © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 2. Block diagram of analog filter.

prevents the user from feeling uncomfortable when using the

device. It is made of silver-plated polyester that can be stretched
in both directions with a thickness of 0.45 mm and a surface
resistivity of < 1 Ω/ sq. The proposed electrodes are sewn
into the armband, and the device contains plus electrodes,
minus electrodes, and ground electrodes, as shown in Fig. 1(c).
The electronic circuitry in the proposed system consists of a
Fig. 1. Hardware architecture with implementation in armband. Bluetooth 4.0 module, an ECG module, and a microcontroller,
as shown in Fig. 1(b). The Bluetooth 4.0 module was chosen
to build a low transmission power system with active mode TX
bio-signals to analyze health conditions with a mobile device of approximately 24 mA and active mode RX of 19.6 mA. The
as an interface and an analysis device. Several applications area of the module is approximately 1810 mm2 with a diameter
have been researched and proposed by other researchers in of 48 mm and a round shape. It has a cutoff frequency in the
[18]–[25]—for example, to monitor HRV for vehicle drivers, range of 0.04–40 Hz. Finally, LilyPad Arduino is mainly used
detect arrhythmia, observe sleep disorders, and monitor driver for analog-to-digital conversion (ADC).
Therefore, capacitive-coupled technology is used in the pro-
posed system to overcome these problems. It is a promising A. Analog Circuit Design
method to measure an ECG in remote areas without inconve- Based on the AHA document recommendation, the low fre-
niencing or disturbing the user. The advantages of this tech- quency cutoff is 0.05 Hz for routine filters, but this requirement
nique are that it can measure an ECG without direct contact could be relaxed to 0.67 Hz or below [26]. In addition, the
and provides better accuracy than other methods, especially for ANSI/AAMI standard recommends a high frequency cutoff of
measuring stress. The proposed monitoring system is impor- at least 150 Hz for all standard 12-lead ECGs; however, 40 Hz
tant for monitoring exercise intensity, estimation of maximal as a high frequency cutoff is sufficient, although it is invalid
oxygen uptake and energy expenditure and early detection for amplitude measurement for diagnostic classification [26]. In
and in helping keep persons healthy by being able to track the proposed system, 0.04 Hz for a high-pass filter and 40 Hz
their heart activities at any time. Currently, most systems that for a low-pass filter were used. Also, a notch filter was used to
are available in the market use a chest strap or a wristband, eliminate the power line noise of 60 Hz.
but this system is uncomfortable and requires direct contact Two sensor electrodes and one driven-right-leg electrode
with the skin. Consequently, an armband was chosen as an are used in the proposed study. A driven-right-leg circuit [27]
alternative to this inconvenient system. The proposed arm- was designed as an additional reference electrode to suppress
band ECG is equipped with a variety of features. Considering the interference caused by the finite common-mode rejection
mobile monitoring, it is equipped with an Android mobile ratio (CMRR) of the instrumental amplifier. The overall block
application and Bluetooth low energy (BLE) data transmission. diagram of the analog filter is shown in Fig. 2.
Real-time heart rate detection was added to the Android appli-
cation, and this was tested in various scenarios, from sitting in
a chair, standing, and walking to jogging or running in place. B. Active Electrodes
The results show that this monitoring can function in all of The sensors consist of two active electrodes with a contact
these scenarios. area of 3 cm × 3 cm. The coupling capacitance is formed
between the subject arm and the input of the unity gain am-
plifiers A1 and A2. The integrated unity gain amplifiers ensure
the required high input impedance of the measurement. The
An overview of the design for the data acquisition module is electrode was directly connected to a high input impedance pre-
shown in Fig. 1. As shown in the figure, conductive electrodes amplifier, as shown in Fig. 3. An op-amp OPA 124 (Burr Brown
act as sensors to obtain electrical signals from the human body. Corp., Dallas, TX, USA) was employed as a pre-amplifier.
The conductive electrodes are flexible, soft, and bendable. This The input resistance and input capacitance of OPA 124 were
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 4. Filtering and RR detection.

Fig. 3. Active electrode system configuration.

1013 Ω and 1 pF, respectively. As shown in (1), the coupling

capacitance depends on the thickness d, the dielectric constant
εR of the cloth, and the subject’s skin. Assuming values of
d = 0.4 mm and εR = 1, the coupling capacitance between the
body and the electrodes is
εo εR A
Cc = = 20 pF. (1) Fig. 5. Setup of real-time monitoring environment.
The electrodes need to be actively shielded to suppress the via inverted amplifier A3 to a conductive plane. Resistors RA
noise from the environment, mainly the static charge on the and RF adjust the amplifier’s gain
coupling capacitance. A static charge is formed if two objects
come into contact with each other, and interaction between 2RF
G= = 1000. (3)
the atoms (adhesion) will appear at the boundary layer. De- RA
pending on the different electron affinities, one object may
The driven ground plane circuit actually drives a very small
deliver electrons, and another may accumulate electrons on the
amount of current (< 1 uA) into the right leg to equal the
surface. An electric double layer will appear with a contact
displacement current flowing in the body. The body therefore
voltage between both material surfaces. When a circuit consists
becomes a summing junction in a feedback loop, and the
of only a charged capacitor and a resistor, the capacitor will
negative feedback from this circuit drives the common-mode
discharge its stored energy through the resistor. Thus, it may be
voltage (VCM) to a low value.
discharged over Rbias . The value of Rbias needs to be carefully
adjusted because it will lead to the cutoff frequency of the
D. Peak Detection
electrodes. A value of 100 GΩ for Rbias was selected. Hence,
the proposed electrode cutoff frequency is In the proposed system, Pan & Tompkins algorithm to
process the ECG data from the sensor and detect the heartbeat
fc = = 0.08 Hz. (2) from a particular innovative ECG signal is implemented. The
Cc Rbias 2π processing steps of the algorithm [28] are as follows (Fig. 4):
(i) band-pass filtering composed of cascaded high- and low-
C. Common-Mode Rejection Ratio pass filters; (ii) differentiation, which is a standard technique
for finding the high slopes (distinguishing the QRS complex
Because of the finite CMRR of the instrumental amplifier,
from the other ECG waves); (iii) squaring to make all data
the ECG signal experiences interference, and this common-
positive; (iv) moving-window integration (in our case, with a
mode noise needs to be suppressed. For this purpose, a driven-
sampling rate of 100 Hz, the size of the window is 15 samples);
right-leg circuit with an additional reference electrode is used
(v) determining the threshold to identify the peaks of the signal;
in most conventional ECG measurements [27]. In noncontact
and (vi) detecting the QRS complex. A peak must be recognized
measurements, the same concept of the driven right leg is called
as the QRS complex in the integrated and filtered waveforms.
a driven ground plane system. A driven ground plane electrode
is connected to the instrument ground and driven by the inverse
of the common-mode noise component. Resistors RA and RF
average the voltage of the differential electrode pair to sense The proposed system serves as a smart, noncontact health-
VCM . The pre-amplifier A3 in Fig. 3 amplifies and inverts this care monitoring system based on mobile phones that is a
voltage and then feeds it back to the body via the reference convenient, noninvasive system. A setup scenario of the mea-
electrode. The sum of the electrode’s output signal is feedback surement is shown in Fig. 5. This figure shows a user wearing
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 6. ECG signal result after band-pass filter from right arm (left) and left
arm (right).
Fig. 8. Comparison of the ECG signal with different cotton wool shirt thick-
nesses: 0.5 mm (top), 1 mm (middle), and 3 mm (bottom).

Although this particular experiment shows the effect of the shirt

thickness on the obtained ECG, the system still shows a clear
peak or QRS wave, which is the most important information
in the ECG signal. The overall results of this experiment are
shown in Fig. 8.

C. Peak Detection Algorithm Testing With Different Activities

Multiple activities were performed by the subject wearing
Fig. 7. Signal output of monitoring system: Standard system (top) and pro-
posed system (bottom). the armband, including sitting, hand movements, jogging, and
running in place. The PCs mainly received the raw data from
the proposed application through the Internet; thus, Matlab
a running jacket with the armband in his left hand. From the
was used to calculate the performance of the recorded signal.
experiment shown in Fig. 6, the amplitude of the ECG signal
In Matlab, the recorded data were filtered using the same
that comes from the left arm is higher than the signal from
algorithm that was implemented in the Android application. In
the right arm. This signal intensity difference is due to the
this step, the result of the performance evaluation was referred
distance difference from signal origin, heart. Left arm is slightly
to the Matlab application proposed in [29]. Basically, there are
near from heart and the ECG signal at the left armband shows
two processing parts: the filtering part and the peak detection
stronger than the signal from right arm. This result also proved
part. Therefore, the results were compared with those of other
the previous conclusions in previous studies regarding single-
standard devices, and a missed peak calculation was performed
arm ECG measurement [30], [31].
to evaluate the performance of the proposed system.
While wearing the armband, the subject carried out daily
Even though we focus on presenting the device as an alterna-
activities to evaluate the performance of the armband. The
tive ECG monitoring tool for sports activity measurement and
armband receives the ECG data, filters it, and then transmits
awareness about health and fitness during excise or daily activ-
the filtered signal to the Android smartphone via Bluetooth.
ity, and not for precise medical use like arrhythmia detection at
hospital, we checked the performance of our redesigned QRS
IV. VALIDATION E XPERIMENTS detection algorithm. The performance of the QRS detection
A. Sensor Validation algorithm in PC was tested using a standard arrhythmia, that is,
MIT/BIH. The performance of the algorithm for No. 106 and
Experiments were performed to validate the proposed arm-
No. 119 from MIT/BIH database produced 0.2% false negative
band device. These compared the output signal with the stan-
beats and 0.3% false positive beats for a total detection failure
dard wet-electrode system and verified the output signal while
of 0.5%. The performance of the algorithm on database is not
performing daily activities. As shown in Fig. 7, the signal
the same as to its utility in a clinical environment, however
output of the proposed system is comparable with the signal
it can provide a means of comparing the performance of one
that comes from a clinical standard lead 2 wet-electrode system.
algorithm to others.
The main part of the ECG that is used for the monitoring system
Fig. 9 shows the filtered and QRS detection results from the
is the R wave, and the result shows that the QRS wave is quite
ECG signal from the hand movement and jogging scenarios. As
clear and is identical to the standard system signal.
shown in the figure, the signal peak was correctly detected in
the original data. The green line in the graph shows the signal
B. Sensor Testing With Different Cotton Wool Shirt Thickness level, while the black line shows the noise level. There is no
Variations of the cotton wool shirt as the dielectric between error in the peak detection data when the moving scenario is
the electrodes and the skin are examined. This shows that applied. However, when the algorithm tried to detect the signal
the ECG signal obtained from a user wearing thicker clothes peak in the jogging situation, some of the peaks were wrongly
has more noise than that obtained from a user wearing identified. The results in Fig. 9 (bottom) show that two peaks
thinner clothes, especially in the PT wave of the ECG signal. are wrongly identified from the proposed algorithm.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 9. QRS detection in filtered ECG signal for various scenarios.

D. Peak Detection Algorithm Performance Analysis TABLE I

In the previous section, the graph that shows the performance W ITH C OMMERCIAL D EVICE
of the output signal was described; thus, in this section, the
performance of the output signal as a percentage is examined.
The experiment was performed by measuring the ECG signal
with two devices at the same time. In this experiment, the
signal output from the armband as the proposed system and
the commercial PulseSensor was calculated. In this experiment,
10 subjects with 75 kg of average weight have been involved.
Each subject did each activity for 5 min and 10 times repetition,
and 200 sampling peaks were taken in each 5 min of the activity
after 30 seconds. According to our survey on the relationship was jogging; the lowest error rate was 2.7% while the subject
between body weight and ECG signal detection performance, was sitting. For further experiments, we checked the missed
we found there are no linear relationship between two factors. peak from each activity; the results in Table II show that as the
Instead the signal performance was affected by the thickness of level of activity intensities, the higher the probability that the
the shirts or the material of the clothe under the armband. proposed system will miscalculate the peak.
Thus we summarized the data as can be seen in Table I. The
signal from PulseSensor strapped at the wrist [32] was used
E. Real-Time Monitoring System
as the ground truth of performance, so the error rate can be
calculated by comparing the signal. As shown in Table I, the As mentioned in the previous section, the proposed system
highest error rate was approximately 8.05% while the subject may obtain an ECG signal without direct contact with the skin;
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


TABLE II then analyze the data to make smart decisions. The proposed
algorithm was tested on a PC to validate the system. The results
indicate that the proposed heart rate calculation error rate is less
than 10% compared with a standard system.
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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


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