IMMI Refusal Notification With Decision Record

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8 July 2019


100B Jose Rizal St. Kaytome
Binangonan RIZAL 1940

In reply quote:
Client Name Renan Mesa VILLADIEGO
Date of Birth 03 February 1982
Date of Visa Application 22 June 2019
Application ID 1010627611
Transaction Reference Number EGOMN4HDD1
File Number BCC2019/3153682
Visa Application Charge Receipt Number 9013810591

Transmission Method Email sent to

Dear Renan Mesa VILLADIEGO

Notification of refusal of application for a Visitor (class FA) Visitor (Tourist) (subclass
600) visa

Refused Applicant
I wish to advise you that the application for this visa has been refused on 08 July 2019 for the
following applicant:

Client Name Renan Mesa VILLADIEGO

Date of Birth 03 February 1982

The applicant did not satisfy the provisions of the Migration Act 1958.

The attached decision record provides detailed information about this decision as it applies to
this applicant.

Review rights
There is no right of merits review for this decision.

As this letter was sent to you by email, you are taken to have received it at the end of the day
it was transmitted.

Questions about this decision

We cannot consider your visa application any further.

Australian Embassy, Manila

OFFICE:Level 23 - Tower 2 RCBC Plaza 6819 Ayala Avenue Makati City Metro Manila 1200
POSTAL:PO Box 1071 Makati Metro Manila
PHONE: 63 2 790 4900 EMAIL:

Visa application charge

The visa application charge which has already been paid can only be refunded in limited
circumstances, regardless of the application outcome.

A receipt for your payment is available through your ImmiAccount.

Yours sincerely

Pia Kaye
Position number: 60065098
Department of Home Affairs

Australian Embassy, Manila

OFFICE:Level 23 - Tower 2 RCBC Plaza 6819 Ayala Avenue Makati City Metro Manila 1200
POSTAL:PO Box 1071 Makati Metro Manila
PHONE: 63 2 790 4900 EMAIL:

Application details
Visa class Visitor (class FA) Visitor (Tourist) (subclass
Stream (main applicant only) Tourist
Date of visa application 22 June 2019
Transaction reference number EGOMN4HDD1
Application ID 1010627611

File number BCC2019/3153682

Visa application charge receipt number 9013810591

Client name Renan Mesa VILLADIEGO

Date of birth 03 February 1982
Client ID 55358664482
Visa subclass stream Tourist

The applicant's claims

The applicant has applied for the grant of a Visitor visa (subclass 600) to visit Australia for a
temporary stay.

Information and evidence considered

I am a delegated decision maker under section 65 of the Migration Act 1958. In reaching my
decision, I have considered the following:
● relevant legislation contained in the Migration Act and Migration Regulations 1994
● information contained in the Department's Procedures Advice Manual 3
● documents and information provided by the applicant(s)
● relevant information held on Departmental files.

On the basis of all the information available to me, including the documents and information
the applicant provided, I find that the criteria for the grant of a Visitor (Tourist) visa are not
met the applicant.

I have assessed the application and the reasons for my decision are detailed below:

A valid application for a Visitor (Tourist) visa has been made by the applicant.

Australian Embassy, Manila

OFFICE:Level 23 - Tower 2 RCBC Plaza 6819 Ayala Avenue Makati City Metro Manila 1200
POSTAL:PO Box 1071 Makati Metro Manila
PHONE: 63 2 790 4900 EMAIL:

Under migration law, a visa cannot be granted unless the applicant meets the relevant legal
requirements that are specified in the Act and the Regulations. Clause 600.211 has not been
met by the applicant on the date I made my decision. This provision states that:

600.211 The applicant genuinely intends to stay temporarily in Australia for the purpose for
which the visa is granted, having regard to:

(a) whether the applicant has complied substantially with the conditions to which the last
substantive visa, or any subsequent bridging visa, held by the applicant was subject;
(b) whether the applicant intends to comply with the conditions to which the Subclass 600
visa would be subject; and
(c) any other relevant matter.

In assessing whether or not the applicant intends a genuine visit, I have taken into account
the information provided in the application relating to the applicant's personal circumstances,
commitments, incentive to return home, financial situation and known immigration history in

Based on information and documents, the applicant is currently self-employed and have
provided minimal evidence of ongoing work commitments and income. Having considered
the information, I find that the applicant has failed to demonstrate that he has significant
economic ties to the Philippines that would induce him to return home within the validity of
the visa.

The applicant also declared in his application that he will be maintaining himself whilst in
Australia through his own funds. I have considered the financial documents that have been
provided with the application and find that these show neither the provenance of the funds
nor the manner in which they were accrued. I am therefore unable to be satisfied that he has
access to these funds.

I give little weight to his personal circumstances as evidence that he intends to temporarily
stay in Australia as a visitor. Therefore, I find that the applicant does not meet clause

As clause 600.211 is not met by the applicant, I find the criteria for the grant of a Visitor
(Tourist) visa in the Tourist stream are not met by the applicant, and thus the applicant does
not meet the criteria for the grant of a Visitor (Tourist) visa. I therefore find the criteria for the
grant of a Visitor visa are not met by the applicant.

Therefore, I refuse the application by the applicant for a Visitor visa.

Yours sincerely
Pia Kaye
Position Number: 60065098
Department of Home Affairs
08 July 2019

Australian Embassy, Manila

OFFICE:Level 23 - Tower 2 RCBC Plaza 6819 Ayala Avenue Makati City Metro Manila 1200
POSTAL:PO Box 1071 Makati Metro Manila
PHONE: 63 2 790 4900 EMAIL:

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