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SGI-USA Men’s Division - Suggested Study Material for July 2014

In 2014, the Men’s Division is studying “The New Human Revolution,” Volume 26. In July, we
are studying the second chapter: “Banner of the Law”, installments 30-42. The excerpts below
are provided to support the men’s division study and can be used at men’s division meetings.
Every man is encouraged to have his own copy of “The New Human Revolution,” which is
available at your local SGI-USA book store or through the website. To read online, log in to Click Select Title and choose SGI / Living
Buddhism / The New Human Revolution. Click on the calendar to choose the issue date. The
publication dates and page references appear at the end of each excerpt.

Banner of the Law

(Page references below from July 2014 Living Buddhism)

“Strong people can be said to have a firm sense of purpose in life, or deeply held
convictions or true friends. We, in the Soka Gakkai, have all three. We have the lofty
purpose of realizing kosen-rufu and attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime. And we have
the unshakable conviction that in upholding Nichiren Buddhism we can achieve
indestructible happiness for ourselves and others. Finally, we have trusted comrades in
faith and a Soka family united in a network of friendship, where we mutually encourage
and support one another.” P33

“We can learn from Bodhisattva Never Disparaging’s behavior how to show the utmost
respect for all people equally and share Buddhism with them, without distinction of class
or social status. This too should be the way that leaders and all Soka Gakkai members,
who are striving for kosen-rufu, behave.” P35

“No matter how much we talk about the correct teaching and doctrines of Nichiren
Buddhism, if we slander and malign one another, in our hearts we are betraying the spirit
of the Daishonin. That’s a grave offense. Please do not forget this point.” P38

“Humanism is not a special way of living; it’s the simple act of empathizing with others’
feelings – reaching out and encouraging those who are striving hard or suffering, and
sharing the joys of those who are happy.” P39


1) With so many types of people and outlooks in the SGI and in American society
generally, what can you do to transcend these differences and create true unity and

2) Sensei shares “if we slander and malign one another, in our hearts we are betraying the
spirit of the Daishonin.” Nichiren Daishonin also strictly warns his disciples about such
behavior, “… whether what [you] speak about is true or not …” (WND 2, 198). Why do you
think Nichiren Daishonin and Sensei are so strict about this point?

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