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San Narciso, Zambales



This chapter presents a general introduction to the study and main components of the

study. These main components of the study include the following: the background of the

study, significance of the study, statement of the problem, research questions and scope and



As experienced and observed by the researchers, students always browse the latest

issues on the internet but when it comes to learning and academic information like news,

articles and facts, their mind is blank. Most of the students are active on giving insights about

an issue or in personal human life but not with sharing opinions in class. They can easily share

their experiences and what they really feel by posting it in their social media accounts but not

with personal contact with their parents who understand them the most. Some are

experiencing head ache because of the radiation of android phones. Lastly, most of the

students are not into the words of their parents. They are developing their ‘Maniana’ habit.

The researchers also observed that many of the students in Zambales Academy Incorporated

are using Facebook when they have their free/vacant time. The use of social media is vast

because it has a global village. The purpose of the study is to prove that the impact of

Facebook usage to the academic performance of the students have good and bad outcomes.

San Narciso, Zambales

Being 21st century learners, it is easy to communicate with each other and also in just

one click, questions are answered especially in given assignments. Assess the given

information and everyone already have the answers. But, everyone also have doubts on

information that they are gaining and even in consequences that their accounts might hack.

Users can create online accounts to communicate and share information, ideas and also

includes personal messages and contents like videos. But in some point of view, it has its all

advantage and disadvantages like ruining someone’s life (hacking). It changes human

behavior. Facebook also play an important role in our life. They are using it as an aid of

entertainment. However, through the use of social networking site like Facebook, selling

routines has changed from traditional to millennial ways like posting the products on the

internet, advertising and keep buying through online shopping.

According to Lampe et al. (2011), Facebook allow users to connect with multiple

communication channels, which facilitates private messages, public display walls, updates

status, instant messaging, groups and applications. People used Facebook to stay connected

with friends and family to be informed and entertain within their social circle, and to share

and express what matters to them (Facebook facts, 2013).

At time of Facebook launch, Founder had no idea this social network would turn from

small networking site to giant online social network (, 2007). According to

Grossman (2010), “We have entered the age of Facebook, if Facebook were a country it

would be the third largest, behind only China and India”.

According to Aliyas, Hope and Justin (2012) that ‘academic performance is a function

of attention span, time management skills, student characteristics, academic competence, time

San Narciso, Zambales

spent on online social network and academic competence is defined as a student’s ability to

manage the required course load and course materials for his/her chosen field of study’. Use

of the Facebook might have good or bad impacts on their academic performance and

academic lives. The excessive use of Facebook among the students is generating main

question that is Facebook use effecting on students’ academic performance and playing

positive or negative role in their social and academic lives? This study will explore the impact

of Facebook on students’ academic performance with the glance of social capital.

Other exploratory studies (Canales et al., 2009; Karpinski and Duberstein, 2009) also

show that an extended presence on Facebook can have harmful effects on productivity and

task performance. Long hours spent on Facebook seem to decrease students’ academic

performance and thus their grades. Students spend an average of 30–35 minutes per day

surfing Facebook (Schulten, 2009b); students note that they actually spend only 3–4 minutes

on each visit to check updates but make several visits a day. Others acknowledge spending up

to 8 hours a day on the website. Even though they consider the website distracting and time

consuming, these students note that they cannot quit visiting it, because they like it and use it

to keep in contact with their friends and family, whether they encounter them every day or not

(Facebook, 2011, Adan, 2011).

According to Boyd and Ellison (2007), Facebook also has experienced vast

expansion in recent years, leading to its extensive use by people from all generations.

According to Csikzentmihalyi (1988) , The current stream of interactions and content

generated on Facebook are similar to other online and offline activities, the number of hours

that users spend increasing the academic performance level of student is decreasing and lastly,

San Narciso, Zambales

(Posner and Rothbar, 1998), Students with high self-regulation likely allocate less time to

Social Network (Facebook) and maintain more organized attitudes.

Hence, Most of the students are not listening and keep scrolling in newsfeeds. They

also observed that non-user’s grades are relatively higher than the students who usually

spending too much time on social media specifically Facebook.

Significance of the Study

The significance point of the study is to explore the relationships between Facebook

use and academic performance.

To Students, they will be able to learn the impact of Facebook on their academic


To Teachers, they will be able to know how to adjust, conduct and improve their

teaching techniques on how to attract and maintain the good quality of learning adapted by the


To Parents, they will limit their child on using social media especially Facebook. This

study may also serve as an eye opener that they have to attract and implement some kind of

activities at home that may serve as an entertainment without the use of social media.

To Future Researchers, this study will serve as a guide or basis on their research.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer the following questions regarding to the Impact of

Facebook Usage to the Academic Performance of the Students.

San Narciso, Zambales

1. Do students think that they have enough time to study?



2. How much time do they spend their time in using Facebook?

3. How many times do they have to open their Facebook accounts?

4. How Facebook affect the academic performance of the students?

5. How Facebook influence the academic performance of the students?

6. How do students spend their leisure time?

⁃Studying ⁃Multiple activities

⁃Socializing on SNS ⁃Shopping

⁃Visiting Friends

7. What are the special motives that drive students to use Facebook?

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study is only limited to Grade XII Students in Zambales Academy Incorporated

that is using and spending too much time on Facebook that affects their academic


This study will examine if the students are still learning and gaining good information

on social media specifically on Facebook or they are well entertained and distracted with the

features of it.

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