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Module 2: English for Social Communication

1. Describe your best teacher colleague in terms of his/her physical and mental

I have a friend named Evi Sylviana. She was one of my students and now she is my fellow
teacher. She teaches Bahasa Indonesia. It was so awkward at the first time but after two
years, we become a really good friend.

Evi seems like a model, she is a very beautiful and charming girl and always attracts males’
attention. She has a tall and slim body with fair skin. Above her black eyes lies a perfect set
of full eyebrows. Her oval face sits atop her shoulders with a brilliant smile. Her sharp nose
accents her face nicely. She pays a lot of attention to her appearance and likes dressing in the
latest and most extravagant fashion.

Evi is a friendly person to anyone. She loves to smile and greet everyone. She can make me
smile simply by being herself. She loves to listen to my problems. And although she is much
younger than me but she always has advice that could help me through my struggles. Many
times I am mystified by her ability to just sit and listen to a poor soul like me pour out my
mind, but she sees it as an opportunity to let someone "unload." She seems to be enlightened
on all aspects of life, such as family and relationships, and finds it easy to relate to almost
anyone or anything. I am very comfortable with him.

He is also a smart and creative teacher. Most of her students are interested in the way she
teaches them. As a normal human being, however, Evi also has her shortcomings. She
almost never goes on time to school. And that makes people think she never takes things,
especially about her duty, seriously. But this is not true. She has a strong sense of
responsibility and you can always rely on her.

2. Write a historical recount of the school where you are currently teaching. For this
purpose, you can interview people who has knowledge of the school history; or, examine
relevant documents or artifacts for data to support your writing.


Pasundan High School 1 Cimahi is a private senior high school located in the town of Cimahi.
It stood exactly in the middle of the town. It was built in 1980 by Drs. H. Nana Gunawan.

In the first year, it accepted 122 students and divided into three classes. With the approval of
the authorities, the temporary building used at the time was the building owned by SDN II
Cimahi located on Harapan Cimahi street. The teaching and learning activities were carried
out in the afternoon.

Under the strong leadership of Drs. Nana Gunawan, the school was able to build its own
building located in Terusan Street Number 32 Cimahi. In 1984 the School had 12 class
rooms, teachers’ room, principle room, library, mushola, administration room, 4 teachers’ rest
rooms and 6 students’ rest rooms, 3 warehouses, 1 equipment room, student council room,
Scout room, canteen, field and garden.

Physical development had increased rapidly from year to year, as well as improvement of
supporting facilities such as laboratories. In 1990, SMA Pasundan Cimahi had 24 class rooms,
completed the IPA Laboratory with various sophisticated tools to support the learning process.
Three years later, the school held a support facility that is Computer Labor and swimming

During 29 years, SMA Pasundan 1 Cimahi had passed thousands of alumni who have spread
in various directions. The school also got many trophies which placed in the lobby. Now SMA
Pasundan 1 become one of favorite private senior high school in Cimahi.

3. Read the following label carefully. What can you say about its social function, generic
structure, and language features?
Social Function This label about Yogurt which the brand is Yoplair with strawberry
of the label lemonade flavor in it. The label also tells the Nutrition Facts and
the ingredients of the yoghurt

Generic - The name of the drink

Structure - The name and address of manufacturer
- List of ingredients
- Net quantity

Language - Adjective phrase ( low fat yoghurt)

Features - Using numbers (weight of product)
- Using article a (percent daily values are based
on a 2000 calorie diet)
- Suggestions (Not a significant source of dietary fiber)

4. Look around your school environment and find one sample of warnings, notices, and
cautions. Take a picture of the samples and explain the message contained in each of

Pictures Messages

It is an appeal for students and teacher to always look


It is to warn people to stay away from any kind of

dangerous drugs.

It is not allow to park motorcycle or car in front of the


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