Research Content Discussion: (Sequence of Paragraph)

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Research Content Discussion

Date : July 29, 2019

Time: 4- 5 PM

Start: 4:05PM

End: 5:28 PM



Statement of the Problem

Scope and Limitation

Possible Features:

 Bill drafting
 Archiving
 Session Scheduling

Title: Legislative Information Management Systems (LIMS) – (working title)

Chapter 1


(Sequence of Paragraph)

 Technology,
 Information dissemination
 Management of document ( specific, general )
 Managing legislative
 Legislative docs – anything about legislation
 Multimedia content

Current practices:

Statement of the Problem:

 Profiling (no definite decision whether to include or not*

1. Current practices in legislative
2. How to develop the system? What to research? ( Will use the ISO 25 010 criteria )
3. Evaluation / Assessment (to check the criteria – ex. Management)
 Functional suitability

Note: See ISO -25 010 co 2011


Diffusion of Innovation


Multimedia Management

Document Management

Scope and Limitation

- Scope of the System

*features to be included


* house rules

* DSS – specific features (Scheduling; notification; public announcement; public hearing;

suggestions (schedule overlook suggest and new schedule; pending ordinance ?)


- Not all are information are available

Chapter 2

Related Literature

(see sequence in introduction)

Chapter 3

- Likert Scale
- Sampling
- Respondents
- To use purposive sampling –
 Staff ; sanggunian ; community;
- Identify number of respondents
- Use Descriptive Research

Presentation to Vice Mayor’s Office ( c/o sir Manny )

 General Flow / System Flow of the proposed system

 Introduction ( text )
 Features

Due – Thursday (August 1- tentative)

Next Short meeting Schedule: Wednesday Afternoon July 31, 2019 (exact time for approval of the

Please prepare draft of introduction and flow of the system on Wednesday for our discussion. Thank you.

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