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TarGATE ’19 ECTest ID: 191251

General Aptitude
Q. No. 1 - 5 Carry One Mark Each

1. _______ the general had been told by the field staff that continuing warfare would be ________ to his
soldiers, he insisted on deploying more battle tanks.
Choose the correct option.
(A) Although, detrimental (B) Because, instrumental
(C) Although, formidable (D) Because, immediate

2. The average age of 30 boys in a class is 15 years. One boy aged 20 years leaves the class and two new
boys, whose ages differ by 5 years, come in his place. If the average age of all the boys in the class still
remains 15 years, the age of the younger new-comer is
(A) 20 years (B) 15 years (C) 10 years (D) 8 years

3. A man starts going for morning walk every day. The distance walked by him on the first day is 2kms.
Every day he walks half of the distance walked on the previous day. What can be the maximum total
distance walked by him in his life time?
(A) 4kms (B) 120kms (C) 18kms (D) Data inadequate

4. At the foot of a mountain the elevation of its summit is 45°. After ascending 1000m towards the
mountain up a slope of 30° inclination, the elevation is found to be 60°, find the height of the mountain?
3 1 3 1 3
(A) km (B) km (C) km (D) 3 km
2 2 2

5. A shopkeeper sells a T.V set for Rs.16, 560 at 10% discount on its marked price and earns 15% profit.
If no discount is offered, then what will be his profit percent?
(A) 27.8 (B) 22.7 (C) 25.6 (D) 24.5

Q. No. 6- 10 Carry Two Marks Each

 3  2 2   3  2 2 
3 3
6.  ______?

(A) 189 (B) 180 (C) 108 (D) 198

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TarGATE ’19 ECTest ID: 191251

7. If x  y  z  0 then

1 1 1
 2  2 ?  x,y,z  0 
x  y  z y  z  x z  x 2  y2
2 2 2 2 2

(A) 1 (B) –1 (C) 2 (D) 0

8. The graph of y  x  x is represented by

y y

(A) (B)
x x

y y

(C) (D)

x x

9. Which number replaces the question mark?

3 12 6 2 7 5 11 4 8 8 3 4
15 9 15 11
18 12 12 ?

(A) 3 (B) 5 (C) 7 (D) 9

10. Oligopoly is the state where there are many competitors within a single market. The Pepsi company
realizes that its operations are in competitive industries.
Which of the following conclusions may be inferred from the above?
(A) Pepsi’s market is not oligopolistic.
(B) Monopoly is defined as one seller in a market.
(C) The Pepsi Company has a lot of domestic competition.
(D) The Pepsi company is operating in an oligopolistic market.

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TarGATE ’19 ECTest ID: 191251

Electronics and Communication Engineering

Q. No. 1 to 25 Carry One Mark Each

1. Which of the following matrices is non-singular?

2 5 4  2 4 1 1 2 7  3 2 1 
(A)  4 2 1  (B)  3 6 3 (C)  2 3 5  (D)  2 4 5 
 2 1 0.5  4 8 5  6 9 15 1 3 4 

2. If Z2 is connected to port-2 and k is a constant, then the input impedance Zin of the network is

I1 I2
 V2
V1  
V1 V2 Z2
I1  2kI2 


Z2 Z2 Z2 2Z2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 2k 2k 2 k2

10 1  10s 
3. G(s)  , the maximum phase lag provided by this compensator is
5  100s
(A) 29.47° (B) 71.53° (C) 19.47° (D) 61.51°

4. If L(f(t)) is F(s), then the inverse Laplace transform of F(3s+1) is

t 1  t/3  t  t
(A) 3e  t f   (B) e t 3f  t  (C) e f  (D) e  t 3f  
 3 3  3  3

5. What is Z transform of 4n u  n  ?

1 1 1 1
(A) 1  z 1 (B) (C) (D)
4 1
1 z
1 1
1 z 1  4z 1
4 4

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TarGATE ’19 ECTest ID: 191251

6. In an n-type silicon sample, Fermi level is 0.0348eV below the conduction band at room temperature.
Then what is the ratio of effective density of states in the conduction band to the donor concentration?
(A) 5.33 (B) 3.813 (C) 1.60 (D) 1.63

7. 200k


20k Vo
4 


The output voltage Vo is ________V.

8. If A, B, C, D are available, then to implement f   B  D   A  C  , the minimum number of

2-input NOR gates required are___________.

9. A quarter wave monopole antenna is operated at a frequency f = 60 MHz, then the length of antenna is
a b c 
 
Let A be a 3  3 skew symmetric matrix and given, A  d e f  .
g h i  33

The value of a+e+i is _______.

11. Consider the NMOS transistor with VT  1V, n Cox  0.003 A/V 2 , VGS  1.2V, VDS  0.1V . The
Drain current in A will be _________.

12. Determine the matched filter output over (0, T) to the input pulse waveform
e  t , 0t T
st  
0, otherwise

e T
(A) e T cos h t (B) eT sinht (C) sin t (D) e T sint

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TarGATE ’19 ECTest ID: 191251

13. The PSD of x(t) is 8   then x(t) is

(A) 2 (B) 0.5 (C) 0.5 (D) 2

14. If closed loop transfer function of a unity negative feedback system is T  s   , then the
s  3s  2s  K
3 2

steady state error for step input will be ___________.

15. Consider the circuit shown in figure. The output Y (A, B, D, C) will be________.
(A) Y  C D  DC A  B  CDS  
(B) Y  CD  CD   A  B  CDS A
1 4 1 Y
 
(C) Y  CD  D  C   A  B  C  D  S   S
(D) Y  CD  D  C    A  B    C  D  S D C

16. For the figure shown below VCEsat = 0.2V for both the transistors. If Vi  10V, then what is I L
(in mA)?


E 1k IL
17. Solar cell is a type of
(A) Photo conductive device (B) Photo-emissive device
(C) Photo voltaic device (D) Electromotive device

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TarGATE ’19 ECTest ID: 191251

18. When F  A A A ...............1017 times, then the value of F is

(A) A (B) A (C) 0 (D) 1

19. Let v   2 mC m3 ; 1 r  4
The net flux crossing surface r = 2m is
(A) 351.3 mC (B) 215.3 mC (C) 315.3mC (D) 251.3mC


20. The value of the integral  log  tan x  dx is ______.


21. If A is symmetric and orthogonal matrix, then it is

(A) unit matrix (B) null matrix (C) self inversed (D) skew symmetric

22. The Norton’s current for below circuit is _________mA.


I 
 Vab 
2V   80I Vab 50k

23. A signal whose voltage uniformly distributed between 8V is represented using 8 bit in a PCM system,
the signal to noise ratio (in dB) is_________.

24. Sampling frequency of sin c2 100t  sin c3  200t   sinc  900t  is _____samples/sec.
(A) 1350 (B) 1530 (C) 675 (D) 900

25. Fourier transform of x  t   is _________.
8  t2
 2    2
(A) e (B) e2 2 
(C) e 2 
(D) e 2 

2 2 2 2 2

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TarGATE ’19 ECTest ID: 191251

Q. No. 26 to 55 Carry Two Marks Each

26. For the open loop transfer function , it is known that the root locus branch lies on real axis for
s 4 2

certain range of K. Which of the following range of K is correct?

(A) K=0 (B) K  4 (C) K  0.25 (D) K  4

27. The amplitude of a random signal which has probability density function is shown below:
f x

2 0 2
Samples of this random signal are applied to 4-level quantizer. If the decision boundaries are set at -1, 0,
1, then the entropy will be _______ bits/sample.

28. A number 'x' is selected randomly from first 100 natural numbers. The probability that 'x' satisfies the
condition x   29 is
11 79 78 22
(A) (B) (C) (D)
20 100 100 100

29. Find Thevenin's voltage VTh and Norton’s current ISC at terminals a-b.

a b
42V 6


(A) 10V, 3A (B) 3V, 10A (C) 30V, 10A (D) 10V, 30A

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TarGATE ’19 ECTest ID: 191251

30. For the logic diagram shown below, input A is applied at t=0 sec. If each gate has propagation delay of
20ns, then at what instant of time the output(Y) is '1'?

t 0

(A) 20ns (B) 25ns (C) 31ns (D) 41ns

31. An input x  t   e jt is applied to an LTI system with the following transfer function.

y  t   ke j t 
4s  3
H s 
xt 3s  4

Then value of the output k is _________.

32. Input-Output characteristics of Schmitt trigger is given in figure that converts a sine wave of amplitude
10 volts peak to peak in to a square wave and Vi  5sin t .
Vsat 15V

 0.3 0.3

Vsat  15V

The duty cycle of the output waveform is __________%.

33. When wave incident normally on an interface which separates the two regions as shown below then,
what % of power transmitted into the medium?

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TarGATE ’19 ECTest ID: 191251

Medium 1 Medium 2
1  40 2  o
1  0 2  0

34. The probability that an energy state is filled at EC  KT is equal to the probability that the state is empty
at EC  KT , then the position of Fermi level is ________.
(A) EC  2KT (B) EC  2KT (C) EC  KT (D) EC  KT

W W
35. Given       20, VT  1, K n'  100A/V 2
 L 1  L 2

40K 40K
V1 V2

M1 M2


Find V3 , V2 , V1 respectively.
(A) 1, 1, -1.32 (B) 2, 2, -1.32 (C) -1.32, 2, 2 (D) -1.32, 1, 1

36. The electric field component of a plane wave travelling in lossy medium is E  10e0.1z sin  t  0.3z  aˆ x V/m,
the loss tangent of the medium is ____.

37.  (x  1)
dx = _____

(A) Converges to "1" (B) Converges to "2"

(C) Converges to "0" (D) Diverges

38. A DSB-SC signal s  t   (Acos c t) m(t) is passed through the receiver circuit as shown below:

x t
s t Ideal
y t
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Acos c t  30

TarGATE ’19 ECTest ID: 191251

If the bandwidth of LPF is equal to the bandwidth of message signal m(t) and P m is the average power of
signal m(t), then the average power of signal y(t) is
3A 4 3A 4 3A 4 3A 4
(A) Pm (B) Pm (C) Pm (D) Pm
2 8 16 4

39. Assume D1, D2 are ideal.

D1 D2
 

Vin 20k Vo
 

The transfer characteristics is

Vout Vout
(A) (B)

Vin 20V

Vout Vout
(C) (D)
30V 30V

20V 20V

Vin 0 Vin
30V 20V

40. A series R-L circuit has R  50, L  10H. A DC voltage of 100V is applied to the circuit at t=0. The
time at which the drop across R and L will be same is _________sec.

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TarGATE ’19 ECTest ID: 191251

41. In a pn junction diode, the time dependence of excess carriers in reaching a steady state condition is
p  t   5 1010  pe-t/10 cm-3 if excess generation rate is 5 1018 cm3 sec1 . The value of Δp is

_______ cm-3.
(A) 4 1010 (B) 5 1010 (C) 5 1011 (D) 5 103
42. Consider the sequential circuit with inputs ‘x’ and ‘y’ and output ‘S’ as shown below.

x S
y adder Cout




Which of the following state diagram is correct for the above circuit?
00/1 00/0
11/0 01/0 11/0 01/0
(A) (B)
01/1 0 1 01/1 0 1
10/1 10/0

10/1 11/1 10/1 00/1 11/1

(C) Both (A) & (B) (D) None of the above

43. A signal x  t   e2t u  t  is passed through an ideal LPF with cutoff frequency 2 rad/sec and gain 1 then,
find the energy of output signal (in Joules)?
1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D) 1
4 8 2

2u 2u
44. The solution at x   2, t  0 of the partial differential equation  ; subject to initial conditions
x 2 t 2
of u  0   2 sin x and  0   0 is______.

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TarGATE ’19 ECTest ID: 191251

45. Q1, Q2 are operated in linear region, the small signal voltage gain of transistor is
 1  Vcc
(A) g m1  r2 
 g m2  Q2
1 
(B) g m1  g m2  RC
 r2 
 1 1 
(C) g m1  r2  Vin Q1
 g m1 g m2 
(D) –1

46. The solution of the differential equation y'' 5y' 6y  0 with boundary conditions y(0)  2, y'(0)  2 , is

(A) 4e2t  2e3t (B) 4e2t  2e3t (C) 4e3t  2e2t (D) 4e3t  2e2t

 1 0  1
47. For the system x  x       u , y  0 4 x with 'u ' as an unit impulse, with zero initial state,
 0 2 1
the output y at t=0.5 sec is __________.

48. In ASK system bit 1 is represented with 2cos(2106 t) pulse, bit 0 is represented with no pulse where
each pulse occupies duration of 1μsec. Find the probability of error if it is affected by two-sided power
spectral density of 2 106 W/Hz.
 1
(A) Q  2 
(B) Q  
(C) Q   (D) Q  2
 2

49. In the circuit shown below, the value of R L that will absorb the maximum average power, will
be__________  . -j30

15030V  j20 RL

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TarGATE ’19 ECTest ID: 191251

kn'  W 
50. In the circuit shown below, the MOSFET has threshold voltage of 1V, k n     20A/V .

2 L



If it is required to keep the MOSFET always in saturation region, then what will be the maximum value
of Vg (in Volts)?

 4x 
51. Using Euler’s method to solve the D.E y  2cos    y, y(0)  1 with step size h=0.25 the value of
 3 
y(0.5) is ___________.

52. For the diode shown Vz  5V, Vr  0.7V. If Rf of diode is 10 , then the value of I will be_____A.

40 D

VZ ,Zenerdiode 10V

(A) 0.186 (B) 1.86 (C) 0.386 (D) 3.86

53. The number of roots of characteristic equation s3  7s2  8s  100 = 0 on the LHS of S plane is
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TarGATE ’19 ECTest ID: 191251

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 0

54. A carrier signal phase modulated by m(t) shown in figure is given by s  t   cos  c t  2m  t  . The
maximum frequency deviation of carrier above fc is __________

m t V

2 1 0 1 2 3 t msec

(A) 3kHz (B) 2kHz (C) 4kHz (D) 1kHz

55. Which of the following 8085 interrupts are software interrupts?

3. RST6
4. RST7.5
5. RST0
(A) 3, 4 and 5 (B) 3 only (C) 3 and 5 only (D) 1, 3, 4 and 5

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