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1. What type of motor is used for food mixer?

A. Split phase C. Universal
B. Shaded D. Compound shunt

Answer is C

2. Receptacle outlet shall be located not more than __ mm above countertop.

A. 300 C. 250
B. 450 o. ·aoo
Answer is B PEC 2000 13P 74

3. A Diesel Power plant is best suited as

A. Base load Plant C. Peak load Plant
B. Standby Plant D. General purpose Plant
Answer is B

4. The power factor of a load on a 120 volt, 60Hz source is raised from 0.707 to
,, 0.866 lagging by connecting a 53 micro-farad capacitor across the load. What
'II is_the true power of the load in watts?
A. 286 G. 862
B. 682 D. 268
Xc = =50 ohms
2;r(60)(53x1 o-6 )
V 2 120 2
Qc =-=--=288var
Xc 50
Qc = f(tagB -ta!}O ') = f[tan45° -tal1~0° ]= ~88yar
P = 681.4watts
Answer is B

5. What is the minimum distance between receptacle outlets in meters of a show

A. 3 C. 2
B. 4 D. 5
Answer is A PEC 2000 page 75

6. Find the force in a conductor of length 50 em moving perpendicular at a

velocity 590 m/s to a region of flux density 1 testa.
A. 15 Volts C. 150 volts
B. 30 Volts D. 300 volts

E =B/v sin 0 =1tesla(05mX590m Is) sin 90° =295volts Answer is D

7. A 10 ohms resistor is connected in parallel to the impedance of Z=3+j4. What
is the power factor?
A. 0.6 c. 0.609
B. 0.8 D. 0.809
Yr =..!_ + -
- =0.272L- 36.03°
10 3 + j4

Answer Is D

8. In Philippine l)i~tribuUcm: Code Pllrpos~s , Which of the follo\Ying is not

A. To ensure quality of electric Power
a. To specify Cl!ISt'omers services for the protection of end users
C. To specify starndards for the protection of personnel in the work
D. Te ensufe thatdistributien system will be eperated by only one
distributiOn company.
Answer is D

9. The resistance of conductor increases

A. when length of conductor increased
B. when the resistivity of the wire remains constant
C. when the area, of the wire is increased
D. when length and area of conductor are both increased
Answer is A

10.A 120 volts de motor draws 200 ampere is located 1000 ft from the supply line.
The diameter of wire is: 0..45 inch, the specific resistance is 10.4 ohm emil per
foot. What is the supply voltage?
A. 136 c. 129
B. 134 D. 140
Cmil= (450mils·) :::202500
l . 1000
R ;;;;; p - - == 1OA = 0.05135 ohm
Cmil 202500
Vs =Vmotor +Voltage Drop= 120 + 200(2x0.0513) = 140.5volts
Answer is D

11. In a three phase balanced delta connected load with one line open, line A has
20 A. Assume line A iS the reference and the line c is open. What should be
the negative sequence of line a?
A. 0 C. 34.64 A
B. 20A D. 11.54 A

When line e is open, delta load is now supplied by a single phase

fa =20LO
Ib =-fa = 20L180°
la2 =!(!a +A 2lb +Aic)=!(20L0+20L180° •1L240°)=11.54L-30°
3 3 .
Answer is D

12. In Philippine Distribution Code Power Quality Standards, Which of the

following is not belong?
A. Frequency shall be constant at 60Hz
B. THO of the voltage shall not exceed to 5% during normal operating
C. The maximum voltage unbalance at the connection point of any
user shall not exceed to 2.5% during normal operating condition
D. The flicker severity at the connection point of any user shall not
exceed to 1.0 unit for short term or 0.8 unit for long term.
Answer is A

13. A short three phase transmission line with an impedance of 2+j4 has equal
sending and receiving end voltage of 115 kv. What should be the power
supplied to the load in MW if receiving end power factor of 0.8.
A. 839.2 C. 622
B. 760 D. 712
Note: for equal sending and receiving end voltage, receiving end power
factor 'is leading
vsN =v~rv + IRZL
i' 11~00 La= 115~00 LO+IRL +36.87o(2+ }4)
3 "1-'
66395.3La =" 66395.3 + 4.471RL100.3°
(66395.3) 2 = (66395.3 + 4.47 IR cosl00.3°) 2 + (4.47 IR cos100.3°) 2
IR :;:: 5311 amp.
PR = fivRIRPfR = -/3(115kv)(53Il)(0.8) = 846MW
Answer is A

14. What is the maximum flux in a transformer with 200 turns at the primary when
supplied by 60 hertz, 240 volts source? -
A. 4.5mWb C. 4.13mWb
e. 4.04mWo o. 4,~2mWo
Ep =4.44/tjJmNp
240 =4.44(60)¢1m(200) ¢1m= 4.5x10-3 Weber
Answer is A

15.1n Philippine Distribution Code System efficiency Standards, power Factor at

the connection point shall be ?
A. Not less than 80% C. Not less than 85%
B. Not less than 90% D. Always unity
Answer is c
16. A capacitor of 2 microfarad is supplied from a source voltage 2 sin 2pi1 06 t
volts instantaneous value. What is the maximum value of current?
A. 251.3 c. 0.2513
B. 2.513 D. 25.13
i ~ C dv = 2xlo-6 [(2)(2nl0 6 (cos2n10 6 t)]= 25.13cos2nl0 t
/max =25.13Amp.
Answer is D

17.A 230 volts, 3-phase system has a load of 7.07 +j 7.07 ohms both are wye
connected. What is the current?
A. 9.39,... j 9.39 c. 16.206 + j 16.206
B. 9.39 + j 9.39 D. 16.206- j 16.206
230 LO
I =Van= .J3 --. = 9.39- }9.39 Amp
a z(J) 7.07 + }7.07
Answer is A
18. Which type of DC motors is not directly connected to the load?
I A. Shunt C. Universal
B. Series D. Compound
Answer is A

19.A 240 volts de shunt motor has an armature current of 50 ampere, armature
resistance of 0.25 running at 1200 rpm. If it is run at 220 volts, what value of
armature current if the speed remains at 1200 rpm but the field is change.
A. 55 C. 60
B. 50 D. 46
Eb 1 ""'240 -- 50(0.25) = 227.5 ""'K<P 1 (1200)
220 \ .
Eb? = 220- la 2 (0.25) =Kcl> 2 (N 2 ) =K ( -cl> 1 Jt200
- \_240
Combining the equations,

2275 220
220-la2 (0.25) = ( )1200
1200 240
la2 = 45.8Amp
Answer is D

20. The resistance 100 ohm, inductance 50 mH and capacitance 50 Micro-farad

are connected in series and across 240 volts source. What is the resonant
A. 60 Hz C. 70 Hz
B. 100Hz D. 1 Khz
1 1
JR = = =100.7 Hz
2;rJLC 2ir)0.05(50xl0-6 )
Answer is B

21.A circuit has impedance of 3.464+j2.0 ohm is supplied from a source voltage
of 240 volts, 60 Hz. What is the current when resistance is reduced by 50%
A 91 A C. 72 A
B. 60A D. 54A
I'= =90.7L-49J 0
3.464 .,.,
Answer isA

22.1n a de motor which one is not considered in determining the speed?

A. Thickness of armature lamination C. Strength in the armature
B. Strength of the magnetic field D. Load on the motor
.Answer Is A

23.An induction
. -
motor has 8- poles, 60Hz, 3% slip. VVhat is the rotor speed?

A. 900 C. 873
B. 927 D. 847
- 120f- 120(60)- 900
N s- p- 8 - rpm
NR =N s (1- S) = 900(1- 0.03) =873rpm
Answer is C

24. Two transformers each rated 100 kva, 13200/240 volts are connected open
delta. Determine the maximum kva of the load.
A 173.2 C. 100
B. 141.2 D. 200
Max load of open delta bank= .J3(100) = 173.2kva
----- --
is A
-·- - -

25. What is the device used and connected to a generator to prevent motorizing?
A Reverse power relay C. Overvoltage relay
B. Overcurrent relay D. Directional relay
Answer is A

26. In dwelling units, at least one receptacle outlet for hallways more than _ m.
A. 3 C. 2
B. 4 D. 5
Answer is A PEC 2000 page 75

27. A device used for swiching, carrying and interrupting a system for both fault
and full load corui1mon,.
A. Sectionalizer.- C. Fuse
B. Circuit breaw D. Air break switch
Answer is B

28. The illumination at a certain distance is 800 lux, what is the lux when the
distance to the point is doubled?
A. 300 C. 400
8.100 D. 200

Answer is D

29. The net energy required of a certain country in year 2000 was approximately
3x1 06 GWH. What is the equivalent value in quad?
A. 12.42 c. 124.2
B. 10.24 D. 102.4
- - lf ·Quad
Energy= .3x10 12 kwh x - - J= 10.24quad
3413kwh 10 15 btu/
Answer is B

30. What is the required Volt-Amp for lighting of an office building with 500 sqm
A 16,500 C. 23,500
B. 14,000 D. 50,000
For Office, GL is 28 VAJm 2
GL=28x500=14,()00 volt-amp
Answer is B

31. Which of the following is not a cause of noise in communication system?

A. Heat agitation of electrical component C. Atmosphere
B. Manufactured electrical equipment D. Other communication signal
Answer is A

32. An ideal transformer has a voltage rating of 2400/240 volts, a motor is

connected to the secondary draws 50 A at 200 volts, what resistance must be
connected to maintain this voltage?
A. 0.6 c. 0.5
a Q3 o. Q8
By KVL at secondary,

' ,, .._'

Answer is D

33. The complex expression of voltage is 300 cis 90 deg. What is its
instantaneous equation?
A. 424.4 sin (wt+90°) C. 424.4 cos (wt+90°)
B. 300 sin (wt+90°) D. 300 cos (wt+90°)
Vm =.J2Vrms =.J2(300) =424.2volts
v(t) =424.4sin(mt + 90°)
Answer is A

34. A circuit has 125 A base current and 25 ohms base impedance, find the kVA
A. 3.125 C. 3125
B. 390.625 D. 39.063
Vbase =!base • Zbase =125(25) == 3125volts
KVAbase = Vbase • !base == 3125(125) = 390.625kva
-- - - 1000 1000 - . - . .
Answer is B

35. Find the work in kwhr to lift 1 ton at a height of 55ft for 10 sec . The motor
gear efficiency ie. 50%.
A. 0.091 C. 0.91
B. 91 D. 910
Mech'l Work= Force•distance = 1000x9.81N{~)m =164,497 joules
Elecmcal Energy= 164491watt-· sec == 328,994watt-sec[ kw- hr]6 = 0.0914kwhr
0.5 3.6x10
i Answer is A

36. Factor in determining specific resistance

A. Nature of material C. Material and length
B. Area D. Material, area and length
Answer is A

37. the spacing between receptacle outlets in dwelling unit

A. 1,800 mm C. 1,700 mm
B. 3,700 mm D. 4,000 mm
Answer is A PEC 2000 page 72

38. Power system has receiving current of 1.2 pu or current at the receiving end,
0.6 pu voltage at the receiving end and 0.5 pu receiving power. When the
base current is 160 amp and base voltage is 20 kv, what is the power factor at
the receiving end?
A. 0.5 C. 0.8
B. 0.7 D. 0.69
Ppu::;;: Vpu•lpu• pf
0.5 = 0.6(1.2)J>f
Answer is D

39. A current is given by this equation i =2t3 + f +3, a capacitor has an initial
charge of 6.83 coulomb. What should be the charge of the capacitor after 5
A. 362 c. 375.8
B. 385 D. 369
5 5

Hs 3 dq = Ji(t)dt 2
i- 6.83 = f<2t + t + 3)dt

0 0

q =375.8 Coul
Answer is C

40.A single band transmitter has a voltage supply of 230 volts. Voice peak
produces a current of 1.5 ampere. What is the peak envelop power?
A. 300 C. 460
B. 322 D. 345

P:;;:230(1.5)::::345 watts
Answer is D

41. Which of the following is not belong on finding/searching the lightning

A Voltage rating C. Current rating
B. Insulator coordination D. Power rating
Answer is D

42. What is the minimum ampacity of feeders w/ motor and other load connected.
A. 250% motor FL current plus other current C. 125% total current
B. 125% motor FL current plus other current D. 250% total current
Answer is B

43.1n Philippine Distribution Code Reliability Standards, the following are

reliability indices shall be imposed except one
A System Average Interruption Frequency index
B. System Average Interruption E>uration index
C. Momentary Average Interruption Frequency
D. Momentary Average Interruption Duration .
Answer is D

·-~~---- ____ , ___________

l i'


44.1nsulation of wire is based on

A. RMS C. Average
B. Peak D. 1.732 peak
Answer is 8
45. Outdoor outlets of one-family dwelling shall be installed not more than _ m
above grade level at the front or back of the family dwelling
A. 3 C. 2
B. 4 D. 5
Answer is C PEC 2000 page 74

46.An 80 em tong conductor carrying a current of 3.6 ampere and seen right
angle to the flux density of 0.95 tesla. What is the force in the conductor?
A. 0.2736 C. 273.6
B. 27.36 D. 2.736
F = BflsinB = 0.95(3.6X0.8)sin90° =2.736N
Answer is D
47. In Philippine Distribution Code Safety Standards for Distribution Utilities and
Suppliers, the following are adopted except _ _
A. PEC Part I C. PEC Part 2
B. OSHS D. Building Code
Answer is D
48.1n Philippine Distribution Code Performance Standards, WhiCh of the following
is not belong?
A. Collection standards C. Reliability standards
B. Safety standards D. System:efficiem~y staRdaros
Answer is A
49.A three phase wye connected balanced load of 10 ohms each resistor
connected to a 220 volts source. Determine the power.
A. 19.36 C. 9.6
B. 4.84 D. 14.52
For wye-connected resistor
V2 220 2
P3; =R =lo = 4840watts
Answer is 8

50. What is the best conductor of electricity?

A. Polyethylene c. ChmaCiay
B. Ceramic D. Graphite
Answer is D


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