Emailing QSTN Bank X History

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STD -- X
Subject: History

*1. How had the First World War created a new economic situation in India? Explain with three
2. Explain the idea of Satyagraha according to Gandhiji.
*3. How was Rowlett Act opposed by the people in India? Explain with examples.
4. Why decide to Gandhiji to launch a nationwide Satyagraha against the proposed Rowlett Act,
Act,1919? Explain.
5. What was the Khilafat issue?
6. “British rule in India would have collapsed if Indians had not cooperated”. How did this
statement helps in starting a mass movement in India against the British Rule?
7. How did the ‘Non-Cooperative Movement’ spread in cities across the country? Explain its
effectson the economic front? Why did it slow down?
8. Describe the spread of Non-Cooperation Movement in the countryside.
9. Describe Gudem rebel in Andra Pradesh.
10.“Swaraj meant different things to different people”. Discuss the hopes and disappointments of those
who participated.
*11. Discuss various stages of Non-Cooperative launched by Mahatma Gandhi.
*12. Mention the causes for the withdrawal of the non-cooperation movement.
13. What was Simon Commission? What was its aim?
14. How did ‘Salt March’ become an effective tool of resistance against Colonialism? Explain.
15. Explain the features of the Civil disobedience movement of 1930.
*16. Explain the attitude of the Indian merchants and the industrialists towards the ‘Civil Disobedience
17. How was the civil disobedience movement different from the Non-Cooperation movement?
18. How did Gandhiji try to integrate the Depressed Class into society?
19.”An important feature of the Civil Disobedience movement was the large scale participation of
women”. Explain.
*20. Dalit participation was limited in the Civil Disobedience Movement. Examine the statement.
21. Describe the main features of “Poona Pact”.
*22.”Nationalism spreads when people begin to believe that they are all part of the same nation”.
Support the statement.
23.“Some of the Muslim political organizations in India, were lukewarm in their response to the
Civil Disobedience Movement”. Examine the statement.
24. Why did political leaders differ sharply over the question of separate electorates for Muslim and
Added Question:
25. How did non cooperation movement start with participation of middle class people in the cities?
Explain its impact on the economic front.
26. Why was Congress reluctant to allow women to hold any position of authority within the
organization? How did women participate in Civil Disobedience Movement? Explain.

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STD -- X
Subject: History

1. What were Accordion book?

* 2. Describe the salient features of Indian Manuscripts before the age of print.
3. What were the difficulties in copying manuscript?
* 4. How did the scientists and philosophers in the 18th century Europe find it easier to reach out to
people? Explain.
5. Why did handwritten manuscripts could not meet the increasing demand for books?
* 6. In what ways printed books resembled handwritten manuscripts?
* 7. “If earlier there was a hearing public, now a reading public came into being”. Explain the
* 8. How did the hearing public and reading public got intermingled?
* 9. Martin Luther remarked, “Printing is the ultimate gift of God and the greatest one”. Explain
this statement in the light of the religious reforms that took place in Europe in the 16th
10. Why did some people fear the effect of easily available printed book? Give one example each
from Europe and India.
*11. Why did the Roman Catholic Church begin to keep an index of prohibited books from the mid
16th century?
*12. How did new forms of popular literature appears in print targeting new audience in the 18th
century? Explain with examples.
*13. How did the print revolution help to prepare the conditions for the French Revolution?
14. Describe any five strategies developed by the printers and publishers in the 19th century to
sell their products.
*15. How did print culture assist the growth of nationalism in India? Explain.
*16. How did print culture affect the life of poor people and women in the 19th century India?
Added Questions:
17. “The ‘Print Revolution’ had transformed the lives of people changing their relationship to
information and knowledge.” Analyze the statement.

*17. How did print introduce a new world of debate and discussion? What were its implications in
the sphere of religion? Explain.
18. “From the late 19th century, issues of caste discrimination began to be written about in many
printed tracts and essays”. Support the statement by giving examples.
*19. What was Vernacular Press Act? Despite repressive measures now print culture assisted the
growth of nationalism in India. Explain with examples.

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