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Designing a Cold-Formed Steel

Beam Using AS4600-2018 & 2005

Understanding the design process using the Direct
Strength Method

Brooks H. Smith, CPEng, PE, MIEAust, NER, RPEQ
• Introduction
• How CFS is Unique
• Changes Since AS4600-2005
• Designing a CFS Beam
• Flexural Capacity
• Shear Capacity
• Bearing Capacity
• Load Interactions
• Deflection
• Example Beam Calculations
• Conclusion & Questions

14 February 2019 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 2

Introduction – About the Presenter

Brooks H. Smith
• Chartered Professional Engineer
• MCivE, MIEAust, NER, RPEQ, P.E. (USA)
• Currently the lead engineering developer for ClearCalcs
• Recently released CFS beam and column/stud calculators
• 8 years of previous experience in:
• Structural engineering R&D consulting, specialising in cold-formed steel
• Research fellowship in system behaviour of thin-walled steel
• Forensic structural engineering, specialising in reinforced and PT concrete

19 February 2019 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 3

ClearCalcs helps engineers design More Accurate
without compromise by bringing Design more accurately with
together powerful FEA analysis with easy unrestricted and accessible FEA
to use design tools for concrete, steel, analysis
and timber.
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Intro Video Hyperlink | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 4

Introduction – Today’s Goals
• To be able to design a cold-formed steel beam to AS4600-2018
• Cee or Zed sections bent about strong axis
• Negligible holes in the cross-section
• Direct Strength Method (Clause 7)
• Detailing will only be broadly addressed
• We’ll distribute this slide deck and video after the webinar
• Please ask quick questions as I go – best to answer while on the topic
• Please ask using the “Q&A” feature, NOT the chat/messaging feature
• I’ll save involved questions until the end
• Note: Everything today is based on the standards
• We are not on the AS4600 committee, are not communicating any special

14 February 2019 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 5

• Introduction
• How CFS is Unique
• Changes Since AS4600-2005
• Designing a CFS Beam
• Flexural Capacity
• Shear Capacity
• Bearing Capacity
• Load Interactions
• Deflection
• Example Beam Calculations
• Conclusion & Questions

19 February 2019 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 6

How CFS is Unique
• Buckling is a major issue
• Most sections will buckle before yielding
• Bearing / web crippling can easily control
• Buckling of the web for either bottom supports or top point loads
• Design may require finite element/strip analysis
• But this only needs to be done once, and can be avoided
• Highly-customizable shapes
• So design methodology can be used
for any cross-section

14 February 2019 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 7

Buckling in Cold-Formed Steel
• Hot-rolled steel classifies sections as compact, non-compact, or
slender – and requires extra equations for “slender”
• In cold-formed steel, “slender” checks always need to be done
• Local, distortional, or global buckling modes
• Global encompasses both lateral and lateral-torsional buckling
• Stiffeners function to mitigate buckling | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 8

Bearing / Web Crippling
• If the web isn’t directly restrained either at supports or under point
loads, web crippling must be checked
• In hot-rolled steel, checks are simple and rarely control
• But in CFS, they may commonly control and are highly-dependent upon the
precise cross-section and arrangement of forces | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 9

Finite Element / Strip Analysis
• The Direct Strength Method, which is a preferred method in AS4600-
2018, requires a rational analysis that usually takes the form of the
Finite Strip Method
• Generally only needs to be done once for a section, and alternate
methods do exist | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 10

Highly-Customizable Shapes
• Standard sections available, but custom sections also economical
• Lysaght®, Stratco®, FrameCAD®, et al have standard sections | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 11

• Introduction
• How CFS is Unique
• Changes Since AS4600-2005
• Designing a CFS Beam
• Flexural Capacity
• Shear Capacity
• Bearing Capacity
• Load Interactions
• Deflection
• Example Beam Calculations
• Conclusion & Questions

19 February 2019 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 12

Updates Since AS4600-2005
• Old member capacity calculations (Cl 3.3 & 3.4), based on the
Effective Width Method, moved to Appendix D
• Direct Strength Method (Cl 7.2) is now most complete in main body
• And expands prequalification, more properly includes G500 and G550
• Inelastic reserve capacity is now included in DSM buckling
• Inelastic reserve was previously only including in section capacity
• Shear calcs have been added to DSM section (Clause 7)
• Adopting the AISI S100 equations
• Significant revisions to screw, bolt, and PAF connection calculations
• Outside the scope of this webinar | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 13

DSM Preference & More Prequalification
• All Effective Width Method calculations are in Clause 2 or have been
moved to Appendix D
• Previously, only a distortional buckling calculation in Appx D; now all buckling
• DSM is now valid for more members, especially G500 and G550 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 14

Inelastic Reserve in Buckling
• Inelastic reserve equations now available for all types of buckling
• New sections in clauses:

• Eqn

• Eqn

• Eqn | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 15

Shear Calculations In DSM
• New shear calculation, added to Clause 7
• But, fun fact: it’s mathematically (almost exactly) identical to the old
equations – just expressed differently!
• Example:
Original equation

DSM equation


!" 01 7
61 7
9.:9;<=> 61
= 0.905 and, assuming . = ./ , then " = , therefore = ?@A
#$(#&'") 34
251 84 84 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 16

• Introduction
• How CFS is Unique
• Changes Since AS4600-2005
• Designing a CFS Beam
• Flexural Capacity
• Shear Capacity
• Bearing Capacity
• Load Interactions
• Deflection
• Example Beam Calculations
• Conclusion & Questions

19 February 2019 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 17

Designing a Cold-Formed Steel Beam
• Calculate your demands by AS1170
• Limit states which must be checked:
• Positive moment flexural capacity (midspans)
• Negative moment flexural capacity (supports)
• Shear capacity
• Bearing capacity
• Load interaction limits
• Deflection

14 February 2019 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 18

Geometric Derivatives
• First, make sure you have some of the basic geometric properties:
• !" = effective section modulus about the strong axis
• !# = gross section modulus about the strong axis
• $% = second moment of area about the strong axis
• $& = second moment of area about the weak axis
• '( = gross cross-sectional area
• )* = distance from centroid to shear center along x-axis
• +% , +& = radii of gyration about centroidal principal axes
• +*- = polar radius of gyration about the shear center = +%/ + +&/ + )*/

• 1 = St Venant’s torsion constant

• $2 = Torsional warping constant

20 February 2019 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 19

Flexural Capacity – Section Capacity
• Based on yielding, or including inelastic reserve capacity

• If several conditions are met, then inelastic reserve may also be included:
1. No global or distortional buckling occurs (we’ll calculate this later)
2. !" does not include effects of cold-forming (usually the case)
#$ '.''
3. ≤ , where -. is the depth of the compressed portion of the web
%$ *+ ⁄,

4. / ∗ ≤ 0.603. !" , where 3. is the web area

5. Webs are within 30° of the vertical
• Inelastic reserve capacity 45 is the minimum of:
• 1.259: !" , or
< *
• Moment causing a strain of + +;, , where =" is defined for each elements within the cross-
section in Cl
• For 45 , >? = 0.95 when flanges are stiffened, >? = 0.90 otherwise | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 20

Direct Strength Method Req’ts (Cl 7.1.2)
• DSM is applicable to most sections you may encounter
• But should still check this: | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 21

Flexural Cap. – Global Buckling (Cl
• !" is taken as the minimum of !"# , !"% , !"&
• Yield moment is based upon first yield

• !"# is final global buckling capacity, !' is critical global buckling

• Determined analytically, but equations vary by section
• May alternatively be determined via Finite Strip Analysis or Effective Width Method

20 February 2019 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 22

Flexural Cap. – Global Buckling (Cl D2.1)
• Main global buckling parameter !" depends upon section:
• Cee or Zed sections:


where !# , !% , !& are moments at quarter points


BUT, for Z-sections, .) must be based upon the inclined principal axis

where '() , '(* are effective unbraced lengths | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 23
Flexural Cap. – Global Buckling (Cl D2.1)
• Alternative equation exists for !" for Zed sections
• Useful if you lack information about the principal axis properties

• #$% is the second moment of area about the centroidal axis (parallel to web)
• & is the unbraced length | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 24

Flexural Cap. – Inelastic Reserve (Cl
• Allows small amounts of localized yielding that doesn’t affect stability
• Optional provision; certain connections or member types may forbid it
• Only allowed if !" > 2.78!(

• !) is the member plastic moment, equal to *+ ,(

• Generally not given in manufacturers’ information, but may be
calculated by setting compression area equal to tension area | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 25

Flexural Capacity – Finite Strip
• Local and distortional buckling critical buckling capacities (!"# and
!"$ ) most easily determined via Finite Strip Method:
• CUFSM (free), from Johns Hopkins University, or
• THIN-WALL (paid), from the University of Sydney
• Critical capacities generally do not depend upon length
• As long as the beam is longer than about 500-800 mm | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 26

Flexural Capacity – Finite Strip 2 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 27

Flexural Cap. – Local Buckling (Cl
• Local buckling involves the corners of the cross-section staying still,
while the flat portions bend
• Calculations account for local buckling’s interaction with global buckling
• Usually occurs with a half-wavelength of about 100-250 mm
!" | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 28

Flexural Cap. – Local Buckling IR (Cl
• Inelastic reserve capacity also possible in local buckling, provided that
!" ≤ 0.776 and ()* > (,
• Calculation depends upon if first yield is in tension or compression:
• First yield in compression (or if theoretically simultaneous with tension):

• First yield in tension:

where -,. = 3 and (,1 based upon yield in compression fiber ((, is conservative) | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 29

Flexural Cap. – Distort’l Buckling (Cl
• Distortional buckling involves movement of the corners of the cross-
section, but where not all corners move together
• Does not assume an interaction with global buckling
• Usually occurs with a half-wavelength of about 400-800 mm
!" | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 30

Flexural Cap. – Dist. Buckling IR (Cl
• Distortional buckling may also include inelastic reserve, provided that
!" ≤ 0.673
• Again, calculation depends upon the nature of first yield:
• First yield in compression:

• First yield in tension:

where )*+ = 3 and -*. is based on yield in compression fiber (conservatively -* ) | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 31

Flexural Capacity – Overall (Cl 7.2.2)
• Overall flexural member capacity is minimum of local, distortional,
and global buckling capacities
• !" = 0.90 for all types of buckling (Table 1.6.3)

!" '" = 0.90 ∗ min('"- , '"/ , '"0 ) | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 32

Shear Cap. – Shear Buckling (Cl D3)
• Based upon !" = area of flat portion of web (i.e. without corner radii)
• #$% is comparable to &'( , &'* , &' , but calculated analytically

• For unreinforced webs, +, = 5.34

• For reinforced webs having transverse stiffeners (2 = length of shear panel): | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 33

Shear Cap. – Without Stiffeners (Cl
• Based upon shear yield and buckling slenderness:

• Overall result: !" #$ = 0.90 ∗ #" | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 34

Shear Cap. – With Stiffeners (Cl
• Assuming minimum shear web stiffeners, with spacing not exceeding
twice the web depth
• These equations are essentially identical to flexural local buckling!

• Overall result: !" #$ = 0.90 ∗ #" | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 35
Bearing Capacity – Overview (Cl 3.3.6)
• All based upon just one equation:

• Accounts for effects of web angle (!), corner radius ("# ), bearing length ($% ),
and web height slenderness (&')
• The key is in all those () coefficients
• Different tables for Cee, Zed, built-up I-sections, hats, and steel decks
• Note that equation and tables are per web, so box sections, nested Zees, etc
would multiply *% by 2
• +, is not constant and also looked up in the tables! | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 36

Bearing Capacity – Cees (Table | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 37

Bearing Capacity – Zeds (Table | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 38

Load Inter’n – Flexure & Shear (Cl
• Calculation depends upon whether shear stiffeners exist or not:
• Without shear stiffeners:

• With shear stiffeners (only necessary if "∗ ⁄ $% "& > 0.5 and + ∗ ⁄ $, +, > 0.7):

• Notes:
• This "& is NOT what you would calculate in Cl 3.3.1.
• "& = "%/ but without global buckling consideration (assuming globally braced):
0/ = "1 ⁄"2/
• If 0/ ≤ 0.776: "%/ = "1
;.< ;.<
789 789
• If 0/ > 0.776: "%/ = 1 − 0.15 "1
7: 7:

• Additionally, if there are web stiffeners, "& = min("%/ , "%B ) | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 39

Load Inter’n – Flexure & Bearing (Cl 3.3.7)
• Applies for both supports (negative moment) and point loads (usually
positive moment)
• For unreinforced single webs:

• An exception exists for members spaced ≤ 250 mm with lateral bracing

• Back-to-back C-sections:

• Nested Z-sections (! = 0.9):

• Note that a number of connection and geometric restrictions apply (see Cl 3.3.7(c)) | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 40

Load Inter’n – Flexure & Bearing (Cl 3.3.7)
• Be careful of definitions regarding what value should be used for !"
in the previous equations!
• The first two equations (single web sections & back-to-back C-sections):

• BUT, nested Z-sections let you use the value calculated via DSM (as in the
flexure & shear interaction):

• First two equations are AS4600-specific, last is straight form the USA’s AISI S100… | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 41

• Important difference between effective and gross moments of inertia
• Conservatively, you may use the !"## values given by manufacturers
• A little less conservative and more accurate is the following equation:

• $ is the moment demand due to service loads being considered (up to a max of $% )
• $& = $( except that $( is recalculated replacing all instances of $% with $
• Note: ) = 203000 $-. | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 42

Beams - Wrapping It Up
• This represents the general requirements for cold-formed steel beams
• However, there are a few alternative equations, which generally give a
little more capacity, for specific types of systems:
• Beams with one flange through-fastened to deck or sheathing (Cl
• Beams with one flange through-fastened to standing-seam roof (Cl
• Detailing requirements for systems are largely in Clause 4 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 43

• Introduction
• How CFS is Unique
• Changes Since AS4600-2005
• Designing a CFS Beam
• Flexural Capacity
• Shear Capacity
• Bearing Capacity
• Load Interactions
• Deflection
• Example Beam Calculations
• Conclusion & Questions

19 February 2019 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 44

Example Beam #1 – Simply Supported
G = 0.2 kPa
Q = 1.5 kPa

3000 mm

• Office building floor purlin
• 450 mm load width
Showing methods and formulas
• No transverse shear reinforcement
using ClearCalcs’s new cold-formed
• Top flange unbraced at 500 mm
steel calculator
• Torsionally unbraced for full span

14 February 2019 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 45

Example Beam #2 – Complex Beam
Ex #1 Beam @ 4000 mm

G = 0.2 kPa
Q = 1.5 kPa

2000 mm 5500 mm 2500 mm


• 10 m total length
• Office building floor purlin 1.9mm
• No transverse shear reinforcement 152mm
• Load width of 450 mm
• Bottom flange and torsional bracing
at 1000 mm

14 February 2019 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 46
• Introduction
• How CFS is Unique
• Changes Since AS4600-2005
• Designing a CFS Beam
• Flexural Capacity
• Shear Capacity
• Bearing Capacity
• Load Interactions
• Deflection
• Example Beam Calculations
• Conclusion & Questions

19 February 2019 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 47

Summing It Up
• CFS engineering design is unique because of:
Buckling • Bearing • Finite Strip Analysis • Customizable Shapes
• AS4600 changes since 2005 include:
DSM Preference • G500/550 Inclusion • Inelastic Reserve • Shear
• Beam design checks include:
• Flexure: Global buckling → FSM → Local Buckling → Distortional buckling
• Shear: Shear yield → Shear buckling → With or without stiffeners
• Bearing: Plug in coefficients, !" for end/interior and 1- / 2-flange loading
• Load interaction: Flexure+Shear and Flexure+Bearing
• Deflection: Effective 2nd moment of area
• We performed examples with simply supported and complex beams
19 February 2019 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 48
Explore our broad range of calculations
Already available:
- Timber
- Steel
- Cold-formed steel
- Concrete
- Connections
- Footings
- Post & sleeper retaining walls

In development:
- Advanced connections
- Advanced foundations
- Other retaining walls

And watch for more free webinars

upcoming on designing other types of
members and connections!

14 February 2019 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 49

About ClearCalcs

14 February 2019 ClearCalcs Pty Ltd 50

Happy Engineers Using ClearCalcs
ClearCalcs has been used in over 250,000 designs by a growing number of engineers across Australia.

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14 February 2019 ClearCalcs Pty Ltd 51

What Sets Our Calculations Apart
• Live solutions
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• Finite Element Analysis

• Get the most accurate results no
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• As simple or complex as you want

• Safely enter in only a few properties,
or tune every parameter – it’s up to you

15 January 2019 | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 52

What Sets Our Design Process Apart
• Member selector
• Check every possible member in seconds

• Link your loads

• No need to manually copy reactions
into the next sheet – just create a link

• Simple traffic light indicators

• See at a glance how close your design
is to perfection | FEA Structural Design in the Cloud 53

What Sets Our Platform Apart
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14 February 2019 ClearCalcs Pty Ltd 55

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14 February 2019 ClearCalcs Pty Ltd 56

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