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1. DO NOT WRITE anything on this booklet. You will write your answer in the scannable Answer
Sheet. Use a scratch paper for your computation.
2. This test booklets contains three parts. Part I – the Teacher’s Descriptive Questionnaire (TDQ),
Part II – the Teachers English Proficiency Test (TEPT) and Part III – the Process Skill Test in
Science and Math with multiple choice items.
3. Part I – the Teacher’s Descriptive Questionnaire (TDQ), numbered 1 – 45 asks certain pertinent
information about you. This should be answered for 30 minutes.
4. Part II and Part III comprised the test proper.
5. You may find some questions easy and some question difficult. Try to answer all questions, the
difficult ones as well as the easy ones.
6. In answering the multiple choice test, choose the answer you think is correct and blacken the
circle of the letter in your scannable Answer Sheet.

Example 1
How many minutes are there in 1 hour?
A. 12 B. 24 C. 60
D. 120

Letter “C” is the answer because there are 60

minutes in one hour.

1. A
7. Read as fast as you can so that you can complete the test for each subtest within the allotted time.
8. Your Progress in answering the test will be recorded as shown also on the board.

Parts of the Test Time Record

I. Teachers Descriptive Questionnaire Time Started
Time Finished
II. TEPT Time Started
III. Process Skills in Science and Math Time Finished

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