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AMA Computer Learning Center

Under AMA Education System
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3 5 Flrs. Tolentino Bldg. J.P. Rizal St. San Vicente
Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro 5200

“FooGo: Food on the Go Online System”


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement in IT Capstone


Raymundo, Angelica Joy T.


World-Class I.T. Education

AMA Computer Learning Center
Under AMA Education System
rd- th
3 5 Flrs. Tolentino Bldg. J.P. Rizal St. San Vicente
Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro 5200




The present time is called the computer age. The computer has given birth to most
of the new tools that helps us with everyday tasks such as writing, planning, graphing,
computing and communicating. We use technology to try to change the world to suit us
better and FooGo: Food on the Go is one of the proof to make our life easier and not
hassle. Technology is the reason why we live our life easier and faster today. Just one
click on the gadget using the wireless fidelity connection and here we go, the informations
are being display on the screen. It is a powerful instrument for transforming learning. It
can help us to invent our approaches or idea in our mind to meet the needs of all learners
and people that surrounds us. It is safe to admit that the world has attained the form of
global environment where everything is accessible through technology. The advent of
computers has shaped the life of many people.

In recent time, most people have their meals outside. People are interested to
know where are all the delicious food around them without having to visit every restaurant.
They also want to know the price that is affordable to their budget. However, deciding on
what and where to eat is difficult because there are many eating outlets where the food
quality is not known. Besides, good eating places may not be easily spotted. This
proposed study enables us to easily search for good quality of food and yet low quantity
in our surrounding without the need to physically present at all food restaurant premises.

These past years, Calapan City has been developed into a successful City. It serves
as the center of commerce, industry, transport, communication and activities in the entire
province of Oriental Mindoro. As time passes by many malls, restaurants, food
establishments that are built in the city. Calapanos loved to eat food outside and they

World-Class I.T. Education

AMA Computer Learning Center
Under AMA Education System
rd- th
3 5 Flrs. Tolentino Bldg. J.P. Rizal St. San Vicente
Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro 5200

don’t know where are the best food in this city can find. Also whenever when we are in a
hectic schedule we are running out of time to eat outside that can satisfy our food taste.
The researcher plans to develop a system that helps the user to find restaurants
according to their requirements. This benefits the users to choose foods or restaurant that
they want depends on their taste and budget. The customers today are not only attracted
because placing an order online is very convenient but also because they also want the
food items the best in all restaurant here in Calapan City. The motivation to design this
web-based application came because of my family and friends. We are traditionally
celebrating occasions like birthdays, baptismal and family reunions. Many of us celebrate
it outside so they want to know where the best food and restaurants can find in the city.
Another is when a group of friends are planning to eat outside, they don’t know where to
eat. They need to visit first at a certain restaurant, eat there and review the taste at all.
The researcher proposed this study to help the customers find the satisfaction on the food
they want to buy. This application is a time saver providing the best foods in a few clicks.
The interface of the proposed study is very simple and catchy. The user can search and
view the foods all from the home webpage.

World-Class I.T. Education

AMA Computer Learning Center
Under AMA Education System
rd- th
3 5 Flrs. Tolentino Bldg. J.P. Rizal St. San Vicente
Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro 5200

Objectives of the Study

General Objective

The main objective of the study is to develop a system for Foogo: Food on the Go
that can help the customers to find foods convenient.

Specific Objectives

The study seeks to attain the following specific objectives:

1.) To determine the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of sex, age and civil

2.) To determine the efficiency of the proposed FooGo: Food on the Go system;

3.) To determine the user-friendliness of the proposed FooGo: Food on the Go system;

4.) To determine the accuracy of the proposed FooGo: Food on the Go system;

5.) To determine the manageability of the proposed FooGo: Food on the Go system; and

6.) To determine the security of the proposed FooGo: Food on the Go system;

Statement of the Problem

Several issues may occur in developing of the system namely;

1.) What is the level of efficiency of the proposed FooGo: Food on the Go System?

2.) What is the level of user-friendliness of the proposed FooGo: Food on the Go System?

3.) What is the level of accuracy of the proposed FooGo: Food on the Go System?

4.) What is the level of manageability of the proposed FooGo: Food on the Go System?

World-Class I.T. Education

AMA Computer Learning Center
Under AMA Education System
rd- th
3 5 Flrs. Tolentino Bldg. J.P. Rizal St. San Vicente
Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro 5200

5.) What is the level of security of the proposed FooGo: Food on the Go System?

Significance of the Study

This study provides a system which can be beneficial to the customers which can
make their life faster and convenient. The primary significance in this research is to help
users or customers to well-organized every transaction and minimize their workload. The
system will help the users to minimize time and efforts in tending to the receipt that will
be given to each resident.

This study is useful to the following:

Users. They have the benefit to know where they can find a place or location of the best
food they like. This will assist them in choosing the best food and seeking the best
business food company. It also enables the users to search food on best quality but also
afford of their budget without the need to go to different restaurant. This application is
also time manageable for users.

Food Businesses. The proposed system will lessen their burdens especially in
marketing department and increase business productivity. This will improve their business
transaction methods.

Proponents. The proponents will gain knowledge and skills in system analysis will be
improved and also it will help the future researchers gain idea about food searching
system and develop their own system. This will serve to the proponents as a challenge
to do a better system.

Future Researchers. This study challenged the future researchers to do their best in
developing food search system. This study would also be serves as a basis in the future
studies in terms of tracking system.

World-Class I.T. Education

AMA Computer Learning Center
Under AMA Education System
rd- th
3 5 Flrs. Tolentino Bldg. J.P. Rizal St. San Vicente
Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro 5200

Scope and Limitations

This system is designed to provide an efficient and useful way of searching the
best food and restaurant here in Calapan City. The scope of this study lies only on the
creation of the web-based application of FooGo: Food on the Go Online System. This
system is an application to search a certain food that the users want in Calapan City. It
only displays the name of the best restaurants here in Calapan where the users can find
the food and their price. The system can only be accessed if there is an Internet
connection. It is a web based application only not an android app that can be downloaded
in gadget like cellphones and tablets. It does not indicate the ordering and paying system
for the foods that the users like. The system is unable for customizing food orders.

The system can search and display for the best foods and restaurant the users
wants. For database management the study will use Personal Home Page (PHP),
coupled with MySQL to create a FooGo: Food on the Go Online system. PHP is the
programming language to be used in order to develop this system while MySQL is the
backend user by the proponent in storing the data.

World-Class I.T. Education

AMA Computer Learning Center
Under AMA Education System
rd- th
3 5 Flrs. Tolentino Bldg. J.P. Rizal St. San Vicente
Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro 5200

Definition of Terms

Users. Users is defined as the one who is utilizing or using this web-based application.
Residents of Calapan City are example of consumers.

Efficiency. The quality or degree of being efficient. Will the proposed system will be
useful to the users?

User-friendliness. The web-based application is easy to learn, easy to use,

understandable to the users or easy to deal with.

Accuracy. Freedom from mistake or error. On the other hand it is the degree of the
system to conform a measure to a standard true value

Manageability. The system is capable of being manage. The users can use it easily and
it the interface is simple and clear.

Security. It is the quality of state of being secured, free from danger and something that
secures protection.

Personal Home Page (PHP). It is a script language and interpreter that is freely available
and used primarily in Linux Web Servers. It will be the program that the researcher will
used in her proposed study to develop the web based system.

MySQL. It is an open-source relational database management system. It is used to create

by many popular websites including Facebook, Flicker, Twitter and Youtube. This will be
the backend user by the researcher to store data.

Online. It is controlled by or connected to another computer or to a network. Online is

used in the study to search the food the users want and display its result.

World-Class I.T. Education

AMA Computer Learning Center
Under AMA Education System
rd- th
3 5 Flrs. Tolentino Bldg. J.P. Rizal St. San Vicente
Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro 5200


This chapter covers the review of related literature and studies which are closely
related to the present study, both foreign and local and provided the researchers some
background and information in determining the type of approach used for this study.

Review of Related Literature

Foreign Literature

Large number of food reviews is required to recommend eating outlets to users.

To get that number of food reviews, crowdsourcing is the way to gathers food reviews.
Brabham (2008) states that “Crowdsourcing is an online, distributed problem-solving and
production model”. Food reviews are written by users rather than hiring people to write it.
Wikipedia is an example of successful crowdsourcing platform, its large database of
information is written by many different people.

In the journal of Kooh Soo Cheng entitled “Location Based Social Mobile
Application for Food” he said that it is very difficult to hire people to write reviews for every
eating outlets due to there are many eating outlets out there and new eating outlets can
be opened anytime. By using the crowdsourcing model the reviews can be attributed by
users from anywhere. There are also new or unknown eating outlets can be spotted by
users and no money is spent on hiring people to write reviews for eating outlets.

However, there are some disadvantages of using crowdsourcing. Due to any user
can write reviews, the reviews may not be accurate compared to reviews written by
professional food reviewers. Therefore, there is a need to check the reviews written by
users are appropriate or not.

World-Class I.T. Education

AMA Computer Learning Center
Under AMA Education System
rd- th
3 5 Flrs. Tolentino Bldg. J.P. Rizal St. San Vicente
Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro 5200

Scholarly a journal entitled, “Business Insider, 2013” pointed out that location
based services are services that are used to provide the location information to the users.
With over 770 million GPS-enabled smartphones location based services can be
accessed from mobile devices. It allows application to be aware of users’ location. Thus,
it allows users to find the nearest eating outlets. By integrating location based services
into mobile applications, some interesting features can be added to help recommend
eating outlets such as location based advertising track families and friends and location
of the foods.

Both real time and historical data mobile location data can be used by location
based advertising to deliver to shoppers where web users actually shop and eat (Olenski,
2013). The advertisement will only be shown when users are near to the eating outlets
so that the probability of users going to the eating outlets is higher because the
eating outlet is nearby. Coupon or promotions can also be shown to attract more
customers. Users can know where their families or friends eat at. Thus, users can join
their families or friends to eat together. With the location on the food, the existence of the
eating outlet can be alerted to users.

In the research conducted by Allied Business Intelligence, Inc, (2011), it is clear

that web based technologies will transform the enterprise. The simple math is that if
information and communications are available at any place and any time, Business users
are more productive and can serve customers better. In a study performed by ABI
researchers, one company realized a productivity cost savings of 95 percent when its
workers switched from an unconnected device solution to a connected mobile solution.

Wobopedia (2011), web base application help users by connecting them to the
internet services more commonly accessed on desktop or notebook computers. While
opportunities abound, we have identified three advantages of using web based for your
business: speed, volume of information and advertising.

World-Class I.T. Education

AMA Computer Learning Center
Under AMA Education System
rd- th
3 5 Flrs. Tolentino Bldg. J.P. Rizal St. San Vicente
Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro 5200

Jennifer Rowley (2005) cited that information systems are a tool to support
information management. Information systems are increasingly being used in
organizations with the objective of providing competitive advantage. The information
systems used by organizations can be grouped into different types such as transaction
processing system, management information system, decision support system, executive
information system, expert system and office information system. The information society
may be a virtual society. The concepts of the electronic food and restaurant search app
have been explored. Information poses a number of issues on society in our environment.

Local Literature

According to Aquino (2005), importance of computer application is increasing day

by day. In the latest decades of the millennium winning organization are those which are
willing to integrate business strategy and computer information technology in plying their
respective trades. The use of computer information technology results for them to be able
to develop products fast and make decisions fast, ability to have fluid organization
structures, able to cope with the demanding work force and external environment by the
rapid development of innovative approaches and lastly using information system confirms
the company’s mission vision.

An article from The Philippine Star dated August 7, 2012 by Louella D. Desiderio
entitled “Business urged to use internet to push products”. It shows that businesses are
advice to use the internet for promoting their products and services as more consumers
are going online to research before making purchases. Companies should consider using
online advertisements for the products and services they offer as more and more people
are using the Internet to research goods they plan to buy before making the purchase. It
also states that in the Philippines, the study showed that around 70 percent of consumers
first make a research of their purchases online even if they purchase offline. This trend
shows the potential of using online marketing in running a certain business like foods.

World-Class I.T. Education

AMA Computer Learning Center
Under AMA Education System
rd- th
3 5 Flrs. Tolentino Bldg. J.P. Rizal St. San Vicente
Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro 5200

An article entitled “Online Advertising to Surpass Print and TV in 2013” shows that
online advertising has continued to grow, achieving 10 percent year growth recording
813.25 million dollars for the three months ending September 2012.. The results of the
Online Advertising Expenditure Report (OAER), compiled by PricewaterhouseCoopers
(PwC), show that while the general advertising market is softening, online advertising is
on track to surpass both newspaper and TV advertising in 013. It is related to the study
because it shows how effective is online advertising to businesses that it became on track
to surpass both newspapers and television advertising on 2013. It also shows that online
advertising is continuously growing and becoming more effective to advertisers and

Local literature an article from “Quantifying the Economic Impact of the Internet”
dated August 17, 2009 by Dave Zepanta says that businesses around advertising
supported internet have incredible multiplier effects throughout the economy and society.
Ironically, the online advertising and the commercialization of the Web achieved important
goals of the supported resisters mostly to preserve the web as a medium for free
publishing and communications. The Advertising Supported Internet also helps the
economy by fostering innovation, entrepreneurship and productivity.

World-Class I.T. Education

AMA Computer Learning Center
Under AMA Education System
rd- th
3 5 Flrs. Tolentino Bldg. J.P. Rizal St. San Vicente
Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro 5200

Review of Related Studies

Local Studies

Scholarly the study of Erika Isabela (2013) entitled “Web and Mobile-Based
System for Food Businesses stressed out that researches in the area of food
recommendation based on the user’s location are mostly using the mobile phone as the
interface to users and mobile phone as well as computers. With a GPS system, there are
number of research can be done using the user’s recommendation and habits with their
eating. The system will be able to pick up a pattern in their eating habit, thus the system
will also be able to provide some recommendations regarding their eating place, what
they eat, with whom they eat, etc. The system will able to pick up the local search thus
will recommend a local restaurant where user now based on their similarity search.

Moreover, some matured system or application in food recommendation using

location-based have existed. The first application is Qraved. Qraved is a platform that
provides solution to answer “eat what” and “eat where”. This application uses GPS to find
nearby restaurant. However, this application has some drawbacks, which are inconsistent
in the use of language between Indonesian and English, Unfortunately, there are only ten
dining place option available with medium to high class economy society consumers.
Each restaurant has its own rating in which the rating is rated by the users.

World-Class I.T. Education

AMA Computer Learning Center
Under AMA Education System
rd- th
3 5 Flrs. Tolentino Bldg. J.P. Rizal St. San Vicente
Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro 5200

Foreign Literature

World-Class I.T. Education

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