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DIRECTION: Blacken the circle that matches your answer to the question and/or information asked for.

1. What highest degree have you attained?

A. Ph.D./Ed. D. B. Ph.D./Ed. D. Units C. MA/MS
D. MA Units E. Bachelor’s Degree

2. What is your Baccalaureate Degree?

A. BEED C. Other degrees in Education not classified in A and B
B. BSE D. Other degrees, not classified in A, B and C
3. Which subject areas is your specialization?
A. General Science E. Algebra I. Filipino
B. Biology F. Geometry J. History
C. Chemistry G. Trigonometry K. Economics
D. Physics H. English
4. From what type of school did you obtain your highest degree?
A. State University/College in metropolitan area (e.g. manila, Quezon City, Cebu City, Davao
B. State University/College in a small City
C. State University/College in a provincial area
D. Private Sectarian in metropolitan area (e.g. manila, Quezon City, Cebu City, Davao City)
E. Sectarian in small City
F. Private Sectarian in a provincial area
G. Private Non – Sectarian in metropolitan area (e.g. manila, Quezon City, Cebu City, Davao
H. Private Non – Sectarian in a small City
I. Private Non – Sectarian in a provincial area
J. In a University in the Asia pacific region, e.g. Singapore, Japan
K. In a university in other countries, e.g. Australia, USA

5. What licensure examination did you pass?

A. LET B. PBET C. Teachers Exam D. Others
6. What is your present position?
A. Teacher 1 or 2 B. Teacher 3 C. Master Teacher D. Locally-Funded position
7. How many years have you been in your position?
A. 0-5 B. 6-10 C. 11-20 D. 21 or more
8. Under which ages bracket do you belong?
A. 20-30 B. 31-40 C. 41-50 D. 51 and above

For items 9 – 11
How many years have you been teaching the following subjects?
A. 1 – 8 B. 9 – 16 C. 17 – 24 D. 25 and above
10. MATH
A. 1 – 8 B. 9 – 16 C. 17 – 24 D. 25 and above
A. 1 – 8 B. 9 – 16 C. 17 – 24 D. 25 and above
For items 12 – 13
What type of school does you present teaching position belong to?
12. Elementary School
A. Public Central/Pilot School C. Public Primary School E. State College/University
B. Public Non-Central School D. Public Multi-grade School
13. Secondary School
A. Public National/Comprehensive High School
B. Public Science High School
C. Vocational/Trade High School
D. State College/University
14. Which of the following teaching methodologies do you find most effective in teaching each
subject area.
A. Question and Answer Technique C. Deductive/Inductive Method
B. Lecture D. Group Work

15. What teaching aid(s) do you often use in undertaking every teaching – learning episode?
A. Chalk and blackboard C. Concrete materials
B. Charts, picture, visual aids D. multi-Media electronic devices(Internet, Power Point, etc.)
16. How frequent do you make use of electronic devices?
A. Often B. Sometimes C. Seldom D. Never
17. In terms of the format of the test, which of the following do you often use in assessing the
learning outcomes in each subject area?
A. Fill in the blacks and enumerations C. Multiple Choice
B. True or False D. Essay type
18. What is the pupil-textbook ratio in your class?
A. One pupil per textbook (1:1) C. Three pupil per textbook (3:1)
B. Two pupil per textbook (2:1) D. Four pupil per textbook (4:1)
19. Which of the following subject area/s has insufficient textbooks?
A. English B. Science C. Math D. Filipino D. HeKaSi/Araling Panlipunan
20. Do you find it easy to teach all the competencies in the grade/year level you are assigned to
A. Yes B. Most of the time C. Not always D. No
21. If No or Not Always (in item # 20), in which subject area(s) are the competencies difficult to
teach? Shade one or more.
A. English B. Science C. Math D. Filipino D. HeKaSi/Araling Panlipunan
22. In general, are you able to cover all the competencies at the end of the school year?
A. Yes B. Most of the time C. Not always D. No
23. If No or Not always(in item # 19), what percentage would you consider as the undercover
competencies at the end of the school year?
A. One half B. one third C. one fourth D. only a small percentage
24. What subject do you feel most competent to teach?
A. Elementary Science D. Chemistry G. Algebra J. English
B. General Science E. Physics H. Geometry K. Filipino
C. Biology F. Elementary Math I. Trigonometry L. Others
25. What subject do you feel least competent to teach?
A. Elementary Science D. Chemistry G. Algebra J. English
B. General Science E. Physics H. Geometry K. Filipino
C. Biology F. Elementary Math I. Trigonometry L. Others
26. How often does your school head observe your class within a month’s time?
A. Once a week B. once a month C. twice a month D. no time to observe
27. Does he/she provide instructional leadership?
A. Yes B. Sometimes C. No

28. How often does he/she check your lesson plans in a month’s time?
A. Daily B. once a week C. once a month D. no time to check

For items 29 – 39
How much help in terms of training do you need for each of the following? Blacken the letter
which matches your answer.

A. Very much needed

B. Much needed
C. Not much needed
D. Not needed at all

29. Preparing instructional aids

30. Using different strategies and techniques
31. Teaching non – readers to read
32. Improving (my) speaking and writing abilities in English
33. Getting more information about the curriculum
34. Diagnosing/Identifying pupils’ difficulties
35. Improving techniques in teaching mathematics/Science/English
36. Managing the classroom effectively
37. Integrating values in the basic subjects
38. Planning effective instruction
39. Writing test/test items

For items 40 – 45
Which of these seriously affect your effectiveness as a steacher? Blacken the letter that matches
your answer.

A. Seriously affect
B. Has effect to some extent
C. Has little effect
D. No effect at all

40. Low salary

41. Too much to do at home
42. Professional relation with the principal
43. Relation with family members
44. Relation with co-teachers
45. Lack of instructional materials and/or support

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